Is anyone else sick and tired of the constant lies being told to the American people about our federal budgetary woes and our supposed deficit armageddon?
OH and let's dispel another myth, there is no federal credit card. US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT debt does not work the same way as an individual or business debt works.
There are three elemental areas of business – any business
The three elements are:
Despite the baseless memes, President Obama has an astounding number of accomplishments in just two years in office. Here is just a partial list of them.
In this article, we will look at the next step to finding the way out of that quagmire - the Business Plan.
The Business Plan - Nonsense or Good Sense?
When you thought of starting this business, what did you imagine your life would be like?
What did you dream of having?
Do you have the family or fun time you thought you’d have by this time?
Are you any closer to fulfilling your dreams than when you started?
I am writing this post to fulfill a promise I made to Kes awhile ago, but I think it will be interesting to a few. ...
A Few Samples
Click to see all the idiocy.
I thought God might be pleased with the Texas education board putting him into their textbooks (he likes to try to stay ahead of...