Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib4 hours ago

Here a bit early.


2 hours ago

Hey Murph! Works for me! How’s your Russian history?

AdLib2 hours ago

Because Putin may finally be history.

AdLib2 hours ago

Pretty poor….what you looking for?


2 hours ago

Talk of a coup from Russia, I know.


2 hours ago

Not just talk, it’s happening at least in some way.

AdLib2 hours ago

The Wagner group has crossed back into the country…tanks in the street.


2 hours ago

Yes, can’t think of a country that ever won a war of invasion while having a civil war.

AdLib2 hours ago

Apparently Ukraine armed forces have secured a number of posts and have made the statement that “we are watching.”


2 hours ago

Ad Lib…..good point…..


2 hours ago

It’s smart for Ukraine to be cautious but absolutely no way is this a hoax, Putin would never allow a plan that promoted that they are lying about Ukraine and show Putin to be so weak. And where is Putin now? Hiding like a coward.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey glenn!

AdLiban hour ago

Hi TW!

AdLiban hour ago

Good evening gents


an hour ago

Hello everyone all togehter now, let’s say Here comes the judge, Here Comes The Judge!


an hour ago

Glenn..welcome to Russian Coup Watch.


an hour ago

TW….Coup, Cuca, Choo!


an hour ago

AdLiban hour ago

AdLiban hour ago

Do y’all really think a coup is in progress in Russia?


an hour ago

Here come da Judge….Judgement Day?


an hour ago

Ad you always have the gifs ready.


an hour ago

Where did Glenn go?


an hour ago

Yes i seem like Putin’s Chef may be looking to cook his goose.


an hour ago

glenn – I think it’s very clear there is at least an insurrection in Russia. If it gains strength, it could indeed become a coup.

AdLiban hour ago

Did you all see Randy rainbow’s latest parody? It’s to the tune of Lucy in the sky with diamonds and the Lyric is Donald in the John with boxes


an hour ago

TW – Good one!

AdLiban hour ago

glenn – Here it is! Saw it earlier and enjoyed it!

AdLiban hour ago

AD that’s very interesting about Russia. Do you think Putin will try to get asylum in the United States? L O L


an hour ago

So who wants to take the over/under when Putin fall out a window?


an hour ago

Glenn…no I did not see it. Have you a link? Glenn, I have been sending funny but very pointed items to Choice, Tw, and Ad…..happy to add you to the list if you want……all I would need is your most recent e mail address. Mine is hrm19502000@yahoo.com


an hour ago

Glenn they have a nice accommodations for him at Gitmo


an hour ago



an hour ago

So we have an insurrection in Russia, the “Freedom Caucus” is having their own civil war and considering kicking MTG out with others, court rulings are knocking down GOP hate laws in different states and Trump is filled with panic on his website begging Repubs in The House to somehow stop Jack Smith. Not a good week for fascists.

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

Murph— My email address is the same.


an hour ago

glenn – I think Kevin McCarthy will offer Putin sanctuary at Mar-A-Lago.

AdLiban hour ago

TW perhaps Putin and Trump could share a cell in Gitmo


an hour ago

GLENN….send me a note to be sure I have it right.


an hour ago

TW – I’ll take odds on a Mr. Bladamir Butin taking up residence in Uraguay.

AdLiban hour ago

Glenn….you are ON FIRE tonight…McCarthy offering Putin sanctuary at MAL!!!!!


an hour ago

Ad Donald in the john with boxes priceless


an hour ago

Glenn …..I am sending that link…..all over the place….the last line “He is screwed….” WoW.


an hour ago

Putin, Trump and Boris Johnson all having a terrible week. I guess there may not be a Fascist Summer Cmap reunion this year?

AdLiban hour ago

Do you all think that Jack Smith is trying to force Trump into a “make a deal” corner or else.


an hour ago

Ad….Fascist Summer Camp Reunion….FOTFLLMAO


an hour ago

Murph believe Jack Smith is showing him he has no way out.


an hour ago

Murph— I love Randy rainbow. He is the best.


an hour ago

Can Trump stall long enough to pardon himself?


an hour ago

Polling is starting to show cracks in the Trump foundation.


an hour ago

As someone I read has said…..Smith is building a “Beautiful Big Wall” of Evidence which will fall on DT


an hour ago

Murph – I really don’t think Jack Smith sees a plea deal with Trump prior to presenting the bulk of the prosecution as acceptable. Remember, he’s used to dealing with war criminals, I think Smith knows very well that if he lets this get swept under the rug, with the web of insurrectionists the GOP has woven, that a coup would become more likely whether Trump leads it or not. He needs to take Trump down and expose the criminal conspiracy to shut it down. So no, no plea deal for Trump until the case is underway at least, hopefully not at all.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph cracks or giant crevice’s


an hour ago

AD— The fascist summer camp Maybe postponed. Perhaps they can all meet in court.


an hour ago

Ad…..well argued.


an hour ago

TW…Butt Crack Crevices?


an hour ago

Murph – I don’t know, today Smith asked to reschedule the Document Case to December, a realistic date to complete discovery and prep, I think he can move forward with both cases before Summer of 2024.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph are you saying Trump’s wall is finally getting built by Smith, and he didn’t have to go to Mexico for the money


an hour ago

You all know that this is one the pithiest places on line for interchanges!!!!!


an hour ago

Ad there is always a deal on the table, you plead guilty and we throw you in jail for a long long time.


an hour ago

Ad ….not sure of your point…are you suggesting that Smith is doing something to undermine his own case?


an hour ago

Thank you a D. I want Trump to be put in prison. No plea deal for him. As McCarthy Pointed out the other day in his tweet, the laws should apply evenly to everyone.


an hour ago

TW…..or you plead guilty and you enter into an enforced Nixonian isolation (no fund raising, no public events and no running for office)…but that may not be enough.


an hour ago

Murph – Yes, Trump may be losing some support in the GOP, much bigger support falling in the general public but there is no one for Trumpers to choose over him. This is a cult, he is their leader, a whiny little bitch like DeSantis is no competition and none of the other Repubs running have what it would take to beat Trump. Most likely, a badly damaged Trump crawls to the nomination (GOP primary is winner take all so Trump couls win with 35% of the vote if the rest is split between 14-17 candidates).

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – We are full of pith and vinegar.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad….again well argued. I can see all of that coming down as you suggest….the winner will be the eventual loser.


an hour ago

TW – But we know Trump would never agree to the length of sentence Smith would demand in a plea deal so that won’t happen.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph— Call me a vindictive all old bitch but I don’t even want Nixonian isolation for Trump. I want him in jail. I know that’s probably not going to happen but I don’t think he should be able to get off lightly.


an hour ago

P-I-T-H & V-I-N-G-A-R


an hour ago

Murph any more from the folks in your area who were upset with Donny’s failure to pick up the tab as he promised in FL?


an hour ago

GLENN….think of the Secret Service challenges for a jailed prez.


an hour ago

TW…nary a word…..the pique that emerged has been submerged by fake news and fake outrage over Biden.


an hour ago

Ad I have the perfect deal for Trump he pleads guilty and he gets to go to Snake Island and build a golf course, first he has to clear the land of the golden lancents


an hour ago

AD— what do you think about Christie’s entrance into the race? He got booed today by trompist cultists but he said you can do all you want I’m telling you the truth. He’s also challenged Trump to join the debates.


an hour ago

TW…..a beautiful idea…..and he has to dig the sand traps by hand.


an hour ago

Glenn….I think that Christie is not really running for nomination….I think he is running to undermine the trumpistas as a cancer on his party……a very risky tactic.


an hour ago

Murph and we could send MTG and Kevin and Jordan down to check on him


an hour ago

Murph— Yes that’s what everyone says. Think of the Secret Service. But I think if he is convicted as a traitor because that’s what he would be then all privileges of his former office should be stripped. So there should be no question of the Secret Service being there.


an hour ago

TW and then forget to retrieve them.


an hour ago

Murph – Not at all. I’m saying that Smith knows the responsibility is on his shoulders to expose the treasonous network of people, including Trump of course, who have and are continuing to try and blow up our democracy. I think he will see it necessary to get the facts out into the public to fend off the ongoing overthrow of democracy that Trunp led and continues to lead. That means he must at least go to trial to lay out his case and expose the traitors (and prosecute them too!). So the only point where I could see a plea deal offered is AFTER the trial has begun, after the prosecution has presented its case and when Trump is seeing that he is nailed and bound for a long term in prison. And don’t forget, Smith has the Docs case and the 1/6 case to work with on plea deals, plead out the docs case but have Trump agree never to run for office then send him to prison with the 1/6 case.

AdLiban hour ago

Glenn…I do. not think that the SS will be stripped because no one wants to blamed for an assassination attempt or success.


an hour ago

Murph – My guess is that if Trump is convicted and sent to prison, he will be housed at one of the “country club” prisons with isolation from other prisoners and SS protection however it is needed. But if he’s in his own area, don’t know there’s a need for SS.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph of course to forget to retrieve him


an hour ago

Murph-You’re probably right but I don’t think he should be entitled to anything.


an hour ago

TW – Love it! But the snakes on Snake Island may file for a restraining order to keep a dangerous reptile like Trump off their propert.

AdLiban hour ago


AdLiban hour ago

Glenn I would agree with you, but I think the law is all former presidents not get SS for life. But I suppose they could amend the with clause the would deal with his crimes.


an hour ago

Murph— as I said I’m a vindictive old bitch and I think he should be stripped of everything we can strip him of.


an hour ago

glenn – Christie is furious at Trump for lying to him about becoming CoS and later infecting him with Covid which nearly killed him. Christie is on a kamikaze mission to destroy Trump, I think he may delude himself that he’ll become a hero and could win the nom but he might be more realistic about just wanting to be remembered as the guy who put the political stake through Trump’s heart (though Jack Smith will be the real dragonslayer).

AdLiban hour ago

TW— yes I know that all former presidents get Secret Service protection for life. But in my belief Trump has changed everything about our government and how it works. And in my opinion he should not be entitled to any of the perks of his office, his former office.


an hour ago

Ad, but we sweeten the deal with Jordan, Bobble Head Bobert, Mean Girl MTG I want to be a TV Start Gatz and of course I don’t wear a suit jacket Jim Jordan that should satisfy them.


an hour ago

Once again folks, if Trump is imprisoned, it will be in a protected section of a fed country club prison where SS could comfortably be around him. Not a problem.

AdLiban hour ago

Glenn I agree he has and I think they should modify the law because of him with a clause that would cover them taking it away because of his treason


an hour ago

Harleigh is in the House!!!!


an hour ago

AD— i’m sure you’re right. But a girl can dream can’t she?


an hour ago

Harleigh! Good Gosh Almighty!!!!!!


an hour ago

TW – I am strongly hoping that Jack Smith has the goods on MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, etc. for their being part of the conspiracy to overthrow the 2020 election and charges them too. MTG in a prison jumpsuit would be so satisfying.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey Harleigh! How are you?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad I do as well.


an hour ago

Ad….you are HOT tonight….Christie Take is very well aimed.


an hour ago

How’s everyone?


an hour ago

TW— agree completely. The laws definitely should be amended in trumps case.


an hour ago

Ad….would that be lovely…..a coup net full of squirming fish.


an hour ago

glenn – Even in a country club fed prison, Trump will be locked away from the public and getting the attention he compulsively needs, I will enjoy every day that I know he is tortured by not being able to use social media or media and just be isolated from everyone else.

AdLiban hour ago

Cheers, Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

I see the Russian generals are going after the Chief of the Mercenary Wagner group.


an hour ago

Ad he may have company because Smith is going after the fake electors as well


an hour ago

AD— Yeah MTG in an orange jumpsuit would be lovely. I think that’s her color.


an hour ago

Harleigh….doing well….my beloved co-op is NO MORE…..did not know if you knew that.


an hour ago

Hey Harleigh— I’m doing OK how about you?


an hour ago

no I didn’t Murph


an hour ago

Glenn….MTG could wear a sun bonnet when she is in the “yard” during exercise.


an hour ago

so so glenn…


an hour ago

Well we’re glad you’re here anyway.


an hour ago

Harleigh, yeah….the reactionaries won out….drove away key members….including the two black families that joined.


an hour ago

Murph – I sat back and thought about all the inside info Jack Smith has about all the conspirators in the attempted coup including that meeting with Trump just before 1/6 with these congresspeople and others. He’s going to get testimony, he will get texts and emails, we focus on Trump but I also think many of the Freedom Caucus and Repubs around the country will get indicted and prosecuted with airtight evidence…including Repubs in The House which means…bye-bye McCarthy.

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago



an hour ago

Harleigh…how are things with you…….?


an hour ago

Murph – Yes, the Russian Generals are declaring that they will stop Prigozhin but I don’t know that they have the stronger hand in this situation.

AdLiban hour ago

Ok Murph… getting by.


an hour ago

Ad…of course those generals are aligned with Putin so their gooses will be cooked if Putin is toppled.


an hour ago

Ad you’re correct he also has charge of the Jan 6th insurrection more dominos will fall.


an hour ago

Harleigh….if you ever need to chat….Ad has my e mail……I am a pretty good listener.


an hour ago

TW – Yes, and Smith just had the aide of the Repub who walked in the fake elector ballots testify and proffer so he’s talking big time. Lots of Repubs high up were involved in the fake elector scheme. Many Repub heads including pols may very well be rolling.

AdLiban hour ago

thanks murph


an hour ago

AD— Wouldn’t that be a lovely Day Trump not being able to use social media. And hopefully the news media will ignore him.


an hour ago

H….most welcome…..most, most welcome. Life can be lonely.


an hour ago

Have you all noticed how DT’s family has abandoned him?


an hour ago

Glenn I don’t read Trump’s stuff when people post it but all cap’s tells me he’s feeling the pinch.


an hour ago

All right gents. I’ve had enough pith and vinegar for one night. You all take care and I hope to see you next week.


an hour ago

i would too if i had $2BILLION


an hour ago

Glenn….the best to you….drop me a line.


an hour ago

Murph Melaina has her jet on stand by.


an hour ago

Murph – Yes, that’s the unpredictable aspect of a situation like this, Putin’s generals might want to stand with him but they may also fear that if they do, they will be beheaded if Prigozhin wins. So many in the Russian military may just step back and let Prigozhin march past them.

AdLiban hour ago

night glenn


an hour ago

Murph— Will do


an hour ago

TW…and his youngest son has made clear where he stands…..as far away from “daddy” as humanly possible.


an hour ago

Glenn be well.


an hour ago

Glenn…very well.


an hour ago

glenn – It would be like wrapping a belt around an aligator’s jaws, Trump being in prison and prevented from being in the media in any way.

AdLiban hour ago

I have also been fascinated with how far and how fast the SCOTUS has fallen from grace.


an hour ago

AD…..Trump as an orange alligator…luv it.


an hour ago

Murph I don’t think Trump ever won and father of the year awards. In fact it would surprise me on father’s day he gave his kids cards.


an hour ago

Murph – Trump’s family are all narcissist weasels like him, when they saw it as beneficial to themselves, they were with him. When they see him as “unhelpful”, they abandon him. They’re all just as rotten as he is.

AdLib44 minutes ago

I have a good friend who is a gynecologist, in fact the chief-of-service for gynecological procedures at a big Missouri Medical System and she tells me that the G-Docs are leaving the state in droves….just as the Gov of Illinois is offering sanctuary to them and to teachers.


44 minutes ago

AND Ad….the Trump brood (with the exception of the baby) are in hot water as well.


43 minutes ago

Murph – It is now clear as day, the SCOTUS is filled with corrupt, dishonest people who have no checks and balances. I think the pressure to add 4 justices, install ethics rules and limit terms is gaining momentum daily.

AdLib42 minutes ago

TW……and Trump will kick is kids away as fast as he has done this to trust confidantes and officials in his government.


42 minutes ago

Murph – Trump is a swamp creature, right? Keeping in mind that every accusation by a Republican is a confession, Trump knows he is a swamp dweller and “draining the swamp” for real would mean suffocating himself.

AdLib41 minutes ago

Ad….I agree….I wonder what the liberal justices are saying to each other…..is there ANY conservative judge who can be trusted to be ethical?


41 minutes ago

Ad…..great metaphor.


41 minutes ago

Murph I heard something similar on MSNBC that G-Docs are opting to leave in the states that have abortion bands along with graduates considering not going into gynecology at all.


40 minutes ago

Well…we are back to the THREE……..which is fine.


40 minutes ago

Murph – That is very interesting to hear. As we discussed previously, I think the social infrastructure of Red States will deteriorate rathe quickly, as teachers, doctors, students, young people wanting to set down roots and start a family, migrate away to Blue or Purple states and cause the Red State social infrastructure to collapse.

AdLib39 minutes ago

TW….my friend is in a panic……she does not want to abandon ship but her life has become a constant juggling of smaller and smaller resources.


39 minutes ago

Murph – Yep, the lack of loyalty goes both ways between Trump and his kids.

AdLib38 minutes ago

Ad….I am seeing some of what you are pointing to re. Red States as Backwaters.


38 minutes ago

Red states as third world enclaves


38 minutes ago

Murph your friend should indeed be in panic because it doesn’t look like there is going to be any relief without a change in your state government structure.


38 minutes ago

Murph – I think the liberal justices are having to steel themselves and remember that they represent one less corrupt SCOTUS judge so if they gave up, they could be ushering in more corruption. And I’m sure they hope and pray for a day soon when they are no longer in the minority.

AdLib37 minutes ago

TW….the BIG medical corp she works for has decided NOT to move ahead with a new hospital campus in the miserably underserved down state region.


36 minutes ago

Murph – The Tremendous Trio!

AdLib36 minutes ago

All I heard something on MSNBC that states who have 6 week bans may look to expand that to 15 because of the what is happening in their hospitals.


36 minutes ago

Ad what do you mean by “they represent one less corrupt SCOTUS judge so if they gave up, they could be ushering in more corruption.”? Is it that they cannot consider stepping down for fear of who would replace them?


35 minutes ago

TW……I had not heard about that……I wonder how that could be presented to their base and then managed.


35 minutes ago

Murph – It’s obviously for each person to decide but your friend may know that it is only going to get worse and worse for years to come. Hard to commit to staying in the poorly designed submersible when you know it’s likely to implode.

AdLib34 minutes ago

BTW….one of my neighbors, not a member of the association, has a daughter who is two months pregnant and there are many signs of toxicity……she has no options here.


34 minutes ago

Ad….interesting news crossover.


33 minutes ago

All I saw that Markey is putting a bill forward to revise the court to have 13 justices.


33 minutes ago

TW…of course the bill is just a trial balloon, a finger in the wind….


33 minutes ago

All, I haven’t gotten around to writing him a letter to thank him for doing that and to encourage him to move forward with it.


33 minutes ago

The girl I mentioned is 17……..


32 minutes ago

Ad it may be but was is funny about it is I was thinking about writing him and Warren the other day about doing what he is doing. So now I have to go through with it.


32 minutes ago

I understand she is experiencing a lot of discomfort/uterine pain, frequent vaginal discharges, and panic attacks.


31 minutes ago

Murph – It is happening now and I think it will become more pronounced in just a few years, as Red States exponentially decline into backwaters. Look at the farmers and construction people in FL howling about immigrants moving to GA and other states because their extremist governor cut his backers throats. This self-destruction is obvious, no one who is thoughtful will stay in, go to college in, or move to backwater, anti-freedom Red States. We have a choice, they don’t seem to understand that.

AdLib31 minutes ago

TW….I made calls to key Congressonal offices.


31 minutes ago

Murph – That’s too bad but follows the pattern, smaller rural hospitals in Red States are shutting down. More death and disease is resulting. This will snowball.

AdLib30 minutes ago

Ad….just last week when that major hospital player stepped back from rejuvenation a closed hospital campus….the pain was measurable.


29 minutes ago

TW – Won’t matter, people will know that their Red State can quickly turn back to a 6 week ban around election time or whenever. Lengthening it is still anti-civil-rights and a tenuous “compromise”. Would you trust DeSantis not to flip on such a policy whenever it was politically convenient?

AdLib28 minutes ago

What is intriguing to me is the whispered conversations I have had with that girl’s ultra conservative Trumpian Dad who is so torn between his DEAR LEADER and his DEAR DAUGHTER


27 minutes ago

All speaking of FL it seems DeSantis deal is impacting the fire department Disney funded. Disney negotiated a contract that would give them all a raise and they sign off on now the organization DeSantis put in place wants to renegotiate it and the fire department said no way.


27 minutes ago

Murph – Just mean that I’d bet the liberal judges see themselves as tasked with fighting the good fight and aren’t thinking of throwing in the towle because they’re outnumbered now. History is on their side and I think they know it.

AdLib27 minutes ago

TW…MORE FALLOUT FROM the mouse that roars.


26 minutes ago

TW – You guys know I have been promoting adding 4 justices to the SCOTUS for many years, now, I think a majority of Americans would definitely support it. Approval of the SCOTUS is down in the 30%s now.

AdLib25 minutes ago

Murph that man should forget about Trump and do what is right for his daughter, because Trump doesn’t know he exists and if did wouldn’t give a


25 minutes ago

Murph A tinkers damn about him and his daughter.


25 minutes ago

TW – Well, sounds good to support his effort to enlarge the SCOTUS, trial balloons need to come first before the big balloon is launched.

AdLib24 minutes ago

Ad well Markey must have picked up on those strong vibes of yours.


24 minutes ago

TW and Ad….got a call but I have read your comments and find each of them insightful and clear….


23 minutes ago

Re. that girl. Her mother seems to be in shell shock…….


23 minutes ago

Ad I’ve been reading over the AA case that the Court will probably rule on next week and I think we are going to have some major problems.


22 minutes ago

Murph – These things have a momentum, the pullback from the major hospital will be followed with small rural hospital closures, I’ll bet. Health care in the state in general, along with other Red States, maybe not so quickly in the bigger ones like TX and FL, will decline but those 2 states will follow.

AdLib22 minutes ago

They are members of a very conservative evangelical church. The daughter is gone to a small “Christian Academy” since Kindergarten and the family knows she will not be allowed back for her Senior Year.


22 minutes ago

TW….what in the AA case is worrying you?


21 minutes ago

Ad…the big med corp was going to reopen a closed hospital….


21 minutes ago

Murph – Sorry but that is pathetic, to feel “torn” between the health of your own daughter and following a cult leader. Pathetic.

AdLib21 minutes ago

Ad…..I agree….the dad seems torn….and the mom is comatose….the girl is lost……she has two young siblings, a boy and a girl…..I have spoken with my church pastor (a woman by the way) and she has no relationship with their pastor/church.


19 minutes ago

TW – Yes, saw that news that the firefighters who were getting a raise from Disney had it killed by DeSantis. What we call another “smart” campaign decision by DeSaster.

AdLib19 minutes ago



19 minutes ago

Murph the one where Students For Fair Admissions has brought against Harvard and UNC the want to eliminate allowing colleges to use race all together. This is coming from a group of Asians saying they are being discriminated against


18 minutes ago

I am expecting a call at 10:30 with Kunce campaign folks……now that I no longer have the co-op/association on my desk I am freer to connect with a campaign.


18 minutes ago

TW – Yes, I think it’s most likely the corrupt extremists on the SCOTUS will kill AA, especially Thomas who benefitted from it, he is so corrupt, it is the ideal thing for someone so corrupt to do.

AdLib17 minutes ago

TW….I heard about this….are those Asians Trojan Horses (hiding the actual litigants?)


17 minutes ago

Murph he has a democratic challenger does he not?


16 minutes ago

Ad….I fear you are on point in this….


16 minutes ago

Murph you’re correct about it being a Trojan Horse.


15 minutes ago

TW….he does….someone who I thought might be a plant to pull away support but it seems he is legit and largely a draw for the black community. He says that he will support the Dem nominee fully. Kunce says the same.


15 minutes ago

TW…..so who is behind it do you think?


15 minutes ago

Murph – The extremist “Christians” have it pounded into them that the church comes first above their children and they’ve built their social lives around their toxic beliefs and friends. Women are seen as inferior and servants to men, they can be thrown away, that’s what these “Christians” are taught by their corrupt religion.

AdLib15 minutes ago

Ad….a good summary. I got into a full throated fight with a pastor like the one you describe four years ago…..he is still in power with a growing congregation.


14 minutes ago

Murph – Oh, so it is literally shutting down a restart of health care services. Damage upon damage, that is the GOP way.

AdLib14 minutes ago

Murph it the same person that pushed the UM case don’t remember his name but he has been pushing for decades to eliminate AA in college selection. My fear is this could end AA as we know it.


13 minutes ago

Ad….exactly…….a closed campus was going to be reopened but the big player has backed out because they see the state hobbling their decision making.


13 minutes ago

TW……ah……has that been exposed…..is he/she named somewhere……will that be a rallying point?


12 minutes ago

Murph – The Dominionist mentality is brutal. I saw a documentary on the Duggars and how their evangelistic church groomed women to be abused and men to abuse them, constantly drilling in their heads the order of domination which is at the root of this “religion”. They are all submissive to God first then the preacher then the women are subserviant to all men and beating, molestation, etc. is a right of men over their wives AND children. They don’t say it explicitly but that is what their beliefs establish.

AdLib11 minutes ago

Murph not following on your last point on AA


10 minutes ago

TW….is the person backing the AA Asian litigants known? If so, can that be used to highlight/spotlight the REAL agenda.


9 minutes ago

Ad….your take on the Dominionist falls right into line with my experience of them.


9 minutes ago

Of course the RW uses cutouts like Asians to advance their racism, they do it all the time. Like “Blacks For Trump”, paid to attend one rally then white people wear those t-shirts at the next rally. Just a charade to hide their racism a little.

AdLib8 minutes ago

AD…why is Smith wanting to push the trial start to December.


8 minutes ago

Murph he is well know been an against race base admissions for years. Looking at one brief the Peter N Kirsanow is the lawyer on this and I think he is the person behind it all but I need to look that up to be sure.


6 minutes ago

Murph – I’ve learned a lot about them from ChoiceLady and reading and watching info about them. This Duggar doc on Amazon is very clear about how the corrupt minister behind the evangelical church the Duggars were a part of, was a molester himself and taught his followers to abuse their children, beat them badly in ways that would keep them from getting arrested and beat the rebellion out of their children beginning with them as babies.

AdLib6 minutes ago

Here is an interesting side note……applications to Mizzou (University of Mo. Main Campus) by top performing HS students is down significantly. The smart people do not want a degree from this state. Faculty outrage growing.


6 minutes ago

TW….that would make a good article….Kirsanow Exposed.


5 minutes ago

Ad ….. familiar territory.


5 minutes ago

Murph I’m not sure he is the one do a quick search and be sure I have the right person.


5 minutes ago

TW….I bow to your expertise in matters like this….


4 minutes ago

Murph it’s Edward Blum his is the main person I’m referring to.


4 minutes ago

Well, friends…..the conference starts in a minute so I will need to sign off….Thanks for the lead TW and both of you for many great insights tonight.


3 minutes ago

Murph – jack Smith is defusing Trump’s ability to stall the case by setting a very realistic and spacious timeframe for all the privileged matters to be addressed which is the main potential stall for Trump. And it gives Trump and his lawyers plenty of time for reviewing all the evidence. It is realistic yet sets a reasonable target that won’t give Trump a good excuse for delay.

AdLib3 minutes ago

Murph Ad was kind enough to post my lates article on Tucker on the Planet check it out


3 minutes ago

Lively interaction is ALIVE and WELLat the Planet.


3 minutes ago

Sounds good Murph! Have a good call!

AdLib2 minutes ago

Murph I am working on a an article regarding the AA


2 minutes ago

Ad..ok I get Smiths tactic.


2 minutes ago

Oh yeah, you guys and everyone else here at Vox rock!

AdLib2 minutes ago

TW….look forward to that article.


2 minutes ago

Take care Murph


2 minutes ago

The call alert just came through….so….so long for now……progressives arise!


a minute ago

Hopefully, we will be here and Putin won’t next week!

AdLiba minute ago

Shall I call this time?

AdLiba few seconds ago

I will call you give me a min.


a few seconds ago


AdLibin a few seconds

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