KQµårk 死神

My PlanetPOV contact is kquark@planetpov.com Proud Dem whose favorite hobby is cat herding. The GOP is not a political party, it's a personality disorder. Cancer, Heart Failure and Bush Survivor.

The Real Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

According to end timers who quote many mythical (religious) references the world is suppose to end 2012. This is one of the reason many right wing end time believers...

Is America a Conservative Failure by Design?

Probably the thing that has surprised me most after the election of President Obama is how large swaths of this country simply cannot accept the tenants of our representative...

It Looks Like All or Nothing Time

All being real healthcare reform with a public option and nothing being no healthcare bill at all. Senator Cantwell (D-WA) is the second Finance Committee member along with Senator Rockefeller...

Baucus Releases Private Healthcare Insurance Bill

Senator Baucus (D-MT) finally unleashed his bill which is mostly a giveaway to the healthcare industry.  Re-releasing this post to remind everyone what's in the bill. The plan has no...

It’s Getting Ugly Out There Folks

Progressives to their credit are becoming more and more aware of what much of these teabag protests are all about, blatant racism. After all just reading the signs...

The Many Ways to Fight for Real Universal Healthcare Reform

Most of the contact information and links to petitions you will need to fight for real universal healthcare reform. Contact the White House and tell them the public option is...


Bush used what he called patriotism as a wedge to defend his disastrous policies.  But he was not being patriotic he was being nationalistic.  The difference between the two...

President Obama Hit the Reset Button on Healthcare Reform Like only He Could

The president was up against it.  The whole centerpiece for his young presidency was on the line and in jeopardy from those on the left and right alike. President Obama...

Latest Shuttle Mission to Hubble Yields New Moments of Zen

While the rest of the blog world is obsessed with what President Obama WILL SAY, WILL NOT SAY or are presumptuous and insist on what he MUST SAY, I...

Hillary Rodham Clinton as SOS: The Good, The Bad and The Bluto

I have to admit from what I see going on at the State Department I was wrong to think Hillary Clinton was the best choice as SOS. OK...