If the Affordable Care Act goes down. No problem. The Justices and the Congress get GREAT medical care at tax payer expense.
And this sense of responsibility -- to each other and our country -- this isn’t a partisan feeling. This isn’t a Democratic or Republican idea. It’s patriotism. And if we keep that in mind, and uphold our obligations to one another and to this larger enterprise that is America, then I have no doubt that we will continue our long and prosperous journey as the greatest nation on Eart
A powerful thing happened at the GOP's Missouri Caucus and it had little to do with the caucus. I met a Democratic Psychiatrist who drafted an extraordinary statement about Obama and how his remarkable qualities seem to have kept Americans afloat emotionally through the worst times in recent memory.
President Obama delivers his State of the Union address tonight at 6:00 pm PST/9:00 pm EST. You're invited to join us tonight for a special Live Chat during this address and the Republican response to it.
Wonder what many of the political figures out there have on their wish list for Santa? Wonder no more!
The fraud of the Norquist no-taxes pledge has been publicly exploded now and as long as Dems don't overlook this opportunity, the entire raison d'etre for the Republican Party will be invalidated in the minds of most Americans.
Apparently, local media are now noticing what we have been talking about here for some time. For all the talk about President Obama facing...
Lately, there's been plenty of talk on how President Obama can win reelection next year. Pundits wonder about how he can escape the same...
It also helps that The White House has finally been succeeding in honing in on a strong economic message. Obama has had to figure out how to get past the obstructionist Congress to deliver his message directly to the American people. He's had to deliver his own message while also allowing Americans to realize who his Republican opponents really are.
One way or another, America as we know it will end in 2012. We will be living in an America where a wealthy class is cemented into power and economic dominance over the majority or it will be an America where the majority rallies to retake their nation and democracy back.