
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2291 POSTS

The Top Five Questions The Media Needs to Stop Asking About Trump

The message here to the media is, quit playing dumb. Accept what is obviously true about Trump and stop asking "neutral" or fair" questions about what he says and does in the pursuit of appearing impartial.

Weekend Music Thread – Dirty Work

To keep the focus on the misogynists and violent criminals who Trump has happily employed, the theme for this weekend's music thread is about jobs, work and activities.

Vox Populi – 02-09-2018

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago Hey PPO! AdLib 2 hours ago Hey Ad! Watching...

LIVE CHAT TONIGHT!!! Vox Populi Begins at 7:00pm PST!

It's hard to say that this week in the Trump Era is the craziest it's one of the craziest yet! So much to chat about, it's a good thing that Vox Populi, our weekly live chat, is happening tonight at 7:00pm PST!

Trump To Re-Classify Women as Recreational Equipment

Trump stated, "Tomorrow I will sign an Executive Order that will put an end to crimes against women. My Executive Order will officially and legally, re-classify women as recreational equipment."

Weekend Music Thread – Would I Lie to You?

Lay down your favorite tracks (but don't let them lie) about lying, cheating and all other kinds of deplorable Republican traits! See how good you can be about nailing how bad they are!

Vox Populi – 02-02-2018

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago Hey PPO! AdLib 2 hours ago Hey, Ad. Still...

Why We’re Not Live Chatting (or Watching) Trump’s SOTU Tonight

For the past 9 years, since it was founded, PlanetPOV has covered and hosted a live chat during every State of the Union address. However, out of principle and to make a statement, we won't be doing so tonight.

Weekend Music Thread – Burning Down The House

This weekend's music theme is fire and heat, songs about warmth of any kind.

Vox Populi – 01-26-2018

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 7 days ago Hey PPO! AdLib 7 days ago hi ad settin...