Despite all of the serious news this week, the story that hit many the hardest was the loss of Leonard Nimoy. So many of us grew up with Star Trek and Spock became such an iconic figure in American society, his reliance on logic, the humanity he represented despite resisting his half-human emotions, his belief in peace, his uncompromising loyalty and most of all, the outsider in the group who was dauntless despite his being the alien among others.
Leonard Nimoy was not the character he played but he gave him life. He was an accomplished actor who played many roles but will always be remembered for this one in particular.
As a tribute to Leonard Nimoy and the enduring character he played, this weekend’s music thread is about songs about space, clips from science fiction films and tv series and any other songs you’d like to post in tribute to this memorable actor and the character he made unforgettable.
Rocket man…
Never heard this one before. Not sure if I want to again, But it’s about a Radio SF hero in England in the ’50s. Don’t think Elton would want to sing this today!
Len did have a sense of humor!