Our budget deficit is skyrocketing due to spending on the poor. The poor are increasingly becoming obese and dependent on government spending. Maybe it's time to meat in the middle.
Watch President Obama live as he speaks today at 10:35 am PDT (1:35 pm EDT) on his proposals for the 2012 budget and long...
Especially in the old days of movie making, when an actress was as tall or taller than her leading man, a trench might be...
Oftentimes in the media, newspeople talk about the economic crisis as though it were a natural phenomenon, like a drought or a flood. They speak about it as though no one really caused this to happen, as though it were not a human invention. But it is, of course.
I was raised by a father who couldn't abide the Republican Party. In fact, I don't ever recall a time in his life when...
During one particular political segment, the station played a clip of John Boehner doing one of his “Jobs…Jobs…(It’s all your fault, Mr. President)… Jobs” rants. At that point, a question occurred to me: How many US jobs, now exported, did those three cargo vessels represent?
But they didn't, did they? Some succumbed to Lee Atwater's Southern Strategy; others became Reagan Democrats. Most watch Fox News now. Why?
Why is politics so mind bogglingly complicated?
You often hear conversation about the host of complex problems we face today and that these issues cannot...
Confessions of a Republican Con Man
Congratulations! You have been cast in the Republican remake of the classic movie, The Sting. We’ve...
Five hours ahead and one day behind, I went to bed last night, having just watched Rachel Maddow begin her Tuesday broadcast by roundly proclaiming...