This week’s music thread is about songs that make you smile, chuckle or laugh out loud. They say laughter is the best medicine, but after the election, we don’t really need the medicine. Now that business is back to usual in DC, a laugh or two certainly wouldn’t hurt.
So, pick the songs that make you smile, songs about anything that gives you a laugh. Songs about happiness. Songs with the words smile, or laugh or laughter in the title or lyrics, or just songs that make you feel good.

Roger Miller–You Can’t Roller Skate In A Buffalo Herd;
And for you guys, the double Ks – KT and KQ: Junior Brown “My Wife Thinks You’re Dead”. Texas. ‘Nuff said.
This always puts a smile on my face.
Seattle Men’s Chorus – “Every Sperm is Sacred”
…and on mine! Just to think – I lived in Seattle for a decade, and I have never once heard that ditty. BTW: The “spermterpator” was absolutely hysterical!
Thanks, KQ. Just woke up and found this gem. Now there’s a smile on my face, too!
I guess I have a dark sense of humor, save for all the Flight of the Concorde type song parodies.
The Mountain Goats – No Children
Here is National Lampoon’s John Lennon parody.
Magical Misery Tour
The Beatles–You Know My Name;
Good one. The lads having fun in the studio.
Dead Skunk – Loudon Wainwright 3rd
This one always amused me.
Crash Test Dummies – Superman’s Song
And then there’s this Crash Test Dummies song
God Shuffled His Feet
Pride and Joy – Stevie Ray Vaughan
Have a Cigar – Pink Floyd
Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows – Leslie Gore
Do You Believe in Magic – Lovin’ Spoonful
Daydream Believer – The Monkees
Great theme, Killgore! Here’s a few that come right to mind:
Happy – Rolling Stones
Mr. Blue Sky – ELO
Smile – Charlie Chaplin
I Feel Good – James Brown
Thanks Ad. Some good picks there.
The Beatles–Obladi Oblada
Jim Stafford–Wildwood Weeds;
Harry Nilsson–Joy