
Proud to be an Independent Progressive. I am a progressive- a one time Eisenhower Republican (from 1965 through 2004)who is now a Democrat. I live in a very RED STATE and am a community activist with a very BLUE AGENDA. I was a professor of history, and am now a researcher and gentleman farmer. My political positions are mixed - thus my preferred identification as a Progressive Independent. I am conservative on matters of military intervention, in regard to abortion, immigration, the public school system, gun rights, taxation, voter ID. But I am a traditional conservative, a Buckley, National Review, Eisenhower Republican..... I am a liberal on matters of health care care, funding education, taxation (yes one can be both liberal and conservative on this), civil rights, and alternative energy development/climate change.

The GOP Wave Pool: Money, Lies, Ignorance and Democratic Apathy

The halo effect. Tip O'Neill said that all politics are local. Not last night. All politics were national. 6 years of negativity about the President paid off. Every election was a test of Obama's popularity.

Why The GOP Will Have A “Good” Night Tomorrow

A lot of money has been spent on a tiny Missouri state assemby race by the our estimates six times the average. Why? There is no way she was ever going to win. Why throw so much money at so small a race? The Grand Strategy at Work!

A GOP Majority in the Senate: A GOP Nightmare In the Making

The Republican tension between satisfying the base and appealing to the entire electorate will be made significantly worse if the party controls both houses of Congress. The Republicans will get almost none of the practical things they want, and their political headaches will be multiplied.

The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers Are The Most Misinformed

The Core Thesis: Authoritarian people have a stronger emotional need for an outlet like Fox, where they can find affirmation and escape factual challenges to their beliefs.

In the Midterms GOP Operatives Have a $331 Million Advantage Over Dems

Democrats this election have done a good job attracting a lot of big on the record public donors, but Republicans appear to have the big advantage when it comes to big secret donors. $794 Million for the GOP vs. $463 Million for the Dems. That’s a $331 Million advantage for the GOP.

Conservatives Take Voter Deception To (not so) New Levels

The vast majority of politicians run in whatever direction will get them the most votes. Liberals will pretend to be conservatives on pivotal issues (knowing that their base will still vote for them) to pick up some conservative votes. Conservatives will pretend to be liberals on pivotal issues (knowing that their base will still vote for them) to pick up some liberals votes.

Against Their Own Self Interest: Missourians Likely to Vote to Hurt Themselves

I am working for a Democratic State Senatorial Candidate running against a GOP incumbent....and it looks like the incumbent will slide to an easy win despite the fact that he is opposed to what most of his constituents want and need.

Dear Trolls: Yes, I do think Barack Obama is a Very Good President and Here is Why

I spend a lot of time at whack-a-troll at but one does get a little weary of all the Barack Obama every now and then I like to remind myself (and others) of why I continue to support him.

Ebola Outbreak in West Africa Approaching Epidemic Levels

The number of people killed by the Ebola Virus is approaching 3,000, an increase of roughly 400 from the last estimate, WHO said.

Scottish Independence? A Push Back Against Conservatism Threatens the UK

SCOTLAND- The future of the 307-year old union with England will be decided in 15 hours on Thursday; polls close at 10 p.m. (2100GMT, 5 p.m. EDT)