Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago

Hey Ad how are doing today? Lots to discuss.
an hour ago

Murph is in the house.
an hour ago
No kidding, TW. Did you see Jack Smith’s motion to muzzle Trump?
AdLiban hour ago
Hey glenn!!!
AdLiban hour ago

Ad Yes I have it here on my desk I was going through it.
an hour ago
Good evening gents. Hope everyone is doing well.
an hour ago

He Glenn
an hour ago
glenn – I’m doing well, how are you doing?
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago
Ad— I’m doing all right.
an hour ago
Hi there. Especially to Glenn….
an hour ago
And it looks like the MAGA House impeachment inquiry on Biden is already self-destructing as they also are failing to pass the budget bills!
AdLiban hour ago
That’s good to hear, glenn.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey Murph. Thanks for the shout out.
an hour ago
Glenn…..think of you often…..I am glad to read that things feel good right now.
an hour ago
A MAGA shutdown of the US seems very likely.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad— I can’t believe those stupid GOP senators are going to try and shut down the government again.
an hour ago
Oh thanks Murph. I try to get here as much as I can. I really enjoy talking to you all and getting a good perspective on what’s happening in the world.
an hour ago
The GOP ….. and to think I was once one of them….of course it was an entirely different entity at that time.
an hour ago

All the House is in total disarray and McCarthy is two shades away from losing his speakership.
an hour ago
Murph what made you change to a Democrat? And when did you change
an hour ago
glenn – The stupid GOP House has only passed 1 of like 14 bills that must be passed and only two weeks left but they are having a civil war over it. Just read that MAGA Moron Ron Johnson just threw a roadblock in the way of The Senate which was moving forward smoothly to pass aa budget. MAGA traitors want to destroy the country, who can argue otherwise?
AdLiban hour ago

Murph we won’t hold it against you for being an Ike Republican he was one of the reasonable ones. If he was alive the current Rep party would call him a traitor for fighting against Hilter.
an hour ago
Murph – Being a Repub used to be an actual option for sane people.
AdLiban hour ago
Oh for sure, Ad. I’m not arguing with you.
an hour ago
Glenn …. I grew up in the South where the GOP was a party of progress….very much supportive of the civil rights movement….the party was an interesting amalgam of good sense, plus appropriate policy when Dems were the party of the KKK
an hour ago

Ad what did Johnson do now??
an hour ago
TW – I think McCarthy’s pandering has finally forced him into a corner that there’s no way out of, he slipped out of it here and there but now there’s nowhere for him to go. I’m so amused at Gaetz going after him! Over the next two weeks, Repubs may regret reversing the ban on guns in The Capitol.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph and I didn’t realize you grew up in the south. So when do you think the republican party changed? Was it during Reagan?
an hour ago
Yes, Ad a choice….when I moved to midwest, the GOP was the party of integrity in government….standing up to machine politics for ex.
an hour ago

Ad McCarthy may set a record for being the shortest speaker of the House.
an hour ago
Murph I know it was true then but I don’t see any integrity in the republican party nowadays.
an hour ago
TW – Johnson has refused to do a consent vote to allow all of the budget bills to be passed as an omnibus, which is SOP for House and Senate. Now, each bill can be debated, amendments proposed, it gums up the works with only 2 weeks left until government shuts down.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad— Is Gaetz gunning for the speaker ship do you think?
an hour ago
Glenn….I could write a book on when and how it changed….but so many others beat me to it. I actually worked for GOP candidates for the Governorship, Senate and House….for me it was the corruption of the Nixon administration that tainted and turned the party along with its growing association with restrictive social policy allied with the embracing of right wing groups and the seizure of the NRA…so much.
an hour ago

Murph seeing how both parties operate I believe is good reason to be independent then caste your vote for candidate who most supports ones’ political views.
an hour ago
Oh, Green, the contemporary GOP is craven and disloyal.
an hour ago
Murph although a lot of people have written books you should try it yourself. I think it would be a great book.
an hour ago
Murph – I still have good friends and relatives who are Repubs. I don’t debate any of it with them because it’s pointless but in the old days, I could have some good debates with Repubs who were rational. Today, it’s like debating the Manson Family that Charles might not be doing what’s best for them.
AdLiban hour ago
Glenn…what a fine judo to toss my way…….
an hour ago
Murph you’re welcome
an hour ago
Ad…debsating the Manson Family….great analogy.
an hour ago
Ad— Yeah I’ve given up debating politics with the people here. I just can’t understand how they can support Trump I just can’t. So when they start talking politics I just get up and walk away.
an hour ago
TW – McCarthy has already set the record for The Speaker having the least number of vertebra so add this to his record breaking speakership.
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago

Glenn Gaetz knows he has no chance of getting the role of Speaker, he wants to be in the stands and just bark at whoever has the job he has not leadership ability at all.
an hour ago
The thing is that NO ONE can get and hold the Speakership in the House because the G0P is a party of pirhanas
an hour ago
TW— I suppose Gates thinks he’s getting some good publicity from all of this barking he’s doing.
an hour ago
glenn – No, I would guess Gaetz knows he could never win the speakership, he’s an opportunist and he sees that McCarthy is at his weakest now, if he can rally the MAGAs in The House to bring him down, Gaetz probably thinks he can be the kingmaker for the nest Speaker and get power like MTG did with McCarthy.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…good insight into Goetz goals.
an hour ago
Ad— As usual with three pubs it’s all about the power.
an hour ago

Ad Maccarthy has Jello for a spine
an hour ago
TW— Yeah yellow Jell-O
an hour ago

Murph I think you should write your book and put your spin on it.
an hour ago

Glenn Thats funny.
an hour ago
McCarthy said two weeks ago in several settings that any movement toward an impeachment inquiry would have to go the floor of the House……it did not…..he was forced to mandate it without any idea if there was support for the effort and without debate.
an hour ago
glenn – I used to debate even obnoxious Repubs on HuffPost but eventually learned that the ones willing to debate merely want to get you upset and delight in that and the others are like cult members, they discount every word you say whether or not its backed up by facts. Pointless to debate cultists.
AdLiban hour ago
Yellow Jello…yep you nailed it.
an hour ago
Murph because the stupid people like Gaetz are pushing him to do that.
an hour ago
Murph – I think that’s very much the case. Who could become Speaker and not have to kowtow to the MAGA extremists or be thrown out?
AdLiban hour ago
Glenn I am sure that he had no choice….there would have been a vote….to dump him….his days are numbered.
an hour ago
Ad— Yeah I know what you mean I used to try to present facts to this one woman here but she just discounted everything I said. It was so frustrating. So now I just walk away.
an hour ago

Murph the money they are wasting on doing this so called Biden impeachment clearly failure of clear stewardship of their oath of office and fiscal responsibility in my opinion.
an hour ago

Glenn what is that she sees in Trump that makes her believe in him?
an hour ago
Murph – I saw McCarthy confronted by a reporter (Manu Raju?) about how he had flipped on his vow to hold a vote first before an impeachment hearing and McCarthy blathered with flopsweat dripping down as he blamed…Nancy Pelosi…for him being a liar and hypocrite.
AdLiban hour ago
TW— I hope many people in the US agree with you. Period
an hour ago

Ad what else could he do?
an hour ago
TW— That response got really screwed up. I do hope that many people agree with you and then it shows in the voting booths time around
an hour ago
I am surrounded by MAGATs here in Misery…….I was asked to day by a very obnoxious neighbor if I was going to “fall for the lies and get any other COVID and now the RSV vaccines. I told him I had lots of info about it if he was interested but that I suspect that he was buying the propaganda from his crowd. I then said…..I will however be sure to send flowers if you should get sick and perish…many have. And then I walked away.
an hour ago
glenn – It’s hard for someone thoughtful and reasoned to go into a conversation believing that the other person is a mindless follower. There must be some way to reach them, we may think. But there isn’t. It’s like trying to explain Uber to a caveman.
AdLiban hour ago
TW— I don’t think it’s so much what she sees in Trump as what she thinks about the Democratic Party. She thinks Biden is a mess and she thinks the US is a mess. She’s not a fox viewer but she watches a lot of
an hour ago
TW….the GOP is a party of waste….so they haven’t a bit of reticence about spending our money.
44 minutes ago
Sorry she follows a lot of right wing outlets on YouTube and places like that. And of course she thinks that Biden is corrupt. When I try to point out that Trump is correct is corrupt
44 minutes ago
Murph – Well said to the MAGA guy. I would also like to ask him, “Are you saying you don’t know anyone who caught Covid and either needed to go to the hospital or died? Because I do.
AdLib44 minutes ago
When I try to point out that Trump is corrupt she just dismisses me and tells me that he’s rich and he doesn’t need to be corrupt.
44 minutes ago
Murph great response!
43 minutes ago

Glenn, so many folks listen to what others say, but will not do their own research or bother to read other opinions on things. It’s a lack of intellectual curiosity. Curiosity doesn’t go away when we get older if anything I believe it increases. But, that’s me.
42 minutes ago
Ad— Yes as I said I have given up trying to get through to her.
42 minutes ago
Ad….my neck of the woods had a very high infection rate and very high death rate….did not faze them in the list…..the FBI was poisoning their water doncha know!
42 minutes ago

Murph you’re correct on that. They have been (and Dem’s also) for so long it’s something they see as a right of passage.
41 minutes ago
TW— The sad thing about this woman is that she thinks she has done her own research. Unfortunately it’s with these out of the world right wing outlets. Some of the people she tells me she listens to I’ve never even heard of. And I think intellectual curiosity as you get older it’s because you have more time to pursue some of the things that you want to
41 minutes ago
TW…….I find that my Mega neighbors have deeply held prejudices and feelings that they have been robbed of their lives by the wicked left and they seek out anything and anyone who tells they are correct and should be honored.
40 minutes ago
Well gents I’m fading fast. So glad I got to talk with you guys tonight. Hope to see you next week
40 minutes ago

Glenn I agree with you on the older part for intellectual curiosity.
39 minutes ago
Glenn….so good to see and hear you.
39 minutes ago
If we zoom out really wide, what we see is not a political party but an authoritarian movement, led by a fascist, that is working to tear down our right to vote, fair elections, equality, civil rights, women’s rights, the judicial system, law enforcement, supercharge claimate change disasters and starve the elderly and the poor. And…we accept as “normal” that this fascist group will threaten and attack anyone who they see as their opposition, whether that’s political opponents, election workers, judges, free speech, the FBI and DoJ, anyone! It is a terrorist group no less absolutist than the Taliban or ISIS.
AdLib39 minutes ago
Glad you could make it, glenn! Have a nice weekend!
AdLib39 minutes ago
Thanks Murph good to talk to you to
39 minutes ago
Thanks Ad you do the same.
38 minutes ago

Murph now that is interesting from this pov, thinking Dems did them wrong so they will hold a grudge for every, but what do they say when and if someone who isn’t a dem or rep does something for them that is out character and nice what do they say to that?
37 minutes ago
We should really be completely alarmed and outraged and having our DoJ aggressively identifying any and every MAGA who dares to threaten anyone else in this terroristic way.
AdLib36 minutes ago

Glenn take care.
36 minutes ago
TW…..these people live to be angry, beset, and grumbling.
36 minutes ago

Murph so it’s the lot in life and they feel it’s all because of Dem’s, not the choices they made.
35 minutes ago
TW……absolutely….they are the true American sons and daughters of liberty.
35 minutes ago
Murph – Of course MAGAs will always find some lie to clutch onto to avoid reality but to any of them who goes on with their BS about Covid, asking them to stop for a moment and think about people they know who got very ill or died, could at least shut their maniacla mouths for a moment. I mentioned this for the very reason you mentioned, I know Covid was very rampant in MO and other Red states, which is why I’d think nearly everyone would know someone who was infected and made ill.
AdLib34 minutes ago

Murph true sons and daughters of liberty, that’s really funny considering true sons and daughters of liberty wouldn’t complain they find a way to fix the problem.
34 minutes ago
Ad…..I watched as one mega zealot after another (including numbers of family members)…..and how it was explained as the action of the GOVERNMENT to silence them….poisoned.
32 minutes ago
Murph – So what are you seeing about the children of these MAGAs, what percentage are walking in their footsteps and what percentage are walking away from their parents hateful obsessions?
AdLib32 minutes ago
Ad……I see few who go any farther than arms length.
31 minutes ago
Murph – I know they say that with gusto but don’t you think there’s a part of them that know they’re needy to believe their lies.
AdLib30 minutes ago

Murph so it’s the government’s fault for all that befell them? Is just the Dem Government that is the problem? Or do they remember some of our tough times were under Repubs as well?
30 minutes ago
Ad Lib….Among the faithful there is very, very, little room for doubting or questioning.
30 minutes ago
TW…..ex. Fauci and the Jewish Conspiracy is behind much of it.
29 minutes ago
Murph – That’s too bad. In less extremist areas, young people are moving massively to Dems, I’ve quoted here before that there will be like a 10 million voter swing between old MAGAs dying by 2024 and young voters becoming eligible to vote. Its going hugely towards the Dems which is why DeSantis and his like are trying to create propaganda “schools”, to brainwash the youth that’s abandoning them en masse.
AdLib28 minutes ago

Murph I’m also going to guess that a lot of their beliefs come from their Sunday church meetings with the pastor talking about the evils of the government not following God’s plan for man right?
28 minutes ago
Ad, your words gladden me.
28 minutes ago

Ad what’s this about part of your State wanting to become part of Idaho
27 minutes ago
TW….churches do endorse much of that thinking…but of note “their” churches are as scarily populated as “the libs”
27 minutes ago

Murph more on the last part about the churches and libs
26 minutes ago
Murph – With the redistricting going on after the surprising SCOTUS ruling supporting the VRA and the Repubs in purple districts and states having to carry the burden of the MAGA fascism and a soon-to-be convicted criminal, I think we have the chance in 2024 to have a breaking point where the Repubs continue descending, weighed down against reaching a majority for many years by these mindless hating machines that represent their base of voters. There are NO issues or platforms anymore for Repubs aside from hate and fear.
AdLib25 minutes ago
TW…I think that only churches that are doing well are those with a small to medium sized congregation that provides a sense of community and does not pound in dogma.
24 minutes ago

Murph okay I understand now.
24 minutes ago
Murph – That 10 million swing thanks to young voters and dead MAGAs is calculated between 2020 and 2024, over those 4 years, America has grown a bigger Dem majority and the surprising overperformances of Dems in elections since help display that. Of course, killing Roe and platforming a rapist, bigot, and seditionist as the party’s leader doesn’t help either.
AdLib23 minutes ago
Trump and Repubs were so excited to ghet Putin’s endorsement. You know, they’re the America First party, getting french kissed by the war criminal dictator of our top enemy nation proves that, right?
AdLib22 minutes ago
Ad, your reading on the Nature of the GOP today points out soft spots in their posture…of course if the Left wins this time around there will be more calls for armed uprising.
22 minutes ago
Ad….from your typed news to the ballot box…oh, please
21 minutes ago

Murph I will say this, some time back I was in your state for a training session, and I was outside one night looking over the landscape as the sun was setting and I had a sense of calm and I sort of understood why folks in your state have such strong beliefs in a Creator. But, have to say I am still mystified as to why the would believe in someone like Trump given the state motto is “show me.”
20 minutes ago
TW – That’s Oregon, it’s been going on for a while. Eastern OR is very RW and MAGA but they are very outnumbered by Western OR and those in major cities. So they whine about becoming part of KKK-friendly Idaho. Never going to happen. The OR government would need to sign off on losing part of their state, ain’t gonna happen.
AdLib20 minutes ago
Tw….this is a rather attractive, if unimpressive, place to live.
18 minutes ago

Ad, yes you’re right got my states mixed up.
18 minutes ago
TW,,,,eastern Oregon aye? Why there?
17 minutes ago
Ad….sorry…it was your comment…why is eastern Oregon so right wing.
16 minutes ago

All, what is about folks who think succession is something they can do just because they don’t like their current state government? It didn’t work out so well some time ago.
16 minutes ago
Murph – Agreed, more calls for armed uprisings but knowing bullies are cowards, seeing the 1/6 MAGAs going to prison for many years has already scared MAGAs from protesting Trump’s arrests despite him begging them to. Same will be true when Dems win in 2024. Just hope the heightened threats from them push Dems to drop the filibuster, pass voting rights and strip these nutjobs of undemocratic power. Look at WI, trying to impeach a justice before they’ve even served to overthrow her election? Repubs need to be stopped while they can be from overthrowing our democracy because that’s the only path to power left for them.
AdLib16 minutes ago
Ad…for the right, government by coup is part of their wiring.
14 minutes ago
Murph – Eastern OR is not so dissimilar to MO, many small rural towns, some farming, not any big cities or multicultural populations, very white and racist.
AdLib14 minutes ago
AD ,,,, Wasn’t ore a haven for flower children and their disciple.s
13 minutes ago

Ad it’s my understanding Idaho has taken on that persona as well.
13 minutes ago
Well friends…it is very good to exchange sensible arguments with those who respect legitimate dialog….you folks are super……any interest in a bit of farm real estate?
10 minutes ago
TW – First of all, if MTG suggests something, you can count on it being illegal, impossible or fictional. States have no method or right to secede, that’s why there was a Civil War. States absolutely can’t secede. No way to do it. Besides that, the Red states that whine the most about seceding, take more money from blue states through the Fed govt than they contribute, Red states would go belly up economically if they didn’t have blue states subsidizing them as part of the US. So even if they could secede, they would cut their own throats (all the military bases and spending disappears from red states, how’s that gonna work out?)
AdLib10 minutes ago
Murph – Western OR, Portland and such, are incredibly liberal places. But Eastern OR is like Alabama.
AdLib9 minutes ago
Murph – Heh! You could always move out to CA and farnm out here, we can grow almost anything!
AdLib8 minutes ago
AD….WHAT A SENSIBLE APPROACH….MTG will have none of that….you lib!
8 minutes ago

Ad agree with everything you said. The Civil War settled the question on succession.
8 minutes ago
Murph – How fun to imagine all of these states slowly realizing as they watch all the US military spending and facilities shut down, “Uh oh!”
AdLib8 minutes ago

MTG is another walking idiot in the House.
8 minutes ago
MTG…I hear she enjoys good theater…..snarky.
7 minutes ago
And how about Boebert getting thrown out? Vaping and feeling each other up in a theater? You can take the girl out of the trash but you can’t take the trash out of the girl.
AdLib6 minutes ago

Hey did you see Bobert getting tossed out of the theater for vapoing and singing too loud and being her obnoxious self?
6 minutes ago
Ad…..great on liner…trash lady
6 minutes ago
QUote me on this, Boebert loses in 2024. And MTG has such low favorables in her district, it’s very Red but stfranger things have happened.
AdLib6 minutes ago

Ad I saw the video what a jerk.
6 minutes ago
5 minutes ago

Murph they didn’t give a damn!!
5 minutes ago
I just saw the video of her and her disgusting date feeling each other up after she vaped. In a better time, she would be chargeed in the Ethics Committee.
AdLib5 minutes ago

Ad yes she only won by a handful of votes last time. I bet she doesn’t even run for reelection.
4 minutes ago
Murph – Yep, it always works out when an official is caught doing something wrong.
AdLib4 minutes ago
And they say, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?”
AdLib4 minutes ago
It is clear that the GOP are like Maynard G Krebs…dobie gillis trivia….allergic to WORK.
3 minutes ago

Ad I wouldn’t count on the ethics committee doing anything Santos is still in Congress.
3 minutes ago
TW – Oh, she’ll run because this is all she has now and she wants the lifetime pension that they only get after serving 5 years. She’s running, but into a wall.
AdLib3 minutes ago

Murph what? me worry?
3 minutes ago
And are they…….People charged with disrupting performances.
2 minutes ago
Murph – Like Maynard Krebs on meth.
AdLib2 minutes ago

Ad she can kiss that lifetime pension goodbye because she won’t win.
2 minutes ago
Gang….I am heading for the bedding…tuckered out.
2 minutes ago

Ad I watch as much of the video I could stomach both were just damn fools.
a minute ago

Hey Murph take care
a few seconds ago
TW – Indeed, a big blue wave is coming in 2024, so obvious, and Boebert will be drowned under it like many Repubs (maybe Rick Scott too?).
AdLiba few seconds ago
Good night.
a few seconds ago
Night Murph!
AdLiba few seconds ago

Goodnight Murph
a few seconds ago
TW – Up for a call?
AdLibin a few seconds

Well it looks like we closed the joint again tonight will call in a bit.
in a few seconds
Sounds good!
AdLibin a few second
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