The next debate in September will winnow the field to 20 with 7 having already qualified for a place at the podiums.
The DNC Selection Process combines polling of 2 percent or higher from 4 listed sources, and Donations from at least 130,000 unique donors; and a minimum of 400 unique donors per state in at least 20 states.
Klobuchar has the 4 polls but falls short in the fund raising.
Yang and Castro have the fundraising numbers but not the 4 polls
The rest are also-rans right now and a number of them are likely to be so from this point on. If you have an also-ran in the list, you need to support them. Since donations are all you can do directly, I suggest that route.
I am donating to Klobuchar to do my part to get her on the stage.
IN CASE YOU ARE INTERESTED…..How am I deciding who to support.
- Experience. Anyone can talk a good game. I want to know what they have done. I want to know their history. They get extra points if they have had to manage complex structures with deliverables they were held accountable for. This is one of the reasons why I tend to give governors and big city mayors a second, third and fourth look.
- Knowledge. In what they have done, said and written do they show that they understand how the government works, how the economy works, how American Society is structured, what are the critical issues (local, national, global).
- Listening and Discerning Skills. Presidents are at the nexus of a very complex structure that is supposed to feed information to the Chief Executive with individual persons in that nexus being charged to advise her or him. Presidents, above all must be good listeners (which presumes extensive reading) and careful analyst gifted with the ability to discern what needs to be done.
- Temperament. Self-reflective. Patient. Humble. Emotionaly Balanced with strong Impulse Control. Resilient. Having an accurate and strong Sense of Self. Value Focused and Centered.
- Policies. Here is the “what they say” part. I am interested in well defined policy including how that policy could be implemented (passed into law, financed, administered). Pie in the sky does not attract me.
- “Debating Skills.” Thinking fast on one’s feet has some value but most presidents have learned the value of the pause and the quiet restatement of a well worked out response. Being able to “zap” or “zing” a rival is vastly overrated…..and that is what our so called debates focus on.
AD LIB added the follow insight which I whole heartedly endorse
I do think that one aspect you didn’t mention is very important…charisma. Who can inspire volunteers to work tirelessly and those who may not usually vote, come out in droves to support them.
A candidate could touch many of the bases you laid out, in fact Hillary Clinton touched them all but without the ability to drive enthusiasm, they can run out of gas (though Hillary was also backstabbed by Comey, Russia, Wikileaks, etc. so there were many additional reasons why she didn’t get the Electoral win). (Ad Lib)
I will be relieved to see this field winnowed down, especially the candidates that everyone knows have no prayer of ever winning the primary (sorry Marianne!).
I think all of the traits you describe are good ones in discerning which candiates one would support.
I did notice and am glad you didn’t include ‘Who can beat Trump?” because that’s a distraction from the fact that whoever wins this primary will have Dems behind them and can beat Trump. It’s an argument to vote for a “safe” candidate like Biden and as history has always proven, the “safe” candidate always seems to lose (ask Jeb Bush about that).
As I just discussed in my new post, I do think that one aspect you didn’t mention is very important…charisma. Who can inspire volunteers to work tirelessly and those who may not usually vote, come out in droves to support them.
A candidate could touch many of the bases you laid out, in fact Hillary Clinton touched them all but without the ability to drive enthusiasm, they can run out of gas (though Hillary was also backstabbed by Comey, Russia, Wikileaks, etc. so there were many additional reasons why she didn’t get the Electoral win).
I like the idea of adding charism to the list. I will edit my post to show your contribution with credit, of course. Yes….it is not just Trump that must be beaten but the entire Trumpian GOP….a far wider target that the nominee is going to have aim at given the need to keep the House and take the Senate.
I will donate to Castro.
What Castro needs is a higher standing in the polls….he has the cash…but your cash will help him with the polling.