In the Trump era, time runs faster. That can be a good or bad thing. The sooner Trump's four years are over will be a massive relief to most Americans and people around the world. However, as days and weeks speed by, many events that would haunt a politician to his grave are too quickly forgotten.
Can anything be done to stop Kavanaugh if he does get on the SCOTUS? Yes, there are three scenarios that could limit the damage that this radical, dishonest and possible sexual assaulter could do over decades on that court.
There's advice given to runners when running a race, you don't slow down until after you've passed the finish line. Voters in America would be wise to take this advice to heart, take nothing for granted, including polls. Vote.
Tonight will be a memorable night in American history. What could be better than sharing Election Night with your wise and witty friends at PlanetPOV? Our live chat begins at 7:00pm EST. Hope to see you then!
In keeping with our Thanksgiving tradition at PlanetPOV, we've reached out to many influential politicians of the day to share what they are thankful on this day.


The Game The Right Is Playing With Religion

The founders knew and understood the true implication and impact of the separation of Church and State for the country compared to the religious tyranny that enveloped Europe at the time and before this country started developing into a nation essentially free of mandated spiritual influence, which some call Christianity.

David Ignatius, What the Hell Is Wrong with You?

I do not believe President Biden should step aside. I think the Washington Post should stop placating Trump and his base and call Trump out as the fabulist for what he has done and what he will do to this country if he wins the Presidency.