Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago

Well here we are.
an hour ago
Just us so far. CL had a long day at the CA State Bar trying to get justice against a crooked lawyer. They favored their own over justice it sounds like.
AdLiban hour ago
So she won’t make it tonight.
AdLiban hour ago

Well she works hard.
an hour ago

Yes lawyers do protect each other
an hour ago
So adding all the decisions and interest against Trump, in two months he’s on the hook for over half a billion!
AdLiban hour ago

Murph is in the House
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
Got right on tonight!
an hour ago

So Murph how are the Trumpers taking the verdict against their hero?
an hour ago
Murph -Glad to hear that!
AdLiban hour ago
TW…ignoring it, denying it, defaming it.
an hour ago

Murph if I recall you taught history, what’s your take on Thomas Paine?
an hour ago
So? Did it ever seem like this day would come? Trump sunk by half a million?!
AdLiban hour ago
TW….Thomas Paine of the Revolutionary Era?
an hour ago

an hour ago
Well….he was a radical….a true radical…whose ideas were cherry picked by the Founders and Framers.
an hour ago
Ad Million or Billion
an hour ago
Murph – You probably know about this but on the same day that youths shot up the Chief’s rally killing multiple people and wounding 2 dozen, the MO legislature killed a bill requiring youth to have an adult with them when they carry weapons in public. Insane.
AdLiban hour ago
TW….what is your interest in TP?
an hour ago

Murph he was but I think his ideas are appropriate for today. If he was around I have the feeling he be in the Dem camp.
an hour ago
Murph – Half BILLION! Around $550 million!
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…very aware of it….to quote my state rep…..”Everything is a compromise made for the greater good. The preservation of the free, open and untrammeled right to. own, hold and bear arms is for the greater good.”
an hour ago

Murph I working on an article I’m writing for Medium and using some his quotes. Also watched an interesting video on him and he was ahead of his time on a number of things. But that never got discussed when I was in HS years ago.
an hour ago
TW….he was regarded as a useful thinker but he was very difficult to be or work with.
an hour ago

Murph my kind of person.
an hour ago
He owes E. Jean Carroll over $100M including interest and today’s judgement is about $450M including interest. And as appeal makes days and months go by, he owes more and more interest at a rate of $1 million a week! Just heard that on Lawrence.
AdLiban hour ago
Paine was an absolutist……NEVER compromise……Jefferson admired him but said he would never have supper with him….indigestion you know.
an hour ago

Trump a half billion gotta love it.
an hour ago
Ad…what do you think of my reps quote? He had it ready to go.
an hour ago

Jefferson was a whimp.
an hour ago
Murph – There’s something very “sacrifice virgin children” about the 2nd Amendment fanatics’ reasoning.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…Jefferson a wimp! Oh my….on what do you maintain that idea.
an hour ago
Ad, yes there is.
an hour ago
Did you all see the FBI arrested the GOP’s star anti Biden witness…..for perjury.
an hour ago
Do they think it’s just cool and macho to coldly declare innocent people have to die so we can carry AR-15s in an Arby’s?
AdLiban hour ago

Murph his position on slavery the went back and forth he could have taken a stand but refuse to do so.
an hour ago
Murph – Yep, saw that and laughed at the Repub’s reaction to their primary “evidence” being arrested as a fraud, “Oh, we have a mountain of other evidence against Biden.” Such terrible liars.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…..they do not deal with it from that perspective……..remember that the “blood of patriots” that nurtures freedom…..is seen by them to include those who are innocent victims “who give their lives for freedom.” These are real quotes.
an hour ago

Ad we know the repugs are going to claim all sorts of stuff around this latest on Trump. Something about not being able to handle the truth.
an hour ago
TW….do you know what became of Paine post revolution?
an hour ago
Murph – That’s so perverse. Giving one’s life is a choice, innocent children who are supposed to be protected by these “pro-lifers” are okay to be used as unwilling sacrifices to their god of death machines.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph yes when he died he was buried under a Walnut tree, his remains were dug up by a friend who was going to bury him in England but they got lost and never to be found.
an hour ago
TW…yes…..do you know how he lived post revolution….AND why the idea of burying his ashes in England seemed appropriate
43 minutes ago
TW – Saw folks on MSNBC saying that Trump will have to continue running all year against the rule of law and everyone who enforces it, asking if the GOP will follow him on that. Of course they will but is that really an appetizing argument to pullBiden and indie voters over to him? “I will destroy the courts and the rule of law!” Don’t think so.
AdLib43 minutes ago
Ad, you speak the raw, naked truth.
43 minutes ago

Murph yeah he wasn’t allowed to be buried in some cemetery because it was said he wasn’t an American citizen along with his work in France that got him trouble.
42 minutes ago
TW……yes……and what was that work in France….wasn’t there enough for him to do in the newly minted “united” States.
41 minutes ago
Murph – It seems pretty plain, how these obsessed extremists invest their manhood and identity in promoting the cult of guns, to the point of being cold-blooded sadists, justifying the murder of innocent men, women, and children. It is mental illness.
AdLib40 minutes ago
40 minutes ago
If we had a mental illness screening requirement to own guns, there would be tens of millions of unarmed gun fanatics.
AdLib39 minutes ago
TW….Derided by the public and abandoned by his friends, impoverished and largely ignored Paine died on June 8, 1809 at the age of 72 in New York City.
38 minutes ago

Murph is support for the revelation in France his support for Napolean but his words ie big mouth got him trouble with Napolean along with Washington never opening up his mouth about Paine having been granted citizenship because he upset Washing and Adams was not fan because of his radicalism. I believe he was ahead of his time.
38 minutes ago
FWIW, I think Fani Willis is free and clear of being removed from the Trump case in Fulton County. My bet is that it can soon be scheduled for trial, possibly in August…just after the 1/6 trial should wrap up.
AdLib38 minutes ago
TW…..if you study Paine using an episodic approach selecting bits and pieces he can be made to be quite admirable, but look for his darker and less disciplined side and there is abundant evidence.
36 minutes ago

Ad as we discussed earlier I agree also I’m hoping Drump has a hard time of it from this point forward. We can’t forget he has members for the Meto police force suing him for what happen on Jan 6.
36 minutes ago
Ad Lib…I thought Willis was fantastic……her “in your face” approach was clearly something the judge admired too.
36 minutes ago
The only testimony disputing Fani Willis’ testimony was from that woman who was disgruntled because she was essentially fired…but she was dishonest about it in court and claimed she just resigned…when the truth was she was told to resign or be fired. She destroyed her credibility. No other testimony or evidence to prove Trump’s team’s claims about Fani that would be cause to disqualify her. I bet early next week, the judge finds she can continue the case.
AdLib34 minutes ago
TW…..I asked a local sheriff about his thoughts re. those metro officers…..his response……”Brainwashed by the commies.”
34 minutes ago

Murph good idea, the article essentially using a few of his quotes in relation to what Trump is trying to do in his effort to destroy democracy.
34 minutes ago
TW – The ladies in G who Giuliani defamed got $100 million, right? The Capitol Police were assaulted, threatened, and made to fear for their lives. I could imagine hundreds of millions for them.
AdLib33 minutes ago

Ad the good times for Drump are just begining.
32 minutes ago
TW…could you send me your finished article. I do very little in the blogosphere now but I love your writing.
32 minutes ago
Murph – It was a little uncomfortable, seeing Fani trembling with rage but she dominated the hearing and Trump’s lawyers and set them straight about black women and keeping cash. She stood up to the Trump slime machine and I think Trump and his cronies are going to be sorry they came at her like this, she’s going to crush them in the trial.
AdLib31 minutes ago

Murph I will. Also it will be posted on my website and here on the Planet.
31 minutes ago
Ad…..I found the rage an authentic undercurrent.
30 minutes ago
Thanks TW.
30 minutes ago
Murph – So the Capitol Police who were protecting the Capitol of the United States…are brainwashed commies because they did their job? Again, so many mentally ill among the MAGA cult.
AdLib29 minutes ago
I need to let you both know that I will not be long here tonight…..we had a big snow storm here and I was on the road for most of it……driving here can be challenging with so many hills and valleys and a government that is slow to do what it needs to do.
28 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, very authentic and justified. Jared Kushner gave classified info to MBS so he could murder and dismember a journalist then gets his payoff of $2 billion. And yet Fani Willis should be destroyed as corrupt for going on a vacation with her boyfriend? Repubs are so twisted.
AdLib27 minutes ago
Ad…since these people believe that it was FBI plants who provoked the crowd to its rage…anything is possible.
27 minutes ago
Murph – How long did it take you to get home?
AdLib27 minutes ago
Yes Ad….and where is that Kushner investigation.
27 minutes ago
Murph – I know you can’t discuss anything logically with these typpes but how can they simultaneously say it was all FBI and Antifa on 1/6 and yet all the people being tried and convicted are MAGAs?
AdLib26 minutes ago
Ad….I went to a clinic with two neighbors who wanted/needed to have someone to help them navigate tests and consultation. We left here at 10. AM and got back at 6 PM…..the clinic is normally 45 minutes away.
25 minutes ago
Murph – Indeed. It is such a blatant case of corruption to see Kushner get his bribe so openly yet no investigation. I assume Garland feels prosecuting Trump is enough on the DoJ’s plate.
AdLib25 minutes ago

Murph that sounds like a heck of a storm
24 minutes ago
Murph – That sounds like a huge slog through the snow. Exhausting just to hear about it.
AdLib24 minutes ago
AD,,,,AT LAST…you get it……channeling my MAGA mind…..”Right, the FBI and Antifa were working together….to make their movement look bad while ensuring that Trump lost his office.”
24 minutes ago
Ad…..re. Garland and Kushner….I suppose you are correct but still……what is the statute of limitations.
23 minutes ago
Ad and TW……average speed coming back was 12 miles an hour….I had to go 40 miles out of the way to get to a point where I could travel on terrain that was reasonably flat.
22 minutes ago
Murph – I know, they make no sense. I think you mentioned you’ve said to one or more of them, “Why would the FBI and Antifa be attacking the Capitol and trying to setup MAGAs when Joe Biden already won the election two months before and was going to take power?
AdLib22 minutes ago
Ad….I know I think those thoughts but I know that I would not succeed in getting half of it out as I would be shouted down, or walked away from.
21 minutes ago
Murph – Don’t know for sure but I might guess the statute of limitations on public corruption is 5 years because thet was the timespan discussed about trying Trump when he was protected from prosecution in office.
AdLib21 minutes ago
20 minutes ago
Murph – 40 miles out of the way? In a snowstorm or its aftermath? Wow!
AdLib20 minutes ago

Ad none of the nonsense Trump supporters are saying about Jan 6 makes any sense.
19 minutes ago
Ad….in the storm………no other way to get home with a modicum of safety.
19 minutes ago

Murph that sounds like a whopper of a storm
19 minutes ago
The storm only dumped 5 to 7 inches…..but there was a good wind and a lot of fog made far more dangerous by a geography that is challenging in any inclement weather and a lot of people who have lost their “how to drive in snow” sense.
17 minutes ago
Murph – Yep, I know very well the futility of trying to point out the contradictions and lunacy of MAGA propaganda spouted by MAGAs. They are cultists and you can’t convince a cult out of their cult’s dogma. “Haley’s Comet isn’t a spaceship and if you kill yourself, you won’t be transported to it, you’ll be dead right here on Earth.” “You’re just a non-believer!”
AdLib17 minutes ago
Yes, Ad, that is the sacred Mantra.
16 minutes ago
One of the families that I helped get access to the Affordable Care Act Services has been magnified and are completely in the dark about what they will lose in a Trump Regime. Every effort to make that clear is pissing in the wind.
15 minutes ago
TW – Right, because to the ignorant like MAGA, it’s always working backwards from they and their leader deserving everything and being righteous and Dems and moderates being evil baby-blood drinkers and wrong. They always work backwards from claiming righteousness then fill in the ridiculous gaps with ridiculous justifications.
AdLib15 minutes ago
Murph – I get it, glad you’re thoughtful about it and did what you needed to do to stay safe and help out those folks.
AdLib14 minutes ago

Ad what can one say??
14 minutes ago
In my mid-70’s I should be retired on a palm blessed sandy paradise……well……I know I would hate it pretty quickly…but still….a nice daydream.
13 minutes ago

Murph I tip my hat to you and what you’re doing for others.
12 minutes ago
Murph – Hate to have to admit that so many people are a lost cause but so many MAGA are. They will follow Trump and the GOP off a cliff like lemmings, they define themselves by their blind faith in authoritarianism. Like ignorant people who are fodder for the powerful always do.
AdLib12 minutes ago

Murph as long as it’s not Florida, Cal would be nice.
12 minutes ago
TW and Ad…..I look back to the glory days of the co-op and cannot help but think….”what did any of that really mean in the long run?”
11 minutes ago
Ad and TW – you are both so clearly spot on.
11 minutes ago
Murph – Speaking as a Los Angelean, nope, I don’t think lying out on a beach would be that unpleasant for you.
AdLib10 minutes ago

Murph everything has a reason some good some not, but I have think planting and growing had a great deal of value for you.
10 minutes ago
Oh, I do not regret those years…just sad that eventually the dark forces won out.
10 minutes ago
Murph – The co-op was a good thing for you and many others for a long time but not everything lasts. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t worthwhile all those years.
AdLib9 minutes ago

Murph those dark forces you speak of were just jealous.
9 minutes ago
Ad…..I live with that hope in mind.
9 minutes ago
TW….jealous or deeply committed to the evil that they believed was the good.
8 minutes ago

Murph I have to say both.
8 minutes ago
Murph – There are always destructive people who ruin worthwhile or plesant things. Destruction is easy and the handiest tool of the ignorant and emotionally stunted.
AdLib8 minutes ago
TW….I can buy that.
8 minutes ago
Ad. So right.
7 minutes ago
Murph – So the MAGAs won control of the co-op…and what did they end up with? Nothing.
AdLib7 minutes ago

Ad jealous because they can’t do it as well.
6 minutes ago
Ad….actually they never got the co-op….it just went away AND there are more than a few farmers/ranchers here were and continue to be hurt by the loss of the resources and the changes we spearheaded.
6 minutes ago
The GOP is now just a mob of cowardly, destructive idiots. They have had their wins but this year, I’m pretty confident, they will have a resonant defeat that knocks them way back, away from power an opportunity for power for years.
AdLib5 minutes ago
Well…friends…..I need to get a nice drink and a good book…..and head to bed. It has been a pleasure as always.
4 minutes ago
Murph – But wasn’t the destruction of the co-op caused by the MAGAs who insisted on dominating it?
AdLib4 minutes ago

Murph sounds like if they can’t have the way they want it, then they will destroy because it’s all they know.
4 minutes ago

Murph take care.
3 minutes ago
TW – I actually think MAGAs are destructive because their ignorance and misplaced confidence in their ideas destroys them and what they touch.
AdLib3 minutes ago
Ad….the MAGA folks undermined it and worked against any effort to maintain membership. They never controlled it.
3 minutes ago
I pulled the plug before that could happen.
3 minutes ago

Ad damn good point
2 minutes ago
Murph – Got it. So they undermined it out of a desire to destroy it? Or to weaken others so they could take control?
AdLib2 minutes ago
Ad, that is a fair summary. TW, look forward to your latest Magnus opus. And so…good. night. Have a good week. Murph
a minute ago

Take care Murph.
a few seconds ago

Well just us will give you a call in 5
a few seconds ago
TW – Ignorance is one of the most destructive weapons there is. Get people to passionately believe extremist things that smarter people would never fall for, they can be controlled and inspired to be violent and destructive. They’re clueless of what pawns they’ve been turned into.
AdLibin a few seconds
Sounds good!
AdLibin a few seconds
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