To win a GOP debate, you don't present a policy on the issues, you don't argue principles, you don't literally win a debate over any particular topic, you simply need to show that you are the best at hatin'.
Welcome! Our Live Chat for tonight's GOP debates will be coming up later today, should be very entertaining. The Main debate begins at 5:00pm PDT, the "kid's table" debate begins at 3:00pm PDT. Feel free to join us at...
Tonight is the third debate for the Star Wars bar scene Republicans...well, maybe I was right the first time. And PlanetPOV will once again be hosting a live chat to which you are invited!
"I'm proud to be a Democrat where at least I can fistbump. And I won't forget the Repubs who've tried, to elect a douche named Trump."
It is hard to imagine these Trump junkies going cold turkey after the GOP primary and instead getting a rush from scoring some "low energy" Jeb!.
For many people whose childhood hobbies didn't include playing the drums with their head, it's been hard to understand why so many people in the GOP are supporting such candidates as Donald Trump and Ben Carson.



As a great way to share this experience, PlanetPOV is hosting a live chat (live typed comments) tonight to discuss the night's results as they come in along with everything else this election will bring and what folks think it will mean for the future.