


I've mentioned Randi Rhodes a few times on this site. She's probably my favorite progressive broadcaster (Rachel Maddow is nipping at her heels). I like Randi because she reads....

Un(der)reported News, Sunday Edition

Hope everyone is having a pleasant weekend. High Speed Rail Map! Haiti next steps Drywall Hunting January 28, 2010. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety...

Un(der)reported News, Saturday Edition

Once again, I'm happy to present a few happy stories from the agencies. These stories have a real impact on real people, but they are seldom picked up by...

Where’s our Mr. Bopp?

In the article, A Quest to End Spending Rules for Campaigns, the New York Times wrote about a "lonely Quixote tilting at the very idea of regulating political donations...

What would you like to hear in the State of the Union?

I thought it might be fun to talk about our wish list for Mr. Obama's State of the Union Address tomorrow. (1) What would you Mr. Obama to talk about? (2)...

Op Ed 2.0

From the responses to the first op ed article, I would like to reboot, and first of all, ask if any PlanetPOV members are interested in creating an op...

Let’s write an op ed

Dear Planet members: I've started the satirical opinion piece below—a critique of the recent Supreme Court decision on campaign financing. I thought it could be our first collaborative writing project....

The Supreme Court puts our democracy in the hands of corporations

This morning, conservative activists on the Supreme Court dealt another blow to self governance by We the People. In a 5 to 4 decision, the court struck down limits...

What a difference a day makes

Another brief rant. I'm listening to progressive talk radio, and boy has the tone changed. Suddently the bashing is focused on Lieberman, Baucus, and Nelson -- where it belonged all...


ProjectPOV is the corner of PlanetPOV for members who want to collaborate on projects, such as letters, articles, or blog posts to make available to other members to circulate...