Per request an open thread to discuss the GOP Tea Party Debate.

I’ll be in and out more than usual because to be honest I’d rather watch dumb jocks than dumb pols.

Bito’s Much more thorough update.


Image by albike's via Flickr


The debate tonight will be broadcast on CNN and 

I (Bito) will add the livestream when and if it becomes available.  Please add your comments here and I (Bito) will be tweeting some of your comments.

While waiting what are your questions and what do expect out of this debate except more for the jabbers  and pudnuts to pontificate about?


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Romney–“You’re scarier than I am!”

Perry–“No, you’re scarier than I am!”

Romney–“No no, you’re much scarier than I am.”

Perry–“No no no, you’re much much more scarier than I am.”

And so it goes!


My takeaways from last night’s debate.

1) It was overshadowed in intellectual gravitas, poise and substance by the Miss Universe pageant. Thank god only one had bikinis.
2) Now they’d pull Terri Schiavo’s plug, regardless, while whoopin’ and a hollerin’. Screw Medicaid. Let the churches carry the burden. Get ready for those super bake sales and increased tithe-rates.
3) No molesting girls with no cancer preventative vaccines! In fact, no more vaccines! if your kid catches some virus from someone’s parents being irresponsible, that’s now your personal responsibility. It’s called liberty, people.
4) Herman Cain expects 20-somethings to start saving for retirement in lieu of Social Security – between rounds of beer pong and Top Ramen dinners.
5) Huntsman has secured the coveted 30-something grunge Tea Party demographic with his Cobain reference.
6) Perry and Romney. Really, those were your frontrunners? Really?!?
7) Newt is still there? Shouldn’t he already be on another cruise or something hooking up with Arianna again?
8 ) Bush who?


Bingo! Perfect K. That’s really it, in a nutshell.


Churches will take over? Really?

The megachurches with the bucks don’t care, the small churches that care have no money.

Now – how’s that workin’ for ya?

Oh that’s right – YOU DON’T CARE!!!! The poor are poor because either they are lousy Christians or stupid to have been born not rich.

Either way – their fault, go away.


Wow, sounds as if watching grass grow would have been more productive than this, at least something would grow…. up instead of back into the dirt where the GOP/TP reside. Just look at the main image at the top of this post, they look like wind-up inaction dolls, and because they repeat themselves to a state of limbo-bimbo redundency, maybe they are.


Romney Puts Perry on Defensive

Sep 12, 2011 10:00 PM EDT
An unusually aggressive Mitt Romney takes the fight to the Texas governor in the CNN debate. Howard Kurtz on why he scored—and Michele Bachmann didn’t.


Moment of the night? Cheers for letting the guy in the coma die.

And that was the debate in a nutshell.

So for those keeping track at home: executions, yay! Death to the freeloading coma patient, yay!


Khirad, you silly person don’t you know the right only thinks life is sacred in the womb? Once you are born, you are on your own. Not one of them get the correlation between abortion and the death penalty or death after you are born.

While so many of them either live off the government dole, SS, Medicare or government jobs, including Police. Police even will defend their union to the death if they are republican/teaper


The over-zealous “Yeah,” from the audience is sub-human. Should the guy have insurance? Yeah. Should we let him die if he doesn’t? NO! Is there an affordable policy for middle class Americans? I don’t think so.


For real? Rick Perry said “And I can do the math! Half of zero is…” Good Lord! Jethro Bodine, take two. “Naught from naught is…..naught” I can just imagine Jethro Perry counting on those fingers and toes…..


LOL AB, I just had that picture in my mind of
Jethro in front of his vat sized breakfast bowl.
Too bad he has none of Jethro’s brains, kindness or charm.


Patsy: We’ve only just begun showing Beverly Hillbillies to Alpha Pup, since we tease him endlessly on his insatiable hunger. We nicknamed his tummy “Jethro”, and felt it was time to introduce him to his stomach’s namesake. He comes in now, and will say “Well, I think Jethro’s trying to tell me something; and if I listen, I think I hear him saying he’s hungry.” I LOVE your reference to the “vat sized” breakfast bowl! Guess he was eating Kellogg’s Cornflakes (who I seem to remember was a corporate sponsor of the show)?


By the ceeement pond! 😉


Oh bummer missed another Tea Party debate!
There are some advantages to being stuck in traffic.


Well, that was underwhelming!

Good night all! 🙂

Dorothy Rissman
Dorothy Rissman

Emerald thank you for your help. Busy, busy weekend.


Lucky me, I clicked on only about 4 minutes from the end of the debate, just in time to hear some incredibly dopey answers about what each of them would bring to the White House.

Where’s my Pepcid?

Not one of them comes up to the top of the President’s shoe.


Hi Kes!

I’ve got some Maalox handy! 🙂


Em, I’ll remember that you have the Maalox cocktails next time. I had to go to bed and try hard not to have nightmares after that last one.


The problem, or one of the many problems I have with the TP and their validity as a party, is that I want to ask them where they were when Bush was squandering the surplus Clinton had left for him, and when he started to borrow heavily from foreign countries. Where was their “cut spending” outrage then?

Stands to reason it was totally manufactured by crooks like the Koch brothers, which quite frankly give their so called party no credence at all. Maybe someone should ask them that at their next “deflate”.


Kalima they will tell you some BS story about how they were protesting but no one would cover it. I have actually heard that from teapers on HP. Or they will try to tell you that since the DEms took over in 2006, it is their fault. Or they will flat out say, Dems went along with it, right? Never once in their pea brains will they think, hey, wait a minute, Dems did not have the majority am I sure they voted yes on all Bush’s agenda?


That was before a black man got into the whitehouse. They don’t call it the “whitehouse,” for nothing! 🙁


Is it just my perception or is Perry stumbling a bit tonight?


Oh boy! Michelle is on a roll about Obamacare! Is anybody else watching? I decided the football game was really not that good after all!


Does anyone here happen to know the percentage of Medicare for cost of administration of the program? Somewhere back in my gray matter, the figure of 3-4% sticks in my mind. Am I wrong?


Yup. That’s right. AND Obama has kept the costs to 4% this year after years of double-digit inflation.

Four. Good number. Four percent cost. Four percent inflation.



On second thought, I forgot that it’s Monday Night Football! I’ll check in with you guys later to find out what’s happening…at least, at half-time!