Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago
Hello there!
AdLib2 hours ago
Don’t forget to login so you can post!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hi glenn!
AdLib2 hours ago
How are you feeling today?
AdLib2 hours ago
Hi Hey D. It’s me. That’s why I’m here so early I tried so hard to stay awake but I am just falling asleep every five minutes. So I won’t be able to join Vox tonight. Please tell everyone I said hello and that I wish I could be here with them tonight. I do have to say I’m so glad the treasonous lying bully has finally been indicted so many times. Now all we have to do is get some convictions. Anyway again please tell everyone I said hello and that I hope to be here next week.
2 hours ago
So glad you popped by, glenn! Yes, I will refer everyone to scroll back to read your comment! Same here, I can’t get enough of each week’s developments on Trump crashing and burning!
AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Ad how’s it going.
2 hours ago
Hey TW! How are things? Just added a comment to your latest article!
AdLib2 hours ago
On Traitorous Tim.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad doing ok. Thanks I will check it out. Glenn commented.
2 hours ago
Yes, did you read glenn’s comment?
AdLib2 hours ago

Yes I did, I was happy to see it and wrote back thanking him for taking the time to read it.
2 hours ago

Murph is in the house!!!!
2 hours ago
Right! I meant she came to Vox early and posted a comment you can read if you scroll above.
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad I will be sure to check it out.
2 hours ago

AdLib2 hours ago
hi there……o mighty wordsmiths! I saw the note from Glenn…..please send my regards….high regards for who she is and how much she cares.
2 hours ago

I was trying to make my way through Trump’s deposition in New York what a damn blow hard.
2 hours ago
TW…heroic! Awash in Trumperrhea
2 hours ago

Well Murph I didn’t get through it all but hope to finish it over the weekend. The man is totally unbelievable. I will never understand why anyone would vote for this thief the be president again.
2 hours ago

Murph Ttrumperrhea is right.
2 hours ago
Okay, I am growing annoyed with MSNBC running segments about how close the race between Biden and Trump is. First, they blather about how “scary” national polls are that show them close. Elections are won by state votes, not national votes or Trump would never have beaten Hillary! All that matters are the numbers in the swing states and those are ALL leaning are far and away in Biden’s camp. Secondly, looking at a poll right now, ignoring what’s coming down the pike with all the trials of Trump, seeing him in the courtroom as an indicted criminal and all the stories that are going to come out about the crimes he committed against the country, is going to make a huge difference in Biden’s numbers over Trump. I really despise this BS “horse race” crap that’s all based on a snapshot of polls that don’t reflect reality at all!
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – I will pass it along to her.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW….SInce I am surrounded by his faithful, I do get it. He is a mirror reflecting all they hate, fear, look down upon, disbelieve, and he does in a way that appeals to the raw emotions of the mob.
2 hours ago

Ad understand your frustration it is annoying.
2 hours ago
And the judge overseeing the case Trump filed against Michael Cohen has ordered Trump’s attorneys to appear on Monday since Cohen says it appears Trump plans to just no-show for his deposition on Tuesday. This guy is going to be crushed week after week for years to come!
AdLib2 hours ago
And then TW….he promises *and they believe the promise” that he can avenge them, and deliver them from the evil they behold, lifting up to the rightful positions they deserve.
2 hours ago

Murph if that is what the folks want in your community, it’s has to be very hard for you to be able to keep a straight face when they start praising him. I’m sure you bust out laughing when you get home.
2 hours ago
I do not laugh….I walk away. I have learned that engagement feeds the flames.
2 hours ago
Murph – The whole victimhood mentality was a rich vein for Trump to mine in the GOP but it’s run its course. So many are tired of his constant crying about what a terrible victim he is and how he keeps conning his cultists into sending this alleged “billionaire” their money. Trump has lost, dead man walking whether he or his cultists know it or not.
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph well, you’re a better man that I am because I would laugh in their face. Because that’s me there are times when common sense leaves me alone to fend for myself.
2 hours ago
Ad…..among the faithful there has been little in the way of shifts….he is the hands down winner of the nomination sweepstakes as of now, and I do not see anyone else gaining ground.
2 hours ago
TW….these are vile, hateful people, for whom violence is not only acceptable but heroic.
2 hours ago
Murph – It’s a well worn tool of the malignant narcissists who would be king, “I will be your sword of righteousness and vengeance against the evil people who are our enemies!” Hitler did it too and Trump knows that.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad Lib….I am sure that Trump really knows very little of Hitler, or Mussolini, or Stalin, or Tojo or……what he is arises from his very soul…..he comes to the animus you describe naturally, instinctively.
2 hours ago
Ad….still….DT is certainly a born to be member of that loathsome club.
2 hours ago
Murph – Just heard DeSantis has pulled his campaign out of the Super Tuesday states! He is cooked and burned. He’s trying to focus his dwindling funds on IA and NH and that is what someone desperate and losing would do. This move alone will chase off many of his remaining contributors. He’s announcing, “I’ve lost!” without saying it but the message is clear. The GOP is so hollowed out and corrupt, of course there can’t be anyone to challenge the cult leader, that’s not how cults work.
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph sounds like the type of folks that would welcome a dictator. As to them being vile, hateful I’m not surprise as I just did a quick lookup to see where the state stood during the Civil War and it seems they couldn’t make up their mind and sent troops to both sides. That is people made the choice. But, I have to believe that level of indecision has been passed down over time.
2 hours ago
Ad….I did not hear about DeSantis’ “new strategy”…..your read on this fits in with my understanding as well.
2 hours ago
Murph – I think Roy Cohn probably taught Trump most of what he knows about Hitler but most likely taught him that you have to be furious, have enemies, lie so much and so often, especially big lies there’s no time for others to correct them all, etc.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW…that is an interesting line of thought……Truman is the most famous pol to rise out of Mo. and he was the kind of person you describe here. Very interesting insight.
2 hours ago
Ad….Cohn was a thinker….sinister but a thinker…..I can see him doing as you suggest and passing it off as original.
2 hours ago

Ad if he pulled out of Super Tuesday he’s just sent up the flag of concession. IA isn’t going to get him anything but more humilation.
2 hours ago
DeSantis is facing growing, fearsome headwinds in FL….he needs to watch his own office holding….
2 hours ago

Murph I know the famous motto is MO is the Show Me State, but they’ve been shown Trump is nothing but a grifter and they still want to support him? Doesn’t add up.
2 hours ago
Murph – Trump should never have ended up as a potential member of the Hitler Club. So many things went wrong that put him in that position. He is so undeserving of the incredible luck he’s had throughout his life…but karma is finally here for him.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW….they do not see that he is as you label him….He is a visionary hero of the people who leaves the not-real Americans shivering in their shoes such that they cannot defeat him honestly so they steal elections.
2 hours ago
TW – Agreed, DeSantis doesn’t have a prayer of winning in IA or NH. In fact, RamaSWAMPY has passed him in NH and is in 2nd place…way behind Trump of course.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad, Murph just finished Ruth Ben -Ghiat’s book Strong Men Mussolini to the Present and Trump has all the characteristics of those WW2 dictators and some of the modern ones, in fact she does some nice compare and contrasts of Trump with Mussolini
2 hours ago
Ad…..membership in that club is serendipitous…..Hitler and Mussolini are good examples of circumstances making the man. Stalin not so much…..he was, during the revolution a fierce and very focused leader with a well developed ideology….which he generally disregarded once he was in power.
2 hours ago
Murph – DeSantis’ career is over. He is Gov for 2 more years then there is nowhere for him to go. A failed presidential candidate who has no shot of a comeback after failing so spectacularly and I think Dems may have the wind at their backs in FL in 2024 because the people there are really turning against him. His poor wife, she had all her Jackie O. outfits picked out and ready to go.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW…thanks for the book lead….I will look into it.
2 hours ago
Ad….SO FUNNY…..His wife as the deluded spouse of the Delusional Gov.
2 hours ago
TW – Very interesting! What did she write as being the biggest traits Trump has in common with Mussolini?
AdLib2 hours ago
I have a friend who is on the faculty at the New College (math) and she says that the school is imploding with even those who backed D losing faith AND interest in him.
2 hours ago
Murph – I think you’re right, the rise of dictators is serendipitous in many cases. The wrong person being in the right place by accisent at the right times. Trump would never have been seriously considered in previous decades, he’d have been defeated as easily as Goldwater was back then. But in the age of social media, Trump is a force to be reckoned with. Prior to social media and Fox News, I don’t think Trump would’ve had a prayer.
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph there is part of me that understand why they see him that way, but the logical side of me has very hard time comprehending why they refuse to see he is an incompetent blowhard and the country will go to hell in a hand basket if he gets back in.
2 hours ago
Ad….completely agree…..
2 hours ago
TW…..you use the L Word as if it is something that the Trumpistas would respect, value or see. Logic…code word for Lib
2 hours ago
Murph – I’ve read articles about New College rapidly deteriorating, of course, when it becomes a nasty playground for DeSantis to pour in radical right indoctrination and wring out all the missions and character it had before. What’s the point of the school now and who wants to teach or study there? They’ve stacked it full of athletes who couldn’t care less about liberal arts, so it’s just a school for low level athletes who couldn’t get into a halfway decent school. It is already a massive failure and students are bailing.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad she talks about how Mussolini would promise things and not deliver, place his sycophants in office, spied on everyone only would have those who told him he was great around him and was total sexual deviate along with being thief. Then there is Berlusconi he and Trump have a lot in common.
2 hours ago

Murph you’re correct on the L word, it’s residue from my days programming. Logic was king!!
2 hours ago
You know my familiar song, Repubs are cultists and when you see that this is not just a perjoritive but an accurate summation of the mentality of MAGAs, everything that makes no sense about their mentalities make perfect sense. Trump is their savior, he would die for their sins, he is more than just a normal human being, he appears as Jesus and a superhero in their renderings of him, this is plainly what a cult is and you can’t argue anyone out of being an avid cult follower.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad the problem with people believing Trump would die for them is a fantasy on their part.
an hour ago
Wow, she really nailed that comparison! I wonder if those are just the same traits that malignant narcisists exhibit when achieving power?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad….I think you sum up what is happening a NC…..really accurately. My friend teaches math as a subject which is a part of the tool box for students in a variety of majors. She is convinced that she is facing students unready to work and planning not to which will either result in her lowering stands so her pass rate is acceptable to the powers that be or being honest and being driven out. She refuses to quit.
an hour ago

Ad not just Mussolini Berlusconi, but Hilter, Gaddafi as well.
an hour ago
TW – Trump is trying to throw his sons under the bus right now, according to that transcript that was just released. He said Eric was the one in charge of everything and signed off on the fraudulent things he’s accused of in the NY case. His own sons! And these morons think Trump would sacrifice himself for total unknowns? Really, total morons.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…that Mussolini/Trump comparison is eerie….I wonder if Trump is a sexual deviate now….he strikes me as a eunuch who talks a good game but whole is really gutless and ballets.
an hour ago
Gutless and lacking balls.
an hour ago

Ad I am seeing that. He’s such a great father everyone should have a Father like that.
an hour ago
Ad….I have many neighbors who worship at ST’s altar as the Novus Christus.
an hour ago

Murph all the dictators she writes about were in that classification.
an hour ago
Ad…..Baron figured out long ago that his biological father was no one’s “dad”
an hour ago
Tw…..not at all surprising.
an hour ago
Murph – Very sad to hear she’s confirming that fully. She sounds very principled and dedicated but I hate to say it, it’s a losing cause. Has to be hard for her, she probably loved teaching at such an open and wonderful school and doesn’t want to just give up, I think that’s noble. But the nihilist propagandists have taken full control of the school, this is the beginning of the end and it’s not going to turn around I hate to say. DeSantis sees it as an important part of his legacy to “Borg” it into a Repub propaganda factory and resistence is futile.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph I think I mentioned last week he is trying to get Barron involved in his campaign but Melaina is not having it. Seems there seems to be some very strong discussion going on about that. That’s what I got from the article I read last week.
an hour ago
Murph – Trump raped E. Jean Carroll, had sex with Stormy while his wife was giving birth, lusts after Ivanka, was besties with Jeffrey Epstein, I don’t think we have to dig much deeper to find out if Trump is a sexual deviant.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad….she is my age….mid 70’s and has no plans to leave and no need to. She is financially secure so she has decided to go down fighting….a viking funeral….she reminds me a lot of Choice.
an hour ago
Murph – I think Baron’s father was a Russian basketball player.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad don’t forget about his going into the dressing rooms of the contestants of his beauty pageant.
an hour ago
Murph – All respect to her, she is fighting the good fight. It does suck when the fight is so unfair, it can’t be won. But that only makes her a more noble warrior for what’s right. Props to her!
AdLiban hour ago
TW….I have read similar stories about Melania’s shield re. Barron. You do know that she and Barron call a large bungalow at Mira Lago “home” and that she and Barron get a monthly allowance in exchange for their “cooperation” i.e. silence.
an hour ago
TW – Right! And add to that his Access Hollywood confession about happily groping and molesting women.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…quite possible…..Barron is quite the athlete apparently.
an hour ago
Ad…yeah he frolics in Bacchus’ Grove……just being snarky.
an hour ago

I’ve said it before, I believe she has a private plane on 24/7 and when the bank account hits a certain number or Trump cross the line she has set the phone call will be made and she and Barron are on their way to NY to pick up her parents and then she is off to places unknown.
an hour ago
Murph – I have no ill will towards Baron, he’s essentially an innocent in all of this. But Melania is awful just like Trump. She started off prostituting herself, as a golddigger and has been happily supportive of him through most of his criminal career, finally getting annoyed when the publicity of being a presidential candidate and president put the hot spotlight on him and her. Never forget, as immigrant children were being torn away from their parents sadistically, Melania wore that coat saying, “I really don’t care, do you?”
AdLiban hour ago
BTW….it looks like the Ukrainian Army has broken through the main Russian defensive line….all over the breaking news sources.
an hour ago
TW…she is certainly capable such a maneuver.
an hour ago
She is evil too. Her ex-friend, Stephanie Winston Wolkof has dished on how corrupt and nasty Melania was as First Lady and how she embezzled money from Trump’s inaugural fund.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph heard that about the Ukrainian Army hope the can hold out till the they get their F15s. But I have give them props, they’ve are very resourceful have developed their own drones that are hitting targets in Russia.
an hour ago
TW – I think she’s like a vulture, waiting for Trump to go to prison then she’ll steal everything including the Mar-a-Lago kitchen sinks.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…..your assessment of Melania is one with which I agree….I am just pointing out that she has put on brass knuckles to hold on the good life….as to Barron, I do not know if he is a good egg or not, but the chicken coop from which he hails I would not count on his integrity.
an hour ago

Murph the family that was with you are they still or have them moved on?
an hour ago
Murph – I am really excited about that news, that Ukraine has broken through the Russian line. From what I read, there aren’t a lot of trained fighters behind the lines and resistence will be far weaker than the front line. If they could rout the Russians this Fall and reclaim Crimea? It would be so incredible!
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I know nothing about Baron except he is incredibly tall. The problem is, look who his role models are, I wouldn’t expect him to come out of his childhood as a well-adjusted man, more likely he’s been very psychologically damaged.
AdLiban hour ago
TW….from what I am reading the Russian tactics are right out of the WWI strategic handbook….dig in….while the Ukrainian forces operate using a dynamic vs. static mode.and with higher competence among their front line troops. They seem to making very good use of the weapons tech they are being given.
an hour ago

Murph as to Barron he’s just a kid, and he had no choice who his father is one can only hope he doesn’t take on his traits. The only other child that seems to have not been totally corrupted by him is his other daughter Tiffiany. My understanding is she didn’t have a lot to do with the family and she is in her own world but who knows.Right?
an hour ago
TW…the family has moved on…..and instill moving….settling is proving difficult. I maintain an open-door but they had come to hate Mo.
an hour ago
As for Melania, one has to always consider that people who tie themselves to monsters are most likely monsters of some degree themselves. What woman of character could marry and be with Trump? Only a golddigger like her, someone as greedy as Trump who lusts for money and “things” and is willing to be debased and disgusted as the price. She is not a good person, she is a monster of some kind no matter how it may seem.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph you’re right about the weapons and tech they have been given. I understand there is a problem with the mine fields the Russians have planted but it seems they’re figuring that out but that has to be a slog for them.
an hour ago
Ad…..the demoralization of Russian forces when they are pushed back is one of the deeply rooted characteristics in their armed forces.
an hour ago

Ad as that ole saying goes lie down with a dog get up with fleas.
an hour ago

Murph the Russia economy or what’s left of it has to be demoralizing to the people. But since all they get state lies it’s hard to know what they think of the war.
an hour ago
When one lives in the swamp it is hard to swallow mud…..Melanie is deep into the swamp….I do not know about Barron but it is hard to imagine him being able to hold off the corruption inherent in that family.
an hour ago
TW – We saw Tiffany only a little during Trump’s campaign, she was all in behind him and obnoxious and ridiculous. Like his sons, not a bright bulb. She humiliated herself then disappeared from the campaign. Not a well adjusted person as I think Baron won’t be. Not his fault but having the horrible parents he’s had, very unlikely he turns out well-adjusted.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph sorry to hear the family had to leave and even more sorry about how they feel about MO.
an hour ago
It was so kind of you to help that Ukrainian family. I’m sorry to hear they’re haveing a hard time settling down. Hope they find the situation they need, I have so much respect and admiration for Ukrainians.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…..when the co-op/association folded they accepted my hospitality but we all knew it was temporary.
an hour ago
Ad….that family had roots in farming and they hoped that my venture would welcome them and they would prosper….but the venture died.
an hour ago

Ad well she does have his DNA. But for the most part Tiffany is not is his orbit at the moment. So I don’t think we need to worry about her, isn’t her husband some sort of prince or something maybe she’s over in his country mucking things up there.
an hour ago
Murph – Add to that, the best of the Russian military has lost a majority of their soldiers, they now have convicts, terrified draftees, immigrants forced into service, the Russian forces behind the front line decline greatly in training and ability. No doubt, demoralization and outright fear will grow among them. But many who try to flee are shot and threatened that their families will be harmed.
AdLiban hour ago
I suspect that the only thing that could save Barron is a full scale exorcism.
an hour ago

Murph hopefully they will find a place where they can settle and farm it’s too bad they have to keep trekking so to speak.
an hour ago
TW – True that! And who’s more of a dog than Trump? Even though he naturally hates dogs because they’re loyal and love unconditionally.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad they are now drafting 50 year olds
an hour ago
Ad….agree with your analysis of the Russian forces internal morale…let me add….the Wagner Group was the principal player in the gaining of ground and the holding of territory….No more.
an hour ago
TW – I think Biden and NATO allies need to drop bigger hammers on the Russian economy. They’re getting around a lot of sanctions.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad wasn’t it Truman who said if you want a friend in Washington get a dog?
an hour ago
Murph – Agreed about living in the swamp but I think the assumption shouldn’t be made that Melania wasn’t a swamp creature before Trump met her.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…I think that the Allies are hoping that the war can be won at the front….without further economic sanctions given their impact far afield of Russia.
an hour ago
Murph – I understand, that is another pity of the failure of your association.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad you’re not alone with that assessment. General McCafferty(spelling) want the US to give them bigger artillery guns.
an hour ago
TW – No, we don’t need to worry about Tiffany running for president or anything but she is a screwed up and low IQ Trump like the rest of them.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – Funny! Barron could benefit from an exorcism or maybe a cult deprogrammer.
AdLiban hour ago
My neighbors and beyond have seen the impact of the death of the co-op as it has affected them. The co-op’s work on price margins, marketing, innovative agricultural methods, shared resources touched a number of those not members……now our fulcrum is no more.
an hour ago
TW – Can you imagine the desperation that Putin is experiencing, to draft 50 year olds as soldiers? Talk about throwing people into a meat grinder. Putin believes that he can win the war by just throwing numbers at Ukraine but with all the training, passion and arms they’re receiving from the US and NATO, Putin’s making just as big a mistake about thinking he can win this as he did thinking he could invade and take the country over in a matter of hours. How many hours has it been now?
AdLiban hour ago

Ad my understanding is Tiffinay went to U of Penn and Georgetown Law school, but hey she could have had help both financial and test wise. But as you say we won’t be seeing her run for President.
an hour ago
Murph – True, in fact, Putin and his generals have to be worried that some of Wagner may strike out at them for their assassination of their leader. Russia could collapse so quickly if certain things happened.
AdLiban hour ago
If only Trump were Prez….the war would over….that is a serious claim by folks I know….my response….”yeah no weapons, no money for Ukraine to help out Pal Putin.”
an hour ago
TW – Yes, you’re right. Have a lot of issues with Truman but he was right about DC not being a place to have a trusted friend, unless you get a dog.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad Putin is indeed desperate.
an hour ago
Ad…..I have read that most of the leadership corps in the Wagner forces has melted away….fled, hiding…..leaving behind troops in chaos.
an hour ago
Murph – I think you’re right, that it’s harder to get the allies to go in on deeper sanctions but they really should and try and take more of the burden off of Ukraine’s people defeating Russia militarily.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad….those sanctions may be necessary if a military victory is not in the cards.
an hour ago
TW – I am all for giving Ukraine the most powerful weapons, nukes aside of course. They are willing to fight for their country but they’re fighting for the entire Western world so reward how valuable they are by giving them the very best to defeat Russia.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad there are some things I’m pretty sure Putin isn’t doing, visiting any buildings with more than 1 story, standing next to windows, and he has grounded his private jets.
an hour ago
TW – She used her last name to get into those schools but Trump has kind of cut her off financially, I heard.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad….when Ukrainian pilots take to the air in advance fighters Russia will lose what control it has of the skies….most of it committed to protection their own lines….without it a rout is quite possible.
44 minutes ago
Murph – RamaSWAMPY said in more detail how he and Trump would end the war. Stop supporting Ukraine, tell them to give Russia the land it occupies and block them from ever joining NATO…before trying to disband and destroy NATO. Then ally with Russia and everything will be hunky dory!
AdLib44 minutes ago
Ad…Traitors. Both of them.
43 minutes ago
Murph – I sure hope that’s the case, Wagner was far more effective than Russian troops in Ukraine and if their leadership is stepping away, that should really help the Ukrainians.
AdLib43 minutes ago

Murph was reading today the Tanks they were getting from Germany were older models but according to the article they are making due and will be using them in the field soon.
42 minutes ago
TW – I’ll bet you’re right. Putin is probably hiding out in an underground bunker in St Petersberg and when he does have to have meetings, he has a massively long table that has each end in different rooms.
AdLib42 minutes ago
Ad…what I read says that there is so much concern about a floor to ceiling purge of the entire leadership corps they have no choice but to scurry away. Putin has shot off his own kneecap.
42 minutes ago
TW…..I have read the same thing about the tanks……not the newest generation but one removed.
40 minutes ago
Murph – But I don’t think they’re even training yet for the US jets, is that the case? It’s going to take time that they can’t really afford.
AdLib40 minutes ago

Ad did you said underground bunker?? Hmm shades of some other mad leader.
40 minutes ago
From ABC: The Pentagon on Thursday announced that beginning in October the U.S. will provide F-16 training to a small number of Ukrainian pilots and maintenance teams in addition to the much larger number that will be trained in Europe. Posted Aug 24, 2023
39 minutes ago

Murph yes but they as the article said they are making do. Have to had it to them how they adapt.
39 minutes ago
Murph – No kidding! How can presidential candidates run on, “We promise to abandon democratic countries to Russia which is our enemy and guilty of war crimes!” How is that an “America First” mentality? It sounds like “Russia First!”
AdLib39 minutes ago
Well I am. wilting….despite the enlivening conversation…. see you both next week.
38 minutes ago

Murph take care see you next week. Have good Labor day.
38 minutes ago
Thanks TW……I shall Labor on the Day!
38 minutes ago

37 minutes ago
Murph – Very interesting! And I would think any in leadership at Wagner also have to worry that they’re seen as potential traitors and could be assassinated too. If they’re fleeing, it would make sense and be just desserts for Putin killing their leader in such a cowardly way.
AdLib37 minutes ago
Take care Murph, have a wonderful Labor Day!
AdLib37 minutes ago
Ad….I agree with your portrait……and so we shall see….Happy Labor(less) Day.
36 minutes ago
Labor(less) Day it is!
AdLib36 minutes ago

Yes it will be.
36 minutes ago
BBQ Day for me!
AdLib36 minutes ago

36 minutes ago
My labor is on the BBQ!
AdLib35 minutes ago
So TW, shall I call you?
AdLib35 minutes ago

I will call you wife is sleep, give me a min.
35 minutes ago
AdLib34 minutes ago
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