Here we are now, entertain us! - Nirvana, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Just look at Bob and Judy, they're happy as can be inventing situations, putting them on TV - Talking Heads, "Found A Job" About six weeks ago, the world was introduced to...
We are stardust, we are golden we are billion year old carbon and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden - Jonie Mitchell, "Woodstock" Ferrets are more determined than they are bright. Case in point being my own pet ferret, Rosie....
Happy Fathers Day, Dad. The day is here.  What memories do you have of this day?  Do you remember a kindness that you and your father shared?  A secret you cherished, one your siblings did not know?  An ice cream...
Oh, I'm a good old rebel, Now that's just what I am, And for this yankee nation, I do not give a damn. I'm glad I fought agin 'er I only wish we won. I ain't asked any pardon for anything I've done. I hates the...
The Huffington Post has gone Vegas. It has instituted a clever way to have commenters engage in what can only be seen as a form of slot machine gambling.  I noticed this  after learning HP had started some kind of ...
During and right after the mortgage crisis some were talking about the commercial crash and how that would soon hit.  At the time I thought, in a tunnel vision sort of way, Commercial Real Estate, which could be partially true but...
Texas has just officially doomed generations of their children to ignorance and being oddities in their grasp of history and reality...because neither of those items supported the political views of conservatives and Republicans. I normally keep my quotes to a...
The Southern Poverty Law Center counted 926 active hate groups in the U.S. in 2008—that’s a 54% rise since 2000.  And those are only groups, lone wolves—no one knows how many. Statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation report...
    I am bothered by movies, such as "Saw" and "Hostel", that, to me, serve no purpose other than to depict the extremes of human pain and cruelty. I confess to having never watched a film from either of those...


I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.

People Are Stupid

“Democratic republics are more likely to perish through misuse of power than through lack of it.” — Tocqueville Democracy in America . It’s as if Tocqueville looked into the future.