AdLib : Night!
AdLib : The public has such a corporately-crea ted short attention span, that would be hard to change.
kesmarn : ...
Kalima : Nighty night kes. Sweet dreams.
kesmarn : Kalima! It's 3:40 a.m. here (which, clearly, you know!) and I am ...
AdLib : Thanks, night all!!!
bitohistory : Night , thanks again. peace.
Khirad : Aye, a good night to all.
bitohistory : Had a discussion to night...
kesmarn : Later, Q~Money!
Questinia : Q~*Money OUT!
Questinia : I see you guys!
kesmarn : Khirad! Glad to hear your flight went well. Everyone is saying...
Questinia : 'nite Kes!
Questinia : I have a lovely cemetery near me. Many are buried there who lived in my house.
kesmarn : Seriously, Kalima has been amazing. MB is as much a part of my morning as coffee and the daily paper!
kesmarn :...
AdLib : Night!
PatsyT : Nighty Night ...
PatsyT : Phewwww I think Boehner has had enough
Khirad : Night guys!
AdLib : ...
Moist Robot : nih!
AdLib : Always look on the bright side of life.
Moist Robot : Adlib, first. Find me a...
bitohistory : His book publisher?
AdLib : Who cares what he's doing?
AdLib : Ouch! Rumsfeld definitely puts the "Twit" in "Twitter".
bitohistory :...
AdLib : My pleasure, night!
Questinia : Nite, Adlib. Thanks for everything!
AdLib : Will do!
Questinia : Please smooch Hunter. Oh, please!!!