Trump never exhibited any of the basic skills of a skilled negotiator, it's only been about using the lowest, crudest and most unprincipled tactic that criminal types have in their arsenal...extortion.
It shouldn't take a disaster for humanity to rise up and override the division and pettiness so pervasive in human beings. In an ideal world, when we wake up every morning, we should remind ourselves of the tragedies that brought out the best in us, know that we are those same people and demand of ourselves to be those people every day of our lives.
In the pursuit of an antidote and counter-programming to the daily ugliness from Trump, we introduce The Anti-Trump Film Festival, presenting clips from a variety of films that confront the Trumpesque themes of racism, oppression, corruption, etc. and affirm the traits that are best in human beings.
Trump's begrudging statement today about the horrifying events in Charlottesville was delivered stiffly like a disinterested 5th grader reading out loud to his class, with none of the emotion and vehemence of his attacks on the press, Nordstrom and Kathy Griffin.
Republicans have so far ignored what Americans want, time will tell if they've grown so desperate, they may consider representing the wishes of their constituents.
The House's and Senate's so-called "health care" bills are transparent tools of class warfare, they are defined by the Congressional Budget Office as ripping away healthcare from 22 million to 24 million Americans to deliver hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.
Democrats should commit themselves to blocking any and all business in either house until or unless an independent prosecutor is appointed to investigate the possible collusion of Trump's campaign and administration with Russia.
The Spectre of Death proclaimed, "The AFCA will give Americans killer health care! What your president and his fellow Republicans are doing by moving the AFCA forward is dead right! This is health care to die for! In record numbers, Americans will be passing away...their Obamacare cards for Trumpcare cards!"
As Maya Angelou said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Trump voters have already displayed that they are devoted to him despite reality and facts. Believe them, they mean it.
Donald Trump is a terrorist in the literal sense. When Trump tries to negotiate, he doesn't do so like a sharp businessman, he just uses extortion like any thug or terrorist might. There is no art to the dealing Trump does, just the threat of brute force.


Vox Populi – 02-21-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib2 hours ago Hey Murph! AdLib2 hours...

Vox Populi – 02-14-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib3 hours ago Hey TW! AdLiban hour...

For Whom The Dell Tolls

Dell and many other corporations are having difficulty dealing with a workforce that is becoming obsolete with the advancement of AI technology, a problem most corporations ignored earlier, believing they have time or that they will always need the level of employees they have to provide the products and services they offer to the general public and their overseas customers.

Affirmative Action, D.E.I., Voting Rights, They Want It All – Addendum

These are not people who care about a democratic republic form of governance. For them, giving people rights is non-conducive to what they want to do, dominating and controlling everything they see in their sight line. They believe this will enhance their bottom line and make them even more decadent than they are currently.

Vox Populi – 02-07-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib5 hours ago Hey CL! AdLib2 hours...