SmotPoker : FYI, just talked with Linda, and she did in fact get in. So it’s all good.
AdLib : We appreciate our members here, happy to help whenever we can.
SmotPoker : NP
AdLib : Great! We absolutely do want to help anyone who has any trouble getting onto the site. If you hear of anyone else having an issue with signing up or logging in, they can always click the “Contact Us” link in the menu at the top to send me an email.
SmotPoker : You can call off the dogs.
SmotPoker : I saw the original post, came here to alert you, and then saw the later post stating that she was able to get on. My bad.
SmotPoker : It looks like she did. She mentioned opening it up in a another tab so I think she did.
AdLib : I see what I think is her account and it is activated. Do you know if she got on?
SmotPoker : I’ll let em know to check their spam, that should have been the fist thing I told them now that you mention it…D’oh
SmotPoker : It looks like a couple of them did get in. No I have no addresses. TET = The Epoch Times
AdLib : What is the site, TET? And lindstr7 did finally get on The Planet. The most frequent issue is that some folks’ spam detectors block our confirmation emails and send them to their spam folders. If you have Robin’s email address, I’d be happy to contact her and help set up her account.
SmotPoker : Robin S Summertown is another wannabe user having issues.
SmotPoker : That user was Lindstr7 if you can help.
SmotPoker : One more thing. Some wannabe users at TET are having issues logging in here can you help them out AdLib? Lindstr7 Still can’t log in at POV. I tried registering under two different emails and each time I’m getting “email already registered” (but i didn’t register…argh! ) Any ideas?
AdLib : Cheers! See you here soon!
SmotPoker : Thanks, me too. I’m glad I found the place.
AdLib : Smot – Been a lot of fun, appreciate your wit! Glad you made it to The Planet!
SmotPoker : If it’s the CIA I already told you guys, if you want my death ray you gotta pay for the death ray. Nothing comes free fellas….
SmotPoker : OK this time I’m leaving for real. It’s been a loooong chatting session. Reminds me of the days I ran a site called F*ck the world. Good times.
AdLib : Maybe HP spies seeking to spring Facebook accounts on our members!
AdLib : Take care Beatlex! have a great weekend!
AdLib : Smot – Catbath indeed. I should do that instead of taking a quick flea bath.
SmotPoker : Probably NSA plants no doubt…
SmotPoker : So that leaves Adlib, Dbos, and some unknown lurkers…
SmotPoker : Later X, we’ll see you around.
Beatlex : I gotta go guys,I need a snack,then off to bed soon,it has been good!Thanks for everything AdLib,and you too SmotPoker
SmotPoker : At 48 it’s just too much hassle. I like being able to give myself a catbath if need be and get out the door.
AdLib : I kept a good length for quite a while. Same here, still have hair but no ponytail. Just a mohawk.
SmotPoker : Still got the hair, I just don’t wear it long these days.
SmotPoker : I would put it up in a Samurai knot…
SmotPoker : The only time I wore my hair in a ponytail was when I would drink wine at dinners with inlaws, it just annoyed the hell out of them.
SmotPoker : Those were also called what today would be a politically incorrect term as well.
AdLib : And straight up ponytails.
AdLib : Oh yeah, rattails!
Beatlex : Sure it isn’t a Skullet Ad?
SmotPoker : I got one word for you: Rattail
AdLib : I have a mullet in storage.
SmotPoker : I used to be best friends with a dude whose sister dated Alvin Lee
Beatlex : Hardly Smot!LOL
AdLib : Same here, listening to April Wine still…then will hit Ten Year’s After. BTW, well done on posting the link Beatlex!
SmotPoker : Everyone got their rock star faces on?
SmotPoker : I’ll hit your link when April Wine is done
Beatlex : That one works guys,i promise
SmotPoker : X is just showing off now…
AdLib : The key thing is making sure there’s not a space in the URL and making sure there is a space on either end of it.
Beatlex : «link»
SmotPoker : Cool song though eh? One of my faves of all time.
AdLib : Smot – Ain’t I a stinker?
SmotPoker : LOL
SmotPoker : AdLib – We hate you.
AdLib : Beatlex – I’ll try too, here’s the same April Wine link, let’s see what happens… «link»
SmotPoker : Try again …..«link» youtube.com/watc h?v=usWQOPTORn8
Beatlex : No sorry!
SmotPoker : It was April Wine – Roller
AdLib : Beatlex – Sometimes this chat system inserts spaces when there are links and it messes it up. Sometimes there’s a symbol in a link that messes it up. Most of the time they seem to work but not so much tonight.
SmotPoker : NOPE, and for it’s worth MY link didn’t post correctly either…
Beatlex : <iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”//www.yout ube.com/embed/fm lnx2KmjFE” frameborder=”0 ” allowfullscreen> </iframe> How about this Smot?
SmotPoker : If you want something to bop your head to you need this«link» outube.com/watch ?v=usWQOPTORn8
AdLib : Smot – I too started bowling as a kid and just did it recreationally but always enjoyed it.
SmotPoker : X I love you man but you cannot post a link to save your life.
AdLib : Smot – Like Beatlex said, it just felt wrong and foreign to me. So many people just stampeded there. I understand the fun people have connecting that way with friends and family but it conflicts with my value of privacy so it never appealed.
Beatlex : How about a tune?«link» u.be/fmlnx2KmjFE
SmotPoker : AdLib – My life bores the hell out of ME, why the hell would anyone else want to know what I’m up to…
AdLib : Beatlex – Same here, FB just ran counter to my sensibility. I’ve always appreciated a degree of privacy and never felt the urge to share everything that I was thinking or doing with everyone. We do have a Facebook page for The Planet but it just never appealed to me to give up my privacy.
SmotPoker : AdLib – I got into bowling as a kid through my grandpa. Helluva man that man, I miss him a lot. At the end I held over a 200 avg. Can’t do it anymore though.
SmotPoker : I saw it for what it was when it first appeared in the national eye. I spent over a decade in the semiconductor industry. I knew exactly what they were doing.
Beatlex : Good Ad,topical is good!
AdLib : Smot – that is damn impressive. I barely broke 200 once as my best ever game but 300? Cool.
Beatlex : I had a bad feeling about Facebook from the start,it creeps me out
AdLib : Beatlex – Usually the week’s biggest or most recent story is what we start off discussing. Sometimes it leads to side discussions but after a while, I’ll present a new topic based on the week’s events and so on.
SmotPoker : Well I DO love sports. In fact I have a 300 game during league play to my credit…back when I was young.
AdLib : Smot – You’d have to set up some bowling pins labeled “Facebook” at the bottom to make it really interesting.
Beatlex : LOL-For sure Ad,and thanks for letting us run a little wild here tonight,what kind of topics are discussed usually?
SmotPoker : AdLib – I know my friend I know. A little self indulgent navel gazing on my end.
SmotPoker : “IF”
AdLib : Smot – The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the Smot.
SmotPoker : And ID I did live at TPOTS I don’t think I would be too against rolling certain head down the steps….Man, I gotta get a grip on this vindictive streak I got in me.
AdLib : Beatlex – Maybe Fox would give that guy his own Fox News Show. After all, he just does in sign language what the other hosts do on their show, speak nonsense.
SmotPoker : Ummm, sorry I don’t mean to sound like Spock…
SmotPoker : Machu Picchu is another favorite of mine. I did a report on it in college. Fascinating.
AdLib : Will check it out. Familiar with Machu Picchu.
SmotPoker : I’d set up house in The Pyramid of The Sun…no problem…
SmotPoker : If I were that close to that stuff you couldn’t drag me away with wild horses.
Beatlex : Just a random thought.Maybe Fox could get the sign language guy from Madiba’s memorial for their interpreter,What they say is gibberish anyway
SmotPoker : Dated to be at least 12k years old. Such work done there that it makes you wonder…
AdLib : Just Googled it. I was in Lima when I was a kid.
SmotPoker : AdLib – Yeah, and ancient site in Peru. Fascinating.
SmotPoker : AdLib – Well you know, I’m a kinda cool type of fella…
AdLib : Huh/ Ollantaytambo?
AdLib : Smot – Very cool of you to ask but tonight was kind of just a get-to-know you Vox.
SmotPoker : I swear that before I pass I must go to Ollantaytambo. I have to look at that stuff up close with my own eyes.
SmotPoker : OK good to know, I just got a feeling about it you know?
AdLib : Smot – Appreciate the thought. Usually we will be more focused on specific topics that I’ll throw out there but since we had so many folks new to Vox tonight, we let it kind of go in it’s own direction. Next week, we’ll be back to our regular programming.
Beatlex : Night Murph,sleep tight,don’t let the bedbugs bite! That was from my grandmother
SmotPoker : Back…Hey do these things usually have a theme? It dawned on my I might have gotten you off track with some of my nonsense. If so I apologize.
AdLib : Night Murph, take care!
S-Man : See ya next week.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ok…over and out for real.
AdLib : S-Man – That sounds like my schedule though I’m in LA.
S-Man : Sometimes I’m still going @ 2:00 or 3:00 AM
S-Man : Look forward to it Murph
AdLib : S- Man – Impressive! No other East Coasters here right now, you outlasted them all.
MurphTheSurf3 : S-man…just popped back for a moment – chance to say hello and to say…See ya next week.
S-Man : make that decorating
S-Man : BUsy with ecorating and such. I’m an East Coaster but a night owl so I’m still up
AdLib : S-Man – No worries, will be great to have you here next Friday!
AdLib : S-Man! Where have you been?
AdLib : Bingo!
S-Man : Sorry, still getting used to POV but look forward to next week’s Vox Populi.
Beatlex : BUT no trolls AdLib!!
AdLib : And it doesn’t make your nose bleed.
AdLib : Vox may be our unintentional blogging crack cocaine, it does give you a rush and is addictive but a hell of a lot of fun.
Beatlex : Yes AdLib,I have been here 4 hours already!
AdLib : It came right up when I googled it, will read it shortly. A lot of good folks who blogged have passed in just a handful of years. Really messed up.
AdLib : Yep, those dimwits wouldn’t know logic if it bit them. The real problem was calling it “global warming” at the beginning. If they had only said “climate change” from the outset, these nutjobs would have no argument at all.
Beatlex : AdLib,if the link for Bill Loney did not work,google it,it is there,second or third line
Beatlex : My favorite idiot trolls were the climate deniers…”Oh look! A snowstorm!,yeah sure libbies,where is your warming?”Idjits
AdLib : Great to have you on Vox. Hope you’ll be back next Friday!
AdLib : Well Beatlex, looks like us Mountain and Pacific guys are left to close the Vox bar for the night.
SmotPoker : I live in the future X…
Beatlex : Night eastern time zoners!
AdLib : Smot – Time flies on Vox. Sleep well and have a great weekend.
MurphTheSurf3 : Night Ad and Smot
SmotPoker : Yeah it’s time. I just realized I have been for 5 hrs
AdLib : Murph, it was a barn burner tonight! Even I had trouble keeping up! Get some rest, pal, feel better and sleep soundly.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well, it is time for me to call it a day. This was good. Lots of fine, new energy. Can’t wait til we do a hot topic night. Tonight was a great warmup.
Beatlex : AdLib,is this better«link» loungeisback.wor dpress.com/2013/ 01/24/longtime-h uffpost-poster-b ill-loney-victim -of-emphysema/ If it does not work,you can google it,its there
AdLib : Though there may be a few exceptions to the rule, I always try to reply to everyone who posts a direct comment on one of my posts. To do otherwise is pretty disrespectful IMO.
AdLib : Murph – Agreed, it seems only respectful to respond to those who take the time to read your article and respond.
AdLib : Thanks for the link, Beatlex! It came out a bit messed up though, can you try posting it again?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…not all pundits do as do, some do it as often, others do it for the first hour or two after they post, and some never say a word. I think there should be a standard like the one here.
Beatlex : Murph-he was a really good guy and is missed
AdLib : Bye ppo! Have a great day!
AdLib : Night seehowtheyrun! Sleep well!
MurphTheSurf3 : Beatlex- thank you so much for the link. I will read the story.
AdLib : Night Ms! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : Murph – I know what great work you do and I’m not surprised by how hard you’ve worked at HP to improve the system.
SmotPoker : Yeah, the old lap is starting to get a bit numb, I need to stand and perhaps lurk for a few. Apologies if I end up nodding off without signing off. It’s been a hoot. Any Lions fans on the blog should join me at the freep.com on Monday night for the football game. Always a hoot there on game day. Lions fans have the best sense of humor and the worst luck in all of sports.
MurphTheSurf3 : Good night seehowtheyrun… .look forward to our next Vox visit.
Beatlex : Here is the link to HP’s story about Bill Loney passing«link» eloungeisback.wo rdpress.com/2013 /01/24/longtime- huffpost-poster- bill-loney-victi m-of-emphysema/
AdLib : Murph – That is cool. It would be a real diss for someone to have a comment spotlighted then ignore those who commented. Here, as you know and you practice, those who post articles are expected to respond to those who comment, hosting their own post as it were. Glad that many Pundits at HP did the same.
MurphTheSurf3 : Good night Pink, and Vegas….how nice to have met you and how nice it will be to see you again soon to engage in meaningful conversation.
seehowtheyrun : Nite, Pink ! I’m out too. I have to finish at least ONE of the several projects I started today.
msanonymous222 : Nite, all!
pinkpantheroz : Well, it’s mid afternoon Saturday here and I’m off to get a bit of Sun ( Sorry shiverers!) Good night to all and thanks for a fascinating and fun few hours.
seehowtheyrun : Nite, VB!
SmotPoker : Adlib I totally agree. Let your work stand on it’s merit, not your popularity.
msanonymous222 : I’m off to find my nice warm bed. It’s been a pleasure, one and all.
VegasBabe : Well, as much as I hate leaving, I suppose I should prepare to turn in, take my geritol, brush my dentures
Will look for y’all on the upside.
SmotPoker : I think I got my greatest pleasure at the other place was when I could slip a particularly scathing retort to a troll and get it past the censors.
AdLib : Smot – Good point, I do think those with a lot of fans got instant respect but sometimes I would scratch my head as to how this person had do many fans when they didn’t seem to write very good comments. Here, instead of judging people based on a number near their name, it’s all about the content of their characters and the character of the comments.
VegasBabe : Adlib: I had no idea either…I knew I hadn’t seen him in awhile but I had no idea he was gone. Makes me sad.
SmotPoker : AdLib, indeed, very depressing news hearing of these deaths in the family.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib..speaking for this Pundit- I work hard at my posts and was part of the movement that led to HP whitelisting our comments to keep them away from moderation. It was, and is, a good move.
seehowtheyrun : Troll slaying is an entirely different thing, Smot.
AdLib : Damn…didn’t know Bill Loney passed away, he was an HP oldtimer who was there when I was.
msanonymous222 : “Dismiss whatever insults your soul” was my micro-bio.
msanonymous222 : Me too, Smot.
Beatlex : ++Ladies and Gentlemen++ Do not adjust your sets,for the next hour we will control the vertical,and the horizontal…you are about to enter…the TROLL-LESS ZONE!
SmotPoker : Well, except those made in a troll slaying mission…
SmotPoker : I posted comments that got me tons of fans, and I’ve posted comments that had people calling for my head. In both instances I posted the truth as I understood it. I stand by them all.
AdLib : VB – So true. We’ve all seen those HP bloggers who write pandering comments just so they can build up fans and get faved. It can be a corrupting aspect to a blog in an overall way but I’m not saying that most people posted solely for the rush of getting faved.
msanonymous222 : But I would have posted anyway. Poverty issues were my passion even when I was very well off.
SmotPoker : VB – Yeah
msanonymous222 : I agree with you, AdLib.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: I did too…now that I think about it, it probably wasn’t the best way to go sometimes, you know?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- agree with you all the way….Most pundits were aware of the dangers you pose and were good at replying to those who posted comments to them- entering into a reciprocal conversation. I suggested that be a requirement for pundits- that they do as you do.
SmotPoker : I have no idea how I lost it Misanon. No idea.
AdLib : ms – Totally cool for folks to have liked their fans/faves/badge s, they’re hard not to like. Just saying that it was a very effective tool for keeping folks addicted to HP.
SmotPoker : One thing I will say about fan thing on HP was that I did give more weight to those with a large number of fans that I did those that didn’t have a lot.
seehowtheyrun : I think I lost mine in 1, Smot!
msanonymous222 : Smot, how did you lose it?
SmotPoker : I got a pundit badge once, and lost it in about 3 posts….
AdLib : Murph – I do think the Pundit thing made sense but it is kind of a double edged sword because you start creating a class system where some bloggers are in a superior position to others. At the same time, it’s a reasonable argument to make that the excellent work of a talented blogger is deserving of being spotlighted. As to the badges/fans/fave s, of course they’re enjoyable, they target that pleasure center in our brains that make us feel liked, popular, etc. Not a terrible thing, maybe not the most important thing about sharing important ideas but my point about them is that they appeal to the vanity of people and helped HP keep people posting to get another hit. Is that bad? I don’t think it is but it does offer different dynamics of posting from simply writing to share with the community to also seeking personal gratification.
MurphTheSurf3 : Smot…yep that was his Avatar
seehowtheyrun : Smot: John Cleese.
SmotPoker : Someone with a bowler anyway…
MurphTheSurf3 : I too recall Bill Loney…we use to exchange frequent jabs and quips….clever
Beatlex : VB-yes Bill Loney had been sick for a while
SmotPoker : Avatar with a Python dude in a bowler if I remember correctly…
msanonymous222 : How sad.
msanonymous222 : I remember him.
SmotPoker : Misanon – Yes, yes he was.
msanonymous222 : Wait, wasn’t Bill Loney on HuffPo?
VegasBabe : bill loney passed?
SmotPoker : Damn.
SmotPoker : Bill Loney passed away too?
seehowtheyrun : That’s right. I miss Bill Loney too.
msanonymous222 : He knows his stuff about unemployment and SNAP and all that. Smart, smart guy.
SmotPoker : 2 swings, 2 strikes…
msanonymous222 : No, Arthur Delaney
SmotPoker : Jason Linkus right?
VegasBabe : misanon: Amanda terkel?
Beatlex : We lost Bill Loney about a month or so before the election,there were others too.Like a real community I guess
msanonymous222 : I will miss one writer at HuffPo, though.
pinkpantheroz : VB – the instant responses and repartee here more than outweighs the F/F and badge thingy. I’m addicted already!
MurphTheSurf3 : Vegas…this is a different environment and fans and faves do not feel real here. Look at how few use the thumbs up and down icon at the foot of stories.Hardly anyone. Why? Not our style.
msanonymous222 : Awwwwwwww
VegasBabe : misanon: already have dear, already have.
seehowtheyrun : It was sad. There was a column dedicated to him and some of uploaded his av in rememberence of him.
msanonymous222 : No, VB, I’ll just wait for you to F&F me. LOL
SmotPoker : Can we at least get stripes?
VegasBabe : Well, there won’t be any badges or fans here which ultimately means our comments may become more genuine, you think?
SmotPoker : That sucks I remember Hume
SmotPoker : The f/f function was like instant feedback with some cocaine in it.
MurphTheSurf3 : See…I did not know….sad…
Beatlex : AdLib,I enjoyed having my comments faved,It validated them.The fans were a byproduct,and I admit,I liked it
seehowtheyrun : Hume passed away, Murph.
SmotPoker : I love Jim Jefferies, one of the best comedians working today. #Australia
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib and VB…I too recall Hume Skeptic…whatev er happened to him/her?
seehowtheyrun : Murph and Ms: I liked my fans and badges too. But it was very addictive.
AdLib : VB – Heh! Yep, that was very funny, when Hume just reached the end of his rope with a troll!
msanonymous222 : pink, I could probably get Medicaid right now. I literally feel like I don’t have time to even breathe anymore.
SmotPoker : AsLib I have no doubt that countless dollars was thrown at the research.
msanonymous222 : Murph, I liked my fans. And I liked my badges. I was really proud of them.
pinkpantheroz : ms. don’t sweat it. I live in Australia which has a mix of Government assisted and Private Health care and, funnily enough, it works pretty well, until, of course, you get sick! No – only joking. It’s not perfect, but every single person here has medical coverage of one level or another.
AdLib : Smot – I think it would be a better bet to wager on HP having invested in plenty of market research to figure out how to make their site as sticky as possible (in web terms, that means keeping people on your site) and the faves and fans and badges thing was the tool that they found most effective. It is manipulation of one’s ego, like feeding sugar to a kid over and over, they want more.
SmotPoker : If you are incapable of outsmarting a moron, then you need to reexamine just who the moron truly is in that situation…
MurphTheSurf3 : About HP and badges, fans and favs….I like them..I know, how juvenile of me, how addictive, how silly…..BUT I like them because they are a means of getting others to engage and feel like they are being recognized…Her e we talk to each other at length, but the size of HP and the speed at which it moves does not encourage that…further many who wander the site do not know how to do what we are doing so the site gives them shorthand…F and F….and the badges- well they are really Involvement Icons that say who the person is on the site- how involved, how connected, how respected…..An d I very much like the pundit program…with few exceptions they chose good people….sadly recent formatting, moderating, and verifying decisions have undermined their efforts.
Beatlex : What,did John Boehner wake up from his five year stupor?The fight is joined pub against pub-POPCORN!
VegasBabe : adlib: Dude, your ROCKED! I REMEMBER well. Remember when HumeSkeptic would get so pissed off he would just start saying “Bite me” LMAO those were the days
msanonymous222 : Stupid Rand Paul. This guy is legislating and doesn’t even know the facts.
SmotPoker : These days I feel that if you as a grown adult can’t handle an idiot then it is you that has failed. I don’t let others live in my head rent free. That space if high rent..
SmotPoker : I grew tired of bashing the trolls just as I got tired of arguing with religious people. These days I just let it go and move on. No offense VB…
msanonymous222 : I dunno. I kinda delight in telling people things like, “There IS no 99 weeks!”
VegasBabe : pinkpantheroz: I never understood why the comments suddenly never posted. It wasn’t always like that.
AdLib : VB – Well…as you probably recall, I was quite a troll assassin back in my HP days but after leaving, I eventually realized that it wasn’t the most productive use of my mind and energy because in the end, they just come back and do it all over again anyway. I still enjoy that feeling of slapping down a toxic troll but I know I get much more satisfaction having great conversations with people I really enjoy.
msanonymous222 : I haven’t even had time to look into anything.
seehowtheyrun : That’s great news Murph. I hope the expansion happens.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: you got it dude.
msanonymous222 : I have to deal with Obamacare yet.
MurphTheSurf3 : OK I am back for good…phone calls. ACA is really heating up here. Big time. Giant push to get the medicaid expansion….
SmotPoker : VB you make it out to MI you give me a call. It will be good.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: I’m glad you quit son. Stick with the doobies…there safer. I’d try them myself exceptin’ I don’t travel in those circles to get any and iffin I did, wouldn’t know how to roll them anyway. But I’ve had one before and it was quite delightful.
SmotPoker : That wasn’t a bash at Obama, but at the spin doctoring that goes on.
pinkpantheroz : VP – agree totally. It was initiaaly homorous to prick the bubble in which the trolls live, but it did become tiresome and sour when your comment never go to the page and yet the trolls could spread their hate and lies all over the joint. We are all well out of there. You’re geniuses ( genii?), AdLib and Team. Bravo
seehowtheyrun : AdLib: I’ve often felt I was part of a social experiment at HP.
SmotPoker : AsLib – Yep. Everything is manufactured by experts from Obama on down. Nobody in power or in the corporate world so much as farts without first seeing out it will play out with the public.
msanonymous222 : “The pleasure centers of a blogger’s brain” sounds kinda kinky.
AdLib : Smot – I think the whole Fans/Badges/Favo rite thing was like a kind of blogging cocaine habit. It gives one a rush to have people fan them, fave them, etc. and you want more. So you post more. That works well for HP but it’s not by accident that they figured out how to activate the pleasure centers of a bloggers brain and profit off of that.
seehowtheyrun : That is the truth, Beatlex.
msanonymous222 : I’m hibernating and job hunting all weekend.
SmotPoker : I spent over 20 years looking for answers in the bottom of a bottle. I lost my taste for it after I had my spine fusion.
msanonymous222 : Apple martinis? I could go for one of those right now. We’re about to get hit with the snow.
Beatlex : There was so much that was good about the early HP.I lament losing that.But I guess pages get turned in life whether we want it or not
SmotPoker : They are trolls for a reason.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: no more booze?? WHAT new hell is this? LMAO..if I had to surrender my apple martinis’, it’d get ugly around here
SmotPoker : The trolls at HP won’t be affected one iota by this move.
msanonymous222 : Oh yeah, the trolls deserved everything they got.
SmotPoker : Misanon – I know right?
VegasBabe : ad: Your right, your absolutely right but there is one thing I will likely miss in all fairness, and that’s taking down trolls. It was an ugly business to be sure, but it had to be done.
msanonymous222 : Smot, I got one that was 100+ faved and just about DIED.
SmotPoker : AdLib – I’ve done that too believe it or not….
AdLib : Smot – Maybe you should do things in reverse and start a relationship in the gutter that ends in a bar?
SmotPoker : If you made a delightful comment that got you triple digits in faves, it made your heart feel just a bit better…
AdLib : ms –
SmotPoker : AdLib – You make a very valid point. I think a lot of the appeal at HP was the size of the audience.
AdLib : ppo – Perfect Python quote!
VegasBabe : misanon: LMAO…hey, I just go with the flow!
SmotPoker : Last comment was for VB I forgot to specify
AdLib : This was really the dynamic for some folk preferring HP, the idea that you were reaching a larger audience and being heard. In the case of Pundits, that was arguably the case but for the majority of folks on HP, a comment would either be held, deleted or disappear in a minute to a back page so though there are many on the site, no one had much of a chance to read what you posted except those who were your fans and went to the trouble of looking up your comment. Here, things move slower but that’s a good thing. We can have longer, more thoughtful and intriguing conversations and as many here attest, I have been smartened up by the conversations here in a way that I never was at HP.
SmotPoker : I’m not interested in getting into a relationship. I don’t drink any longer so the bar scene is out, and besides EVERY relationship I ever had with a woman that started in a bar, ended in a gutter. I’m happy right now, for the most part. That will do.
msanonymous222 : How did we switch from HuffPo to eHarmony?
VegasBabe : smotpoker: ok and what do you think you should do about it? get yourself out there…meet people…open yourself up and, if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. Everyone deserves somebody if that’s that they want. Do try smot…it’s not hard.
SmotPoker : I can’t be offended either. You got to try very hard to do that. It hasn’t been done.
pinkpantheroz : SP, in the wors of Monty Python – Sheer Luxury! “)
msanonymous222 : Good for you
msanonymous222 : Haha, Smot
SmotPoker : To me that sounds like I should be calling a suicide hotline…but I’m not so it’s cool.
Beatlex : VB,It’s all good,I enjoy the same thing,putting in my 2 cents
SmotPoker : VB – If you’re asking if I’m lonely…I’m a 48yr old divorced dude with a bad back, living on social security with 2 cats, a dog, and daughter that is off to college but will be moving back home for next semester….what do YOU think?
AdLib : Smot – Very cool. As you might gather from our articles, we do offer quite a bit of humor here, the more the merrier.
SmotPoker : A balance of both I think. I treat a lot of stuff as a joke.
pinkpantheroz : Smot, you ARE being heard. there are many of us who feel the same, and thank goodness this site exists! So say what you mean anytime and there will be an ear to hear and a voice to support.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: dude, your cracking me up here.
Are you being facetious or sincere?
SmotPoker : AdLib – I used to a podcast on Youtube with a couple other guys where I did some of that schtick
seehowtheyrun : We want to hear you too, Smot!
AdLib : Smot – Heh! They like you, they really like you!
AdLib : Smot – Now that sounds right up our alley, Fractured History tales? Looking forward to that!
SmotPoker : I think that might have been the saddest thing I have ever written….
SmotPoker : I just want to be heard, I don’t care what the topic is/
MurphTheSurf3 : Good KT….I really wanted to contribute to Mandela stream last week…had a song and all….still I went through it….moving, very moving. take care.
SmotPoker : Later Kilgore
AdLib : Night Killgore! Looking forward to this weekend’s music thread!
seehowtheyrun : Pink: I’m a two finger flyer myself!
pinkpantheroz : G/nite, KT, sleep the sleep of the good.
Beatlex : Goodnight KT! Sleep well
AdLib : Beatlex – The main thing is that folks feel comfortable participating as they wish to. We have many readers who don’t even post comments, some who mainly just come to Vox, others who post comments and articles (like Murph) and some who just enjoy our weekend features, Killgore’s Music Thread and Sally’s Sunday Funnies. Whatever works for you, works for us.
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink…you should have seen “all thumbs Murph” the first few weeks…..horrif ying
SmotPoker : A popular one is where I tell about the dangers George Washington faced on the first American moon shot back in the 40’s….
seehowtheyrun : Nite Kilgore.
VegasBabe : Nite Kilgore. Sleep well dear.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I already submitted the music thread for this week. I hope you and everybody else likes it.
msanonymous222 : Nite, Kilgore
pinkpantheroz : Sorry, everybody, but I’m new to this quickfire format, so taking a bit of time to respond ( 2 flying fingers only!) thanks Murph and Adlib. the primer idea sounds great. Maybe an early post on next week’s vox.
VegasBabe : Beatlex: I haven’t the wherewithal to keep up a blog…it would ruin me, trying to think of something to say. But just a site where I can listen to other folks and put in my two cents every now and agin is just fine with me.
KillgoreTrout : Well good folks, It’s time for me to retire. Stay forever young!
SmotPoker : I might put together one of my Fractured History tales for the site…
msanonymous222 : They also think they’re children.
msanonymous222 : They’re a cat that makes itself go limp
MurphTheSurf3 : Anon and Vegas….you guys are going to be great…getting very excited
msanonymous222 : LOL Smot. No.
AdLib : VB – Looking forward to publishing your next and future articles! And that goes out to all our members. The Planet is a kind of public think tank, we seek articles from all our members and as fate would have it, they usually turn out to be pretty damn interesting and engaging.
SmotPoker : Missanon – Ragdoll? Is that one of those dogs you can jam a stick up it’s rear and have a new mop?
msanonymous222 : Right now I’m so busy just trying to find work…ughhh
Beatlex : I don’t have it in me to blog.I like to think I can convey a lot with a line or three
msanonymous222 : AdLib, I’ll think about this.
VegasBabe : adlib: that would be great…for us returnees and newbies.
msanonymous222 : Smot, I have a 22 lb and a 12 lb ragdoll
MurphTheSurf3 : Pink- made me sputter..and that is quite a site.
msanonymous222 : But that’s what I want.
msanonymous222 : Gee, that sounds cheery.
msanonymous222 : I want a blog on poverty issues.
KillgoreTrout : msanon, this is a great place to do it.
SmotPoker : I got one girl cat (Baby Girl) who is regular cat size. I have one boy cat (Lenny) who is huge. He’s not fat, he’s big boned. And of course the aforementioned pocket wookie clocking in at 8lb
AdLib : VB – Absolutely. I’ll put up a new post next week that helps to get our new members up to speed on The Planet. But yes, all members can write articles that will be published. Articles on issues or news will appear on the front page, articles on other topics will appear in Speakers Corner. All articles will be promoted by email, Facebook and Twitter.
VegasBabe : misanon: start HERE! Why not? It could be fun…especially if your rusty…get your juices flowing.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I did not deliver it well…..my bad too.
msanonymous222 : I really need to get this all out of my system. LOL
msanonymous222 : Vegas, that’s why I want to start a blog.
seehowtheyrun : Smot: My 7 lb wookie used to rule the roost. The 14lb cat was no match. I’m sure he’s happy she’s gone now.
pinkpantheroz : Riiiiight, Murph, and all swine are fully fuelled and ready for takeoff:)
msanonymous222 : Haha, Smot, I bet not. I have 2 cats, and 1 is 22 lbs. I could just see her with a little runty dog
VegasBabe : I’ll start working on something….I’ m not as good as a lot of folks here, but I do have my opinions…such as they are
SmotPoker : I got 25 lb cat that ain’t too happy about it though…
AdLib : Murph – How often is it that I don’t get a joke? My bad!
seehowtheyrun : Thanks AdLib.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: me too…I’ll be looking for one in a shelter here soon. Can’t wait. they give so much love and ask for so little in return.
KillgoreTrout : Ah Beatlex, you’ve seen through me.
AdLib : see – So glad you’re back, of course I remember your being here which is why it’s doubly great to have you back!
msanonymous222 : Vegas, go for it!
MurphTheSurf3 : Vegas….please do…write articles……wo uld love to see them.
SmotPoker : This one was one of my mothers. He needed a place where he would attention, so I was elected. He always want me to be his “daddy” anyway so he’s happy as hell here.
Beatlex : Kilgore Trout,I have “wondered” a couple times already tonite:lol:
msanonymous222 : I used to have a 2 lb peke-a-poo. I love lil doggies.
VegasBabe : Adlib: soooooooo….are we welcome to submit/write articles as before?
AdLib : Beatlex – Kind of sad and funny at the same time but you’re right, the HP version of a conversation was as you described: 3 comments between a troll and two Progressives trying to refute him.
VegasBabe : Smotpoker: got it.
seehowtheyrun : I used to have a pocket wookie. Great little dogs!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I was trying to be sarcastic and failed. The Planet actually is such a place. HP pretends it is.
SmotPoker : They look like little wookies.
SmotPoker : For the record a Pocket Wookie is what I call a Silky Yorkie
seehowtheyrun : Very nice AdLib. I was here a little bit at the beginning, and then lurked off and on while I was dealing with some personal stuff, I’m looking forward to being here more.
KillgoreTrout : SP, cannabis is a wonder drug/plant. I used to grow my own, but I had to give it up for a while. Small apartment with a manager that is almost always around.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: a pocket wookie? English please LOL
AdLib : Murph – Did you mean The Planet?
SmotPoker : Man, I got a Pocket Wookie that is just crawling all in my seat squirming to get comfy…
AdLib : ppo – Really appreciate your comment! I agree, you don’t really recognize how much you’ve compromised and put up with until you’re free of it. Then you think, “Why did I put up with that kind of treatment for so long?”
msanonymous222 : awful awful awful awful
KillgoreTrout : Pink, I go to the Vineyard every summer, for a few days. My mom lives in Falmouth, on the lower Cape.
msanonymous222 : Beatlex, oh God, that new format
VegasBabe : Adlib: Well said.
msanonymous222 : Then take partial credit, Smot
Beatlex : HP wanted us to have “conversations ” with their new format.Which ended up as 3 comment conversations between a troll and a couple of progressives putting them in their place,some change
msanonymous222 : Lovely comment, AdLib
SmotPoker : I can’t take all the credit, my comments are enhanced by cannabis.
AdLib : VB – Back when you and I and the rest were there, it was a great place. It’s hard sometimes to accept that someone or something has permanently changed and will never go back to being how great it used to be but that’s life. On the other hand, here we all are, freely expressing ourselves as we used to do at HP, no trolls and lots of great folks. So, instead of trying to change what can’t be changed, we can support and build bigger a community that truly reflects our principles and the environment we want to have.
KillgoreTrout : That’s pretty funny SP.
SmotPoker : Kilgore – I’ll try not to piss on the rugs…
KillgoreTrout : Pink, this site has made my life much richer. I’ve learned so much here, and continue to do so. This site is truly a home for me.
VegasBabe : Kilgore: I KNOW…and Martha’s vineyard??? One of these days Kilgore, one of these days!!!
SmotPoker : dlib – I bet I could have made killing selling bumber stickers in Colorado with that….
AdLib : Smot – Very funny, “Focus on your own damn family”!
msanonymous222 : AdLib, they were as far away from apologetic as possible.
Beatlex : SMOT! The good,the bad,and the HP ugly
KillgoreTrout : VB Boston is just full of American history sites and neighbohoods. You’d like it. Cape Cod, just about 70 miles south is wonderful. A really beautiful place.
MurphTheSurf3 : PinkPanther…HP is really a very free place….I find it an oasis in the blogging desert.
AdLib : ms – I do think that was the most resonant and revealing thing, the way they bald-faced lied to the members and were unapologetic about lying and ambushing them like this. Such hubris, such a lack of respect and concern. They can pour all the sugary words they want over that but they can’t make it go away.
seehowtheyrun : Excellent, Smot.
msanonymous222 : LOL Smot. It fits.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah SP, a lot of rednecks in Columbus.
msanonymous222 : I was getting tired of typing comments and watching them delete as soon as I submitted.
SmotPoker : I went to HP earlier and I had this song «link» playing as I did it seemed so appropriate…
msanonymous222 : The censorship was really getting to be WAY out of control.
pinkpantheroz : Adlin=b, I think that the main reason the Rebels are flocking here is, unlike the Evil Empire, one’s opinions are accepted and not judged on how PC or anti-Big Business they are. We’re treated like the free-thinking adults we are and it is a gorgeous freedom we have discovered. the brainwashing by AOL/HP was so insidious that some of us didn’t notice the onion effect until almost too late. Thanks to you and others on this site, I really feel free to let my real voice be heard. Thank you all. Arigato, Kalima!
AdLib : Smot – I’m with you, we’ll be turning the page next week and getting back to focusing on the issues. But it is cleansing to get all that HP crap out of one’s system.
KillgoreTrout : VB it comes all too often in Portland. It starts just before Halloween and doesn’t really let up until around late May. You get a few days of sunshine in the interim though.
seehowtheyrun : I think that’s a very astute observation AdLib. It’s sad, because it was a really cool place for a while.
VegasBabe : Adlib: I’m sorry to say you’ve nailed it. But at one time…it was the shit, excuse my French.
SmotPoker : I lived in Columbus, I went to college there. I understand your desire to leave there as well.
msanonymous222 : AdLib, I tend to agree with you. I’ve been posting there since 2010.
AdLib : see – I think that HP has evolved into the animal it had been morphing into since 2008 and it is a petrified corporate husk. The site will continue on but as a blog equivalent of The Living Dead. No genuine life to it, just corporate greed running through its veins and exploitative garbage running as stories.
msanonymous222 : and they pulled this out-of-the-blue maneuver so that we had no way to confront them on their cowardice on 12-10
KillgoreTrout : I’m thinking of moving to Colorado or Oregon, I haven’t decided though. I live in Columbus Ohio now, but am pretty tired of it.
SmotPoker : Right near the AFA, Focus on the Family or as I called them Focus on your own damn family… cretins to the very core.
seehowtheyrun : Me too, msanon.
VegasBabe : kilgoretrout: always wanted to visit both Boston and Portland. I love, love, love the rain,….it comes so seldom here in Vegas.
Beatlex : HP took what was a really fun place to go into a corporate shill and sucked the lifeblood out of it
msanonymous222 : What I am most POd about is that they lied to us about being grandfathered in
SmotPoker : VB – For sure. That’s why I didn’t say I like it for the people.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: really? Colorado springs huh? is that a red state?
msanonymous222 : Thanks, VB
VegasBabe : misannon: my son just gotta job finally for a corporation in Cali but sounded like they were hiring and also sounded like they were everywhere. I’ll follow up on that.
SmotPoker : AdLib – You can start it up, but to be honest I’ve said just about all I got to say about those assholes.
msanonymous222 : AdLib, I’ll discuss the vermin.
seehowtheyrun : So what do you think about HP, AdLib?
KillgoreTrout : VB, it’s hard to say. I loved Boston, but it’s a bit expensive. I loved Southern California, and I love Portland because it really is a liberal city, but far too much rain. Absolutley beautiful in the summer though. Mountains everywhere.
SmotPoker : For the nostalgia I prefer MI in order to be around my family.
AdLib : Don’t suppose anyone wants to discuss HP now?
seehowtheyrun : AdLib: I Googled it. Looks great up there.
msanonymous222 : Thanks, see!
AdLib : Beatlex – That’s why they pay me the big money. Hey…I don’t get paid, I’m a volunteer like everyone else here, what a rip!
msanonymous222 : HAHAHA I just googled that
SmotPoker : VB – For the views I loved Colorado Springs. For the people I’m fond of Washington. For the good times I liked Cali but hated the traffic.
seehowtheyrun : msanon: I’m on the west coast but sending good thoughts and hope things turn around for you soon.
Beatlex : AdLib,Cool,I googled it! right on
msanonymous222 : LOL Truth
SmotPoker : One thing about dirt, it’s pretty cheap but not so tasty…
VegasBabe : Kilgore Trout: which place did you like best?
msanonymous222 : because I’m living on dirt.
VegasBabe : Night glenn. Sleep well
msanonymous222 : So if anyone hears of anything….
SmotPoker : I’ve been to just about all the states, and lived in half a dozen of them between MI and Washington in the NW
VegasBabe : smotpoker: grammar Nazi?? :)you are so bad…but accurate. Bet she’s a damn good one.
AdLib : glenn – Great chatting with you as always. Get some rest and enjoy sleeping in tomorrow!
KillgoreTrout : SP, it’s possible.
MurphTheSurf3 : Good night Glenn– take care…
pinkpantheroz : Glenn, Goodnight, new chum and may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
SmotPoker : Kilgore – We may have crossed paths at some point.
msanonymous222 :
AdLib : ppo – Go to google right now and type in “planetpov huffington post” and watch what comes up.
msanonymous222 : Night, Glenn
KillgoreTrout : I’ve lived in many different states and cities. Boston, New Hampshire, North Carolina, LA, San Diego and Portland Oregon. I’m somewhat of a free spirit.
SmotPoker : Misanon – I kid, I kid…
msanonymous222 : Smot, I was indeed.
glenn : Alright folks, time for me to call it a night. No more soccer games for a while, but have a lot of errands to run tomorrow. Take care everyone. It was nice meeting all of you, and seeing old friends. Take care everyone, and have a good weekend.
SmotPoker : Misanon – So you were a Grammar Nazi?
Beatlex : AdLib-There are signs he might just do that,
msanonymous222 : But my strength is the intersection of people and information and problem solving
pinkpantheroz : Thanx Adlib – nice to know they care! now if only they passed along our vitriol about HP to the offending hegemony….
msanonymous222 : I’m a former paralegal and researcher and proofreader as well
VegasBabe : misannon: jack of all trades, huh? I hear ya. That’s exactly how you gotta roll sometimes especially in this economy.
AdLib : glenn – I do think that is a real powerful button to push. If Obama hammers hard on America returning to be a nation that believes in fairness, justice and equality, in society and in our economy, I think it can tap into a huge reservoir of support in this country.
msanonymous222 : Corporate-type
msanonymous222 : But let’s just say customer service, management level
msanonymous222 : I have four. LOL
VegasBabe : misanon: I hear ya…I wish I could help at leas in the job arena…if I think of something I’ll let you know here. May I ask your occupation?
KillgoreTrout : Right SP. A dingy little town.
msanonymous222 : Oh yeah, Steubenville’s been in the news for that.
msanonymous222 : (and that’s the truth)
msanonymous222 : I barely have money for a CTA ride.
msanonymous222 : VB, Chicago was my “fresh start.” I don’t really have the money to move or move back home.
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend Fergie.
AdLib : ppo – The reason you see that Google crawls the site is that I broke its kneecaps with a baseball bat by accident when it snuck up on me one Vox. Actually, we naturally have the major search engines visit the site to list our articles and when they are here during Vox, that’s the message that pops up.
SmotPoker : Kilgore – But it is in OHIO correct?
Beatlex : Check out this tune-That’s the way it goes-Concert for George«link» tu.be/KBgAF_R7o7 4
glenn : G’night fergie–sweet dreams!
KillgoreTrout : SP, it’s been in the news for a few months now about a rape case that was covered up by the high school football faculty. It’s also where Dean Martin was born.
VegasBabe : misanon: It may be time to pull up stakes and get outta Chicago. Rahm is doing nothing for the areas that need it most and I am very disappointed in him. How about you?
glenn : AdLib–President Obama has addressed the “united” part of America a few times in speeches, such as his speech when he won in November. I do wish he would keep with it, though.
SmotPoker : Now it comes to me. Stuebenville is in OH correct? I delivered some vehicles there in my twenties when I was a car hauler in the midwest.
MurphTheSurf3 : Good night Fergie…it was nice connecting with you tonight. See you next week I hope.
KillgoreTrout : VB, not really. The pollution from the steel mills was terrible. Very provincial attitudes there. I left in the mid seventies and haven’t been back since.
msanonymous222 : VB, that is hysterical. My last job was in Evanston.
VegasBabe : Night Fergie!
AdLib : Night Fergie1! Glad you could join us for Vox. Hope you’ll be back!
VegasBabe : misanon: You have got to be kidding me!!! I just left Chicago about five months ago and returned to Vegas. I worked at FifthThird Bank which by the way suckkks…:) In fact, I’ve actually lived a great part of my life in Chcago…married in Evanston, worked at the John Hancock…yep… we really be sistahs
pinkpantheroz : Adlib, just spotted the note on top that Google is crawling the site. what does that mean?
seehowtheyrun : Goodnight Fergie!
msanonymous222 : Take care, Fergie
Fergie1 : G’nite all. I’m off to get some sun and start my Chairstmas cards – YES, I still send to my diaspora! But Christmas in Australia is odd. If I hear “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas one more time, I’ll……..!!! Have a lovely weekend everyone. This was a fun intro to Vox.
SmotPoker : STARTLING FACT at least I believe it is….Every single citizen of America is a member of the 1% in the global economy….
msanonymous222 : Our unemployment is second highest in the country–double digits
AdLib : Smot – It’s too bad that we all have to settle for things being a way they don’t need to be but when you’re there, the most enlightened philosophy is what you expressed.
msanonymous222 : VB, I’ve been in Chicago now for about 7 yrs
KillgoreTrout : Me too glenn. And the majority of these assholes call themselves Christians.
SmotPoker : Stuebenville…. Hmmm why do I know that place? I’ve been all over America and the globe….Why does that name stick out..
pinkpantheroz : KT, I’m astounded by the irony that the states needing the most assistace are the very ones run by the Party that wants to eliminate such help. I just don’t understand the mentality of the one-eyes sheep who blindly vote GOP.
VegasBabe : misanon: where you hailin’ from now girlfriend, if I may ask?
VegasBabe : killgoretrout: had an aunt who lived in Stuebenville for a time and we visited here there often. nice little town I thought.
AdLib : glenn – That is a theme that would be great for Obama to promote in his SOTU speech and includes the ACA, everyone in America pitching in together for the common good. That is as big a winning issue as any and if married to the issue of economic fairness and raising the minimum wage, it’s one powerful and winning theme for the Dems to run on in 2014.
Beatlex : glenn-good points,they don’t give a sh++ about the poor and those in need
msanonymous222 : <-+–Pleasant Hills girl
msanonymous222 : VB, I kid you not.
SmotPoker : I got a chance to be on the other side of the money equation, and I saw the vast difference between the haves and have nots. I was never rich, but I did ok.
msanonymous222 : Smot, I hear ya. I have two grown kids and two grown cats (LOL). Just trying to hang on a day at a time.
KillgoreTrout : glenn it’s the GOPTP’s bootstrap mentality and it’s anti-American.
VegasBabe : misanon: south hills??? get the hell outta here???
VegasBabe : smotpoker: and you have YOU and Your a special dude.
msanonymous222 : I feel like I’m in tri-state country.
seehowtheyrun : VB: I think that’s why there is such a concerted effort by the powers that be to keep everyone running as hard as they can just to stay on the hamster wheel: so they DON’T have the time, energy, or resources to fight against agencies that aren’t doing their job, or fight for the poor, etc…
SmotPoker : After being unable to return to my career I had to retire due to disability. These days I don’t have much. I have a car, my daughter, and my pets. And you know what, it’s good enough.
KillgoreTrout : VB, I was born and raised in Steubenville, Ohio.
glenn : Beatlex, KT–I am so sick of the “mine” mentality in the r/tp. I thought we were the United States, and that our taxes went for the “common good.” This new mentality of r/tp people wanting to say where “their” taxes go just doesn’t make sense. I’ve been paying taxes for over 50 years now–been working since I was 15 years old–and I never knew we had a choice about where our taxes went. Other than to elect good people, I mean.
msanonymous222 : WOOHOO, VB. I’m a former Pittsburgher! I know exactly where you’re talking about. I’m from South Hills.
AdLib : VB – Absolutely. The wealthy have the time to fight for their agenda, it’s harder for folks who have to work or struggle each week to invest the same amount of time and money.
VegasBabe : Washington, Pennsylvania, small town 27 miles south of Pittsburgh…STE ELER COUNTRY
msanonymous222 : VB, I used to be married and we were very well off. I did my fighting then, never thinking I’d become one of ‘them.’ Now I just fight even harder.
SmotPoker : It’s funny, but having a spine fusion surgery that didn’t work out made me a better human human being. Before the surgery I had plenty of money, a wife, a kid, cars, all the toys….
KillgoreTrout : The real travesty is the military spendin BILLIONS on new ships and fighter jets, that we don’t NEED!
Beatlex : Hey! I thought we were going to have a go at HP tonight,bring it guys and gals!
VegasBabe : Wouldn’t it be awesome to be well enough off to be able to sustain yourself and your family always and spend your real time fighting agencies who don’t do what their suppose to do? Fight republicans full time? Fight for poor people?
MurphTheSurf3 : Vegas I like the woods, the lakes, the weather (varying seasons) and most of the people who are folksy and down to earth but the politics are neanderthal and as a progressive I am a stranger in strange land.
msanonymous222 : VB, you able to say where? I used to live in PA.
AdLib : VB – You may be right about that, it probably is illegal for the gas to be turned off in the winter. Thanks goodness for that. As for food though…
msanonymous222 : AdLib, that’s exactly the problem–the red tape. Add to that the unemployment cutoff, and the SNAP program cuts…huge problems.
AdLib : ms – That’s what I would think, any government program, even local, has plenty of red tape to get through. And in the meantime, people are freezing.
msanonymous222 : I’ve worked on poverty issues for many years. Seen stuff that you can’t imagine that agencies get away with.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly Beatlex, food stamps also help the economy, but the whiners in the GOPTP just won’t admit that.
VegasBabe : murph: I come from a small rural area in Pennsylvania and I must say, I miss it sometimes. Do you enjoy living in your community?
AdLib : ms – That’s messed up, sorry to hear that.
VegasBabe : misaon: No more awesome than you dear.
msanonymous222 : The law says you can’t…but they do.
msanonymous222 : Constant battle between the utilities and the utility assistance programs.
VegasBabe : Adlib: I don’t know. Back in the day, it was against the law in some states to turn off heat during the winter and I’ve always assumed that remains the case today. I knew plenty of folks who didn’t have utilities in the summer, but had heat in the winter.
msanonymous222 : If you apply for HEAP/LIHEAP/CEDA help, you have to wait for it to be processed. Even if they KNOW you’re going to qualify, even if they KNOW payment is forthcoming, they can still turn you off.
Beatlex : The thing is,that cutting people off unemployment HURTS the economy! The “fiscal” party are at it again
AdLib : Dbos – Good to see you, have a great weekend!
msanonymous222 : AdLib, I can tell you how this works. BTDT.
msanonymous222 : VB, you are awesome. Thank you!
MurphTheSurf3 : VegasBabe- I live in a very poor rural area and know precisely what you are addressing.
VegasBabe : Night AB; Night RF
AdLib : VB – But if a family in freezing weather suddenly gets cut off from UI payments, how quickly would they be able to get on a program to help them pay for gas and how quickly would they have it to use? People can get really ill without heat, let alone food.
msanonymous222 : make that 4 nothings LOL
glenn : AB–you leaving, too? Good night and take care!
msanonymous222 : I lost mine in a divorce, Murph, then the recession in 2008, then underemployed, now nothing
VegasBabe : misanon: Don’t give up girlfriend. What we have to remember is not what we don’t have, but what we have. Like me…I found a new friend tonight and it was YOU. Who’d a thunk it? Smile baby, it’s gonna go your way sooner than you may think.
MurphTheSurf3 : MSAnon…I am sorry….I have been there. Lost almost all I had in 2008…
msanonymous222 : It’s so sad.
msanonymous222 : VB, they have no CLUE the cruelty that goes on at Christmas.
glenn : Kes-g’night. Have a wonderful time crafting!
Dbos : interesting “ill be back see ya
SmotPoker : I didn’t have much hope for the party of Suck It to do much for the unemployed before the break. Old habits die hard and all that…
msanonymous222 : Big time, Murph.
VegasBabe : Adlib: I haven’t a clue…there are programs out there who help with utilities…but how will families fend for Christmas. Does anyone understand how cruel it is for kids to watch stupid commercials at Christmas and know of friends who are collecting tons of toys and they get nada? its the kids I worry about most.
MurphTheSurf3 : MSANON…others seem to know your story a bit….you sound like you are up against the wall.
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams AB.
msanonymous222 : Night, A
AdLib : Night AB, great to see you! Sleep well!
msanonymous222 : The Dems got VERY lazy when it came to this extension. I knew we were in trouble when Durbin wouldn’t take a ‘do or die’ stance on including it in the budget deal.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…the best to you….take care.
AdLib : Night Kes and thanks for heading up the Welcome Wagon this afternoon! Have a great weekend!
glenn : AB–I think the Dems have been lazy–but the r/tps have woken many of them up. Hell, the teapartiers have even woken up some indies and even some repubs.
KillgoreTrout : I think it’s cool your making presents Homie. Take care.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…making all your gifts…what a commitment.
SmotPoker : Later RF
Beatlex : Later DUDE!!
msanonymous222 : Lots of struggles. I’m trying to hang in there. Right now I’m living on things like TaskRabbit gigs (which suck).
Fergie1 : Possibly Murph – I would be proud!
AlphaBitch : Night Ms. Kes! I’m right behinds ya. See all these shiny new faces around the planet! SO glad y’all are here.
msanonymous222 : VB, it’s been a LONG, LONG time.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…good night…I hardly got a chance to say Hi!
VegasBabe : misnon: It’s just a matter of time before you’ll be back on your feet 100 percent. I can feel it.
seehowtheyrun : Goodnight kesmarn!
RF Dude : Sorry to drop out so soon, gotta run an errand. Very cool, Ad – I’ll be back!
msanonymous222 : I have six years to go until early SS. Don’t know if I’m going to make it.
Fergie1 : Ok, I’m just going to read the comments for a while now – only one “useful” eye and it’s like being on speed to try and keep up! Hugz!
kesmarn : Well, kids. This year I’m making a lot of my Christmas gifts, so I’m gonna take my leave a bit early and start craftin’ up a storm (literal snow storm). Have a great music-sharing Saturday (a Planet special) tomorrow and a wonderful weekend.
AdLib : VB – SO glad to hear you’ve got a job lined up in the new year! But I think it is heartless and cruel of the Repubs to cut off yours and so many other’s vital income like this and at this time of year. So what will those in freezing weather do when they have no money to pay for gas and heat?
msanonymous222 : Alpha, I’ve been SO impressed with her.
VegasBabe : I’m ah..sorry to admit, a banker (sigh) and was laid off with a bunch of other folks but I’m returning to a gig that I’ve done before. It’s temporary, but I really enjoyed it AND, in April I’ll qualify for social security at 62 so things are looking up baby.
glenn : Murph–As I’ve said many times, I will NEVER understand r/tp “logic”. Women can’t have abortions, can’t use birth control, but once those “precious” babies are here, the r/tps want nothing to do with them. In fact, they’d like to see them starve–both from lack of food and lack of education. I just don’t “get” it. And, BTW, good on ya, Murph (and your other co-op members). You embody the spirit of Christmas.
seehowtheyrun : Wonderful Murph. Bless you.
Fergie1 : Amazing story Murph. No doubt about it – you’re quite a guy along with your “gang”! Thanks for sharing – it brightens the day even more.
msanonymous222 : Man, we need more like you.
msanonymous222 : God bless you, Murph.
AlphaBitch : Kes – he wears the glasses to see if Teddy Cruz is lurking behind him….
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie…mega thanks…does this make us blood kin?
RF Dude : AB – Yeah! GOTV is where it’s gonna make or break it in ’14!
AlphaBitch : MsA – I know Leticia and she is a gem.
msanonymous222 : VB, hope it all turns out well for you. I went from unemployment (2 yrs–a 99er) to underemployment for 3 yrs, to quitting a job that was causing me to get sick three WEEKS before the sector of the company went under–and not getting any UC.
kesmarn : Those black rimmed glasses Lil Ricky has adopted haven’t made him one bit smarter in TX, AdLib.
seehowtheyrun : Me too Kilgore.
VegasBabe : murph: you’ve just become my HERO dude. Seriously
MurphTheSurf3 : Vegas- how long were you unemployed. How did you wrangle the new job…AND BIG Congrats!….by the way….I don’t think I said “Hi”!
KillgoreTrout : SEEHOW, they will always have that 25% of crazies, but I’m hoping the more moderate repubs will start objecting to the TPer nonsense.
AlphaBitch : Glenn & Kes – the lazy are the dems unfortunately. But we are starting to see folks wake up. Light the fire under their arses and get them to turn out, that’s what we have to do.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: good to know, kindly forward your address with diretions…LMAO
Beatlex : The unemployed and poor don’t have lobbyists in Washington.That is a sad fact
AdLib : Kes – Yep, 25% of Texans are uninsured, women and blacks are being restricted from voting in TX, women have had control over their own bodies taken away…but at least they can say “Merry Christmas” in school to all those victims of the white mail theocracy in TX.
msanonymous222 : I’m anxious to see what happens with this Wendy Davis/Leticia VandePutte ticket
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL…Let me share a story in the real world – spinning off of A MSANON and AD LIB interchange….I n a Wal-Mart last week. I saw a “family”of 5 kids, all boys, black, white, Hispanic. Youngest about 8 or 9. Oldest 14-15. After a moment or two I realized that these kids were all “special”. The “mom” was keeping the kids together while the “dad” picked things up. I got a chance to say hello. I asked if the kids were adopted. He said that they were foster parents. I noted that it was hard to do that given how the kids come and go. His answer: “Mister, once we take a kid like our boys…..we hardly ever see them go….in fact only one in 12 years….what is hard is taking care of them the way we should when the state keeps cutting our support….” He looked angry, hurt and sad. I was with five friends from our coop…..after a quick conversation…. we took care of that family’s bill at checkout….No matter how down I get….the gift of those parents and their boys makes the Season for me…..My state is Missouri and it is governed by the Grinch Party.
glenn : AB–I always love how you talk. The lazy and the crazy–that goes to the “heart” (or lack of it) of the repugnants.
VegasBabe : AdLib: your such a decent fellow…conside rate and kind. I’m on unemployment currently which may end this month sigh but the good news is I already have a job lined up in February so I just need to punt until then. DON’T WORRY ABOUT ME I’ve been through worse LOL
seehowtheyrun : Kilgore, You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard Boehner yesterday. I’m hoping the GOP is irreparably damaged!
kesmarn : Good thing they have you in the Lone Star State, AB — otherwise we’d have to cut ’em loose and say adios to the lazy and crazy.
Fergie1 : Thanks Murph. I feel for you and thank you for your compliment. I too have a blood ‘disorder’ Hereditary Hemochromatisis (Iron OVERLOAD!). Had to donate a pint of blood every week for a year. It’s a Celtic disorder found by accident in my case! I’m sending vibes that they will find the cause of your condition soon. This cannot be at all pleasant and you’re too special to be in this limbo. Every good wish friend.
KillgoreTrout : SEEHOW, I agree and he is also damaging the GOPTP. Even Boehner is tired of his shit.
SmotPoker : VB – I’ve ALWAYS got stash. ALWAYS.
VegasBabe : misan: I’m trying honey LOL
AlphaBitch : Kes – the hard core REpubs I know are ALL embarrassed by Teddy Boy and Ricky Oops. Their little “standing ovations” are the idiots. The Repubs with money will not support them – unless challenged by a dem. The lazy and the crazy – that’s the voting population of Texas.
glenn : VegasBabe–it’s not the typing–it’s the number of comments. This is the busiest I’ve seen VOX since Murph introduced it to me.
kesmarn : LOL, KT
VegasBabe : smotpoker: stash…did I hear that right? I’m in need of a little …stash
AdLib : VB – Yes, the cruelty of Repubs is so blatant, taking away money from the unemployed just before the holidays? And those who support the GOP can just rationalize away the cruelty. It is hard to understand those types.
KillgoreTrout : kes, isn’t that just like Perry? He makes Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar.
seehowtheyrun : Kilgore: He is so blinded by his delusions of grandeur. I think that’s actually a good thing because I think it will be his undoing. It’s already damaged him more than once in his career. At least, I hope so, he’s a scary person.
msanonymous222 : <-+-types 93
msanonymous222 : C’mon, VegasBabe. You can do it!
VegasBabe : you know, I type about 75-80 on a good day and I never thought I’d be saying this but I’m having trouble keeping up LOL
glenn : AdLib–I hope the pubs get attacked big time. Think Issa will hold hearings to get the bottom of it?
kesmarn : AB, I see that Ricky Perry just signed a bill legalizing the words “Merry Christmas” in pubic schools. Nice to know he’s got his priorities straight when 1 million Texans have no health insurance…
msanonymous222 : AdLib, I don’t think they’re going to relent easily. They never do. Dems better get this thing moving.
KillgoreTrout : SEEHOW, what gets me is he think’s he’s the smartest guy in the room.
VegasBabe : glenn: yes, the kids are so messed up, they will need social services support for their lifetimes…one was even blind…the story actually broke my heart to think folks lived like that anywhere.
msanonymous222 : And I swear if one more person thinks the same people are getting PAID for five years….
SmotPoker : I’ll bring my stash as well…
AdLib : ms – The pundits are saying that once Repubs go back home for the recess, they will get attacked by those who they’ve taken unemployment income away from and will relent and pass a bill when they return. Maybe that will happen, maybe not but either way, it means forcing over 1 million into much suffering through the holidays. Yep, Repubs just love being Christians.
glenn : Vegas Babe–oops, hit the “enter” button too soon. Wouldn’t surprise me if we had a couple like that here in our backwoods.
msanonymous222 : This same crap happens every single time.
Beatlex : Smot.I have a spare room,bring a Parka!
msanonymous222 : VegasBabe, yep.
AlphaBitch : B-ex: I’m in Texas. The big motherfracker.
VegasBabe : Ad; MisAnon…I assume we’re talking about unemployment benefits??? I’ve actually come to hating republicans and won’t tolerate any even in my immediate acquaintance. I will never understand why people can be so friggin hateful.
seehowtheyrun : Kilgore: Cruz gives me the creeps like no one else!
msanonymous222 : Oh Murph, I’m really sorry to read that!
SmotPoker : FYI for any of those nice Canadians out there, I’m more than willing to be adopted, AND I’m potty trained.
glenn : VegasBabe–very interesting about that family. Wouldn’
Beatlex : Alpha,yes.I am in Edmonton,Alberta .The land of BIG oil bucks.
KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn, it’s hilarious. He’s trying to grab them young.
AlphaBitch : Funk! Come join me! Like Priscilla, Queen of the Desert!
KillgoreTrout : SEE HOW, I’ve seen it and it’s hilarious. What a twerp he is.
kesmarn : Right AB. Don’t want to be within a 3 mile radius of a Christie EXplosion.
MurphTheSurf3 : Fergie….I have a blood disease…result anemia…I get iron infusions…this time the post blood tests did not match up as they should. Hard to breathe upon exertion…I pause for 45 seconds and am fine….has them all puzzled…AND I REALLY AM VERY GLAD TO SEE YOU HERE….your last post illustrates why!
msanonymous222 : People like Durbin and Sherrod Brown should have opened their mouths a good month ago. They KNEW this was going to go into the 2nd session.
msanonymous222 : Very angry about it, AdLib
funksands : AB, I hear the sagebrush is nice on that routd. Very full and bushy
lindstr77 : Cruz is indoctrinating toddlers now I see
AlphaBitch : Kes: better Crispy Kreme implodes then explodes!
glenn : KT–I haven’t cruz’s coloring book, but I’ve heard it’s a best seller among rwnj.
seehowtheyrun : Jinx ! Kilgore. I’ve seen it. Yikes.
AdLib : ms – You can rail here about it because that is far more important than the HP-FB thing, all these families in dire straits having their primary or only income taken away just before Xmas? The Repubs are the only ones fighting a war on Xmas!
kesmarn : I think Cruz will implode too, Beatlex — and maybe Christie as well.
lindstr77 : Killgore, I thought it was a joke.
glenn : Oops–I’m with you, Kilgore Trout. Sorry about that.
seehowtheyrun : Beatlex: I sure hope you’re right about Cruz. Have you seen his coloring book? Talk about propaganda.
KillgoreTrout : Has anybody seen the new coloring book featuring Ted Cruz? I shit you not.
AlphaBitch : B-ex: You still a Canook?
msanonymous222 : Beatlex, that time can’t come soon enough.
Beatlex : ++True Story++ Ted Cruz was born in the same city as me! Calgary Alberta.Sorry guys,but you can have him.He will crash and burn IMO
Fergie1 : Oh Murph, so sorry. COPD? I sure hope they find out what it is soon. The witing game is never fun. I just found out that I’ve cracked a bone in my femur. Ah the golden years! SOOO good to see you too and how lovely of you to say that to me. Thanks a million!
kesmarn : We were speculating that Cruz is the product of an accidental meeting of Hitler DNA and Ayn Rand’s frozen ova.
lindstr77 : I’d love to escort Mr. Cruz across the border.
KillgoreTrout : Dude, they must have been. A lot of strichnine.
seehowtheyrun : VB: I read about that incest group. Very creepy.
RF Dude : KT – they were using bad acid that day!
glenn : Kes–I’m with you. I still want to hear what the Canadian and/or American government has to say about Cruz’s mother registering as an American citizen without proof. If she’s not an American citizen, then neither is little Teddy.
KillgoreTrout : I think he was created in the same lab with Dick Cheney!
VegasBabe : Glenn; see how they run: In some back quarters of Australia, a family was discovered with generational incidents of incest, children with unfortunate maladies as a result, disfigurement even…GENERATIO NS as far back as the 60’s
AdLib : Beatlex – WOuld you settle for an impression of a troll? “Obama has declared a Muslim war on Christmas! Cruz-Benghazi 2016!”
msanonymous222 : I was all set to rail at Congress for leaving without putting an unemployment benefits extension in place today. HuffPo took away ALL my fun.
seehowtheyrun : VB Well we’re sure not going to solve them by pretending they’re not there, or that they’re trivial which is what I feel HP is trying to do.
RF Dude : KT – Herr Cruz was hatched, maybe the egg carton he came from?
AlphaBitch : KT – whassa matter? Don’t believe he was born? Me neither!
MurphTheSurf3 : BeatleX….Mr. Trump is calling on Line 2…
KillgoreTrout : I want to see Ted Cruz’s birth certificate!
glenn : VegasBabe–nice to meet you. What incestous family?
AlphaBitch : Taking a drive west from San ANtonio to Palm Springs in January. Any suggestions along I-10 of must see/must do????
msanonymous222 : Murph, will definitely check that out later
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey there Fergie SOOOOO Good to “see” you. I am having a breathing problem that they cannot seem to track down….been to lots of docs.
VegasBabe : seehowtheyrun: You got that right. We have messes in this country I’m no longer sure we can even solve.
lindstr77 : Thanks Ad, got it!
kesmarn : That was quick, lindstr! Good for ya!
Fergie1 : VB, NO, it’s not on the news here at all! Abbott must be squashing anything fundamentalist like these morons!
AdLib : Welcome lindstr77! No, we have a full page version you can go to that’s easier to read, click here to go to the Vox page: «link»
Beatlex : Ok,when are we going to get to see the president’s REAL birth certificate? :lol” we need a troll! Just kidding
lindstr77 : Ahhh, got it. Thanks Murf and kesmarn
MurphTheSurf3 : MSANON…it is…..play with the site…lots of interesting stats
KillgoreTrout : SP, well a male anyways. I agree though. he’s a principle less ponce.
glenn : AlphaBitch–OMG- -I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you! Too busy to go see Ms. Wendy? WOW!
seehowtheyrun : Hi AdLib!
AdLib : Hey seehowtheyrun! Nice to see you here!
MurphTheSurf3 : lindstr77 It will take a while to get used to this here but after a few weeks I was doing the Vox thing pretty easily….chilli ng out is very much encouraged…pop in whenever you want to.
seehowtheyrun : Exactly Smotpoker. Some groups are trying to destroy unions or take away the social safety net, or cut SSI, why should we have to play nice with them? Everything is NOT OK in this country.
AlphaBitch : Smot- I don’t classify him as a HUman.
AdLib : ms – Absolutely and it’s quite amusing!
VegasBabe : Fergie1: Hellow there. Boy that story of the incestuous family was a shocker, huh? It certainly blew me away. Is that discussed much back at home?
KillgoreTrout : Wow, the popping here sounds like a ping pong ball game!
RF Dude : Thanks Ad – I’m gonna need to get in shape for this!
SmotPoker : Kilgore – I wouldn’t classify Ted Nugent as a man.
kesmarn : lindstr77, if you click on the link, it will open a bigger window than the sidebar one for commenting.
msanonymous222 :
Fergie1 : Hi Murph, sorry to hear that you have been ill. What’s the status now?
AdLib : Hey RF Dude! Glad you’re here!
RF Dude : Thanks Fergie!
msanonymous222 : Hey Murph, that’s a handy-dandy demographic, isn’t it?
AlphaBitch : Glenn – don’t know much about politics at moment. That’s how busy I’ve been. Even turned down a free ticket to a luncheon for Ms. Wendy. But I know our leading Repug is in trouble – Greg Abbott. Not much in the press, but scuttlebutt is strong.
KillgoreTrout : kes, he’s just a lunatic, draft dodger (which I don’t blame him for that) but now he pretends to be “one of the troops.” He’s reallu a dispicable man.
SmotPoker : Seehowtheyrun – I so agree. As a grown adult if you can’t handle trolls then I say the failure is on your end. Learn to deal.
Fergie1 : Hey, thanks for all the shout outs Ad, Alpha, RF. Warm and fuzzies!
MurphTheSurf3 : MSANON…with pleasure….make s me chuckle with some satisfaction…. I warned them.
AdLib : Smot – It can be a little disconcerting after all the suppression of speech at HP, to be able to post exactly what you want to say, to be able to spell words correctly because there are no word blacklists…kin d of a commentary on how many compromises on had to make to stay at HO.
lindstr77 : Trying to figure out this format…urg. Is it just this sidebar for comments?
msanonymous222 : Murph, thanks
glenn : Alpha Bitch–Hey just read on another site about Texans getting together to post stories about people who are being “left out” of Obamacare because of your “compassionate ” gov. who opted out of Medicare. What do you know about it?
seehowtheyrun : I think what I find most disturbing about HP is the forced civility issue. I don’t like trolls either, but when some of the bloggers there started whining about receiving negative comments, a red flag went up for me. If you can’t take it, don’t write there. Why should people have to pretend to be civil ? Any attempt to mask or disallow people’s true feelings troubles me deeply. Then there’s the whole facebook thing…
kesmarn : KT, here I was thinking Nugent might have roid rage or something — some explanation for that bad temper…
msanonymous222 : Ha, AdLib. I remember when they started this nonsense in August, I kept posting things like, “This is why my name is MsANONYMOUS. Get it?”
MurphTheSurf3 : MSANON….you can get a good reading on the bleeding at HP here… «link»
SmotPoker : TET was great welcoming us to their site, so I thought some other users would like another like minded site as well.
AdLib : Hi msanonymous222 and welcome to The Planet and Vox! Bet HP wouldn’t like your username now.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Homie! No, Nugent is strictly anti-drug. But he does drink a lot. Go figure.
kesmarn : Welcome, RF Dude!
glenn : Fergie1–Nice to meet you. Cheers back at ya!
SmotPoker : RFDude, no problem. This is new for me as well. I just say what I’m thinking. It seems to work out so far…
AdLib : Hey Fergie1! Welcome to Vox!
AlphaBitch : Glenn – I’ve been well, just a little too busy.
msanonymous222 : Hi Murph
MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings to ….. Beatlex, Dbos, pinkpantheroz, seehowtheyrun, SmotPoker, VegasBabe Welcome to all who are new here….and probably some that were here before I was and have come back…. The Planet…a good place to have deep roots.
RF Dude : Thanks for posting the link, SmotPoker – I’ll lurk for a bit and get the rhythm of this gig…
AlphaBitch : Hi Fergie!
msanonymous222 : So anyone want to venture a guess on how many they’ve lost?
glenn : Alpha Bitch–how are you? Haven’t “seen” you around lately on VOX. Hope everything is okay with you.
VegasBabe : murph: you’ve been ill? Very sorry to hear that…sending out some prayers (don’t tell smotpoker) your way. This is no time to be feeling poorly. It’s Christmas!!
Dbos : HP turned machiavellian; attempted subtle controlling propaganda ever since aol owner ship
AlphaBitch : KT: I had a friend who got stoned with Merle Haggard when he was in the “Okie from Muskogee” stage. That said it all.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph, I hope you are feeling better.
kesmarn : KT, he strikes me as more of a coke sorta guy. A joint would be too mellow for him.
msanonymous222 : Alpha, truly!
Fergie1 : Hi all! In Australia at present – it is 1412 here. First time at VoxPopuli, and a slow typer, so may just see how this goes! Cheers!
SmotPoker : Kilgore – Never trust anyone that won’t hit a joint….
AlphaBitch : MsA – The Negastans.
KillgoreTrout : I once offered Nugent a joint, back in the early seventies, and he shook his head vigorously and backed away. That should have told me something about him way back then.
glenn : Murph–oh that sucks–hang in there, buddy!
msanonymous222 : Alpha, LOL, the double stans
AlphaBitch : MsA -the stans???? Wow. that’s pretty bad!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- more tests yesterday and more next week. Never feel badly just want a diagnosis.
SmotPoker : VegasBabe – X2 I hope it truly sucked.
msanonymous222 : Kes, thanks!
AlphaBitch : B-ex: To be honest, I hardly ever went over there (maybe once a month, when really really bored which never happens with me). The “new format”? Do I really have to go look??? Jes splain it to me.
glenn : Murph–how are you feeling tonight?
kesmarn : Hey, msanonymous! Welcome!
glenn : Kes–No, I’m not in the snow zone. I’m in GA, about 40 miles outside of Atlanta. It’s still cold, though, and supposed to rain tomorrow, so if the temps stay this low, I might get snow. Just not yet, I hope.
msanonymous222 : Hi all. Another refugee from Huffistan Postistan.
SmotPoker : Hello Glenn good to meet you as well.
VegasBabe : guess what y’all. Today is Ted Nugent’s birthday. Hope it sucked HEE=HEE=HEE
Beatlex : AlphaB-and the new format SUCKED!
kesmarn : glenn, are you in the snow zone?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey there Glenn….
SmotPoker : X- I prefer the Free Thinkers of Narnia, but Refusees is cool too
glenn : Hi AdLib–Hi Alpha Bitch–Hi Murph–Hi Kes–Hi SmotPoker–nice to meet you.
AlphaBitch : B-ex: I was a refuse-zzzz. I got bored by the shit they “featured”.
AdLib : Murph –
Just when HP thought they had this commenting thing all in the Baggins.
KillgoreTrout : BeatleX That does sound better.
SmotPoker : Adlibe – Who? HP? Never heard of it…
Beatlex : KilgoreTrout,we are not refugees,we are REFUSE-EES!
KillgoreTrout : Sellars was one of the greats.
AlphaBitch : HAAAAAA!!!! LOVE that movie! Fave scene “Poo” (think caviar)
AdLib : ppo – Hmm…well, I guess we could talk about HP if anyone wanted to…
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- That is why we want people to get in the hobbit of spending time here.
pinkpantheroz : ALpha! Think Birdie Num Nums!
kesmarn : I took a quick glance over there at HP just before 10 p.m. Pretty deserted. Most stories with 20-50 comments. And that’s with all the HP employees commenting like crazy I’m sure.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, my pleasure Ad. It’s great to see all the refugees!
AlphaBitch : Pink – those are my fave movies! Peter Sellers is my fave. Best movie to cheer me up: The Party.
AdLib : Hey Killgore! You’ve been fantastic in helping to welcome our new members, wanted to thank you for all your hospitality!
KillgoreTrout : Did someone throw a party, or what?
Beatlex : RIP HP-Rest in Putridness
AlphaBitch : Wow- flashback to the 60s, Hi-C.
pinkpantheroz : Hey, AdLib, I have the vaguest feeling that the HP rebels will be the main subject tonight!
seehowtheyrun : Hi AB!
AdLib : Murph – That name sounds familiar…hey, isn’t that the land they refer to when they say, “One Facebook link to rule them all,”?
kesmarn : Hey, glenn and KT! I see you across the crowded room over there!
MurphTheSurf3 : Howdy KT….always say that when I see your avatar…
AlphaBitch : Hi see!
AlphaBitch : Kes- right. He’s a wild child, but we love him dearly.
AlphaBitch : MTS – this is the place to De-Post, dats for sure
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Kes and Glenn…..
seehowtheyrun : Hello everyone. Huffington Post sucks!
kesmarn : That little Siamese is a wild boy. He’s the one you rescued from the Mexican restaurant, right AB?
SmotPoker : Glenn – We started chatting to kill time early. Nothing much but some BS talk to kill some time.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Planeteers! What’s up?
AdLib : Hey glenn, great to see you!
AlphaBitch : Hi Glenn!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….there is this odd little land called Huppangtun Plost that I have been trying to deal with……
glenn : Good evening, all. Seems like I got to the party late tonight. Hope everyone is doing well. I’m trying to “catch up” with the comments, so if I ask questions that have already been answered, please patient with me.
AlphaBitch : Smot – tequila it is then.
AdLib : AB – Careful – Bill O’Reilly may come after your cat!
SmotPoker : Could be, my mouth is a bit dry at the moment for some reason…
kesmarn : Hey, Murph!
AlphaBitch : Smot – or Double Bubble?
AdLib : What’s up Murph?!
AdLib : Smot – Maybe it’s all the popping sounds keeping you awake? You keep thinking popcorn will be coming from your monitor?
MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings AB
AlphaBitch : Hey MTS!
AlphaBitch : Kes – the bottom half is for “peek a boo” only. Then a sudden leap up the tree.
AlphaBitch : So Kes – I love the Civil Wars, but not as much as the Blov. Problem is, I hate watching them. Hula Haint Joy spoils it for me.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi all…started early I see….well good…excitemen t abounds.
AdLib : Hey Kes! Happy Friday to you too!
SmotPoker : Cool, I made it to 10 pm! Hooray.
kesmarn : AB, those are ornaments on the top half of the tree. The bottom half is cat toys.
AlphaBitch : Kes, great. Counting days until last of chirren hopefully makes it acrost the pond. Got 3 of ’em for Christmas.
Dbos : Thanks ad I tend to be short and to the point .
kesmarn : Hey, AB! I’m doin’ well. How ’bout yourself?
AlphaBitch : Where’d the Funk go?
kesmarn : Wow…this is the first time I’ve ever been this late by 10 p.m. This party’s started! Happy Friday, friends, old and new.
AlphaBitch : Know what is weird? My Siamese kitten’s war on Christmas Trees. Or Tree. He seems to prefer it decorated only on the TOP half.
SmotPoker : AlphaBitch – It’s Beatlex, I’m just lazy and others evidently are just as lazy…
Beatlex : Alpha,i was x27 at the Pee
AlphaBitch : Kes! Babe! How ya doing?
AlphaBitch : X? Is that B-ex?
SmotPoker : I just pimped this event over at TET, hopefully we will see a few HP refugees show up to discuss.
AlphaBitch : B-ex: HaitchPeeSucks (and it will more and more, now that Planet rules).
AdLib : Hey Dbos! Welcome to Vox!
AdLib : Hey AB!!! Welcome to the block party!
AdLib : X – That’s a great and reasonable question. I think it’s the frog in boiling water syndrome. Put a frog in boiling water and he jumps out. Put a frog in cold water then slowly turn up the heat and he’ll stay in there until he boils. The gradual escalation of gun violence in the country seems to be able to be sustained without massive national protest because it’s been gradual and people seem to just acclimate to it as being the way things are. No, it’s the way things were intended to be by the NRA and it can be changed.
Dbos : Lots of money buying lots of no votes ; plain and simple 200 kids dead in one year from guns.
SmotPoker : However education takes money and guns are cheap…
Beatlex : Alpha,the password is HaitchPeeSucks
AdLib : ppo – That’s an excellent point! Words are very important when it comes to selling ideas and using a hot button word like Control instead of Safety could really make a difference.
SmotPoker : Personally, I think better education would solve a lot of the gun violence in this nation.
AdLib : Smot – That’s exactly what the NRA wants folks to accept because it’s only a slippery slope to arming people more and more. The truth is, gun ownership is declining but those who own guns are buying many more so the sales numbers continue to rise. The NRA wants people to feel that if they don’t have a gun and everyone else does, they will be vulnerable. What it will take is brave people in communities to stand up and say, “No, we don’t believe that more guns means more safety, it means less safety,” and enact laws as CO did that help to control the spread and danger of guns.
SmotPoker : Speaking of gun safety, some of my favorite videos are of gun safety experts shooting themselves while giving a gun safety class…«link» ww.youtube.com/w atch?v=zw-jTCNZS mY
Beatlex : Smot,sad but true
SmotPoker : I wish I was Canadian, but being a Red Wings fan they wouldn’t even let me in the country last time I tried to visit…
SmotPoker : X – America is ruled by superstition, and dollars. Common sense has no place at the table.
Beatlex : Ad,being from Canada,this is one of the things that baffle us.How can a “civilized” Country like the US put up with the level of violence?
pinkpantheroz : Adlib, if there is one word that sends the NRA and like minded nutters totally ape, it is any type of ‘CONTROL’ Any regulation brought in should be for gun SAFETY, not CONTROL. Just anb idea.
SmotPoker : I’m not pro or anti gun. I feel at this point it would be a fools errand to try to remove them from the hands of those that have them. There are far too many in America to remove them. If they did ban them tomorrow I feel that would only put those without one at a distinct disadvantage in times of strife. There are just too many of them out there.
AdLib : So, who here thinks the Dems could win back The House next year?
AdLib : Damn. It really has become the country of constant gun murders that the NRA wanted. We really need to find a way to push through gun control laws but even Dems oppose them…while 90% of the country want them. And mental health laws and treatment!
SmotPoker : I could probably go to HP and get the story, but I’m not so inclined for some reason I can’t quite explain…
SmotPoker : Adlib – Juvenile shooter, shot 2 and then killed himself I all I know.
AdLib : I’ve been a bit harried today, what are the details on the CO shooting?
SmotPoker : I hope VB returns, I think I’m in love…
AdLib : Hey VB, great to have you back and we will be here late so feel free to pop on back!
funksands : VB, see you round.
AdLib : FYI – The Vox widget is now up on the site, on every page (except this one for obvious reasons) so we may start having more company shortly.
VegasBabe : Well everyone, I’ve gotta phone call coming in…may return in a bit if your still here…It’s GOOD to be back AdLib and I’m looking forward to joining a great many conversations roun’ these parts. Hope everyone stays.
SmotPoker : Pink – One more thng, it’s not the Smotpoker and X hour so there is no damage done in posting something that isn’t the topic at hand. It’s all good.
Beatlex : Ad,I thought the same thing,they WANT this
funksands : Pink, I hope he is the start of a trend.
pinkpantheroz : Funk, include every Pope since John23 who dismantled all the good of VatII. Excepting Francic, of course. He’s brilliant!
AdLib : ppo – You’re right, that is a very depressed comment count. As strange as this may sound, I think HP may be happier. More clicks from people who don’t post, less bloggers to deal with. However, as they eventually learn that readership will decline because most go there for the comments, they may not be smiling.
SmotPoker : VegasBabe, We ALL have some coward in us, some of us are just better at hiding it.
funksands : Top 10 worst Popes in History: «link»
SmotPoker : Pink – DOn’t sweat it, we are all adults here right?
VegasBabe : smotpoker: I FEEL ya…I think I may be … cowardly
AdLib : VB – It’s so human and natural to be concerned about what happens after we pass away, whatever our beliefs. I do think Smot’s point is a great way to deal with that, focus on life today, our passing away will sort itself out but while we’re alive and get to spend time with loving people, our friends and family and get to enjoy the experience of life, we should.
SmotPoker : X – You got that right.
pinkpantheroz : Oops, Smot and VB. Apologies for my post. It seems insensitive, and I’m very sorry.
SmotPoker : VB – Nothing to be afraid of as I see it. We live, we die. The circle of life. Nothing is guaranteed so make the most of what you are given. I look at like this, I worry about the one life I’m GUARANTEED to have, THIS ONE. I have no time to indulge in what I consider fantasy. I don’t mean to come off as rude, I just don’t care for it.
Beatlex : Smot,the new pope has even called out trickle down,the right hates him already,being the good Christians they are
pinkpantheroz : Everybody, just checked HP’s top story ( the new colorado shooting) and only 2,600 comments. that would have been 3-4 times that amount before. Other articles with no comments at all. It’s working!
VegasBabe : Adlib & SmotPoker: The atheist thing is scarey and the older I get, the more I shun the notion…wonder what’s up with that??? Meanwhile Ad, he has truly astonished me, Pope Francis, and I believe his intent is to truly take the church out of the dark ages.
SmotPoker : X – Good to hear. I break down making coffee in the morning. I dread going to see my dad as she is all over that house. I don’t want to bring him down as I know he’s hurting just as much as I am.
Beatlex : Smot,for me,the pain stopped in about 5 years.I think good thoughts now
SmotPoker : As for the new Pope….He seems like an improvement over what they had the last couple of thousand years.
AdLib : VB – I’ve really been pleased with Pope Francis, he’s really exemplifying the kind of compassionate and real world values that we haven’t seen a Pope support before, at least in my lifetime.
SmotPoker : X – I’m awful sorry to hear that. Moms are really special, and often people don’t realize what they had until it’s gone.
Beatlex : Ad thanks,my memories are fond now
AdLib : Beatlex – Sorry you’ve had to deal with that difficult situation as well.
SmotPoker : VegasBabe – Sorry, but I am firmly in the atheist camp. I’ve seen too much in this world to believe in such things.
Beatlex : Ad The whole concert is there to the right on that vid,Great show!
SmotPoker : X – Yeah it sucks, but it is what it is. We did what we could.
AdLib : Smot – Sorry to hear that.
VegasBabe : SmotPoker: it’ll take some time but it does get better…I like to think those who have passed are all in a better place … I almost have to or I’d go bonkers. Are you anti religion? I’m catholic and have really been considering returning to the church with our new Pope who has really impressed me.
SmotPoker : Oww, Owww, Owww! One of my kitties just came up and starting clawing a place to lay down on my chest/stomach… .
Beatlex : Smot,I went through something similar with my Mother 14 yrs ago.It’s tough
AdLib : Beatlex – Thanks for the George link – Have it playing in the background!
SmotPoker : Vegasbabe – Thanks for the condolences. It’s been very hard on me as we were very close. I wouldn’t wish what we went through at the end on my worst enemy…
VegasBabe : Ad: Yes I quite agree…though he has somewhat soured on the President for myriad reasons but he still comes across as being thoughtful in his posts.
SmotPoker : VegasBabe – I think mine made me look more like a crazy person, or a “person of interest” in the parlance of law enforcement. I loved it.
Beatlex : Listen to this GREAT tribute to my Avie,at the concert for George-isn’t it a pity«link» .be/drCKvCL93hw
VegasBabe : Smotpoker: Very sorry to hear that. You have my sincerest condolences. But as beards go, always have liked them. Makes a man look….distingu ished.
SmotPoker : For the record, the beard is coming back too! The only reason I took it off was to get my mother to start taking Rick Simpson Oil for her cancer that eventually ended her life in November of this year. We just could not get enough in her to save her or prolong her life. A real bummer.
Beatlex : «link»
VegasBabe : Hey Friends, feel free to shorten my name to just VB…saves on typing
AdLib : Coinyer was here a while back after one of the purges but he drifted back to HP. Like him a lot, hope he returns too.
SmotPoker : Vegasbabe – My old avstar at HP was a picture of me with my Duck Dynasty beard going on…
AdLib : You can also use the standard smiley symbols, such as a semicolon, dash and open parantheses for this
VegasBabe : Smotpoker: Really? I can’t imagine why? LOL At any rate, it’s good having you here.
Beatlex :
SmotPoker : VegasBabe – And no we aren’t related
SmotPoker : VegasBabe – I was SmotPoker at HP as well. No, I’m not Coinyer101 although I do know him from his online persona. You are the 2nd person to ask me that tonight…
AdLib : Beatlex – Put “lol” (but not the quotes) in between two colons, : lol : but without the spaces.
VegasBabe : smotPoker: who were you at HP…and if you aren’t Coinyer, are you two related?
SmotPoker : X – my last 2 comments were for you
SmotPoker : Except no space between them and you’ll get the smiley
AdLib : Jon Stewart gave a history lesson on the real Santa…who was technically Turkish (officially Greece now but back then was Turkey). So no Megyn, there isn’t a white Santa Claus.
SmotPoker : : )
SmotPoker : Oh man, that would be some awesome tech to develop…
Beatlex : Ad,how do you do that smiley face thingy?
SmotPoker : VegasBabe – I exhaled into the USB port, it should be coming through any second now…
AdLib : Smot –
AdLib : Funk – Well, we’ll miss you but have a great time. You should be here long enough to see a pretty hopping Vox though.
VegasBabe : smotPoker: I have it here dear…thought you were done…bring me one if you don’t mind and I’ll surrender your lighter.
pinkpantheroz : Smot, Stop it! You make me want a squiff now! Back in 10.:)
SmotPoker : I don’t believe Megyn, the Santa I saw kissing mommy when I was young looked Hispanic to me….
funksands : Ad, I’ve got an xmas party later tonight, will only be around til 7:30 or so.
SmotPoker : X – good call. found it,
VegasBabe : Beatlex: saw that on HP…toooo funneee….it should never have been broadcast from the door. Hope there weren’t many minority kids watching…Santa can be whoever you want him to be…period!
Beatlex : Smot,check under the bong!
SmotPoker : Rats….has anyone seen my green lighter, I can’t seem to find it….
AdLib : VB – At The Planet, we have a notification function that may not have been in place when you were here last. Now when anyone replies to your comment, you’ll get an email notification.
AdLib : Funk – thanks for sharing that tip. Very important for folks to preface their comments with the name of the person they’re replying to or that person may miss your reply.
VegasBabe : AdLib: I see, I’ve always liked these means of communication and when I post on a news thread, I never know when anyone has responded unless I go out of it and go back in….doing something wrong there aren’t I?
AdLib : VB – Yep, just when I think I’ve seen the bottom of the barrel on betrayal, I’m stunned and surprised again.
funksands : X, all the best socialists are white with beards.
Beatlex : So Focks residence duncestress Megyn Kelly has declared Santa White.Stewart skewered her good over that!
AdLib : VB – This format is great for live events (which we usually host, such as live chats for the SOTU, Election Nights, debates, etc.) but it’s not a great format for continuing substantive discussions on topics and issues. So, instead of diluting the conversations in various places, we focus on posted comments for the more thoughtful discussions and live chat for a social evening on Friday nights and to share real time opinions on live events.
funksands : Ad, good idea. Work out the bugs before start time
VegasBabe : AdLib: I was wondrin’ is this expensive, conducting the vox and if not, any reason why it couldn’t be done all the time?
funksands : HINT: If you want the intended recipient of your comment to see it, preface your statement with their name. As fast as things get going at peak time tonight, you’ll get lost if you don’t. It may seem a bit clunky at first, but it helps you a lot.
funksands :
pinkpantheroz : Thanks, funk!
SmotPoker : HP had their “Red Wedding” the other day….Bodies everywhere…
VegasBabe : pinkpantheroz: I just hit the colon button along with a parentheses and pooooof…try it
AdLib : Hey Funk – I just opened early and the folks here just dropped in. Thought it would be a good ramp up especially for those new to Vox.
funksands : Pink, google “WordPress smilies” and follow the instructions.
Beatlex : Smot,works for me!
SmotPoker : Good call by Funksands, Beatlex, you will now be known as X when I type out your name.
pinkpantheroz : How do you get to the smileyfaces? Boring old fart here without much of a clue
VegasBabe : AdLib: yes, this is soooo true but there are always some whose betrayal is more astonishing than others.
AdLib : Beatlex – My pleasure!
funksands : X! Glad to see you!
SmotPoker : I’m wanted in 17 states for it…
funksands : SP, I’m pretty good at that. Carry on!
Beatlex : Funk! CAN’T WAIT!
SmotPoker : Funksands – Just killing time my friend.
VegasBabe : smotpoker: always have been a bit slow…comes with age :)hey Adib…why can’t comments be conducted like this all the time…is it about money?
funksands : Wha….? What’s with the premature start?
SmotPoker : VegasBabe – yeah I hear you, between old age and my cannabis I’m doing good to remember my own name some days…
VegasBabe : smotpoker: forgive me babe, always have been a bit slow…comes with age
VegasBabe : smotpoker: Ahhhhh….forgiv e me babe, I’ve always been a bit slow…comes with age :).
Beatlex : Ad,thanks for my first LOL here!
SmotPoker : VegasBabe – As a thank you for all the new traffic, and members.
AdLib : Smot – How about if I send HP a Facebook gift card?
VegasBabe : smotpoker: I don’t get it…why would we send HP a giftbasket?
AdLib : VB – There are always a small subset of actors who have a Repub mindset, Ted Nugent, Ron Perlman, they’re usually not as popular and talented as their peers as he is. But his views are the opposite of his Boss’s, The Boss.
Beatlex : Ad,I have staying power!
SmotPoker : “send” HP a gift basket…how do I manage to leave out an entire word I’ll never know…
SmotPoker : You guys should HP a gift basket or something….
AdLib : VB – Doing well and yes, very happy to have so many real quality folks coming over here from HP. Their loss is our definite gain.
VegasBabe : At Anyone: I’m sorry to hear that Springsteen’s band member, the one who was on the Sopranos, thinks and has been quoted as saying the ACA is worthless…sigh ….I always liked him.
AdLib : Beatlex – Nope, Vox officially begins at 7:00 pm PST and runs as late as members want it to. The last folks generally leave around 10 pm PST but our record was somewhere around midnight!
VegasBabe : AdLib: Very good thanks for askin’ and how are you….pleased as punch I bet with all the new traffic
SmotPoker : I think technically it hasn’t even started yet. Just some bored folks chatting the time away at the moment.
AdLib : Holy mackeral! Vegas Babe, how are ya?!
Beatlex : Adlib,so you are saying this goes from 7:00 to 8:00 Pacific time?
SmotPoker : So, Arianna H, and a streetwalker go into a bar, and the bartender yells “Get out of here, we don’t let prostitutes in here”, and the pro replies with something about that being unConstitutional , and the bartender replies that he wasn’t talking to her….
pinkpantheroz : fine, AdLib, I’ll bow to the infinite wisdom of the diaspora!
VegasBabe : Hello Folks. How’s everyone tonite? P.S. HP SUCKS
AdLib : ppo – We’ve tried the above-the-commen t-window location for the text entry box but the majority opinion was that it was preferred at the bottom.
SmotPoker : We have an hour to kill so if anyone is interested in some red meat….«link» awker.com/search ?q=arianna%20huf fington&startInd ex=30
Beatlex : My last post on HP was an answer to the only comment on the thread about the Preezys handshake with Raul from Coinyer.My comment was that “this will be all the R’s talk about today” it went pending,and was never posted.For my innocuous comment!
AdLib : ppo – If you scroll up to the top comment, the comments will auto-scroll down, you won’t have to do a thing to see the latest comments come up. You can also adjust the size of the comment display window using the “+” and “-” icons just above and to the right of the comment text box.
SmotPoker : Adlib – You know you are speaking truth when attempts are made to silence you.
AdLib : ppo – Excellent! Just an hour to go until we officially open.
pinkpantheroz : Suggestion, AdLib – any chance of puttting the comments box at the top of the posts? It’s a bit messy going up and down to read and write.
AdLib : smot – The Planet is all about the truth. When we started up in 2009, we were the only site I knew of at the time that was taking on HP and exposing the truth about them. HP banned our URL from being posted there, we took that as a badge of honor.
AdLib : ppo – Agreed, you’re no refugee, you and our other new members are people who have stood up on principle and rebelled against unfair treatment…so how about “rebels”? Then again, we callfolks here Planeteers so you’re now officially welcome to use that term as well.
pinkpantheroz : Don’t worry, Adlib, I’m wide awake and it is coming up to 1300 local here (AUS)
pinkpantheroz : No, Beatlex, Miles’ Pink is a different avatar.
AdLib : Hey pinkpanteroz! I saw your post earlier though it was on last week’s thread, I was going to post it here tonight later on anyway!
Beatlex : Pink! Is that you Miles?
SmotPoker : Adlib – I seem to have a penchant for speaking the truth. Evidently there are some on this planet that don’t like that.
pinkpantheroz : I sure hope there is plenty of capacity on this site, because I think you will be inundated,especi ally with HP deserters like me. I now refuse to be called a refugee, because that has a negative connotation. I willingly left.
Beatlex : Smot,what did you do oh naughty one, to fall from Arianna’s good graces?
SmotPoker : Between the two accounts I had made thousands of fans, but that crap don’t matter as much as the discussions that took place in that time.
SmotPoker : Beatlex – Let’s see it’s 2013 now right? My SmotPoker account was made in 2011 after my previous incarnation as Snarkyone was “removed” from the site. That account was started in something like 2009 if I remember correctly 2010 at the latest.
Beatlex : SmotPoker,how long were you at HP? Just curious,I registered there in 2007,but did not start posting until about Aug. 2008
SmotPoker : And watch the face, no hitting in the face….
SmotPoker : No biting, low blows, or kicking.
SmotPoker : Beatlex – Rules?
AdLib : Beatlex – Then it would be 8:00pm your time.
Beatlex : AdLib,what time does this shindig usually last until? I am on mountain time 6:43 as I type
AdLib : Beatlex – Right with you! Fight the power!!!
Beatlex : Ad,true,I still have that Hpee mentalitee!
AdLib : Bealtlex – It’s more a helpful hint than a rule. When the comments are flying fast and furiously, the person you’re replying to can miss your reply otherwise.
Beatlex : AdLib,oh yeah,we are to put the name of the intended person at the start of our comment,I read the rules!
AdLib : Oh, just realized I left out one tip for Vox. When there are many people here, it works best to start off your comment with the name of the person you’re responding to, as you can see in my previous comments.
AdLib : Beatlex – Excellent! I do think two hands will be needed tonight…for typing comments of course…since we expect to have a nice turnout tonight!
Beatlex : My left index typing finger at the ready AdLib!Just kidding,I did have to learn how to type with both hands,as I never used that skill in what I do
AdLib : Good…as long as we’re on the same page.
SmotPoker : IT BETTER BE!!!
AdLib : Smot – Miley Cyrus’ nip slip?
SmotPoker : You and I both know what the topic is going to be though, don’t we….
AdLib : I was being snarky too! But maybe Domino Theory and corporations would be interesting?
SmotPoker : LOL! I was being snarky, I doubt that anyone wants to discuss dominoes strategy tonight…
AdLib : Smot – Yep, it’s totally out of the clear blue but who knows, some folks might want to chat about it.
SmotPoker : I’ll try my friend, right now it’s time for me to ummmm, medicate, yeah that’s the ticket….Anyway no guarantees but I will make every effort. Perhaps the topic could be dominoes strategy, it’s not like there has been anything going on this of note right??
AdLib : Smot – Well, hope you last, it’s a lot of fun and would be great to see you here.
SmotPoker : If I’m lucky I will still be up at that time, however that equates into 10pm for me, and I never know when the lights go out for me…
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. All members are welcome to join in! It should be an interesting night as we may have a number of new folks here. One note, if for any reason the amount of traffic disrupts Vox, please hang in there, we will get it right back up. Looking forward to live chatting with our regular and newer members tonight! Hmm…wonder what we could chat about???
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