Vox Populi

AdLib Los Angeles


Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib4 hours ago

Hello from Dublin, Ireland


3 hours ago


AdLib3 hours ago

How are things there?

AdLib3 hours ago

Fine. Visiting Fergie1 tomorrow. Will give her your love.


3 hours ago

Please do!

AdLib3 hours ago

Your travels have been going nicely?

AdLib3 hours ago

As you know, met TW and had a ball. Talked all afternoon about All was OK, except for Buffalo-Boston. 7 hours!! Don’t ask about travel!


3 hours ago

talked about everything.


3 hours ago

7 hours??? By car?

AdLib3 hours ago

TW is like you, CL, Murph, and the rest of Voxers, hours can fly by with wide ranging, enjoyable and interesting conversation.

AdLib3 hours ago

I feel fortunate to have met all of you!

AdLib3 hours ago

stand by!


3 hours ago

Standing by!

AdLib3 hours ago

Well, the fun began when the Buf-Bos flight was an hour late departing. Then we got to Boston and started circling around for 90 minutes. No word from the cockpit. Then we noticed we were climbing and heading SW. Then pilot says sorry, we tried to get into Bos but the weather stayed over it, so we’re off to JFK for Fuel. Land in JFK about 11. One hour later we cranked up the old steam engine and headed back to Boston. No one was allowed off the plane, even those heading to JFK in the beginning. We land in Boston at 01.20, just too late for the shuttle to where Tim would pick me up. We finally got our luggage at 3.00am!!!!! So I said Dammit and got a taxi to Milford, where i was booked into the Sonesta. It was the most terrifying taxi ride I ever had. He swerved all over the road,slowed down then sped up for no reason. I almost kissed the ground when he finally, after getting lost twice , dropped me off. at 5.00 AM.


3 hours ago

That sounds insane! What a nightmare! And I know they don’t like to have too much fuel in planes than they need for their destinations but running low on fuel after an hour and a half extra?

AdLib3 hours ago

What kind of weather was over Boston? Thunderstorms? That cab ride though, I’ve had some worrisome drivers but yours sounds so much worse than the poor deivers I’ve ever had. And I’d guess the driver you get at 3am is not as likely to be sane or sober!

AdLib3 hours ago

Nah, they said the flight would be 2 hours longer than usual due to circling around the weather, like via Vermont!


3 hours ago

It’s not like weather suddenly pops up from nowhere, how did they not anticipate the potentia issue? Or just a corporate greed situation of not wanting to delay a flight on the ground and possibly be subject to giving passengers compensation?

AdLib3 hours ago

BifgTstorms, huge rain, flooding, etc. All flights late so baggage all over the place. Nightmare. The driver was, i think night blind, couldn’t stay in his lane and when looking at the GPS, wandered all over the shop


3 hours ago

Anyway, Loos as if someone, orange hued is about to Find Out.


3 hours ago

Right, I know those kinds of storms can happen around this time of the year on the East Coast but as mentioned, they should’ve been able to track the storm, know the intensity and not forced everyone up in the air to be messed around with.

AdLib3 hours ago

Yep, can’t wait for next week, sure looks like the biggest indictment for 1/6 against Dump happens then.

AdLib3 hours ago

I think the oracle misread the chicken entrails.


3 hours ago

Are we seeing, finally, the demise of Murderous Mitch? Hope so.


3 hours ago

And within the next 2 weeks, a conspiracy/racketeering case in GA against Trump. No way he has a prayer of winning but his only Hail Mary is hoping that somehow he can do what he has no real chance to do, win the presidency primarily to pardon himself from his many crimes. But…that won’t affect any convictions and imprisonments by the state of GA.

AdLib3 hours ago

Mitch looked like a ventriliquist dummy after the hand was pulled out.

AdLib3 hours ago

I hear he does not have the power to pardon himself, because he would have to admit all wrongdoing and his ego wouldn’t contemplate that.


3 hours ago

I hate to say it but I think a mandatory retirement age, maybe 70, may need to be instituted to keep these narcissists from staying in office until their bodies burst into dust.

AdLib3 hours ago

Agree, as do a lot of people now. Lifetime appointments should be abolished and term limits imposed, even if a bit generous.


3 hours ago

First off, I agree, he could never admit his guilt but that wouldn’t stop him from trying to pardon himself. I don’t think it’s constitutional anyway so if he did, he would technically be admitting guilt then have his pardon pulled and be opened up to prosecutions for admitting guilt.

AdLib3 hours ago

Hmmm, interesting. TW and I talked at length on this and other subjects. Boy, is he knowledgable


3 hours ago

I don’t think people who are 80 years old can’t do the job in some cases. Look at Nancy Pelosi, she’s 83 and was recently one of the greatest Speakers in US history. It’s just that for one of her, you have McConnells, Feinsteins, Ron Johnsons, and other barely functioning pols.

AdLib3 hours ago

We both agree that one of the most dangerous players is Bannon.


3 hours ago

Yes he is! Nothing more enjoyable than conversations with people who are so smart about so many things!

AdLib3 hours ago

Joe’s not doing too shabbily, is he?


3 hours ago

Yes, Bannon hopefully will be caught up in Jack Smith’s 1/6 case and convicted and imprisoned for the rest of his unnatural life.

AdLib3 hours ago

From your lips…. Anyway, it is approaching 1.30 am in Dublin, so I’m going to say sorry, but I gotta sleep. Glad to be back, though. Take care and love to CL


3 hours ago

Joe is doing very well and I give him a lot of credit for bringing around him a very smart and effective team in his Admin who have also helped make this one of the greatest presidencies. I wish Joe was younger and had more verve but he is handling the job very competently and efficiently so there really shouldn’t be a question between America under him or Trump.

AdLib3 hours ago

For sure. Cheerio for now.


3 hours ago

Have a great night’s sleep! All all miss you later tonight! Glad you’re in Dublin and seeing Fergie! Night!

AdLib3 hours ago

All will

AdLib3 hours ago

Hey Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

Just read through your conversation with PPO…..great stuff


an hour ago

Wish he could be here at the regular time but one of us has to cover Dublin.

AdLiban hour ago

Last two weeks I was in campaign meetings……really think a lot of Kunce.


an hour ago

Hey Ad and Murph!


an hour ago

Any thoughts stand out from the meetings?

AdLiban hour ago

Hey CL!

AdLiban hour ago

Time zone differences make for tricky conversations.


an hour ago

CL….you and me here early…….omen?


an hour ago

Oh, -sorry to miss PPO!


an hour ago

Yep, hard to get folks in the EU and Australia on our timeframe.

AdLiban hour ago

Well, let’s see how well the eyes hold up. It gets worse by the day.


an hour ago

CL…what is going on with your eyes?


an hour ago

CL – PPO was here very early, hours before Vox starts.

AdLiban hour ago

CL – That is so messed up! I have lost so much faith in ophthalmologists.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – same old, same old – cataract complicated by macular degeneration. Have the second surgery Sept. 18 with TWO surgeons just in case the cataract removal goes south as it did for the left eye a year ago.


an hour ago

I have heard more cautionary tales from people who have had eye surgeries than success stories.

AdLiban hour ago

Well, anyone having JUST cataract surgery whom I have known have been very happy with it. But the double whammy is complicated, so I will be far better tended this time. The eye fixed last year is OK now but the right eye pretty much sucks.


an hour ago

CL….oh my….that is awful and you have borne this burden for quite a while…I thought things were “looking up” (sorry! could resist) but apparently complications have become a part of the package.


an hour ago

So is it any coincidence that amidst all the Hunter Biden and RFK Jr. conspiracy hearings by the Repub House, they have a UFO hearing?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad Lib….they are SO bizarre.


an hour ago

CL – I’ve heard dissatisfaction from people who have had Lasik surgery too.

AdLiban hour ago

LOL – Murph – yes, things were better with new glasses. But cataracts keep on keeping on, and until Sept. I’m not in good shape. I can still drive to the store and places I know, but that’s growing problematic, too. I read w Kindle. But onscreen is harder and harder. The surgery will get it all put to rights.


an hour ago

Murph – UFOs are real but elections are fake.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – Lasik is turning out to be VERY iffy. I’m so glad I never did it.


an hour ago

Good evening everyone.


an hour ago

Ad – you have summed up the universe of Q in that – UFOs yes. Elections no. Upon these two verses, all the Q world depends.


an hour ago

CL….you are an optimistic trooper……the unsinkable choice lady…


an hour ago

Anyone chilling champagne for Trump’s indictment on 1/6 next week? And how about those new charges on Trump trying to destroy the surveillance videos? I mean, the guy IS as stupid as he is criminally-minded.

AdLiban hour ago

TW!!! So good to SEE you – now I know what you look like! You are quite handsome. I’m so glad PPO posted that grand photo of you both. Where were you when that was taken>


an hour ago

Hey TW! Hear you and PPO had a good old time!

AdLiban hour ago

AND It looks like his private secretary has flipped….she is one of the named sources noted by Kelly’s crowd.


an hour ago

Murph – I decided some time ago that if I go blind, I’m getting a snarling dog and a white cane with points and becoming some kind of Super Hag defending the world for justice!


an hour ago

Hi…TW…..envy your good time.but glad you had it.


an hour ago

CL – Word is that QAnon was a psy-op that Michael Flynn may have been involved in orchestrating.

AdLiban hour ago

CL….you are indomitable.


an hour ago

Murph – Really? Trump’s private secretary has flipped?

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – after Mitch’s moment a couple of days ago, tonight’s RW screed is Biden being “incoherent”.


an hour ago

Ad – had NOT read that about Q and Flynn, but somehow it all makes sense, doesn’t it?


an hour ago

CL – There’s a comic book character called Daredevil, he’s blind but uses his heightened senses to “see” and fight crime as a gifted brawler. Just saying…

AdLiban hour ago

Hey all yes PPO and I had a great time he is a fantastic person loads of fun and it was pleasure and honor to meet him. So Ad thanks for making sure we could get together.


an hour ago

Ad – I live to be the female equivalent of Daredevil.


an hour ago

Murph it was a good time learned a lot from him and about him.


an hour ago

CL – I mentioned to PPO that McConnell looked like a hand puppet after the hand has been pulled out.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO you’re too kind.


an hour ago

Just reported…..let me look for the name……


an hour ago

TW – Knowing both of you, I thought a get-together would be really rewarding and enjoyable. Still going to push a PPOV/Vox annual get-together! Everyone here is so brilliant and clever, for all of us to be in the same room would be a chef’s kiss.

AdLiban hour ago

All I have Granddaughter in office with me but she is watching TV and talking to me so may be distracted a bit but I will test my powers of concertation what does one do with a talkative 16 year old.


an hour ago

Sidebar – has anyone heard from Harleigh? I don’t think I’ve seen him here since the awful floods earlier this year which makes me worry about him


an hour ago

CL – You are already a female Daredevil who can still see, in my book.

AdLiban hour ago

TW….say hello to your grand for us.


an hour ago

Harleigh…not a word….yes, concerning


an hour ago

Patience says thank you and Hi


an hour ago

Well, after the cataract surgery – even w complications for which my retinologist is on standby in the room, I should FINALLY see well enough to be fully functional.


an hour ago

CL…fingers crossed.


an hour ago

TW – Your granddaughter comes first, no question. Please tell her that GrandDad’s friends in CA and MO say hello!

AdLiban hour ago

CL cataract surgery wow.


an hour ago

TW – tell her we all say HI!


an hour ago

CL – Harleigh was here for a little while two weeks ago. He’s okay.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad she knows and she is doing fine she has control of the remote so their is little to worry about


an hour ago

Well, TW – it’s cataract and a possible vitrectomy which is why I’m graced with BOTH surgeons that day. Had complications in the Left eye last year, so we’re bringing in the big guns this time just in case.


an hour ago

Ad…good to hear re. Harleigh…thanks for keeping track Ad


an hour ago

Ad – so relieved to know Harleigh’s OK’/


an hour ago

Hi Patience! TW, let her know I have a 20 year old daughter who seems like she was 16 just a few days ago!

AdLiban hour ago

Patience….what a fine moniker.


an hour ago

Ad – she seems she was SEVEN just a couple of years ago. I do like that daughter of yours!


an hour ago

TW – She who controls the remote, controls the future.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph is what her father named her telling it was because of all the patience I had with him.


an hour ago

Be back in a few minutes….call I have been waiting for re. an effort tomorrow.


an hour ago

CL I hope everything goes well for you.


an hour ago

Wait Ad – I gave up our TV and don’t HAVE a remote. Does this mean Greg and I are DOOMED?


an hour ago

Ad she controls a lot more. It can get scary,


an hour ago

TW – thank you. I am quite comfortable with it all. Two excellent surgeons who have done this before. All shall be well.


an hour ago

CL – Thanks, I always share with her your lovely thoughts of her! She’s working an internship this Summer, her first professional job and just told me of her plans for starting her career when she graduates college. I am impressed as you would be.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – just remember she chooses the nursing home when time comes. Best to be careful with the young’uns.


an hour ago

Ad your daughter is laying out her career plans that’s great.


an hour ago

CL ture words


an hour ago

Ad – We will catch up on her plans. I am NOT surprised. She was “brung up well”.


an hour ago

CL – You have a remote control for life so you and hubby will be just fine. But you’ll have to change channels on tv manually.

AdLiban hour ago

Well, we got Sling and find it meets our news needs since we watch only that and PBS.


an hour ago

TW – She’s a 16 year old girl, of course she’s in control of so much!

AdLiban hour ago

All I was just told she wouldn’t put me in a home, I have to stay in my office, so I’m on my own. Ouch!!


an hour ago

TW – hey – that’s not so bad so long as she brings food and what you want to watch and read. And there’s a bathroom…


an hour ago



an hour ago

TW – It’s been a process for her but seeing her vision for her future and ambition, recognizing now what she thinks she wants her career to be and all, it’s very exciting.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – that’s exciting to read!


an hour ago

Ad well we both know 16 year olds change their minds often. So there may be hope. I do have my daughter I can count on well I think I can.


an hour ago

CL – I will update you on daughter. Teen years can be challenging but my goal was always to help guide her to realizing her potential and having a very satisfying and successful path in life. You know, like all parents, Aunts, Uncles, grandparents, etc.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Looks like you’ve got some work ahead of you with Patience!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad right now she wants to be a writer.


an hour ago

TW – laudable ambition.


an hour ago

Any young person would be most fortunate to have parents as mindful as you all are of your role and their development as complete persons.


an hour ago

I second Murph on that observation’


an hour ago

CL – I have Sling too, a great alternative to the cable and satellite companies (though it is owned by Dish).

AdLiban hour ago

Thanks Murph


an hour ago

CL I think she might even bring me the occasional beer.


an hour ago

Ok….what is Sling?


an hour ago

Sling is owned by Dish – is that Murdoch? I thought he had Direct TV. I get VERY confused.


an hour ago

TW – that’s really all you need, isn’t it?


an hour ago

CL and a lots of chips


an hour ago

TW – So true, 16 year olds change their minds a lot. Funny how something they really liked months ago can be an “old” thing they’re not interested in months later.

AdLiban hour ago

Sling is an online streaming service through which I get MSNBC and occasional other things. It’s very inexpensive.


an hour ago

TW – well, of course – the chips kind of go without saying…


an hour ago

CL…thanks…I have Directv and am generally happy with it.


an hour ago

Whatever works, Murph.


an hour ago

Ad I believe the writing is something she will stick with. At least I hope she does, but will encourage to make sure there is a backup plan.


an hour ago

TW – You shoud be very proud of her, wanting to be a writer is an impressive and noble pursuit! I know she reads a lot, that too makes her very special, especially in this era of social media and electronics.

AdLiban hour ago

All – young people who read are worth their weight in gold.


an hour ago

TW – I suspect the “writing gene” has been passed to her by her grandfather.


an hour ago

Murph – Sling is a very good alternative to cable and satellite, streams the major channels over the internet, is only $40 or $45 a month (depending on the package) and has a built-in DVR. I left DirecTV after ATT was exposed for financing and founding OANN. A much better alternative.

AdLiban hour ago

CL – No, Sling is not Murdoch, that’s SkyTV.

AdLiban hour ago

CL this one does her fair share of reading. Took her to Barnes and Noble got her five books. she picked five books in Newport when she was with my oldest and I ordered her some poetry books and yesterday she wanted to visit the library and picked up a book their.


an hour ago

I saw Oppenheimer last week. Extraordinary. Packed theater, mostly older folk. When the lights came up I discovered there was a row of teens, 4 couples, two rows behind me. They were totally baffled by the whole thing. A women behind them leaned forward and said in a kind voice….”Kids, you really do have start reading…really.”


an hour ago

Ad – that’s why we left ATT, same reason. I’m perfectly happy with Sling. Glad it’s NOT Murdoch.


an hour ago

Murph I have you to thank for that.


an hour ago

TW – That’s impressive to me, she has a passion for a meaningful pursuit in life as a writer. One day we’ll all be able to read what she writes!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad let’s hope so.


an hour ago

TW…kind of you to say but your gift is very real and persistent in its demand to be utilized.


an hour ago

Murph – what a GREAT comment from the woman in the theater! I cannot believe the lack of knowledge kids have of OUR recent past. Our granddaughter knows NOTHING of her grandfather’s work as the young man who refused SF State’s President who demanded the paper shut down during the strike for Black studies. He kept it printing and truth telling. Spent 60 days in jail for it. And she has no clue.


an hour ago

All on a different note, was talking with PPO and looks like he will back with later in Aug once he gets settled in to his new condo


an hour ago

Murph – So much of your Oppenheimer experience is enlightening. I’m in LA as you know, screenings are sold out here too. I am thrilled that a film about history, science, and conscience is selling out.

AdLiban hour ago

Choice……I have had the chance every now and then to spend time with young people and their lack of depth is sad and worrisome.


an hour ago

CL – Same here, happy with Sling and happier not to be funding ATT who funds/funded MAGA, Trump and OANN.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad….I saw it the first weekend but was not properly prepared. Nolan throws a lot at the viewer and presumes knowledge that is quite substantial. I did my homework the next week and went back for a second viewing. WOW….what a difference.


an hour ago

CL – Remarkable story and a real shame granddaughter is so uninformed about what a great man her grandfather was.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph that’s really something. But I have to say I’m not surprised that the teens knew little about the event.


an hour ago

TW – Thanks for the update on PPO. He is missed but we all understand he’s traveling so much and has to get himself all squared away with his new home.

AdLib44 minutes ago

CL…if your granddaughter can remain so much in the dark in a family with you as a matriarch then that really is a cause for concern.


44 minutes ago

Ad yes he was on his way back to Ireland


44 minutes ago

Murph – Very interesting! So you advise I bone up on Oppenheimer et al before watching the film?

AdLib43 minutes ago

I knew who Greg was before I knew Greg. Her Mom is afraid of political clashes and has not told her of him. But, trust this, I WILL.


43 minutes ago

TW – Yes, scroll all the way up and you’ll see PPO chatting with me before Vox started tonight! He’s in Dublin tonight.

AdLib43 minutes ago

He’s coming back to Boston on his way to ‘Stralia? Cool! I knew who his father was from “Moby Dick” – I never forgot his father in that. I was a little kid, but HE was impressive.


42 minutes ago

Ad…l do….I had no idea of how little I really understood…..I have done a good bit of reading since and. seen two documentaries (one on MSNBC that was extraordinary) The second viewing was like seeing it for the first time.


42 minutes ago

CL he mentioned that and I was taken aback as I recognized him from the movie.


41 minutes ago

Our granddaughter has little use for us. We are gift givers, nothing more.


41 minutes ago

CL – I know you know this but her mom is so wrong to “protect” her granddaughter by keeping her ignorant. Ignorance puts people at risk from other people who aren’t, it doesn’t protect them. It handicaps them in life.

AdLib41 minutes ago

CL….she has no idea what she is missing….none.


41 minutes ago

I feel as if I know Noel Purcell from all the things PPO has posted about him.


41 minutes ago

Murph – the term “narcissism” was coined for our granddaughter sad to say.


40 minutes ago

May I ask all of you….how are you handling the heat…the shape of things to come.


40 minutes ago

Greg’s older daughter is superficially politically active, but the younger one, Chlose’s mom, fears it.


40 minutes ago

CL – Same here, PPO’s father stuck in my mind when I was young, he was a perfect archetype of an old British sailor.

AdLib40 minutes ago

CL….I am so sorry….what a sorrow that must be for you given your devotion to. the good of the many.


39 minutes ago

Murph – we have been OK in Sacramento. We have to turn the thermostat UP to 80 between 4 and 8 pm to protect the grid, and to protect our AC, but we’ve been OK. Even when it was 110.


38 minutes ago

Murph – she is who she is. She lectures everyone about what she knows, she is very bright, but cannot hold a conversation and doesn’t care that she can’t.


38 minutes ago

Murph – That’s fantastic and remarkable to hear that your second viewing was like watching another excellent movie. I will do my homework, I’m a big fan of Nolan’s work and not surprised how much intellect went into creating the script and direction.

AdLib38 minutes ago

There was a TV show Manhattan that was all about the building of the bomb just checked and it’s on amazon prime so that is worth a relook. Have no plans to see the movie will wait and watch it in the comfort of the apartment it will be out soon.


38 minutes ago

CL…and sadly, all of those AC’s running for so long taxes the grid and eats up more fossil fuels.


38 minutes ago

CL – Also the word “entitled” that has hobbled to potential of so many young people.

AdLib37 minutes ago

We have a municipal utility, and amazingly EVERYONE complies with the “don’t use appliances” requests every year. We show a dramatic drop off in use 4-8 pm every weekday as asked. It’s pretty amazing to get that kind of compliance.


36 minutes ago

Ad…..maybe you and I could have a chat……after you see it. Maybe a face to face? And of course, if others of our number wanted to join in….grand.


36 minutes ago

Ad – Entitled is very much applicable. One of the reasons I so like your daughter is that she isn’t like that to me. And I can TALK with her!


36 minutes ago

I’d be game if every understands that on Zoom I look pretty gnarly. I LIKE to think I look better in real life. But a Zoom would be fun.


35 minutes ago

Murph – The heat here in LA is not unusual, had last weeks in 90s but that’s not odd for LA Summers. Many other places in the US are outrageously hot. The ocean in FL is like overly warm bathwater, hardly tolerable. Can’t imagine the amount of bacteria and other nasty stuff growing in FL. And I’m just talking about DeSantis’ campaign so far.

AdLib34 minutes ago

Murph – How are you handling the heat in MO?

AdLib34 minutes ago

Ad – I do not, as you know, believe in a vengeful God, but somehow the potential arises in FL with all they’re suffering and DeSantis at the helm.


33 minutes ago

Or maybe it’s because Trump is in residence? I could see a nasty minded god swatting that state for it all.


32 minutes ago

Several years ago, I was asked by neighbors who were impressed by the Co-Op to advise their son about his education. I had no idea what would happen. These folks are good people but as Missouri as anyone can be. The son, was a junior in high school and a voracious reader….long story short…..I was able to get him into the Jefferson School here and from there he went on to the University of Missouri for the first two years and then Columbia…you never know.


32 minutes ago

BTW folks, those of you who own your home should consider using the current federal credits for solar if you don’t already have it and keep in mind the federal credits for installing heat pumps for AC and heating. That combo will reduce your heating and cooling expenses in the future and we’re seeing what the future will very probably be, long overheated Summers that could burn a financial hole in your pocket. Especially difficult once you’re retired and on a fixed income.

AdLib31 minutes ago

Murph that’s a great story


31 minutes ago

Murph – that is VERY cool. Are his parents OK with his choices? I am assuming they are.


31 minutes ago

Ad – great suggestions. We will look into it.


30 minutes ago

Murph are you still in touch with the young man?


29 minutes ago

CL – The sad thing is that young narcissists who are in a bubble and immune to thinking about other people’s thoughts won’t find out until they’re old narcissists that they’ve thrown away so many opportunities in life that they will never have again.

AdLib29 minutes ago

CL…his parents are two of God’s Wonderful People…they saw in their son a mind (and heart) that should not be limited by the accident of his birth. The young man understands this and I think he will be very good to his mom and dad in the years to come.


29 minutes ago

Ad…his parents are more than ok…overjoyed…..read my comment to CL about them for more.


28 minutes ago

Oh – great news. The federal civil rights case I filed in June for the woman w the despicable CPS mess HAS BEEN PUT ON THE DOCKET! Now – to get her an attorney pro bono. If she wins, and i think she will, she will get MILLIONS, and we will get our money back. Keep your fingers crossed!


28 minutes ago

TW….I am he is someone who enjoys writing. I have invited him to join us but his life is SOOOO full….


27 minutes ago

Murph – that is just wonderful! He will go far and well in life thanks to you.\


27 minutes ago

CL – Great news re. your court duel with CPS.


27 minutes ago

Murph – Yes, that’s why I’m a bit guilt free about using our AC because our solar generates all or nearly all of our electricity each month. We have excess credits some months which are applied to our hotter months. So far, only September out here is a bill bigger than $0 – $50/mo.

AdLib26 minutes ago

Ad – I have been so cut out of her life I can only wait and watch. She will be what she will be. Hope she is OK.


26 minutes ago

CL she has you helping I would say she is in good hands.


26 minutes ago

Murph – we have a solid case. Practically everthing they could do wrong, they did. I don’t see how they can defend themselves.


25 minutes ago

Murph – That is a great idea! We’ve discussed setting up a Zoom chat, we can always do Facetime as well.

AdLib25 minutes ago

TW – that’s the sad part. I’m NOT helping. Her parents don’t let me. She was very rude to me a few years ago at a family gathering, and I have retreated. So my input is nil.


25 minutes ago

Heat in Mo….people here are stunned….it seems pretty clear that something bad is happening even to those who are very thick……our aquifer is suffering, crops are poor-poor-poor, the strain on the grid here has led to brown outs and for the first time many are comparing the experience of NOW with the experience of their childhoods and of their parents. LOTS of SNOW. LOTS of Rain and easy to bear temps. NO MORE.


24 minutes ago

Facetime makes me look even worse. My phone makes me look as if my face is being slammed in an elevator door. I’d opt for Zoom if we could.


24 minutes ago

CL – I do enjoy hearing from you and her friends’ parents that they like how comfortable she is with speaking with…”older adults” (she’s now too old to describe her as a kid talking to adults!).

AdLib24 minutes ago

CL I was referring to the CPS case


23 minutes ago

Ad – she is really FUN to talk to.


23 minutes ago

CL – It’s easy for me to setup a Zoom, let’s all figure out a time and day that would work for everyone. Maybe once PPO is back home and all 5 of us can join in?

AdLib22 minutes ago

TW – yes. I think we have a good shot at winning. There is nothing Placer County did legally and well. NOTHING. It is so bad, I hope it gets criminally referred after our case.


22 minutes ago

Ad – that would be perfect!


22 minutes ago

Ad….is your Zoom idea in re. to the film or is this broader. I am game either way but I would really like to have a chat with folks like us when we have all seen it.


21 minutes ago

It would be SO…exciting to see all of you.


21 minutes ago

Ad sounds like a great idea.


20 minutes ago

CL – I think you’re right about a vengeful God striking down at FL and DeSantis! I saw DeSantis in the latest poll, dropping to 18% and falling behind Tim Scott in NH or IA. So happy that DeSantis is being permanently destroyed in politics nationally. Now…will a decimated FL ever get the sense to put a Dem in his place in 2026?

AdLib20 minutes ago

OK – I’m a reasonably good touch typist, but I am now having real trouble reading. So sending love to you all, I am bidding you adieu for the evening. It’s actually starting to ache. I can’t WAIT for the surgery to get this fixed! Talk to you next week or earlier if something arises. I’ve enjoyed this all. Good night, dear friends.


19 minutes ago

CL – And yes, Trump’s ongoing indictments and eventual convictions can be tied to God’s wrath, works for me!

AdLib19 minutes ago

Ad…..de Satan is a scourge but unfortunately it is those of his ilk who dominate the GOP ranks these days.


19 minutes ago

All DeSantis is beyond being a total Jerk, there are far far worse things I would like to say but out of respect for my granddaughter I will restrain myself.


18 minutes ago

Take care CL


18 minutes ago

Bye CL.


18 minutes ago

Murph so things are getting bad there in MO. Are they still denying Climate Change?


17 minutes ago

Watching DeSantis makes it clear to me that he is uncomfortable with most others….he is off-putting and prone to snarling.


17 minutes ago

CL – That’s fantastic news! I hope she wins, you win and of course, her son wins and can be back with his mom. Oh, and that those criminal lawyers and CPS czars are hammered into the ground.

AdLib16 minutes ago

Sorry, I fell behind again on reading comments. Give me a sec!

AdLib16 minutes ago

And I missed CL’s exit. Oh well…

AdLib15 minutes ago

TW…..fundamentalism, God is in Charge thinking dominates…but it is hard for even the hard headed to deny that even the GOD Fearing Bible Thumping Crowd are suffering.


15 minutes ago

Murph watching talk to a young kid in line asking him what he was eating the child replied snow cone DeNutty said oh something with a lot of sugar.


15 minutes ago

TW….yes I saw that….imagine having him for a dad!


14 minutes ago

Murph I pity his kids.


14 minutes ago

Murph – It’s terrible to hear how farmers and other folk are suffering out there as they are around the country due to Climate Change. It is foolish to grin at the misfortune of anyone in the country or world that Climate Change is hurting because it will strike every oen of us no matter where we are. It’s just too bad that so many have gone along with the politicizing of Climate Change merely to define their political tribe, now they (and we) are suffering due to the cynical opposition to curbing it.

AdLib12 minutes ago

Like one of the crazed. gun toting women in the Maga House…..with a husband and three sons who have walked away from her….eventually the bill comes due in the raising of kids and having a family.


12 minutes ago

Murph what are they saying about all the Trump indictments?


12 minutes ago

Murph – My Zoom idea is the same as you, me, and TW have discussed, having a Video Vox.

AdLib11 minutes ago

Ad….good summation of the trials of climate change.


11 minutes ago

TW….not a lot of talk about the indictments so many are grossly un- Mal- or Mis Informed.


10 minutes ago

Ad…I would love it….


10 minutes ago

Friends….I need to scoot along….I so look forward to these gatherings of the well and like minded.


9 minutes ago

Okay guys I need to leave early need to finish up on a piece I’m working on and this conversation has given me an idea how to wrap it up. Will see you all next week.


9 minutes ago

SO Long….TW and Ad.


8 minutes ago

So here’s a prediction about what could happen in the months to come. Despite all the Repubs in Congress and MAGAs marrying themselves to Trump, all of the indictments will be followed up by highly publicized trials and the public will see first hand the damning evidence of Trump’s criminal acts. Trump WILL be found guilty of many of these charges and buried in damning audio, video and proof. Trump will be so damaged going into Novemebnr, I think many Repubs simply won’t vote.

AdLib8 minutes ag

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