
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2292 POSTS

Weekend Music Thread – Wag the Dog

To remind folks of the “wag the dog” scenario, where a president starts a bogus war to boost his re-election chances, this weekend’s music theme is about dogs that wag, cats that purr, American eagles that fly and songs about any and all animals.

Weekend Music Thread – Winning

Everything Trump's touched lately is failing. Tariffs, negotiations with North Korea, controlling the deficit and keeping the economy growing. As his prospects for re-election keep dropping, Democrats show off a field of contenders who all look like winners against him. So this weekend's music theme is about winning and losing, playing the game and rolling the dice.

The MSM’s Whitewashing of Biden’s Racist Views Won’t End Well

The lesson from 2016 should be, nominate someone who is inspiring to voters and brings with them too little baggage to be buried under. The media types who are Republicans and lean to the center/right or right, are more preoccupied with filling the Dem nomination slot with someone reflecting their more conservative, establishment sensibilities. That is very different from picking the candidate most likely to beat Trump and best bring change to the country.

LIVE CHAT TONIGHT! The Democratic Debates in Houston at 5:00pm PDT/8:00pm EDT!

Finally! After a two month break from debates, the top ten candidates for president in the Democratic Party gather in Houston to debate. And all of them on the same...

Trump Uses 9/11 Anniversary to Negotiate with Bin Laden in Seance

Trump explained, "Okay, some people say that Mr. Bin Laden may have been a hateful madman who was followed as a cult leader and didn't care about the lives of anyone else..but somehow, I feel a real connection with him."

Weekend Music Thread – Alabama

Trump has quadrillioned down on his lie that Alabama was in the path of Hurricane Dorian, showing that the more Dorian blew, the more Trump sucks. So this weekend's theme is for songs about states and cities in the U.S...even if they haven't been needlessly panicked yet by the BSer who cried wolf.

Weekend Music Thread – Stormy Monday

This weekend's music thread is meant to keep folks on the southeast coast in mind with songs about storms, rain and all kinds of weather, bad and hopefully good.