Greetings, fellow Planeteers. With all the doom and gloom in the news these days,those sorts of things can sometimes get in the way of our happiness. Sometimes we just have to make our own.
This weekend’s music thread is about being happy, joy and laughter, and good times. So pick your favorite songs that give you a bit of a lift above the morass of the day to day stream of doom and gloom that is brought to us daily, by the MSM and maybe some personal struggles we may be going through! Don’t forget to smile while doing so! 😉

This one is for our friend from Texas , AB…
For Boston Strong…
NJ and I have been there for the seventh inning stretch when they sing this. It is awesome!
Welcome home all veterans.
Can’t believe I used to like this song and haven’t heard it in years. Engelbert whats his name?
For all Moms…
Mothers are stronger than people give them credit for…
Happy Mothers Day to all Moms…
No way could I leave the happiness Music Thread without putting this in! For my beloved Baghdad by the Bay! Fantastic times in the 60’s and 70’s. Wonderful friends that are still my dearest friends.
Great times!
Fergie, I always liked Marilyn McCoo.