Our democracy has been collapsing under the weight of corruption that accompanies minority rule. The majority should rule and should have their will followed by their representatives. All of the issues listed above are supported by a solid majority of Americans who have been constantly thwarted by the perversion of our elections and government. It is a time for action. It's time to kill the filibuster and do the people's work.
The themes of this weekend's music thread are about pursuing someone or something, and taking care of business as law enforcement and Dems will certainly do.
To further hold up the QOP and their new Icon of Idiocy in The House (I won't give her the benefit of mentioning her name) to greater ridicule and ignominy, the theme of this weekend's music thread is space and science. Songs about The Sun, the planets, the moon, space and all things related to science are what's focused and hot in this playlist.
It's a bit disorienting to wake up each morning without dreading what latest horribleness will be in the news that day due to the deranged president. There are many...
We kind of got cheated out of our fully celebrating the Biden/Harris victory thanks to The Orange Menace so we're taking this weekend, the first with President Biden officially in the White House, to celebrate their historic and critical win.