William James, Rollo May, and Paul Tillich on Will, Courage and Faith
Can we not propose that a jumbled mind is expressed through incoherent speech? When we take up arms, we’re talking about our vote.
Just for the heck of it, I took a completely unscientific study and looked at how the major news outlets cover the federal deficit.
White folks who remarkably continue to claim (or ignore) racism isn’t alive and well, that circumstances have markedly improved for black folks are either delusional or purposefully in denial or are lifelong gopers, or lifelong racists!  Case in point….the...
Three phases of my life (so far) as represented by the foods I ate.
In this interview, Loewen links the Civil War era to the later era known as the Nadir of Race Relations (1890-1940), and further, to the modern day Neo-Confederate movement, which tends to look amazingly like it's twin brother...the Tea Party.
A 51 year-old celebrity talking head, who earned upwards of $8 million dollars per year knowingly breached a clause in his contract and got handed his ass on a plate.
      Okay, I suppose it's possible that the reason I am not as happy, rich, famous and world renowned as I could be is that I didn't read "The Secret", the blockbuster bestseller that proved the effectiveness of "The Law...
I am writing this post to fulfill a promise I made to Kes awhile ago, but I think it will be interesting to a few.  Sometime back in the early 1980's I was sitting in my office chatting with an...
Here we are now, entertain us! - Nirvana, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Just look at Bob and Judy, they're happy as can be inventing situations, putting them on TV - Talking Heads, "Found A Job" About six weeks ago, the world was introduced to...


Can Netanyahu See Beyond The Boundaries?

"Therefore, to see beyond boundaries to the subtle heart of things, dispense with names, with concepts, with expectations and ambitions and differences."