Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PST. Hope to see you then!

AdLib4 hours ago

Hey TW! Snowing there yet?

AdLib2 hours ago

No not yet


2 hours ago

CL how are you


2 hours ago

Hi CL!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hi everyone – glad, so far, you’re not inundated, TW. My brother lives in Rutland MA, so I keep an eye out.


2 hours ago

I’m OK. Another rough week, but we soldier on.


2 hours ago

We’re getting some rain this week here in CA but nothing big.

AdLib2 hours ago

My wife told me it was suppose to start tonight


2 hours ago

CL -What’s going on?

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – we’re supposed to get 2-4 inches over the next three or so days. Yikes!


2 hours ago

TW – Are you going to make snow angels?

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – long freaking story of rotten money grubbing attorneys. Not worth discussing. I want to enjoy your company, not the idiots I’ve had to endure.


2 hours ago

CL – Really?! That sounds a lot heavier than what we’ll be getting down here I think. Will have to double check. Stay warm and dry!

AdLib2 hours ago

Both – the thought of making snow angels is not beyond the pale, but the getting UP again is proving more and more challenging.


2 hours ago

CL – I understand, we can discuss that later. Meanwhile, shall we start a pool on how much Trump will be ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll?

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad I stopped making snow angels when the devil told me I was making him look bad.


2 hours ago

TW – Very funny!

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – and TW you’ll appreciate this – I used my “Buffalo and MA” memories to go out shopping and “lay in goods” for the storm. Did that last year when we lost heat, and it’s a good skill to have.


2 hours ago

TW – LOL!!!


2 hours ago

CL – That comes in handy!

AdLib2 hours ago

CL you’re correct about that. Living in snow country teaches you lessons you don’t forget. Like when it snows just stay in and write or read a good book.


2 hours ago

CL – Rain down here is expected to be under 1 inch so not so bad here.

AdLib2 hours ago

Made a big pot of lentil chicken soup and have other stove top things I can do. We always have gas, and I have an igniter, so we always can cook.


2 hours ago

TW – I like that, write or read a good book.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL – That sounds wonderful. My wife made homemade chili last big rain, it was a great match for the day.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad there is some much to write about, Trump just keeps adding stuff and good ole Nikki well, I just glad to know that I don’t live in a racist country.


2 hours ago

PPO is the house break out the beer and penunts.


2 hours ago

TW – My late ex and I got blasted for a week 1985 first year in Buffalo. We had put up food, gone to the library and stocked up on books, had big jugs of Lake Niagara white wine (I still like it though it’s an acquired taste) and had one of the best weeks of our lives.


2 hours ago



2 hours ago

Hi folks!


2 hours ago

Lake Niagra wine. Is that an upgrade from ripple?


2 hours ago

I heard Nikki Haley actually has lost points in the last couple of days. As I’ve mentioned to TW, I don’t want my delight in seeing Trump financially destroyed then prosecuted and convicted and Haley gatting crushed distract me from relishing DeSantis and his political career getting obliterated.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey PPO!

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – I know. Nikki is so comforting. Everything is just perfect in America.


2 hours ago

CL according to her just peaches and cream.


2 hours ago

Ad – ALL your goals are laudable.


2 hours ago

Lake Niagra WIne – Drink a bottle and you’ll see the falls.

AdLib2 hours ago

Positively looking forward to the next few weeks with the GOP imploding all over the place


2 hours ago

PPO how’s the sailing going?


2 hours ago

TW – I know, nobody ever got hurt in America.


2 hours ago

And did you see that Trump went to his MIL funeral but Melania wouldn’t let him ride with her afterwards?

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO – from your keyboard to God’s eyes. May the GOP self destruct soon.


2 hours ago

CL that’s right no one ever got hurt.


2 hours ago

Ad – I did see that.


2 hours ago

CL I guess she never heard of Emmet Till


2 hours ago

TW, very well, thanks. Will be race managing a national regatta next week. Back to racing in 2 weeks afterthe holiday break


2 hours ago

The GOP is putting all their eggs in an orang basket with no bottom.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – she would be indifferent to Emmett.


2 hours ago

PPO – that sounds marvelous!!!


2 hours ago

I know she’s a lot younger than I, but I cannot believe Nikki never heard of Emmett. Is she really THAT out of touch?


2 hours ago

Did you see the look of loathing in Melanoma’s face?


2 hours ago

Also, saw polls released this week that showed Biden with a 38% approval in NH but beating Trump handily in NH.

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO It just really gets me with she and Tim Scott make their dumbass claims this isn’t a racist country. Please tell one country that isn’t.


2 hours ago

PPO – that was horrific. In the group photo on the church stairs, the only one looking really bereft was Barron. Trump was indifferent. Of course.


2 hours ago

Ad, can any polls in the media be trusted these days? I think Smokin’ Joe will win with daylight second


2 hours ago

PPO – I think so, too. And Dems keep winning seats they should NOT be winning. That just makes me chortle in my joy.


2 hours ago

PPO sound like you’re having fun good for you mand.


2 hours ago

Ironic that Haley declared the US has never been racist on the same day Trump puts out racist attack ads against her. She has no actual beliefs, whatever she thinks will help her politically she “believes”. I saw another clip with her refuting that she’s a moderate, “Where am I a moderate?” Trying to get MAGAs, she’s kicked her only supporters in the teeth. She gives windsocks a bad name.

AdLib2 hours ago

Thanks, TW. Volunteering at the Club keeps the Black Dog away. Still get the blues at home alone sometimes. But moving on.


2 hours ago

Ad – “She gives windsocks a bad name”! PERFECT! I’m stealing that, just so you know.


2 hours ago

PPO It will take time.


2 hours ago

PPO – even with the death of my ex, to whom I remained close, the Black Dog comes. No regrets about moving on. Deep sorrow losing him and our shared history and good times we did have. It’s just hard. I do feel for you so much!


2 hours ago

Ad so wife number 2 wouldn’t let him ride back with her? I think the divorce countdown clock has started.


2 hours ago

Ad, CL, I’m going to steal it as well!


2 hours ago

PPO – Agreed, polls are mostly useless right now for many reasons, primarily that most voters still aren’t very engaged (most voters don’t even think Trump will be the GOP nom) and opinions on Trump will move substantially away from him as the criminal cases start and expose him daily as a criminal and traitor to the country.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad I meant to say wife #3


2 hours ago

TW – Melania is Wife Three, and no she wouldn’t. And everyone thinks she has her divorce attorney on speed dial for after Nov. 5.


2 hours ago

CL and TW – Glad you like it! It’s yours!

AdLib2 hours ago

CL yeah I realized that after I typed it. I think she will soon be the next ex Mrs Trump


2 hours ago

PPO – Thanks! Share as you’d like but I think it’s expiration date is only a few days away as Haley’s campaign truly ends after NH.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – windsock analogies belong to MANY GOP candidates. You’ve created a universal meme.


2 hours ago

Hope she put the housekeeping money in a safe place, because Yambo will be broke very soon.


2 hours ago

CL – I am humbled.

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO – I have wondered if she isn’t setting up her own offshore accounts for her and Barron.


2 hours ago

PPO you got that right.


2 hours ago

CL I think she is. I’m in (and have been for some time) the reason she took so long to show up and the WH she was working out a new breakup clause in her so called marriage contract.


2 hours ago

Think about the humiliation of being Trump’s wife while two trials are decided against him as a rapist and will take probably tens of millions out of his and her pockets because he molested another woman. Then comes the Stormy Daniels bribe trial in March, broadcasting his cheating on his wife with a prostitute. Couldn’t happen to a worse recipient of an Einstein Visa.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad that’s right she got one of those special visas Trump rails about. Oh the irony.


2 hours ago

Ad, for a minuite I saw your post as ‘an Epstein Visa’ . Freudian slip on my part


2 hours ago

My bet is that the jury will hit Trump with at least $30-$50 milliion as a judgement but maybe even up to $100 million. Love the defense position saying he’s a self-proclaimed billionaire who won’t stop defaming Carroll, how much will it take to make him stop? That’s good.

AdLib2 hours ago



2 hours ago

PPO that was damn good.


2 hours ago

PPO – Very funny!!!

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO I can’t stop laughing.


2 hours ago

PPO – That is a punchline waiting for a setup, you did the hard part.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad I think the Trump kids are going to find out the true meaning or revokable trust.


2 hours ago

So it appears that this motion by Trump about having total immunity will push the Smith 1/6 trial aqgainst him by five weeks and counting. Not a huge deal, Trump will have gained enough delegates to be the GOP nom by then and they’ll be stuck with a candidate heading to criminal trial. Saw DeSantis finally try to use that as an argument to vote for him, too little, too late. And by too little, I am referring to DeSantis. When he’s not wearing lifts in his white booties.

AdLib2 hours ago

Report: Wall Street at record high. Media: Crickets


2 hours ago

PPO the news folks here can’t handle the truth.


2 hours ago

TW – Don Jr. and Eric have to be panicking which is amusing. Trump will surely cut them out of whatever he has left after the company is dissolved and assets sold. They’ll be making Cameo videos alongside Giuliani and George Santos just to pay the rent.

AdLib2 hours ago

DeSantis, DeSatnis you


2 hours ago

Ad I agree.


2 hours ago

Media are our enemy. CANNOT believe the harm that removing the prohibition on local monopoly has had. Now Sinclair has taken up the B. Sun, an EXCELLENT paper the wingnut who bought it wants to make it more “FOX” like.


2 hours ago

That name sounds like a nasty Venereal disease ‘ He’s caught DeSantis, poor guy.’


2 hours ago

PPO – I’ve actually seen some stories and even video of Fox News reporting on the Wall Street record highs but of course they don’t refer to Biden. I think some on the RW are so upset, they’re claiming it’s the result of Trump policies. Really? That is so desperate adnd sad. I thought Biden was destroying the economy? Make up your lyin’ minds, Repubs.

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO – I am stealing THAT, too!!!


2 hours ago

CL I read that yesterday bought by Sinclair Media pro Trump and lie spreading News Outlet


2 hours ago

Sinclair is worse than Murdoch.


2 hours ago

CL yes they are.


an hour ago

This is one of the problems of not severely taxing the wealthy, they use their excess to buy up infrastructure in the country to dominate and rob from the people. Their should be a 90% billionaire tax.

AdLiban hour ago

Read on Twitter that the tiny Baltimore Beacon is suddenly FLOODED with subscribers. Good on them!


an hour ago

Ad – Well, we had that tax level before…


an hour ago

CL – That’s great news. And it always bewildered me why RW billionaires buy newspapers when most of their voters can’t even read. Saw a video of MAGAs being asked at a Trump Rally, “What was the reason for the Civil War?” and at least in the video, most of them had no idea.

AdLiban hour ago

There is one way to dodge these asshats – smaller businesses have to become more visible. MORE of them, too. We can “starve the beast” – corporate control – by not participating.


an hour ago

Ad – my mother quit teaching 1976 because even then, her fairly affluent, white district was being significantly dumbed down.


an hour ago

CL the person who bought the Baltimore Paper is going to run it into the ground, and its a news paper that won 16 Pulitzerss


an hour ago

CL – Yep, under Eisenhower it was 90% for the top bracket which included just millionaires. Such a tax would bring a windfall to the US, pay the debt off and provide funding for increasing benefits for SS, Medicare, poverty programs, etc.

AdLiban hour ago

CL, the #1 danger to the 1% is education, so of course they’re dumbing down.


an hour ago

CL – Agreed. The public needs clear, high quality alternatives to smaller companies that respect and appreciate their customers. That’s one area that corporations and RW billionaires can never compete in.

AdLiban hour ago

CL – That’s disappointing to hear it was going on even back in 1976. Hey…I was in HS then!

AdLiban hour ago

I wonder if the RW stations like Fox and Sinclair are adding to the mindless MAGA ranks or just keeping the existing MAGAs under their spell?

AdLiban hour ago

TW – one thing we should be fighting is a law from Prohibition. It was for the liquor companies. They could take an accelerated depreciation on their property and get CASH back from the gov’t to go into a new business. By the 1960s this was becoming THE strategy – buy a company, close it, write it down and get cash back, move on. It underpinned the whole of the steel industry closings. That’s why there is NO RISK in buying and destroying a company. You don’t even have to pay for the company if you declare bankruptcy. Money’s all yours. Sinclair has nothing to fear.


an hour ago

Ad, hopefully the latter. Gen Zs are massing up to vote.


an hour ago

The one thing America has going for it with regards to not having the majority brainwashed to become MAGA cultists is that most Americans don’t really put too much into caring about politics. I guess that’s a safeguard.

AdLiban hour ago

CL one thing about those with wealth, they know how get and keep it.


an hour ago

TW = that they do.


an hour ago

I wonder if a new political party would blossom if we named it The Indifferent Party.


an hour ago

PPO – That’s true, I was dissing “swing” voters who seem to me, frankly, to be ignorant and fools. “Hmm…do I want a dictator or more democracy? Well, there are good arguments for both. I think I need to hear more from both sides.”

AdLiban hour ago

CL they also know which politicians they can buy.


an hour ago

PPO – that’s the No Labels are pretending they are. But they are funded by the very RW.


an hour ago

PPO – And you’re right, Gen Zs are coming out big time as are women and men who care about women after Roe was struck down. Dems just won another Red district in FL. The Dem winning streak of overperforming has been unbroken since 2016 and I am pretty confident it continues throught this year.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad, a good trend, so hope it continues.


an hour ago

PPO – I’m not sure how I’d feel about The Indifferent Party.

AdLiban hour ago

I’m horrified by the numbers of people, Right AND Left, who want a dictator. They just want THEIR guy…


an hour ago

LOL – Ad. I see what you did there!!!


an hour ago

Just realised there would be no candidates being nominated, no one wants to.


an hour ago

CL it seems like when the populus feels their form of government is working they clamor for a dictator thinking he will fix it.


an hour ago

CL No Labels is the Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Party, related to the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party. Smart people wouldn’t consider either.

AdLiban hour ago

CL –

AdLiban hour ago

CL – Mostly MAGAs who want a dictator. After all, cults aren’t structured as democracies.

AdLiban hour ago

I got my 2024 Vote by Mail application for the state primaries today.


an hour ago

AdLiban hour ago

TW – That’s very cool! Looking forward to getting our ballots. In CA, all voters get mail-in ballots they can use if they want to.

AdLiban hour ago

There is a national pandemic of political hubris breaking out. Makes Monkey Pox look like child’s play. If you aren’t happy with some issue – BIDEN never came over and folded my socks! – you start a new party.


an hour ago


an hour ago

No Leopards don’t do that. They disembowel you first then eat your face.


an hour ago

Ad – I remain a proud Dem, but if life goes to hell, is the LEPFP taking members?


an hour ago

CL – So far I have seen evidence of Repub donors giving to EVERY “independent” party trying to compete in Nov. This is not organic, it is a scheme by the RW. RFK Jr, No Labels, etc., all financed by RWers.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Yeah – but they DO eat your face. The rest is politics as usual, isn’t it?


an hour ago

CL yes it is.


an hour ago

Ad, hopefully the only dilution will be disgruntled GOPers.


an hour ago

So what you’re telling me is that the leopards won’t just eat the faces of those who are in different parties?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – what I do not get is that a campaign donation is limited to about $2700 per candidate per election. How do these zillionaires get to donate more?


an hour ago

PPO – I saw polling that showed RFK Jr. attracted more disaffected Repubs than Dems. So I think you’re right.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad _ I believe leopards are equal opportunity devourers.


an hour ago

Well, folks, time to mosey down to the saloon for a brew or 6. See you all again soon. ‘Bye for now


an hour ago

PPO Have one for me will ya. You take care.


an hour ago

CL – I think Citizens United destroyed the campaign donation limits by allowing thses corrupt SuperPACs to take unlimited donations then pretend they’re not coordinating with candidates when of course they are, just through cut outs.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – anything idiot RFK, Jr can do to draw from Donnie is fine w me. I met RFK, Jr in 1973 – he was clearly wasted then. I feel for him and his family history, but he was also an asshat then and worse now.


an hour ago

Ad – OK that makes sense. Not GOOD sense, but I get it.


an hour ago

Oh – missed saying good bye to PPO!


an hour ago

CL – What’s sad and terrible is that the GOP is more and more a vehicle for damaged human beings to get power, money, and adulation. That seems its only purpose anymore, they are hollowed out otherwise, no platforms or issues aside from that and trying to destroy democracy before it destroys them.

AdLiban hour ago

There is a line in the series Rome, where Ceaser tell Mark Antony to spread some money around to sure up the vote that seems to fit this situation. Just can’t recall it.


an hour ago

PPO made a quick exit, I missed saying goodbye too. Can’t compete with a cold beer.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – Do you remember back in the day when the Senate refused to approve of two of (I think) Nixon’s SCOTUS nominees and NE Senator Roman Hruska said, “Even mediocrity deserves representation.” Well – should have seen the writing on the wall. Now the GOP are the party of the least and lost only they aren’t sad, they’re vile. And this is Hruska’s observation run amok.


an hour ago

TW – I think the RW billionaire tactic to this election is divide and conquer. Even that jerk Dean Phillips running as a Dem against Biden is funded by a RW billionaire. It’s all a scam.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad = no matter how cool we are, we are NOT a cold beer.


an hour ago

Ad – it’s like Cenk – The Young Turks has been funded by GOP biggies and libertarian Tech folks. And yet he pretends to be a lefty.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, I remember that quote, it’s famous. And yes, I think the GOP has settled on the dynamic of “Damaged People Fighting for a Damaged America!”

AdLiban hour ago

CL – I like that!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad that is what the uber rich want. They don’t want politicians or judges that can think they just want them to do what they tell them to.


an hour ago

Ad – the genuinely “least and lost” I could support. The “I hate everyone” crowd? Not so much.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, TYT is absolutely a propaganda tool. Cenk claimed he was running for president this year…and he’s not eligible because he was born in Turkey! Yet he still claimed to be running against Biden. It’s all a game to them.

AdLiban hour ago

Oddly – no one left or right mentioned the fact Cenk was TOTALLY ineligible to run. We are in great need of CIVICS back in our schools!


an hour ago

TW – Right, the RW and wealthy see the Repubs as servants of their plutocracy. I saw Dimon come out this week saying “Trump was right” and criticizing Democrats for attacking MAGAs. Soulless PoS.

AdLiban hour ago

For the life of me I don’t get why dem’s are having a problem with Uncle Joe, he is doing more for this country that most Dems have in long time and certainly far more than Repugs.


an hour ago

TW – Absolutely. Their wet dream is the Gilded Age, and if you get that unfettered, untaxed riches, no labor or human rights, no minimum wage – well, what is a little fascism along the way. They won’t be coming after THEM.


an hour ago

CL Trump tried to say Nikki was eligible just like he did with Obama.


an hour ago

TW – Taking civics lessons from Trump is like following lemmings for survival training.


an hour ago



an hour ago


an hour ago

TW – I understand some having trouble with Biden over Israel but I think most of the other age complaints and other “reasons” people don’t like Joe are more MSM drama than genuine. Israel though is complicated, we can’t just pull our aid but they are committing war crimes in Gaza. It is horrible, it needs to stop but in an election year, I think it’s hard for Biden to do anything harsh against Netanyahu. Still, he should. Netanyahu needs to go ASAP along with the RW radicals in his govt.

AdLiban hour ago

Did someone already mention that Tim Scott is endorsing Trump and not Nikki?


an hour ago

CL – Hilarious!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – IF we actually get a budget w money for Israel, I read Biden will attach MAJOR strings to it.


an hour ago

TW – heard NIKKI is FURIOUS at Scott. What did she THINK he would do?


an hour ago

CL – I think the wealthy RWs are embracing every science fiction story of tyranny.

AdLiban hour ago

CL good question.


an hour ago

Ad – I personally think Heritage Foundation should be investigated and possibly tried for sedition for Project 2025.


an hour ago

TW – Tim Scott just wanted to make sure everybody knows he’s an ungrateful, spineless weasel. There are a couple of people who didn’t know that.

AdLiban hour ago

CL – Sure hope Biden attaches powerful strings to future aid to Israel. I am disgusted at what they are doing and how we are providing the weapons and money to do it.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – A couple of folks now are getting their kickers in a twist over this. Except they don’t like Nikki either. So maybe nobody really cares in the GOP.


an hour ago

CL I agree with you on that.


an hour ago

Ad – there wasn’t anything he could do w past payments, arms, but NEW money and NEW arms sales? Maybe quite a lot.


an hour ago

Well, Scott has no principles and he can see Trump will get the nom and could do something for him if he was re-elected prsident. Scott is such a transparently selfish jerk. He just made that clear to anyone who doubted it.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – Trump’s so racist, Tim may find HE is the new coffee boy. The idea Trump would RESPECT him? Oh, please.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, Heritage Foundation should absolutely be investigated for sedition, Project 2025 is simply a guide to overthrow or country and democracy. I just think the prosecution of Trump by the DoJ is sucking all the air out of the room and they won’t move on other actual threats and seditionists, like Repubs in Congress, until at least the 1/6 case is completed.

AdLiban hour ago

Did you read Gaetz said EVERY woman could leave the GOP, big deal because “we have a Julio or Jamaal waiting to take their place.” OMG! Identifying two groups of males the GOP wants to drive in the ground? These people are insane!


an hour ago

CL Scott is totally useless


an hour ago

CL – I just think nobody is surprised in the GOP’s “We’re Just Out For Ourselves!” Party that they’ree just out for themselves.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I am NOT sure publishing such a doc breaks the law, but it bears our pressure to find out. It is horrific.


an hour ago

Ad – even the ever odious Chip Roy has said that today. The GOP has nothing to offer anyone.


an hour ago

CL – Maybe Biden could do something meaningful with future Israel aid but that could be politically treacherous in an election year. And Netanyahu won’t hesitate to attack Biden and align with Trump if Biden did so.

AdLib44 minutes ago

CL the Repugs are just going off the deep end on everything. I’m thinking they got a real bad batch of drugs.


43 minutes ago

CL – I doubt Scott will get anything out of sucking up to Trump, his endorsement is meaningless. I mean a candidate who has so little support he couldn’t even make it to the first primary? Yet CNN called it, “a valuable endorsement”. Huh? To Scott maybe but…what?

AdLib42 minutes ago

CL – I only hope Gaetz quits The House to run for Gov in FL. He’s one of the only candidates I could think of who could lose horribly and then be out of all elective offices.

AdLib41 minutes ago

Ad – I’m not sure American Jews would give a damn if Bibi did that. My SIL went to High School with Netanyahu – said he was an ass then, is an ass now.


41 minutes ago

CL – Gaetz thinks alienating over half of all voters is a brilliant game plan? I’m happy he thinks so, more voters for us.

AdLib40 minutes ago

Ad – I will pray for Gaetz’s political future. JUST as you described it. Don’t believe much in the efficacy of prayer, but hey – doesn’t hurt to try.


40 minutes ago

Because there are equivalent numbers of Black, Brown, Muslim men just waiting to fill women’s spots in the GOP. Which, of course, makes NO sense.


39 minutes ago

CL – I don’t know, when a doc like that is constructed and endorsed by many politicians and a presidential candidate? I think it’s outside of the role of free speech and is validated as a genuine political declaration to overthrow the government with people behind it, such as Trump, who could actually put it into play. If we had to wait for that to happen before it was illegal, it would be too late.

AdLib39 minutes ago

CL – Chip Roy seems to be attacking the Repubs in the House daily now. Works for me.

AdLib38 minutes ago

Ad – that would indeed be my thought. This is a blueprint for sedition.


38 minutes ago

I really detest Roy, but have to admit I like his calling out the GOP.


38 minutes ago

CL I know what happen in Israel was horrible but 23,000 killed already it’s a bit disproportionate.


37 minutes ago

TW – Trump is snorting Adderall and other drugs and the Repubs are sniffing his bottom so there is probably a contact high at least going on there.

AdLib37 minutes ago

Ad I have downloaded it but have yet to read it, but what I’ve scanned of it, it’s not good.


36 minutes ago

CL – Biden should secretly ask the other parties in Israel if they’re prepared to hold an election and kick out Netanyahu who the majority despise in Israel.

AdLib36 minutes ago

TW – the whole thing is vile beyond words. Bibi financed Hamas OPENLY for years. Ignored the warnings, so it happened. But the Israeli response is even worse. And I think it was a set up. The remaining hostages will not survive, one reason or another.


36 minutes ago

Biden could and might do that in Israel.


35 minutes ago

CL – Exactly, Trump and Repubs are bragging about sending Latinos to concentration camps and they think that will make them swarm over to Trump’s side? Insane.

AdLib35 minutes ago

Ad- the absence of logic is the hallmark of today’s GOP.\


34 minutes ago

CL for Biden to deal with Israel he is going to have to walk a tightrope hear at home but, I agree he has to do something and whatever he does the Repugs are to going to hammer him on that. But, that’s what’s he’s used to I just hope he can pull it off.


33 minutes ago

TW – I feel the same way. Whatever sympathy there was for the country of Israel (people still have sympathy for those killed, hostages and families after 10/7) has been destroyed by Netanyahu and the genocide in Gaza. It must be stopped.

AdLib33 minutes ago

TW – if ANYONE can walk that tightrope, it’s Biden.


33 minutes ago

I hope the people of Israel pull Bibi out of office, but I’m not sure HOW. Recent poll showed nearly 80% want him gone.


32 minutes ago

I believe if Uncle Joe can resolve the issue with Israel and get a two state solution, he will get a Nobel


32 minutes ago

TW – I agree.


31 minutes ago

I think Biden needs to put together a coalition, maybe through the UN, that the US joins that is affirmative about how the destruction needs to end and how Israel and Gaza can be protected. The US shouldn’t do it alone, this kind of alliance would help protect Biden from the political, election-year fallout.

AdLib31 minutes ago

Okay folks with that I’m going to call it a night. Take care all have a good weekend.


31 minutes ago

Ad – VERY good points.


31 minutes ago

Sounds good TW, stay warm this weekend. And do a snow angel for me!

AdLib30 minutes ago

OK, TW – I will, too. Hope to see you and others next week. Hugs to you both.


30 minutes ago

CL – I think it’s the only way. If Biden does it alone, it could have a bad impact on re-election.

AdLib30 minutes ago

Stay safe, TW. Snow angels fine. 360 wheelies on interstates? Not so much.


30 minutes ago

Stay dry CL! Hi to hubby!

AdLib30 minutes ago

Will do, AD. Good night!


29 minutes ago


AdLib29 minutes ago

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