
Once a wander, working vagabond, fellow traveler on this 3rd stone from the sun. Hurtling through space and time. Lover of books (especially the classics), all kinds of books from novels, poetry, essay collections, fiction and nonfiction and a big Kurt Vonnegut fan. I am a secular humanist and technically an atheist.....Taoist.

The Weekend Music Thread-As You Please

This weekend's music is all about your favorites. Post your favorite tunes, any genre, any sound any artist that you particularly enjoy. This weekend is about kicking back and escaping...

The Weekend Music Thread-The House We Live In

Hello Homies! I say Homies because we all share the same home, Mother Earth. Wise people everywhere understand that this planet is our home. It's where we live and...

The Weekend Music Thread-Genres

This weekend's music thread isn't so much about themes as it is about genres. There are many to choose from, including soul/Motown, blues, country, classical, rock, which comes in several genres of it's own like hard rock, old fashioned rock and roll, rockabilly, psychedelic rock, heavy metal, punk rock, alternative, and genres like Doo Wop and Bossa Nova and jazz.

The Weekend Music Thread-LOVE

Yesterday was the yearly celebration of love. Love between couples, and yet there is love in many forms. It's great that we set aside a special day honoring love, every year, but love should be honored every day of our lives and we as people should make that a point in our lives. We need to love the world itself, for in love, there is salvation. Only universal love will save our world.

The Weekend Music Thread-Beatlemania

Beatlemania is a term that originated during the 1960s to describe the intense fan frenzy directed toward British rock and roll band "The Beatles." The Beatles live and televised performances...

The Weekend Music Thread-Duality

Hey Planet Peeps! The Polar Vortex sure hasn't slowed time any because yet another week has rocketed by. Another weekend music thread is now upon us.

The Weekend Music Thread-Places

Hey Planet folk! Well, another weekend has arrived (and quickly), so we have another music thread to have some fun with. This weekend's thread is about places. Post your favorite songs...

The Weekend Music Thread-Soundtracks and Theme Songs

After reading Ad Lib's very witty piece about Republican Academy Nominations for film, I thought this would be be a good time to have a music thread of theme songs...

Scenes From the Divided Highway

Scenes From the Divided Highway is my first poetry collection. These poems were written between the mid eighties through to the early nineties.

The Weekend Music Thread – Life, The Universe and Everything

What better universal theme for this week's music thread than Life, The Universe and Everything? pick your favorite songs about the planets, stars and moons, space travel or anything at all in the universe! Not even the sky's the limit!