Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib a day ago

Unfortunately, the flight that was supposed to get me back in town with plenty of time to host Vox has been delayed and I will be suspended between Heaven and Hell (passing over Texas, that is) when Vox starts. So I invite my fellow Voxers to host tonight together and pick up any empty beer and wine bottles that may accumulate. Wish I was here but have a wonderful Vox! AdLib 17 hours ago

Having a wee crisis today, so apologies. See you all next week. Nothing life threatening, just mentally messy. pinkpantheroz 15 hours ago

Hey PPO how you doing? twilson117 15 hours ago

Oh, so sorry to miss PPO!!! choicelady 15 hours ago

Hi Ad and TW- good to see YOU. choicelady 15 hours ago

Hey CL Ad is not here, he is on his way home from Ok twilson117 15 hours ago

I guess that leaves US, TW. At least until someone else comes along. Poor Ad – stuck over Texas in this day and age. choicelady 15 hours ago

THAT will teach him. NOBODY goes to OK and survives. I know this from having gone to OK and almost died there. choicelady 15 hours ago

His daughter was playing in a softball championship his flight was delayed and is in the air on the way home. twilson117 15 hours ago

I know about his daughter’s softball. Where that happens, there he goes. Doesn’t rule out my view on OK. choicelady 15 hours ago

Never been to the state but my granddaugther lives there in a small town that is close to Ft. Smith twilson117 15 hours ago

It’s Panama OK. twilson117 15 hours ago

I visited a friend who was there hiding out from the skinheads. She got found. I was with her when it happened. OMG. Worst three days of my life. choicelady 15 hours ago

His daughter is primo in softball, so I guess you go where it is. She is a lovely young woman whom I like very much as I do Ad. I will just roll my eyes at the OK part of it. choicelady 15 hours ago

He told me she was scotted for the college team she will be attending here in MA twilson117 15 hours ago

Your avatar says you’re in Shrewsbury. Only town by that name I know is in MA. Yes, she is on a scholarship to a good college near where I used to live in Lawrence. I’m really happy for her. choicelady 15 hours ago

She is a genuinely nice human being. Don’t see that a lot in teens these days. choicelady 15 hours ago

Yes I live in Shrewsbury use to live in Northboro but wife and I downsize and ended up here in Shrewsbury. twilson117 15 hours ago

I love MA. If I could, I’d move back. But hubs grew up in CA and doesn’t know from snow. choicelady 15 hours ago

My brother is in Rutland. Used to teach at Assumption. He’s retired now, but they love it there, so they stay. choicelady 15 hours ago

Sounds like you know MA pretty well. twilson117 15 hours ago

Pretty well. Did a lot of industrial heritage preservation work there. Mostly textile mills ready for adaptive reuse. I lived in RI also, and I am a great fan of New England in general. choicelady 15 hours ago

How did you get to know Murph? choicelady 15 hours ago

Your brother taught at Assumption in Worcester? twilson117 15 hours ago

Yes. He’s not Catholic, his wife is Jewish, and it was occasionally a bumpy ride. But overall he liked it, and they have a really nice place outside of Rutland. choicelady 15 hours ago

I went to Clark at night where I got my undergrad. twilson117 15 hours ago

Good school! Lots of really good educational institutions in MA and around Worcester. choicelady 15 hours ago

My only real knowledge of Shrewsbury was Vinnie Testaverde’s restaurant that I absolutely adored. It think it’s gone now. choicelady 14 hours ago

Yes, did Masters at Lesley after that. I know of Testaverde’s but never been there. twilson117 14 hours ago

How long were you in MA? twilson117 14 hours ago

Well – you missed a goodie. I think it’s gone or belongs to some new owner. It was really, really good. I ate there last time the night before my mother died. She was a Mass General in Worcester. So it was poignant for me. choicelady 14 hours ago

I lived there a couple of times – once on Beacon Hill when it was still affordable, then in Lawrence for a year. Then I got married and moved to RI. But my brother and his family have been in Rutland since 1978. choicelady 14 hours ago

Wife and I move here about 6 months after we got married. I’m orginially from Syracuse NY twilson117 14 hours ago

I had to get out of Syracuse.

twilson117 14 hours ago

Oh – I know Syracuse a bit. Had several of my parents’ friends who lived there. I moved from MA to Buffalo, NY where I lived for 16 years until I came back to CA in 2000.\ choicelady 14 hours ago

hello….. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Why did you need to flee Syracuse? Only bad thing I remember about it was on Rt. 5 going past the fat rendering plant – STINKO! choicelady 14 hours ago

MURPH!!! choicelady 14 hours ago

small crowd MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

We’ll have to trade some Syracuse stories. twilson117 14 hours ago

hi choice MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – Ad is on a plane somewhere over TX. Poor man. We’re holding our own. choicelady 14 hours ago

He Murph twilson117 14 hours ago

TW – will do! choicelady 14 hours ago

So was it always you at TW? MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – how are “things” in your neck of the woods? choicelady 14 hours ago

My state has got covid dementia. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – so I see. I think of you every time I read a “MO has lost its mind” story. choicelady 14 hours ago

My new association (not co-op) is doing well….mask wearing and all. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph it seems folks in your state want prove something, what is it? twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph – good for you. When the Apocalypse comes to MO, y’all will be the last people standing. choicelady 14 hours ago

I wear my mask everywhere and get lots of hostile stares and the occasional nasty comment. My mask has the words “Be Kind” on it. Big Letters. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

LIKE THAT!!! Beats their “Eff you” comments. choicelady 14 hours ago

TW….the brainwashing here is on multiple cycles……. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph is that = wash, rinse, repeat, wash, rinse,, repeat??? choicelady 14 hours ago

CL….yes…when asked why I am doing it I say….”I am fully vaccinated but the science says that I can pass it to you. I am being responsible. AND this is my choice, my freedom and my right.” I have it memorized. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph maybe it’s the wrong mask. Maybe you should be carrying a six shooter and handing out silver bullets and yelling Hi O Silver. twilson117 14 hours ago

I am thinking of getting those words on a card and giving it to them after I say them. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW –

choicelady 14 hours ago

TW…I love the image of me on a white horse wearing a mask over my eyes and mouth. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

That is SO not our Murph! choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…what is SO not me? MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph, the LONE RANGER! choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph brain washing? There has to be a brain present for that. From what I read it seems to be lacking. twilson117 14 hours ago

Carrying a six shooter and stuffing it in their faces. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL he certainly seems to be in that catagory twilson117 14 hours ago

LOL!!! choicelady 14 hours ago

CL>..oh! Yeah. I prefer riding with a posse…..but the six shooter…you do know that I am armed (although not with handguns) MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW….it might be reptilian brains but brains nevertheless. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Yeah Murph armed with the truth twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph – I DO know and thoroughly approve. I’ve told you my OK story of confronting people in the woods. Guns have their place. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…yes they do….and some of my less friendly neighbors are aware of the reality that this liberal is a 2nd Amendment adherent (at least when it comes to home and self protection) MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

This is kinda fun….the three of us bantering…. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – good on you. I would refuse to go quietly. Let ’em know you’re fully armed. choicelady 14 hours ago

Any thoughts on the Olympics? MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Okay what do both of you think about the revelation of the notes the Temp AG was taking when Trump** called him and told him to declare the election corrupt and he handle the rest. twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph – yes, it is. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL….I have property signage that makes that clear…. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW – THIS is THE smoking gun, not even keeping the analogy. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL and TW….as to the smoking gun…..smoking artillery piece! MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph I have an article up on the site about Biles and Pierce Morgan. twilson117 14 hours ago

Now let’s see if he can be pinned down….. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW…do you….I will look MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – you sure do, and I’d defend that place just as you are. I believe firepower should be met with firepower. I am NOT into being a martyr. I have not gotten over sitting on my own front porch finding laser lights targeting my chest. If I’d had a gun, they’d be toast. choicelady 14 hours ago

TW – I haven’t read your post yet, but I saw the headline. Piers is a jerk. choicelady 14 hours ago

I am a follower of the diver Tom Daly….who won his first gold in synchronized diving this week…..he is gay and very brave in many ways. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

CL what in the world have you done to have that happen? twilson117 14 hours ago

TW – I stood up for religious freedom. The RW Dominionists stalked me for three years because religious FREEDOM is not what they want. They demand a theocracy. And they followed me home and the rest is history. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL yes he is. He and others like him have no idea what someone like Biles has to go through to perform at the level she does. twilson117 14 hours ago

Dominionists oh God what a bunch of knuckle heads they are. twilson117 14 hours ago

TW – Her act was selfless. She could have stayed in and maybe brought down the team. But she gave up HER moment in the sun for the good of all. He can stick it. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL I agree totally. twilson117 14 hours ago

It seems to me that virtually every element of the middle to far right is tainted by multiple forms of madness packaged as philosophy, theology, science etc. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW- Dominionists are VERY dangerous. They tried to kill me several times. Now I have homeless guys living in the back, and they leave us alone. FINALLY. choicelady 14 hours ago

I have a friend who argued with me about Biles chickening out…I pointed out that her exit made way for another team member who won the gold….chicken out? Not hardly. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

CL and her Homeless Posse! MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – as you and I are people of benign faith, of progressive ideals, the hardening of the religious right is totally abhorrent. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL….Jesus rode in Jerusalem on a donkey not an elephant. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

There is a piece out on HuffPost showing her trying to practice and missing her landings. She talks about needing to have her mind in tune with her body to do what she does. If not it could result in serious injury. twilson117 14 hours ago

TW…and the price of going on when you are in a high risk event is enormous. Gymnastics is very high risk. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – not just a posse – MY GANG! We had a neo Nazi threaten to burn us down – they patrolled outside all night for two weeks. And then had a “come to Jesus” moment with him. No problems since. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL….luv it, luv it, luv it. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph does your friend believe Biles should have peformed on demand? Do they have any concept of the complexity of the routines she performs? twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph and TW – when she realized she had “the twisties” she KNEW for her own sake and the team’s, she had to back out. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL exactly!!! twilson117 14 hours ago

TW…my friend did not understand your point of view….I think he does now….. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

That, to me, is selfless. How anyone could think otherwise is disgusting. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…precisely and the team applauded her for the decision. She was not going to help them and she bowed out to make way for someone who could. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

What she did was for the good of the team. Had she tried she would have pulled the team down. twilson117 14 hours ago

If it was the superbowl, and the quarterback had a bum knee, would we not WANT him to bow out for the good of the team? choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…oh, yes. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

How is she different? choicelady 14 hours ago

Oh. Wait. Hmm. Let me think how she is different… choicelady 14 hours ago

These same folks who think she should have performed would have been screaming bloody hell if their favorite qb stayed in the game if they were hurt and turning over the ball. twilson117 14 hours ago

I have been waxing eloquently (in my humble opinion) about the need to really rethink the Olympics top to bottom. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

I wrenched my upper arm yesterday hauling a boatload of groceries from a Costco shop. I’m trying to convince hubs that my not running errands is for “the good of the team”. I’m not having great success though… choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph They should have just canceled them twilson117 14 hours ago

Yup, TW – that’s EXACTLY what would have happened. choicelady 14 hours ago

I favor the permanent sites concept for summer and winter…..as performance and as training facilities. Year round use and funded internationally. The host city/host country thing is a mess and it leaves behind junk piles. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

I really used to love the Olympics, but… Not so much anymore. choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph – that’s the damned truth. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL….clearly you need a note from your trainer. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – that’s where I’ve gone wrong!!! I’ll rectify that. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL I think if you Hubby knows what’s good for him he better make the next run to the store.

twilson117 14 hours ago

TW…I did not favor cancellation…and so far….generally so good…..I think that most of the athletes genuinely wanted a chance to compete knowing that there were dangers in doing so. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW – he actually did, TW. And he has been sympathetic. But I can see he’d REALLY like me to heal fast! choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph not to mention is full of graft and I agree facilities are left to rot. twilson117 14 hours ago

CL….I suspected that anyone who is a life partner with you would have to have good sense…clearly he does. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

What can one do with an Olympic facility when the Olympics are over? choicelady 14 hours ago

TW…the host city, host country game is the core of the corruption. Eliminate it. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – he’s a good guy yes. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…a permanent one could be very, very useful. Built to stay. Built for multiple international events. Built as a training and educational facility etc. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Some time back was attending a wedding, a young man came up to me and asked how my wife and stay married so long, I looked at him and said, she’s always right. twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph -I like that idea a great deal. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…thank you. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph agree select a perm city as you said for both summer and winter. twilson117 14 hours ago

My dad used to tell people that the secret of the success of his marriage was that he and my mother agreed that she made all the small decisions and he made all the big ones…..he would then pause and say “So far, in X number of years, no big ones.” MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW – LOL!!! My hubs found his birth family about 4 years ago. At our first family in-gathering his brother said to him, “When it comes to organizing family events, LISTEN TO THE WOMEN!” His wife, my SIL, is just GREAT at that. He, of course, is my FAVE BIL because of it. choicelady 14 hours ago

TW there would be a summer city (greece seems to deserve first look in this) and a winter one (trickier because of weather) MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – your father was very wise. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…oh yes, and happy. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – if climate change continues, there won’t BE winter Olympics. choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph – that’s lovely to read. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL….quite possible but that may be a reason to create a location that can really generate what is needed with temps that are generally supportive….the alps, the himalyas. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

CL..thanks. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Wow. Shocking to contemplate, but realistic. choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph I’ve always felt Greece should have been the official home of the Olympics twilson117 14 hours ago

One last topic….any thought on the House Capital Insurrection Riot Investigating Committee. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

I just read that Greenland is melting, and if it continues, FL will be covered w 2 ” of water everywhere. choicelady 14 hours ago

Yes Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy should be the first two to testify. twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph – I think the House Committee is about to bust it all WIDE open. And DOJ will follow suit. So many rulings this week, all of them good for democracy. choicelady 14 hours ago

I was stunned by the testimony of the officers…and then dumbfounded by the attack on them from the right….madness. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW – OMG yes. I have had personal contact w Kev. He’s the MOST superficial fool. He won’t last 15 minutes under pressure. choicelady 14 hours ago

Yeah and the idots over at Fox trashed them so much for supporting the police. twilson117 14 hours ago

CL….and to be sure that what is exposed bears fruit we must guard the electoral process. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – I’m never shocked by the RW anymore. They are utter scum. choicelady 14 hours ago

I believe we are in a deep mess with the way the right is going now. twilson117 14 hours ago

CL…shock does not surprise me but I found them so utterly moronic I was dumbfound by how dumb I found them. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW – Garland has a new cadre of attorneys tackling the vile voting laws. I think the RW states won’t know what hit them. As much as I dislike SCOTUS on social issues, they are excellent on democracy and voting rights. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…do hope you are correct about SCOTUS. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – they ARE dumb. This group of Reps on the Right are truly stupid. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL they need to do something quick because some of these things are about the take affect and I don’t feel comfortable witht he SC stepping up to push them back. twilson117 14 hours ago

We few, we happy, we band of talkers…..we have done well tonight…..apologies the Wm. Shakespeare MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW…with you on that. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – lovely, no apology to Will needed. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…tanx MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW – all that’s needed is the circuit court to uphold the DOJ on state laws. The Appellate court will take its sweet time. They are being VERY careful where they file. choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph I also think folks in the state were these new laws are about to be past need to prepare themselves for a long fight twilson117 14 hours ago

Sorry – the federal DISTRICT court. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL I get that, but, my concern is the way McConnell has stacked the courts up and down is troubling. twilson117 14 hours ago

TW – I do think w Stacy Abrams mounting a major pushback that these voting rights advocates are “all hands on deck” in the Red states. choicelady 14 hours ago

I agree with both of you on the fight that is about to be wage. I think the GOP and, increasingly, the Dems, realize that this is a battle for their very survival as a viable party. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW…my fear as well…stacked, stacked, stacked. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW- oddly enough, the three appointees are NOT friendly to Trump and his views at all. Big error on The Former Guy’s watch. choicelady 14 hours ago

Cl and Murph I’ve always believe the best defenese is a good offense which in the case of VR is take away the things they are through out as impediments to voting. twilson117 14 hours ago

CL…Stacy is a mighty warrior……and her focus is on ALL affected groups….which are many and varied. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

The Supremes are really bad for us on social issues, but they have been pretty good on voting rights. choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph – yes, she is looking out for rural white people, too. That will come as a shock to the Good Ol’ Boys. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…I bow to your wisdom in regards to the court. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

So if an ID is need make sure you have it, make sure you have everything and the means to get it. Which is where those helping with VR come in they need to assit the folks to get what they need to enable them to vote. twilson117 14 hours ago

TW….yes, solve the problems years out from the vote…..challenge proof your voters and bring them out in swarms….. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – I have been watching their decisions and have been pleased. The last round was NOT as the hand wringers on our side insisted. They were NOT radical decisions. The shutdown of ballot harvesting was done in CA more than 20 years ago because it was rife with possible tampering. We survived it fine. choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph I like that challenge proof voters. twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph – I do,, too. choicelady 14 hours ago

One last thing…..COVID related…..I have a friend who says that the entire maskers vs non-maskers, vaxxers vs non-vaxxers is a living Darwinian experiment. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Have either of you seen the Post Office proposal for using block chain for mail in voting? twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph – LOTS of us think Darwin would be viewing this w interest. choicelady 14 hours ago

TW – I don’t even know what block chain is. choicelady 14 hours ago

THANK YOU BOTH….challenge proof is actually a concept learned years ago from an activist who I think might be a soul sister of CL MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

TW…explain block chain. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

CL it’s a form of encription which is used in electronic currency like Bitcoin, twilson117 14 hours ago

TW…I need more explanation. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

How does that apply to mail in voting. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Interesting. Tell us more, TW! choicelady 14 hours ago

I am ready to be edjamacated… MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph – you’ve been hanging around the rednecks too long… choicelady 14 hours ago

CL….I do like my banjo! MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Its a form of encryption which is used in bitcoin which is pretty much unhackable but, I can seen you both a copy of the Post Office request for copyright. twilson117 14 hours ago

So…the encryption makes the mail votes safe. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

choicelady 14 hours ago

Murph yes. twilson117 14 hours ago

They cannot be hacked. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Yes twilson117 14 hours ago

So…the good guys are pushing the idea. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Isn’t that jackass still in charge over there. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

That’s a great idea! That “horror face” was for the banjo issue. choicelady 14 hours ago

Deliverance! MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Well the Post office came up with it but I don’t know if it went anywhere. I have a copy of their document. twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph – I remember. The little daughter of a friend used to call it “Boring Banjos”. choicelady 14 hours ago

When do we get a new postmaster general? MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Murph I think so, and I’ve been wondering when he was going the get the boot now that he is outnumbered twilson117 14 hours ago

Murph – I think the board is waiting for an outright act of insubordination from him so they can fire him. choicelady 14 hours ago

There is SO much cleaning up from the Trump Garbage Scow that the Good Ship Biden has to do. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Yup – and some parties are protected. DeJoy is one of them. But he’s so vile he’s bound to do an “Eff you” act any day now. choicelady 14 hours ago

CL…isn’t his performance during the Trump years cause enough? Ordering the destruction of sorting machinery and the removal of boxes. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Trump** left a mess up and down the government twilson117 14 hours ago

It is my belief that THIS board can’t fire him for acts of the past. But he’ll screw up. His ego is too big not to. choicelady 14 hours ago

Well, friends…I am SO glad I joined this elite little party tonight…it has been a blast! MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

Ad will be green with envy! Well, probably not……. MurphTheSurf3 14 hours ago

It seems we have alot to discuss regardless of size. twilson117 14 hours ago

It has indeed. I’m about to call it a night. The bad shoulder is acting up AGAIN, reminding me I’m not 20 anymore, dammit. See you next Friday I hope! Be well both of you – and to you, too Ad when you read this! Good night, dear friends. Have a good week. choicelady 13 hours ago

An intelligent sharing of perspective….rare on the net these days. MurphTheSurf3 13 hours ago

Yes it is, Murph. Yes, it most certainly is. choicelady 13 hours ago

You take care CL twilson117 13 hours ago

Good night, gentlemen. Sleep the sleep of the just.’ choicelady 13 hours ago

Good night CL and TW! MurphTheSurf3 13 hours ago

Goodnight all twilson117 13 hours ago

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