PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat during tonight's debate that 9 out of 10 mental health experts recommend (as opposed to watching the debate alone and throwing a remote through your tv screen).
Like a heroin addict desperately shooting up whatever he can find to get high again, the MSM has mainlined the story of Huma Abedin finally divorcing her emotionally deranged husband, former congressman Anthony Weiner as being all about Hillary.
"I'm telling you, Hillary's a full blown zombie, she eats brains! If she becomes president, look out! Do you really want a zombie for your President, I mean, come on," Trump exhorted his white male, pale and jagged toothed audience who responded in unison chanting, "Brains!!!"
Donald Trump is not an idiot, he's not campaigning in as improvised a way as it may seem, he has a very focused strategy but its very nature is already undermining itself. What may be misleading many to think he...
When we rhetorically hide our faces behind our hands when election results are obvious and say, "Where are the the winners? Who could they be?" then pull our hands away and say, "Peekaboo!!! What a surprise!!! What does this mean???" makes our viewers giggle with delight!
So, here we are coming to the end of a pretty unbelievable year. A reality show host is on the verge of becoming a major party's nominee for President, racist police forces from the 1950's keep coming through wormholes...
Trump's rhetoric is the stuff of Nazi nationalism, demonizing all those who follow a specific religion, just substituting Muslims for Jews. In doing this, he is attempting to sew a swastika onto the American flag.
Asked to comment, ISIS officials released a statement calling for the death of all infidels and thanking the cable news stations for helping to create a valuable synergy that will be great for all of their bottom lines for many years to come.
Some folks have proposed that you can tell a lot about candidates by which tv shows are their favorites. So with that in mind, consider the names of the tv shows that each of them have listed as their favorites.
To win a GOP debate, you don't present a policy on the issues, you don't argue principles, you don't literally win a debate over any particular topic, you simply need to show that you are the best at hatin'.


Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?