
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2302 POSTS

A Thanksgiving Tradition – 2020

RUDY GIULIANI: "I'm thankful for absorbent Kleenexes, dental implants, Nosferatu, quick-dry hair dye, lax state laws about forcibly committing people to mental asylums, and nuts...lots and lots of nuts."

Weekend Music Thread – I Want to Thank You

To celebrate Thanksgiving, this weekend's music thread is about things we're thankful for, people we love, nature, music, whatever you're thankful for in life, including life itself.

Dear Republicans: Trump is Right, There’s No Reason For You to Vote Anymore

Yes, Democrats have all been conspiring with George Soros, Cuba, all poll workers in at least 6 states, voting machine companies, Republican governors, China, Joe Pesci, the late Hugo Chavez and the hair dye industry. You have to admit, it was a hell of a plan. Who'd believe it?

Weekend Music Thread – Gimmie Some Truth

To counter Trump's and his cultish followers' ongoing Lie-Palooza, the theme for this weekend's music thread is truth. Songs that say things that are honest about people, events and life. Just give me some truth...coming soon on January 20th, 2021.

Vox Populi – 11-13-2020

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!AdLib4 hours ago Apologies for today's VP, Ad. Just had my...

Weekend Music Thread – Happy

It's now official...President Elect Joe Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris! The theme for today is celebration! Songs that make you happy, songs about winning, feeling good and having fun are all good for this weekend's celebratory playlist.