The chat continues here!
Vox Populi – AfterChat – 3-19-2010
Vox Populi – 03-07-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 days ago
Hey Ad -...
Vox Populi – 02-28-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib5 hours ago
Hey TW!
America Under Assault – Don’t You Dare Look Away
I’m appalled at the sanction rape and pillaging Trump has allowed Elon Musk to commit on the American people as he stands and watches...
How to Turn Your Backyard into a Home For The Homeless
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
Vox Populi – 02-21-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours...
Nighty Night Folks I am going to tune out
Okay, so here’s another thing, and this is huge for me, but it’s admitting that I f’ed up badly.
I wanted out so badly from my very religious home that once I hit 18, and I started work at 15 to save for that moment, and my way out was moving in with a former navy seal from the Vietnam era. He hit me one time, and I was gone, so good for me.
I still struggle with low self=esteem, but not as much anymore.
My second relationship was even worse, and there was no physical violence.
That one was all about mind control, and it starts slowly, and when you have low self esteem, it makes a person easy prey.
My husband saved my life, and I so mean that.
He helped me escape and trust me, it wasn’t an easy thing to do.
Abusive men can seem so good to their neighbors and coworkers.
Why, I bet you that the nicest man you know at work, you’d never suspect him of abusing his wife.
Javez, Please give yourself credit.
You got smart,
that takes a strong person to get up and go.
There are too many women that walk around with low self esteem.
Sure makes me sad for the women from countries like Afghanistan.
Conversely, some of the tougher looking guys are actually cream puffs. You really can’t judge a book by it’s cover. Resist marketing programming. RESIST.
I like what this Rep from OHIO said
John Boccieri
Something about Tommy Thompson flying a huge Check to Iraq
still looking for the link… but the gist of it is ….
Waves to Kalima and AdLib!
If you’re all still here.
Waves back. Just about to charge up the stairs to finish off this crazy day.
Okay, I don’t care if anyone else is here – but a major problem that really can affect our country is the violence in Mexico.
We are going to have to arm our borders.
And God help us, but they are really doing that highway. That goes from Mexico and clearance until Oklahoma before they check.
I’m not worried about people that want to come here to work, but I am very worried about the Mexican Cartels also known as the Mexican Mafia.
Are they going thru Texas ?
javaz, Juarez is a War Zone, but cross over into El Paso and it is totally different…
javaz, where are you getting your information about the NAFTA superhighway? And how do you know they wouldn’t check?
Smells conspiracy theorish to me.
I was just too much for my husband, and he’s gone to bed, and that leaves me with one more beer.
Is anyone else here?
hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😀
❓ ❓ ❓
*holding chilled mug out like a beggar*
I’m sorry, what did you say?
Is it a 15oz MB mug and what colour?
Well, I call it a mug but others might call it a pitcher.
A very, very big pitcher.
Right you are mate, I get the pitcher. Wink wink. Nudge nudge.
What will you have dark or light?
I tracked down the “Doc fix” lie.
You’ve got to love this type of “journalism”.
So they are citing something not even in the bill but of course it’s front page news on Drudge.
New Day New Lie
Seriously, Every Day, there they are, Repubs, spewing new BS crap.
MSM and I am talking MSNBC just let them go on and on.
I want a BS detector on the screen at all times
A good article in the New Republic shows how the lies have not changed since 1993 from the right wing.
Not with HC but with increasing taxes.
Why am I not surprised?
Kudlow would make a better character actor
It was part of the House Bill, but it was removed to make the #’s look better… It will still cost 208 Billion over 10 years according to the CBO… It’s more like fudging the #’s than a lie…
All they have to do is tax the top half percent of the nation who are voting Republican anyway and they can have it all paid for.
And the Dems get little credit for having HCR that’s paid for, Bush had no revenue for the trillion cost of the Prescription bill nor for the wars. He cut taxes and revenue instead.
Yet, the Repubs attack the Dems for their spending on a program that is paid for, what asses.
I just feel the Dems should be upfront with all the costs that will be connected to HCR…
What they could do is roll it into the 20 year projection since the following 10 years projects over a trillion in deficit reduction.
However, I would rather they tax the billionaires now to pay for it .
If I was a billionaire I would say
Tax me
That is what Keith Olbermann said – tax him, a wealthy man, so his friend without insurance would not have to sell his family farm. But where is the sense of “us” in America? Where has our idea of the common good gone? Where are the wealthy with a sense of noblesse oblige? Now it boils down to “just so I got mine”. How many iPods does one NEED? We rationalize it that we ‘earned’ our money (unclear for the uber rich how true that may be) so it’s ours alone. But we cannot be a healthy society if we think of ONLY ourselves.
Hillel wrote: “If I am not for me, who will be? But if I am for myself alone, what am I?”
Balance. Balance between self and others.
Well I better get busy and make that Billion
The problem is billionaires don’t get to be billionaires by being philanthropic.
That’s simply not how CBO scores work. They score the effect of the current legislation. Dems are being upfront with the cost the this legislation will incur on the budget.
Sorry to drop off the radar – had a computer malfunction on Vox. Anyway, the part that is UNscored by CBO is the enormous savings that would come from a public option that did not require the government to pony up subsidies to reach private profit goals. The exiting fiscal problems with Medicare come from its having been raided (Social Security as well) and left short of what we’d contributed. Yes costs demanded of us by hospitals and doctors are huge, but that can be rationally dealt with. Whatever we do, we need the funds for health care locked and immune from future raids. When Canada had its problems in the 80s, it was from the same difficulties – funds taken for other purposes. But without a PO, our economic stewardship will not be well done. We need to add this low-cost public plan and soon.
The fact are this is a problem outside this legislation that existed for years. People trying to kill the bill are trying to conflate this issue with the current bill by saying the CBO score for this bill is higher when it’s not. It’s like conflating the yearly AMT fix every year with this legislation because it contains new taxes.
So it was never part of the Senate bill and is not part of this legislation.
AdLib how are things going with GROW?
Any thing new ?
I thought it best to let the thrust of HCR play out first before re-directing activism to GROW.
I have been working on things behind the scenes though!
Next week I will post a poll to confirm that the majority is behind making the SCOTUS decision the focus and begin the discussion on what the first protest should be!
I thought as much.
Good Plan
Please let me know if I can help.
Send me an email
Very cool, I definitely will.
Being able to make polls and admin the discussion makes sense for me to do but as a grass roots group, GROW needs to have its members sharing the reigns.
Thanks for stepping up. Looking forward to working with you and the all of our friends and colleagues here who want to make a difference in this way!
I have a good feeling about Sunday.
Me too, I am very confident it’s happening but until it does, I remain a bit anxious.
It’s not often that my husband is on my wave length, but he’s into it now.
I’ll pick this up tomorrow or whenever, but I need to be with my husband.
Great discussion tonight and we touched on so many important topics.
Thank you!
I enjoyed it too!
And you’ve started discussing a very important issue that is only going to grow in importance and danger.
Man, I just can’t remember a time when there were so many existing and growing crises in this nation. We can be very thankful that we have Obama and Dems in control, I don’t see how we would have survived the crash and the HC crisis with a President McCain or Pres. Palin in office.
Let alone all these other urgent issues.
Sounds like a nightmare
46% of this nation voted for that nightmare instead of the fear many of they had of a black Muslim Nigerian friend of terrorists as president.
Not everyone voted
True, 46% of voters. We can hope that many of the 30 million getting health care who didn’t vote, will from now on.
Really, I still can not believe that we have to talk people into registering to vote.
We certainly have a good motivation to press on over 30 million people who are probably among those who don’t vote as often, the poor who are more focused on making it from day to day. Now that it looks like they’ll be assured health care, they will have a huge reason to vote from now on.
You’ve got to admit it’s a little nearve racking that that within 48 we will probably know if Obama’s presidency will be a transformative presidency or a that of a caretaker.
I do wish tomorrow was Sunday! However, I am confident that HCR will pass, it must pass or the Dems will lose all and so will our nation. It’s too big to fail!
Damn I wish you did not use that analogy. Now I’m really worried.
Heh! Sorry about that!
Make that…it’s an offer the Dems can’t refuse.
as Tavis Smiley says
Keep the Faith
Or keep Smileying!
javaz did you write an earlier story on the border problem.
You should do a story on what’s going on because many of us don’t have a clue.
Thanks all for a wonderful VP tonight! There is a balance between giddy and concern heading to Sunday but I remain confident, history will be made on Sunday and the lives of Americans will be forever made better.
What is the deadline time on your Sunday again?
I’m bound to be asleep.
I just saw an article saying it is Sunday at 2 PM EST.
I’m going to keep busy tomorrow, can’t wait!
I’ll set my alarm for 3 am tomorrow night, expect me to hibernate or celebrate after that.
How about a celebratory hibernation? 😉
Sounds good to me. Champers already in the fridge for the toast. 🙂
Mmm! I’m coming over to your place!
I’ll bring the arugula and quiche.
I make a great quiche, just bring the leaves, the family and a big smile. 🙂
YGM nothing urgent.
Kalima, just replied. 🙂
I will make it out that way one day and I’ll have my mouth set for quiche.