
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2311 POSTS

Weekend Music Thread – One of These Days

This weekend's theme is for songs about days of the week, which can also include yesterday, today and tomorrow...or as I am starting to call days, "yestomorrows".

Weekend Music Thread – Nature’s Way

Being "safe at home" for weeks can give you a bit of cabin fever so this weekend's music thread is for songs about the great outdoors, looking forward to being outside again! Share your favorite tunes about nature whether land, sea or sky!

PRESS RELEASE: Fox News to Launch Reality Series to Help Economy, “Dying For Dollars”

The contestants will be randomly selected from communities all around the United States. They will be informed that they may likely be chosen to die for the good of the economy and encouraged to give their best performance to convince the panel why they are more valuable to society than they are a burden.

Donald Trump Wants a Re-Election That You’d Just Die For

Trump sees the protection of Americans from a pandemic as "a worse choice" than having a weakened economy that denies him re-election. So he is bravely winding up for a pitch to demand that "nature be allowed to run its course" in the killing of 11 million Americans by COVIC-19.

Weekend Music Thread – Our House

This weekend's thread is about home, family, friends and their goodness. While we're all in our own homes, we're also all in the same place together too.

Weekend Music Thread – Walk This Way

Many folks will be staying close to home this weekend (and in upcoming weeks) as we work together to protect our health but eventually, we'll be back to doing all the activities we enjoy. So this weekend's music thread is for songs about activities, running or walking, flying or driving, traveling or playing.