Our live chat that accompanies tonight’s Democratic Debate begins at the same time the debate starts, 5:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib a month ago

They’re starting early, right now introducing the candidates. Biden first then Warren then Bernie. I think by next debate, Warren may be the first introduced. AdLib a month ago

This debate is Thunderdome. 12 go in, 3 come out. AdLib a month ago

trying to find a venue to listen/watch pinkpantheroz a month ago

no luck! pinkpantheroz a month ago

Did you find it on CNN Intl? AdLib a month ago

yes, but not how I can see or hear candidtes, just others tweets pinkpantheroz a month ago

They’re supposed to have a live feed on CNN.com AdLib a month ago

You know that I like Warren but I’m not impressed with how she’s handling attacks tonight. And how she’s changing the subject in responses. AdLib a month ago

cory booker on now! Live? pinkpantheroz a month ago

Yes. AdLib a month ago

brb coffee! pinkpantheroz a month ago

Ok! AdLib a month ago

I think all the candidates are doing well tonight though Klobuchar’s voice is nervous and shaky. And Tom Steyer is getting nearly no time. Which is fine with me. AdLib a month ago

steyer? unknown here, but no real proposal as to how to lose tax breaks pinkpantheroz a month ago

He’s a billionaire who financed a big Impeachment campaign over the past two years. What we don’t need now is another billionaire who knows best for Americans. AdLib a month ago

Non-starter in the finals, then. Biden slow pinkpantheroz a month ago

Yes, Biden fumbling. Buttegieg is trying to take down Warren as is Klobuchar. He’s starting to come off as snotty. AdLib a month ago

Warren sounds a bit strident and combative pinkpantheroz a month ago

Klobuchar seems on the verge of crying. That isn’t how you look like you can beat Trump. AdLib a month ago

War stories from Harris. pinkpantheroz a month ago

Yes, Warren seems locked into her rehearsed speeches and isn’t proving as flexible in taking out the attacks on her. Disappointing. AdLib a month ago

Yang is a jerk, IMO. AdLib a month ago

What on earth is he saying? Rubbish! pinkpantheroz a month ago

Warren had to know, as the rising froont runner, she was going to have a target on her back tonight. I don’t think she was as well prepared. AdLib a month ago

brb fergie needs me for a min. pinkpantheroz a month ago

Ok! AdLib a month ago

Warren is doing better now. AdLib a month ago

I know Beto has to get some traction but he looked awkward trying to go at Warren and she responded well. AdLib a month ago

I know many of the candidates need to get traction and so they’re attacking Warren who looks more like the front runner than Biden. The fact they’re laying off Biden makes me think they don’t see him as the one to beat anymore. AdLib a month ago

Glad that Gabbard is being forgotten. She has David Duke, Russia, RW Repubs all supporting her, she’s a saboteur. AdLib a month ago

catching up pinkpantheroz a month ago

Who is this woman? DINO? She’s using words, but saying nothing! pinkpantheroz a month ago

cheap trick, T pinkpantheroz a month ago

I told you! AdLib a month ago

She is not a legit Dem. AdLib a month ago

That’s Tulsi Gabbard. AdLib a month ago

Who met with Assad and has always defended him, as you saw. AdLib a month ago

Buttegieg is coming off as arrognat to me. AdLib a month ago

Tulsi is an unpleasant person which I think is apparent. Buttegieg may be impressing some with this new tactic but do Dems want an angry candidate? I don’t think so. AdLib a month ago

Oh, I do get it, Ad! Pete, though is among the candidates that believe because they were in the Military, they know all. Not true. pinkpantheroz a month ago

Bingo! He keeps waving his military service to proclaim he knows more. He knows some things from experience but he has the arrogance of youth, thinking he knows better than everyone. AdLib a month ago

Amy forgets NATO members are not happy with Trump dropping them right in ti. Expel Turkey pinkpantheroz a month ago

Amy doesn’t display deep thinking, more status quo thinking. She is bright but conservative. AdLib a month ago

Castro is making several good points now. AdLib a month ago

good points! pinkpantheroz a month ago

You owe me a Coke! AdLib a month ago

gladly! pinkpantheroz a month ago

Booker is praising Mattis? Who is betraying the country right now by keeping quiet with what he knows about Trump’s crimes? AdLib a month ago

Yeah. Mattis has the smoking gun, but won’t draw it pinkpantheroz a month ago

Mattis is hiding the smoking gun. AdLib a month ago

1 – 1! pinkpantheroz a month ago

Biden’s act has worn so thin. AdLib a month ago

stumbled a bit. Is anyone standing out? I don’t see it pinkpantheroz a month ago

I liked Beto in 2018 but he seems to be lacking a bit of what a presidential candidate should have. AdLib a month ago

Buttegieg will get pundits excited because he’s trying to instigate conflict, which is good for ratings. But I think it makes him more dislikeable to voters. AdLib a month ago

There is something a little weird about Tom Steyer’s posture, how he holds his head. AdLib a month ago

A question about Putin and he talks about Climate Change? AdLib a month ago

I do like the ‘Mister’ Trump, though! pinkpantheroz a month ago

“Herr Trump!” AdLib a month ago

Trying to chage direction to his area of expertise. pinkpantheroz a month ago

Yep. Yang is doing it too, everything is turned to technology. AdLib a month ago

yes. Boring. Won’t resonate pinkpantheroz a month ago

Only with the nerds who already follow him. AdLib a month ago

Klobuchar made good points. AdLib a month ago

very good. Ukraine, Crimea, Paper ballots pinkpantheroz a month ago

CNN is still goading them to attack each other but they are doing better on covering more important issues than their last debate they hosted that was so lousy. AdLib a month ago

Yes, all stands that most Dems support but haven’t been mentioned tonight. So she earns a point. AdLib a month ago

Candidates aren’t biting. pinkpantheroz a month ago

The Aussie buy back worked, also an amnesty for a while after the deadline pinkpantheroz a month ago

They did at the beginning and Warren was sniped at from mutiple candidates on Medicare for All. And she didn’t do a great job defending herself. She needs to be honest and say, yes, your taxes go up but your health costs go down by more AND you won’t be refused coverage as insurance companies will do to you right now if you’re diagnosed with cancer tomorrow. AdLib a month ago

Buttegieg is obnoxious. AdLib a month ago

I missed warrn’s tax bits, but that’s a losing step, imo pinkpantheroz a month ago

cory is waffling pinkpantheroz a month ago

She refused to say that taxes will go up while endorsing Bernie’s plan…and Bernie said flat out, yes, your taxes go up but you don’t pay premiums so most save money. AdLib a month ago

Cory is a corporate, moderate Dem. He always waffles to look liberal and moral but backs off to protect corporations. AdLib a month ago

Warren is doing well on gun violence now. AdLib a month ago

agree. pinkpantheroz a month ago

Harris’ act gets old too, her pauses and verbal speed changes seems contrived to me. AdLib a month ago

I notice you’re commenting on points which come up to me 1 minute later. There is a delay in the Overseas feed pinkpantheroz a month ago

And I thought I was telepathic! AdLib a month ago

Psycho—- er Psychic! pinkpantheroz a month ago

Biden just said “expodentially”. AdLib a month ago

Both of the above. AdLib a month ago

Listen for it. AdLib a month ago

joe is spluttering pinkpantheroz a month ago

I think he spent the break looking for his keys. AdLib a month ago

Castro nailed police violence. Well done. AdLib a month ago

ooooooh Good points from Julian pinkpantheroz a month ago

Yes! Expodentially better than Biden. AdLib a month ago

Abspalully pinkpantheroz a month ago

Jumblin’ Joe. AdLib a month ago

Steyer looks weird because he looks into the camera everytime he speaks while the other, better trained candidates look at the moderator.. AdLib a month ago

Opioid = tobacco = Corporate greed and corruption of Governmant pinkpantheroz a month ago

That’s Steyer, he has no specific ideas so he just steers everything back to corporate greed and bad government. Magical thinking to make everything better. AdLib a month ago

no hope for him pinkpantheroz a month ago

I really don’t think this debate will move many voters because none of them except Tulsi have done poorly. Will be curious if Buttegieg comes off “strong” or “obnoxious” to voters. AdLib a month ago

buddy seems to be getin extra time pinkpantheroz a month ago

Yes, he is hogging up time and that rubs me the wrong way too. It’s a balance, too much desperation…looks desperate. AdLib a month ago

And Buttegieg is a moderate who keeps attacking Progressives for wanting to make big changes. He’s an incrementalist. AdLib a month ago

Bernie’s feeling abandoned! Poor Uggums1 pinkpantheroz a month ago

Here’s a crappy BS question, IMO. Asking Sanders about his health. How is that a question for other candidates to answer? Just premeditated to knock Bernie back, nasty IMO. AdLib a month ago

Yep, Bernie caught up with his time. AdLib a month ago

violins in the background pinkpantheroz a month ago

I don’t like personal “gotcha” questions. That’s not a debate. AdLib a month ago

Joe’s doing the “Biden Shuffle” about the age issue. AdLib a month ago

Damn, Joe takes credit for everything that Obama accomplished. AdLib a month ago

true. Joe is trying to say old is better than young………. now check Trump!!! pinkpantheroz a month ago

Joe has proven he’s lost a step. So not a great argument. AdLib a month ago

good zing from Warren. pinkpantheroz a month ago

Yes, she seems to be back to form now. AdLib a month ago

Tulsi is a nasty woman. Her as CIC? Don’t make me laugh pinkpantheroz a month ago

She always exploits her military service in nearly every answer. AdLib a month ago

And she keeps trying to take over the debate by asking questions. WTF? AdLib a month ago

She’s toast pinkpantheroz a month ago

how long more to go? pinkpantheroz a month ago

Trumpers are propping her up as a saboteur in the Dem party, that’s how she qualified for the debate. AdLib a month ago

my feed just dropped out. stand by pinkpantheroz a month ago

I think 1 more hour! AdLib a month ago

Just went to commercials. AdLib a month ago

What do you think so far? Any winners or losers? AdLib a month ago

back again. No clear winners, but some losers aren’t making enough of an impact pinkpantheroz a month ago

I agree. I can’t see Tulsi, Steyer, Beto, Booker or Klobuchar going anywhere. AdLib a month ago

May be their last debate. AdLib a month ago

Hope so! Thinning is needed. Good question on Facebook and power to influence. pinkpantheroz a month ago

Yep, can’t really debate with so many candidates. AdLib a month ago

yang blathered. Warren is to the point pinkpantheroz a month ago

Yes, Yang said nothing. AdLib a month ago

Steyer now changed the topic of breaking up monopolies to bragging about what a great businessman he is. Shut up, Steyer. AdLib a month ago

What a load of shite! pinkpantheroz a month ago

Blather, blather, blather. AdLib a month ago

We’ve seen what a businessman has done to the country, we don’t need another. AdLib a month ago

for sure! pinkpantheroz a month ago

Did anyone talk about Tariffs? pinkpantheroz a month ago

When Booker tries to describe himself as president, he doesn’t sound convincing. AdLib a month ago

Nope, not yet. AdLib a month ago

Beto and other moderates twist in the wind on this issue because they support corporations and have no plan but just call them names. AdLib a month ago

Sorry, Ad, can’t continue – the day calls! See you Friday pinkpantheroz a month ago

Ok, see you then! Have a great rest of your day! AdLib a month ago

pinkpantheroz a month ago

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