AdLib : Night Sally!
AdLib : Sally – Rick Scott will be a one termer, a total loser.
SallyT : Great night! See you guys on here real soon!
SallyT : Everyone was pissed at the Governor!
SallyT : Yep, that is what my friend said in FL! He said FL would go to Obama.
AdLib : Night Sally and KQ! What a glorious evening! Thanks so much for sharing it with me!
AdLib : KQ – Obama had Medicare AND the growing Latino vote in FL to help him win…and a very motivated AA community, pissed off at Scott’s trying to suppress their votes.
SallyT : Please let me wake up to Bachmann losing!
KQµårk 死神 : Sweet dreams Sally. I’m gonna get some sleep as well after I check a couple things.
SallyT : Well guys, I am going to leave you. I have lots of Funnies to go through for Sunday.
KQµårk 死神 : I think FL was important in that it shows Obama won the Medicare argument. I know he probably fell a little short with seniors but it’s much easier to have a mandate with a clear FL win.
KQµårk 死神 : I guess FL was the big state I was fooled by but then again even Nate had them at a true 50-50 until the very last minute. I should have listened to DWS. She guaranteed FL all along and last time they under polled Dems as well because they are terrible at polling minorities in FL.
AdLib : KQ – Yep, I remember. It didn’t matter then as it doesn’t matter now but it was cool and if Obama wins FL this time, it helps the “mandate” argument.
KQµårk 死神 : Remember it took a couple days for Obama to officially pick up NC and IN last time around. I even remember CA and FL not getting all their votes in until the weekend.
AdLib : KQ – Yep, I agree, I think Obama will build his lead in FL as the votes are counted tomorrow and win the state because the reason votes weren’t counted…is that Obama supporters were waiting in long lines and didn’t get to vote until hours after polls were supposed to close. So, FL will probably go to Obama and his electoral vote ends up at 332. Cool!
SallyT : Mitch McConnell gave a smart ass comment about the President’s re-elected.
SallyT : AdLib, I have to say, Current was better at tracking the election
KQµårk 死神 : I guess I’ll finish pouring over the numbers tomorrow. I heard counties in FL just stopped counting votes. Of course the vast majority of them will be for Obama too. I can’t remember where the difference started somewhere between 6-8 million votes in 2008 but for days afterward Obama’s lead kept on growing until it ended up being over 10 million votes.
AdLib : Finally!
SallyT : Okay, MSNBC finally gave NV to Obama and put him at 303
AdLib : KQ – So true, all of it was to be used as propaganda, to deceive the public into thinking Romney was going to win. And the liars lost this time around.
KQµårk 死神 : Sleep well Patsy.
SallyT : Patsy, its been fun and hope you have a good night sleep now!
KQµårk 死神 : I won’t bet you AdLib because you are probably right.
KQµårk 死神 : The thing that really got me utterly disgusted with the Gallup poll was they had Obama with a 52% approval rating with a 5% spread. Sure some of that discrepancy existed but allot of that was just made up bias by Gallup.
AdLib : The best back to you Patsy! Great to have you here tonight! What an evening!
SallyT : Popular vote, Obama ahead by over a million votes right now.
SallyT : Oh, damn, I hate when that happens, AdLib
PatsyT : OK I have to call it a night … All the best to the bestest planet friends …
AdLib : Sally – I counted them but dropped them and we had to start over.
AdLib : KQ – Obama will win by 2% or more, I’ll bet!
SallyT : That is because AdLib is not out there counting votes!
AdLib : KQ – I don’t know but PPP has been proven it’s a good poll. They were pretty much on target. And I’d rather have the truth than an exaggeration.
KQµårk 死神 : Right now the west coast is still not even 50% in and Obama has moved to a 1.1% lead.
KQµårk 死神 : I think Gallup and Rasmussen with the right wing scream machine even intimidated other pollsters like PPP and NBC to be honest. Both those polls only had Obama up by 1% and while being 1% off or less is not huge it does show they could be intimidated.
AdLib : KQ – So true, I would like to see a story on how corrupt and wrong the Repub slanted polls were. Rasmussen and Gallup were way off and should never be given weight again (though Nate Silver made it clear he saw them as slanted).
KQµårk 死神 : Best of all AdLib it would show Gallup and Rasmussen for the utter hacks they are. It’s important to have the two biggest polling firms in the country at least trying to tell the truth. I mean there are other polls on policy that drive the electorate and if they keep on biased because of ideology like I’m sure they are doing on issues like climate change they are doing the whole world a disservice.
AdLib : Heitkamp ahead too!
AdLib : Tester is ahead in MT!
SallyT : New Hampshire Gov, senators and Reps are all WOMAN!
AdLib : KQ – I think that sounds very sensible. Obama winning by 2% would again reflect the polls very well.
KQµårk 死神 : Sorry 30,000,000.
KQµårk 死神 : I could be wrong but as these numbers grow I think there are as many as 20,000,000 votes not counted and if it’s like 2008 most are Obama’s. He may end up winning by over 2% yet.
AdLib : Sally – That’s all they have now. When they lose, it can only be because someone used the kind of fraud they do.
SallyT : WHAT? Really, AdLib? That’s a stretch isn’t it?
AdLib : MSNBC is being stingy about calling states.
KQµårk 死神 : He really reminds me of a cranky senior who is up past his bedtime. When has the president ever said he could do it alone for one thing. Tweety is just mad Obama didn’t give credit to Bill Clinton for getting reelected.
AdLib : Fox News questioning the validity of the election because one “Black Panther” was standing outside a polling place…and opening the door for elderly women.
SallyT : How come MSNBC is showing Obama with only 297 when its 303?
AdLib : And think about the SCOTUS! Might Obama be able to turn the majority back to the moderates/Progre ssives?
SallyT : Earl Blumenauer retained his seat in the House from Oregon
AdLib : The bigger the margin for Obama, the better. Thanks VA indeed!
PatsyT : WA Hoo Thank you Virginia !!!
AdLib : KQ – Matthews is looking like a total egotistical fool right now, mad that Obama didn’t rub Repub losses in their faces.
SallyT : Patsy, you just keep giving the bird!
AdLib : Patsy – Go Big Bird!
KQµårk 死神 : Wow Tweety didn’t take long to complain about Obama.
PatsyT : Oh gosh golly that Big Bird won’t leave me alone «link»
KQµårk 死神 : Nice!
AdLib : Looks like Patrick Murphy will beat Allen West!!!
PatsyT : All the Best Ecat
AdLib : Night Escrib! What a great night, enjoyed sharing it with you!
SallyT : Good night Escrib, it has been fun!
KQµårk 死神 : I just stumbled on it actually.
AdLib : He’s taken the lead from Bachmann!
SallyT : KQ, I am glad you found that! I couldn’t find anything current.
SallyT : Yeah, doing away with the Inheritance Tax did not pass in OREGON!
AdLib : Escrib – I am heartened by Fox’s inability to accept reality and their peddling fantasy pablum to their viewers. It confirms to me that they will learn nothing from this defeat and will simply lose again and again.
KQµårk 死神 : Sally he’s back up again I found his twitter feed. «link»
escribacat : I’m getting very sleepy. Good night all. It’s been a great night for Dems.
escribacat : Adlib, I think I’ve indulged in my annual limit of Fox News this evening. I think it shortens my lifespan when I watch.
SallyT : Good Night Sabreen!
SallyT : KQ, she is up by 1600 as of now. Still some votes out.
AdLib : Night Sabreen! An exciting and energizing night!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes and Sabeen… I am staying up a bit here on the West Coast to sea what is going on with our props
AdLib : In case you missed it, Fox News explained that the real story of the night is that the Repubs retained the House and Dems failed to beat them. Er…was anyone else up for election?
KQµårk 死神 : It sure was Sabreen. Sleep well.
Sabreen60 : What an inspiring speech. Thanks to all of you who helped me keep the faith and you should know that I only had one drink. Good night everyone!
KQµårk 死神 : Any last word on Bachmann yet.
SallyT : Kes, you have a wonderful night sleep and will see you here again real soon.
AdLib : Night Kes, so glad you were able to be here to share the night! Sleep well!
kesmarn : I think I’ll call it a day as well. What a happy evening this has been. Thanks to the joyous news and to all of you dear friends!
AdLib : Murph – It was a spectacular night…made possible by the hard work of people of conscience. Sleep well, you deserve it!
PatsyT : Rest Well Murph!
SallyT : You are very, very, very, welcome Murph!
SallyT : If the Republicans don’t change their attitudes, they will lose again!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….thank you so much…appreciat e the support.
escribacat : We’ve saved ourselves!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…the Claire victory is very satisfying….an d most of the Dem front line ticket won in Mo. Good signs.
SallyT : Good Night Murph, sleep restful which I know you will! See you here real soon!
AdLib : Night WW, great to see you here for this great victory tonight!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…going shopping in the AM…a long lunch out…a movie and then early bed tomorrow….Hurr ay!
AdLib : Murph – Thanks so much and congratulations on all your hard work! Claire won too!
escribacat : Good night Murph
PatsyT : Nighty Night WW All the best to you
kesmarn : G’night, WW.
escribacat : Good night WW. Sleep tight!
kesmarn : G’night,Murph. At last, you can rest!
PatsyT : Ahhh they are at McCormick Place That is the big one in Chicage
AdLib : Kes – Yep!
Weirdwriter : I’ll sleep well tonight. G’night, all.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well…this has been terrific….with thanks to you all…Look forward to Friday night….Thanks to the Planet for hosting the best live blog around….I tuned into several others and this was far superior.
kesmarn : AdLib: That still shot just looks like a collective: “HUH?”
AdLib : Fox took a commercial break right after Obama’s speech, what ungracious turds.
SallyT : Al Gore said to quote a friend, “Tonight the Democrats got the elevator and the Tea Party got the shaft.”
Weirdwriter : Aw, God bless, nobody does it better.
kesmarn : Big Bird looked so forlorn…
AdLib : Kes
PatsyT : Kes I know… Why do you hate this nice Big Bird?
kesmarn : Speaking of FOX: «link»
SallyT : 729000 up in the popular vote as of now
AdLib : Let’s see what Fox is saying…
escribacat : Kes LOL
kesmarn : Patsy…Mitt’s expression!
PatsyT : Wow Wow I love these guys!
foodchain : Myhope is that Mitt says “shit I should have thought of that” and I hope the GOP starts to think that way as well
AdLib : The Do-Do?
PatsyT : Ok this is it for Big Bird its getting late.. «link»
AdLib : And Jill!
kesmarn : Who knows, AdLib? Maybe there are large yellow birds on Kolub?
SallyT : JOE!!!!
AdLib : JOE!
MurphTheSurf3 : Red State and Blue State theme…back to 2004 Democratic Convention….Wo W!
kesmarn : Murph, that’s what the President sees: humans. Not numbers.
AdLib : Kes – Romney looks quite comfortable with that on him…maybe it’s because he leaves the same wherever he goes.
foodchain : Wsho can not like this man
foodchain : It does’t matte if you’re white black gay straight
AdLib : Murph – That is real world evidence of what it means to vote for the best man and principles. It really does make a big difference in the lives of real people.
foodchain : Her’s my man
kesmarn : «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : Just got an email from a good friend: “Murph, what this means is that my 16 year old son, wheel chair bound for the rest of his life, will have the medical care he has to have. Thank God.” That is what this means.
AdLib : Patsy – You’re killin’ me! Hilarious!
kesmarn : Patsy!
More! More!
PatsyT : OK Big Bird has another message «link»
AdLib : All true, Murph.
MurphTheSurf3 : Soaring oratory…values laden and priority specific.
kesmarn : Patsy that’s hilarious! I posted another one on TO/OT just now.
AdLib : Self government, not what can be done for us, what can be done by us.
AdLib : Patsy –
PatsyT : Big Bird has a message «link»
AdLib : And this time, any emoprogs that start howling need to be hammered down like a game of Whack A Mole. We’ve got a lot to accomplish in the next 4 years!
SallyT : Al Gore is going to like that!
escribacat : So glad he mentioned the warming planet!
foodchain : And here is this” We stil need to support our president; every day, every week, every month. We cannot forget what this fight meant
MurphTheSurf3 : Welcome Patsy
AdLib : They think with their hate and their fear.
PatsyT : Thank you Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Oh…Sally…how kind…I admit I am thrilled to be one of “his” people…
kesmarn : They have “common sense.” They think.
AdLib : Kes – They don’t much like “learnin'” or books.
SallyT : He’s talking about Murph!
kesmarn : And if any of them bothered to read history they would know that. But they never do.
AdLib : KQ – It is their destiny and their nature, like the story of the frog and the scorpion, they are destined to destroy themselves.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ-+- look at World Net Daily as a way of seeing how moderate Red State is….crazies will not learn
kesmarn : KQ, paranoia will destroy ya.
KQµårk 死神 : Back to watching the president.
foodchain : ow dogs are better
PatsyT : Hey we have three dogs…
KQµårk 死神 : I had to read Red State a bit for a second. I’m glad to say they have learned absolutely nothing and will continue to go down a radical death spiral.
kesmarn : And they will…
AdLib : Hmm…President Malia Obama?
escribacat : food me too
AdLib : After the speech, I will flip to Fox to see how they twist the speech into something evil.
escribacat : Love Michelle too!!!
kesmarn : There’s something about just saying the name “Joe Biden” that makes Barack smile.
foodchain : SORRY FOR THE CAPS, BUT I LOVE JOE BIDEN; always have
AdLib : Murph – Very gracious indeed.
MurphTheSurf3 : Obama class….from George to Lenore to Mitt….and sitting down with Mitt to plan on where they can work together…very significant….
escribacat : Love Joe Biden!!!
AdLib : Joe!
AdLib : Escrib – Exactly and if the Dems can win back the House in 2014…look out!
escribacat : Adlib, he will have more freedom this time too, because he doesn’t hae to worry about being reelected.
MurphTheSurf3 : “by the way we have to fix that”!
AdLib : YES! We have to fix that voting thing!
AdLib : Sally – Could be but I think the next four will be less stressful than the first four…saving America from a Depression doesn’t happen that often.
SallyT : In four more years will his hair be completely white?
foodchain : THIS IS OUR CITY!!! So often it goes somewhere else. But now it
AdLib : Very powerful, Escrib.
PatsyT : I like the lighting… its heavenly… Good
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, I feel the same way. My daughter is just a couple of years younger than Sasha!
escribacat : It’s incredibly moving.
foodchain : My second proudest moment: being in Chicago, watching this man: THIS MAN, oh yeah
PatsyT : Any one know what hall they are in in Chicago?
SallyT : Patsy, I feel that way about Caroline Kennedy.
escribacat : yes, he did Murph.
MurphTheSurf3 : America’s First Family…there they are…thinking back four year to Sasha and Malia as little girls….and Barack had black hair.
PatsyT : I have three girls and we feel like we have grown up with the Obama Girls
escribacat : It really is amazing. Even after four years, I can hardly believe it.
SallyT : Wow, that one daughter is almost as tall as her Dad!
AdLib : That’s our First Family!
foodchain : ILOVE CHICAGO
AdLib : Yes!!!
PatsyT : OMG those girls are so beautiful!
foodchain : ohhh, talkin ’bout my ma
foodchain : Ooohhh, talkin
escribacat : Here they come. Look how grown up the girls are. Wow.
SallyT : Their socialist flags!
escribacat : They must be fake flags!!!
AdLib : Sally – Yeah, blacks and Latinos hate America! What are they doing waving flags! It’s a trap!
escribacat : Good night Kalima
SallyT : They stole them off the Republicans, don’t you see most are of color?
AdLib : Night Kalima! A wonderful night for all of us!
Kalima : Ok, the speech is about to start, you can all rest well tonight, so good night from me and I’ll see some of you in your morning. Night, night Planeteers, you are the best.
AdLib : Escrib – Hey, those aren’t Dems! Flags and celebrating winning an election! Something’s very wrong!
escribacat : Howcome all those dems are waving flags? I thought only GOPers were patriotic.
foodchain : OK Tamron Hall–pretty cool.
escribacat : Sally, GOPers might blame him for Obama’s win.
SallyT : The President is in the building!
escribacat : Clinton was great during the campaign.
SallyT : And, one happy Repub is Chris Christie!
foodchain : well, I might be late in that but I read it here first. God I hope so. Sometimes entrepreneurial does not mean PRESIDENT
SallyT : They are saying that the President has already called President Clinton tonight to thank him for all his help.
escribacat : I am very proud to be one of the whites who loves Obama.
escribacat : Food, did yous ay West lost????
foodchain : Kalima, here we are! And all of us. Thank us all
escribacat : Food, what kidn of puppies?
AdLib : Kalima, just happy to know you’re here!
escribacat : Hi Kalima!!
PatsyT : Ohhh foodchain… I would love pics I love doggies
escribacat : Rove reminds me of a giant spider monster hiding in a cave and manipulating from his secret places.
Kalima : Hi e’cat and everyone, I’ve been in and out all day, but don’t see we’ll enough to join in here. Just going to watch Obama’s speech and then start my updates.
AdLib : Rove says the American people sent a mixed message by not throwing Repubs out of The House…and because a pro labor initiative in MI lost. Yep, that’s all they’ve got.
escribacat : Patsy, yes, this is the America I love and I’m so proud of!!!!
foodchain : no, they are puppies
escribacat : food, you must have small dogs!
PatsyT : Look at the Pres Obama crowd… It looks like America!
KQµårk 死神 : Crap it looks like Bachmann will be back. WTF is wrong with those people.
foodchain : Sorry, I have dogs onlmy lap top
PatsyT : Ecat, I think I read something like that too, makes sense
kesmarn : Kalima, all things considered and most wonderful night, no? Off to bed right after the Pres’s speech. Promise!
foodchain : MJ where/
foodchain : West LOST!!?? There is justie
escribacat : Hi Kalima! We won! We swept the board!
KQµårk 死神 : WOOOOT!!!
escribacat : Wow, marijuana measure passed by 7 point margin! Amazing.
AdLib : HEY KALIMA! Wonderful to see you here!
PatsyT : Sally … ain’t it the truth, come on guys a nice dinner and movie before the rape ok?
foodchain : I believe in my president. I have and I have not stopped and I doubt that I will in the nest four years.
AdLib : Escrib – Exactly. The racists and RR who make up the majority of their base have only become more important and powerful and are the tail wagging the dog. They can’t help but pander to the extremists that make up their party, there is no path to moderation. So, they continue down a path to minority party status…and that’s a good thing.
escribacat : Patsy, I read an article about Adelson that said he wanted to get rid of Obama’s admin because they were investigating him. What a shady character.
Kalima : I want to see everyone tucked in bed after the president’s speech, no cheating now. Congrats everyone, my heart sings for you and your future. Hugs.
escribacat : Crap, Ryan hung on to his congressional seat
escribacat : Crap I just missed the figures for Ryan’s congressional seat. it flashed ont he screen. Anyone know where that is?
SallyT : Ladies don’t like those old white males telling them how to handle their lady parts. Keep your hands off unless invited.
PatsyT : Hey Maybe Sheldon Adleson should just disappear … his defense team has been defeated «link»
escribacat : Adlib, they seem to have boxed themselves into that corner. The religious right will not have it any other way.
AdLib : Evan
AdLib : Asshole Even Bayh on Fox putting down Obama and claiming Obama will betray his base in his next term.
KQµårk 死神 : Wow Sally that’s huge. I heard almost 10% for married women at one point as well.
AdLib : Escrib – I think the GOP will continue to shrink into a whites only party because if they moved towards Dems on social issues, they’d lose their base.
KQµårk 死神 : I wonder if those billionaires are gonna kneecap Rove when they find out they lost all that money AND are gonna end up paying higher taxes. They are not good losers.
SallyT : 38% more single women for the President, KQ.
AdLib : Thanks to you too FC!
foodchain : Before you all go: THANK YOU!!
KQµårk 死神 : Sally that was an amazing stat. I wonder what the female edge was for Obama.
SallyT : So billionaires and white males can’t win elections by themselves.
escribacat : We Dems are the party of diversity. The GOPers are the party of the old white establishment, particularly the southern establishment.
kesmarn : Can’t wait!
AdLib : Kes – So true, he was the perfect man to destroy that racist wall! And I think he’ll be even more remarkable over the next 4 years!
escribacat : Wow, Obama won Virgina too! Amazing.
AdLib : Sally – Fantastic! The Latino vote advantage was huge!
kesmarn : I meant “can’t”
kesmarn : He is the perfect man to have been the first black president. I can imagine anyone better suited.
SallyT : Latino were 71%
AdLib : WW – Very true! Now, we see a black President being victorious each time he ran for office. Pretty damn good!
Weirdwriter : If Obama had not been re-elected, every black Democratic presidential candidate would have had to go through a “Is-this-anothe r-brilliant-but- shortlived-Obama -thing?”
SallyT : It will be interesting to see how the MSM spins their mistake on the polls.
KQµårk 死神 : The only battleground Obama will end up losing is NC.
escribacat : 120 votes separating Bachmann from her opponent.
kesmarn : PBS says White vote was Obama 39% Romney 59%, Black, Latino and Asian demographics all heavily for Obama. Thank you! To our Black, Latino and Asian brothers and sisters for saving the country!
AdLib : So, the polls were right on! Nate Silver was right on! The Planet was right on! And the MSM was a total fail!
AdLib : White men, that is!
SallyT : David Cameron just congratulated the President. Kalima up?
AdLib : Romney couldn’t have won any demo aside from men and seniors.
SallyT : And single women, Kes!
KQµårk 死神 : Nice kes.
kesmarn : On PBS they’re saying Obama won the Catholic vote. Hah! So much for bully bishops and politics from the pulpit. Real Catholics went for Obama!
SallyT : Like Bush won by a landslide!
AdLib : No doubt in my mind that the Baggers become even more important and powerful in the shrinking GOP and instead of recognizing the real reason they lost, they will stay in denial and demand more RW candidates. A recipe for disaster. Love it.
foodchain : oh yeh Kes, he had “capitol” to spend
KQµårk 死神 : Of course Steele starts off with a lie. Obama will win the popular vote. Steele said he ‘won by a minority of votes’.
kesmarn : food, as for the GOP civil war, as Dubya said: “Bring it!”
AdLib : FC – Right with you on that! The Repub civil war will begin in a couple of weeks after the shock wears off.
foodchain : West Lost? OK life is good
MurphTheSurf3 : Michael Steele arguing that conservatism has not been rejected…it has just not been well explained…CRAP
MurphTheSurf3 : Good
foodchain : my glasses (eye) are broken, We’ve shot 2 year old fire works in a very GOP neighborhood. Can’t wait for the GOP civil war
SallyT : They just called it Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : West Lost….reallly. ..when was this announced! If so, YIPPEE!
SallyT : Yes, they called it Kes!
AdLib : Sally – Is that final about West???
AdLib : HEH! On Fox, they’re trying to say that because the Repubs weren’t voted out of The House, it means that they want more Bagger/Conservat ive Repubs!
kesmarn : Really, Sally!? Whoopee!
SallyT : ALAN WEST LOST!!!!!!
kesmarn : So…do you think the Kochs will fold up their tents and steal away into the night now? Never to be heard from again?
SallyT : I think they are looking for that to add to the popular vote.
SallyT : Adlib, that is Los Angeles. They say there is zero reporting.
AdLib : Sally – You mean Los Angeles? Don’t know.
Weirdwriter : Nothing became Romney’s political life so well as his leaving of it.
PatsyT : I wonder if there are still folks in line to vote?
SallyT : ADLIB, why nothing from LA?
AdLib : Escrib – You bet he i. The concession speech has to come first then Obama’s acceptance speech so stay tuned!
MurphTheSurf3 : Now on to Barack. I am tired but I will shoot straight adrenaline to say awake for this one.
kesmarn : I’d be very surprised if he didn’t,e’cat.
SallyT : Okay, now the President will speak and we will hear something!!!!
escribacat : Is Obama going to speak?
KQµårk 死神 : Hear! Hear! sleep well BITO. Great job with the tweets as usual. Great job to all the Planet contributes as well.
AdLib : Same here Escrib! No more Bagger commercials, no more lying Rove ads or Romney BS! Whew!
MurphTheSurf3 : So few boos from the crowd….compare d to McCain finish in 2008. Better, much.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Bito… great night hun?
kesmarn : G’night, Frennie!
SallyT : Good night Bito!
foodchain : wOOwOOwOOwOO
escribacat : Nightynight, AB
SallyT : KQ, I won’t take that bet!
kesmarn : KQ!
I think you’re right. Still time to take those deductions!
escribacat : I am so glad, Adlib. I was reallysick of those commercials.
AlphaBitch : night night
KQµårk 死神 : He was never qualified for president and he was never even qualified to give a good concession speech.
AdLib : Night Bito! Fantastic job tonight!
AdLib : Folks…it really is over!
PatsyT : AB I hope she meant it when she said that she would be done after this.
kesmarn : G’night, b’ito. Sleep well.
escribacat : Wow. What a relief.
kesmarn : David Brooks: “It was not an eloquent speech. He ran about as good a campaign as he was able to.”
KQµårk 死神 : I bet the first thing he does tomorrow is take those deferred deductions on his 2011 tax returns.
bito : And with that I have to say good night all, I’ll try to catch the president’s speech
SallyT : Al Gore isn’t, AdLib. He said he didn’t say anything about moving forward and working together.
AdLib : Guess Rafalka has some company in the loser’s circle.
escribacat : Fox: Exceedingly gracious
AlphaBitch : patsy maybe her face was melting
escribacat : Adlib, yeah, they’re being so kind to him.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I did and it did not work. This will do for now.
AdLib : WW – The insincerity from the MSNBC folks is on display now, complimenting Romney may be the diplomatic thing to do but it’s dishonest. It was a poor and short speech.
PatsyT : Oh Boy Ann was crying
kesmarn : Sounded as though someone had pulled the string in his back.
bito : Considering the circumstances it was a quality speech.
MurphTheSurf3 : Authenic, best speech of his campaign…end the partisan bickering, congrats to the President…most genuine I have ever seen him. Impressed me at the end.
AdLib : He lost the game of Liar’s Poker, no sympathy from me.
SallyT : Yah, I forgot it already!
Weirdwriter : The best speech he’s ever made. Why not, he never cared about the Tea Party.
AdLib : Very lame and short speech! Forgettable!
escribacat : Ryan looks bummed.
kesmarn : Enter the Dragon (lady)…
AdLib : Murph – The box is there, just reload the Live Events page after clearing your cache!
PatsyT : Pray for him?
kesmarn : Y’all come any time, Frennie!
AdLib : KQ – So true!
SallyT : But my money is safe in the Caymans
foodchain : escrba” she said ‘ We need an adult” so if you are not an adult===you are a boy
MurphTheSurf3 : AD LIB The message box has disappeared from the Live Chat Page so I am responding from the bottom of the sidebar on the front page.
escribacat : Adlib LOL LOL
KQµårk 死神 : To think this guy was so close to the Oval Office is beyond acceptable.
AdLib : I’m dreaming of a White Concession…
PatsyT : Whoa look its a white people convention
AlphaBitch : kes – now I can claim how much I helped by driving through OH with my anti-Mitt sticker! And now I can come visit there!
SallyT : Ann’s back there. She will come galloping out soon.
AdLib : An insincere speech…honesty ??? You lying sack, you say that’s a value?
escribacat : food, did she really?
escribacat : He’s got coton mouth again
kesmarn : Mommy doesn’t LIKE to lose, AB….
foodchain : Ann Romney called Obama “boy”: there’s no first lady ther
escribacat : AB, I don’t think so. It seems weird.
AdLib : I need to adjust my tv’s white balance, too much white in the audience.
AlphaBitch : has anyone ever conceded w/o family behind them???
SallyT : Escrib, well, it ain’t like he is going away poor……..
AdLib : Romney is a sociopath, he doesn’t have normal feelings and hides them behind his happy facade.
escribacat : Okay now he looks upset.
escribacat : He actually looks kind of cheerful!
AdLib : Yay! Thanks Paul Ryan for hiding in a vault during the campaign! You were the best choice I ever made, next to Ann and you both are subservient to me, which I really appreciate!
PatsyT : Why isn’t Ryan on the stage with him? like Palin was?
escribacat : I want to thank Paul Ryna, who has been in hiding.
escribacat : KQ LOL
AlphaBitch : no ann?????
PatsyT : Look at that sea of white…
KQµårk 死神 : Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, He He He GOODBYE!!!
foodchain : Oh Shit; Tmmy Baldwinwins WI senator as on openly gay female.
AdLib : Ah, this moment is so sweet! What I’ve been waiting for all year! Well, aside from Obama’s acceptance speech.
AlphaBitch : atart sweating scott walker
Weirdwriter : escribacat — you’re probably right about Ann. Not her thing.
kesmarn : Here we go. No family with Mittens this time.
PatsyT : Don’t feel too bad RW… Ann Coulter was right
escribacat : Oh, there he is!!
escribacat : Adlib, I bet you’re right. He’ll imply that Obama didn’t reach across the aisle.
AdLib : Tammy Baldwin wins!!!
AdLib : Escrib – This is all about legacy now, my bet is that he tries to come off as the phony “bi-partisan” moderate and tries to lay out, “You had a chance to elect God’s choice but I’ll be your martyr like Jesus and let you have your black man.” He will be gracious because this will be the public’s last experience of him but watch for him to kind of lecture Obama on how he should be more like Mitt and make things better as he would have.
bito : Too bad, but he is far from a states man
escribacat : I have to go see if my neighbor took down his Romney signs yet. Last election the McCain sign disappeared very quickly.
SallyT : AdLib , there is zero percent reporting in LA…WHAT!!!!
KQµårk 死神 : Weird it will be the first time then.
SallyT : Last we have heard of Romney until one of the sons run for office.
Weirdwriter : As my husband said, “This would be a chance for Romney to say something statesman-like. “
bito : Laugh this one off, Willard! Good one AdLIb!
SallyT : Alan West is still down 1000 votes
escribacat : Adlib, they’ll have to carry him away in the white coats
escribacat : Let’s see if he’s got any graciousness in him.
AdLib : What if Romney lies again and accepts winning the Presidency?
AdLib : Laugh this one off, Willard!
escribacat : AB, I think Ann will be glad.
PatsyT : About time…
AlphaBitch : looking forward to seeing anne’s face and his sorry sons faces. Forgive me.
AdLib : YES!!! The end of Mitt Romney forever! We never have to see or hear this human trash again!
escribacat : He’s going to concede any moment
bito : Murph you can save the link to read later no sense ruining the mood now,
AdLib : AB – Mitt Romney has called Obama to concede!!!
escribacat : Phone call has been made!!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : If professionals are in charge of the Romney campaign then he will concede.
AlphaBitch : blov votes refusal to concede, im too tired to guess
SallyT : Bito, and they say it is up to the President to heal this divided nation?
AdLib : Bito – I have such a low opinion of Romney, I see him making the most disrespectful choice and refusing to concede. But…he could concede.
escribacat : Concession
PatsyT : AdLib, how can one with no soul have a legitimate mental breakdown? That man has no core. There is no there there
MurphTheSurf3 : BITO..World Net Daily…really? I feel sooooo dirty
AdLib : Okay, who’s betting on a concession and who’s betting on a refusal to concede?
bito : Romney to speak at 12:55! Will he concede?
Weirdwriter : MSNBC sez Romney to speak in about 7 minutes.
AdLib : Romney is going to speak at 12:55 EST!
Sabreen60 : Just heard that Romney has called PBO and will give concession speech in 10 minutes.
escribacat : Romney to speak in 7 minutes
bito : For many of us, the unthinkable has happened. America has decisively turned the corner away from the constitutional principles of limited government and self-government with the re-election of Barack Obama. There may be no way home for us. «link»
AdLib : Patsy – Actually, since Romney and company live in a world of entitlement and lies…and keeping in mind Ann’s warning about Mitt’s mental health, he’s probably having a break down right now. Good. Think of all the workers who he put through hell by outsourcing their jobs.
escribacat : Kes, very moving.
bito : This is from the RW, thw WND: America pronounces judgment on itself
SallyT : AdLib Morning Ho didn’t take the bet. He knew he was wrong.
kesmarn : Words from our Prez: “I’m about to go speak to the crowd here in Chicago, but I wanted to thank you first. I want you to know that this wasn’t fate, and it wasn’t an accident. You made this happen. You organized yourselves block by block. You took ownership of this campaign five and ten dollars at a time. And when it wasn’t easy, you pressed forward.”
escribacat : Did you see that whiny article howard Fineman wrote bitching about Nate Silver. Called him a “brat.”
MurphTheSurf3 : I believe the Rove people are telling Romney’s people that their job is to force the two speeches into the post midnight hour to downplay Romney’s concession, and to rob Obama of a “victory” speech.
escribacat : I like that Cory Booker.
AdLib : SO doesn’t Morning Ho owe Nate Silver $1,000?
AdLib : With 76% of the popular vote in, Obama leads and the West Coast still hardly added in…heavily Obama too.
escribacat : Patsy, I agree. It’s just another demeaning act.
escribacat : Obama now leading in the popular vote
AdLib : If Obama wins FL and VA, 332 EVs for Obama. A massacre either way.
PatsyT : YES Kes Nate Silver is a Rock Star!
kesmarn : PBS has the Prez @ 302 EV.
PatsyT : This holding off on a concession speech is just another slap at Pres Obama and his supporters
escribacat : Weird…did you hear about that wild west town built by one of the Koch bros?
kesmarn : Where all the guns go off half-Koched.
escribacat : Adlib, is that pathetic or what? I mean, imagine what the guy does there.
AdLib : Kes – Thank you my friend!
Weirdwriter : Yes, escribacat, Mitt could never be the man his father was — this was his last chance, at least in a material way.
AdLib : Escrib – Yes, I read about that too. A private western town for Kochroaches.
kesmarn : AdLib, I do believe your prediction record is holding at 100% accuracy.
escribacat : I read that one of the Koch Bros. bought land in Coorado and built his own personal wild west town. The dirty masses can’t get into see it though.
AdLib : KQ – Who called VA for Obama?
AdLib : Kes – The Fox/GOP BS will continue to crumble out from under their feet, it just can’t be sustained. YOU LOST, REPUBS! END OF STORY!
kesmarn : KQ, YES! Romney had better concede now.
escribacat : I bet those Koch brothers are VERY CRANKY tonight! Haha!
KQµårk 死神 : VA called for Obama!!!
SallyT : They just said that tomorrow the Koch Brothers are going to wake up and discover that Romney has redistribute their wealth.
bito : That came from runk e’cat
KQµårk 死神 : Her opponent is within 100 votes.
AdLib : Bachmann tied 50% and so is West in FL…and his opponent is barely ahead!
kesmarn : Haha! FOX’s latest line was that Romney was leading in the popular vote so the “will of the people…blah-bl ah.” Now the Prez is leading!!
KQµårk 死神 : Bachmann is 50-50 with her opponent.
escribacat : Sally, I hope West goes bye bye. Whatan idiot!
bito : John Billar Pro 47% @azmoderate Dinesh D’Souza should self deport himself to India. Its going to be a long 4 yrs for him
escribacat : Alan grayson is back!
SallyT : Escrib, stay with me! I had to leave and wake up hubby to tell him that the President won and it is 420 in Colorado!
AdLib : Escrib – YAY! Thanks CO!
KQµårk 死神 : WOOT! great news Sally. Cheers for keeping an eye on that race.
escribacat : LOL. Bito is that a joke or for real?
escribacat : Colorado to Obama by 50K !!! Hooray. My beautiful state
bito : funksands : Romney concession speech only 47% done. Hang tight everyonex
AdLib : Night Choice! Take your bows for all the successes tonight and sleep the sleep of a winner!
bito : Good Night C’lady,
SallyT : Alan West is losing by 1000 votes right now
escribacat : I am way to jacked up to sign off!!
kesmarn : G’night,c’lady and funk!
AdLib : Night Sue! Wonderful to share this great night with you!
escribacat : Night Funk
funksands : Night to all of you wonderful wonderful people if I don’t see you again tonight
escribacat : Good night Choice!
funksands : Folks I’m going to sign out probably permanently as I’ve got malingerers in the living room I have to get to bed. I may pop back in later if there is a concession speech, but…..
AdLib : Sue – Kalima is out there! I’m betting we’ll see quite a wonderful edition of Morning Blog tomorrow!
choicelady : OK – I’m rejoining my poor husband in the other room. We’ve been shouting back and forth, and it’s time to sit the rest of this out together. Good night everyone! God forbid anything changes, but I think we’re safe. It WILL be interesting to see if there’s a concession speech from his Mittness tonight though. May come back if something new develops on that front. Be well everyone! Democracy thrived tonight!
kesmarn : G’night, BFF!
escribacat : Good night Sue
SueInCa : Night all I have to go decompress you all were wonderful tonite and I could not have spent my time better
KQµårk 死神 : Over 125,000,000 voted in 2008 and so far not even 100,000,000 votes are in yet. Now I know turnout may be down because of Sandy but there’s allot more votes out there for sure.
escribacat : I hope Ryan’s is too. What happened with Ryan’s Congres. seat?
kesmarn : G’night to the people who left while I was making toast(s)!
escribacat : Adlib, I bet Mitt’s political life is over.
funksands : Ad, they all despise him anyway. Once he became a loser he became an afterthought
SueInCa : Uh oh wish Kalima was here. Whatever will Bibi think? LOL
AdLib : Night KT! Glad you were here tonight! Sleep well!
escribacat : Weird — Romney’s father had a reputation as a gentlman I believe. Mitt lost that one too.
Weirdwriter : Oops, sorry for the repeat post — giddy and a little drunk!
AdLib : Weirdwriter – Mitt will also be remembered as a loser and a liar. An embarrassment and an untouchable, no Repub will want to be associated with him after this humiliating loss.
PatsyT : Nighty night KT
Weirdwriter : Romeney just lost the one thing his father didn’t achieve.
escribacat : Adlib, I’m really glad. I know some think it would be justice but I’d uch rather have Obama win it all
funksands : Night KT
choicelady : Night KT! See you soon. bito – get yourself some rest. You can breathe again! Sweet dreams!
AdLib : Escrib – Heard it reported on MSNBC that the West Coast popular vote hasn’t really been added in yet. The percentage for popular vote is way below 100%.
Weirdwriter : Mitt Romney lost the one thing to achieve that his father had not.
Weirdwriter : Mitt Romney has now failed at the one thing he could have done that his daddy hadn’t.
escribacat : KQ — if Mitt ran the country, nobody would ever know what’s really going on.
KQµårk 死神 : Sleep well KT.
choicelady : Sue, yes the electoral trumps the popular. Gore won the popular but lost the rigged electoral vote. But Mitt won’t win the popular – it’s just his one brief shining moment of being ahead.
SallyT : Good night, KT!!!!
KQµårk 死神 : Yea cat and AdLib no way can Romney win popular vote now. Only 14% is in for CA alone. MSNBC said Obama should win the popular vote by just around 1%.
escribacat : Good night KT
Weirdwriter : Good night, Kilgore! Rest easy, after this good fight.
funksands : Ad, its just wild to see so many millions of vote and only have it that far apart
bito : Night KT, thanks, I’m getting to point of just being an observer my self. My eyes are crossing all by themselves.
choicelady : funk – well, CA etc. are not all in yet. I suspect Romney won’t win the popular just as he’s lost the electoral.
funksands : Sally, one can hope. Looks good though.
AdLib : Sue – Popular vote is meaningless, only electoral vote counts in electing a President.
escribacat : Adlib, do you know for a fact the California numbers haven’t been included yet in the pop vote?
SallyT : Funk if the marijuana and same sex marriage passes in Washington, it will in Oregon in 2014! GO Funk!
KQµårk 死神 : The end of the Romney campaign seems to be as dishonest and disorganized as the beginning. Could you imagine this idiot running the country? He would be worse than Bush.
AdLib : Escrib – Mitt won’t win the popular vote.
SueInCa : does the elctoral vote trump?
choicelady : KQ, Weird – is that really true? Romney had no concession speech written but ONLY an acceptance one? What – has he been hermetically sealed these last couple of weeks?
SueInCa : It is true Mittwit never wrote a concession speech
escribacat : How ironic would that be if Romney wins the popular vote
AdLib : I Funk – The West Coast has hardly been counted into the popular vote. Obama will win it.
escribacat : Choice — it’s really truly going to happen! And then people will realize it’s not a bunch of death panels and they will feel like fools
funksands : Romney up by 335 votes in the popular vote. Wow
foodchain : Why would someone balk when the day is over, the money is over
KillgoreTrout : Well beautiful peeps, I must get some rest and take all of this in. It’s huge! Thank you all for being so dedicated to what is right and true.
choicelady : KQ – a week ago I did a “what’s coming in health care” seminar for some folks and had to say it all depended on this election. Now I don’t have to go BACK. It’s all still in process!!!
escribacat : If Romney had won he’d spend the whole 4 years trying to undo everythign Obama did
SallyT : However, like the Governor race in Washington, same sex marriage will take days to figure if won or passed.
escribacat : KQ — that is really true.
KQµårk 死神 : CL Obama had to win just to keep the gains he made.
kesmarn : I’m back. Just off the phone from a call with an old friend who’s in New Orleans now. We worked together 4 years ago and talked at midnight when the Prez won then. Kept the tradition this time. The AA community there is in the clouds of joy!
Weirdwriter : MSNBC saying Romney campaign news pool told that Mitt had to WRITE a concession speech, first. All he had was an acceptance speech.
SallyT : Same sex marriage winning in Washington
KQµårk 死神 : Now they are reporting he wrote an acceptance speech but no concession speech. What an asshole.
KillgoreTrout : I don’t know, that might require a little humility. I don’t think Romney is capable.
AdLib : Funk – I think CO has been called. Just NV, VA and FL outstanding, right?
choicelady : escat – Oh wow – I’d not even thought about the health care! It’s REAL. KQ and everyone – you still have health care!!! food – I grew up in Wheaton and know Libertyville from my youth. Cool on the Fireworks!
escribacat : They’re saying Romney didn’t write a concession speech. Haha
KQµårk 死神 : I think refuse AdLib. His ego can’t take it.
escribacat : GOP in usual state of confusion.
funksands : Ad, I think he will. Especially with Virginia trending and Obama’s lead in NV and CO widening
AdLib : So, what do you think? Will Romney give a concession speech tonight or refuse?
escribacat : When Woof comes back, I have to tell him how much I loved Prince Edward Island. What a fabulous place
SallyT : Obama has a 38 point lead of single women right now
choicelady : bito – LOL!! Is that to prevent investigations or to pretend they can get the votes they need to win?
KillgoreTrout : Oh E, I bet it was. Amazing places.
escribacat : Choice, it was pretty cold in QC when we were there … in October. I can imagine what it’s like in January.
foodchain : Fireworks in Libertyville, IL at 10:15pm OHIO is in. We have a great friend who can shoot fie works and we did!!!
choicelady : escat – I spent quite some time in those areas of Canada and absolutely LOVE it. Except in January. I’ve NEVER been so cold, and I grew up in the Northeast. Yikes!
escribacat : Good night lalala
escribacat : Choice, we are going to see the insurance iexchanges put together Jan 2014! Nobody can stop it now!!!!
funksands : Romney concession speech only 47% done. Hang tight everyone
KillgoreTrout : When will the GOPers learn. People are on to their nasty games.
AdLib : Night lalalu! Was great having you here tonight!
choicelady : funk – Dems need to be adults on every issue from now to 2014.
escribacat : Adlib, it will be very telling to see what he does next
bito : Politicolnews @Politicolnews It’s up to the GOP party heads to declare this election over. They are stalling so they can fix the voting machines for tomorrow morning.
funksands : Night lalalu Have a great night!
AdLib : Escrib – Romney has no excuse now, not to concede, Obama has won more than enough EVs. So, his concession may come tonight or considering what a prick he is, he may just refuse as he did on his tax returns.
KillgoreTrout : Sleep tight kalie.
funksands : Obama back ahead in Ohio. Quickly erased Romney lead just now
lalalu : Good night all. Glad the power came on and I had a chance to join in. It’s been a great night.
KillgoreTrout : Ww, are you kidding? Really? I didn’t even know it was on the ballot. MMJ or or overall legalization?
SueInCa : Can the Boner keep obstructing?
escribacat : KT…We did a road trip starting in Boston. Drove up to New Brunswick, to Nova Scotia, to Prince Edward Island ( my favorite), then east to Quebec City, Montreal, and Prescott Ontario, where my dad and grandmother were born. It was an amazing trip
funksands : Night Kalie!
AdLib : Night Kalie, great time!
KillgoreTrout : E, I used to live in Boston, and sometimes friends and I would take a road trip to Quebec.
escribacat : I want to see Romney concede and I want to hear Obama’s victory speech!
choicelady : AdLib – the GOP playbook is to turn your horrible actions into attacks on your opponent. Unfortunately it too often works for low information (i.e. low intelligence) voters.
SallyT : It was fun, Kalie! Enjoy a restful night!
funksands : CL, definitely! The big challenge will be keeping the Senate believe it or not. We could up with a Pelosi speaker and McConnell majority leader in two years
Weirdwriter : Massachusetts legalized medical marijuana.
escribacat : Good night, kalie. It’s been a great night
kalie : Have to go, this was really fun. Take care and don’t stay up too late.
choicelady : funk – Walsh’s district is just north of where I grew up, so I feel your friend’s pain!
escribacat : KT, Yes, I’ve been in France many times and I LOVED Quebec City.
SallyT : FOX all white viewers no longer can win elections by themselves.
AdLib : CL – That’s my hope, Dems retake the House in 2014 as the economy under Dems and Obama recovers.
escribacat : No more drug gangs for us here (well, fewer anyway)
KillgoreTrout : E, absolutely. The old French city.
escribacat : So Coorado and Washingtown, now have legalized Marijuana!!!
choicelady : funk – while they still have a majority, I think everyone is going to double down on them now. I wonder if we can regain it in 2014?
escribacat : Choice — Quebec city was absolutely gorgeous
AdLib : CL – As Escrib said, this is the GOP/Rove mentality, always accuse the Dems of the horrible things you do.
funksands : Ad, I’ve got a good friend that lives in Walsh’s district. He emailed me over the moon about getting rid of that cretin
choicelady : escat – I LOVE Quebec! I agree with you!
KillgoreTrout : I’m still waiting for my flying car that folds into a briefcase, Jetson’s style!
funksands : Redistricting does its magic for the House GOP
choicelady : Sue – Thank GOD and I say that jokingly since Feinstein’s opponent is a Dominionist.
escribacat : Choice, they’ve been doing the “classy” routine all evening.
AdLib : Love Tammy beating Walsh!
choicelady : AdLib – Seriously? FOX called Romney and his spokespeople CLASSY?? Why? Because no one out and out called Obama by the N word? Un-effin’-belie vable.
funksands : House looks like it is going to end up around 231 seats for the GOP. They’ll lose around 10-11 seats
Weirdwriter : Tammy Duckworth defeats Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh of Illinois.
escribacat : Sue, I remember when Feinstein took over as Mayor of SF after Mayor Moscone was shot. Long time ago.
KillgoreTrout : As Joe Biden once said….”This is a big fucking deal!”
KillgoreTrout : CL, that would require some BIG lungs!
escribacat : Adlib, I was just in Quebec. Just as interesting as France!
choicelady : Anyone – have we any inkling of changes in the House other than the few we’ve followed?
Weirdwriter : Fox Business has called Ohio for Obama, says Obama won.
AdLib : Killgore – Ah yes, my Obama all-electric hovercraft! When will he be giving one to all of us? And if he doesn’t, I will oppose him! I never got a pony last term!
choicelady : KT – if AdLib drives to France, he will have to do it as they did in “The Muppet Movie” last year – holding his breath all the way under water!
funksands : Washington also passes legalized marijuana. Not a great bill structurally, but a big win nonetheless and creates a great legal toehold going forward
escribacat : Adlib — they are extremely predictable in accusing our side of doing all the awful things they do.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, better buy that new water car before you go!
AdLib : Idiot anchor on Fox, “I guess being above board and classy as Mitt Romney is didn’t pay dividends? Do we now have to look forward to negative campaigns like Obama’s from now on?” FOX IS SAYING THIS??? The Bagger, Birther, Kenyan, Anti-Christian, kill Grannie accusers? They are clinically insane.
funksands : Berkeley, Murphey, Baldwin, McCaskill, Kaine, Brown, Warren, Tester, Heitkamp, Donnelly all winning. Carmona looks like only Senator in swing races to lose so far. That puts the Senate at 55 if I am not mistaken
bito : The Washington Post @washingtonpost #BREAKINGNEWS: Maryland projected to pass same-sex marriage, according to exit polls and early results «link» #ssm
SueInCa : Enjoying all the comments. I am kind of speechles now Mike zMurphy the GOP has a latino problem LOL
choicelady : KQ – They voted for Romney in FRANCE? I thought they had better taste!
AdLib : KQ – France is now a state in the US! Cool! I’m driving there this Spring for Easter break!
SallyT : AB, Dylan would have to change the words for Trump to “That squirrel on your head is blowin’ in the wind.”
kalie : Fox called Co for Obama
AdLib : Yes, Escrib, the excuse for Romney to deny his defeat was just exploded! Fox has Obama at 290 EVs so ignoring OH still gives Obama the win. Heh! It’s all over now!
KillgoreTrout : Proof that the world only spins forward!
bito : This is what redistricting looks like when the Dems show up for mid terms: Democrats have already defeated Reps. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) and Judy Biggert (R-Ill.), and held onto a southern Illinois seat left open by Rep. Jerry Costello’s (D-Ill.) retirement. Rep. Robert Dold (R-Ill.) trails his opponent by 1 percentage point with 99 percent of precincts reporting,
lalalu : Dylan was right. Big win for President Obama
KillgoreTrout : Don’t ya just love it CL?
escribacat : Fox calling Colorado for Obama
KQµårk 死神 : Romney was 1-3 in his home states. Utah, Michigan, Massachusetts and France.
SallyT : AB, LOL that Trump’s hair!
AlphaBitch : is that what that dylan song means+ your hair is blowin in the wind
escribacat : Fox showing shots of Romney HQ in Boston. Pretty glum crowd
choicelady : KT – just took the train through La Mancha in Spain – not a windmill to be seen!
AdLib : It’s already starting on Fox, blaming Romney for not being conservative enough. Yummy! Me like!
AlphaBitch : is that what that dylan song means????
AdLib : Who woulda thought the Repubs would be bad losers and poor sports?
choicelady : Murph – losing your hometown is pretty galling. Could NOT happen to a more deserving guy!
escribacat : AB — what a vision!
SallyT : Trump will be marching alone with his hair blowing in the wind!
AlphaBitch : good luck with old white men marching
AdLib : Let Trump bring his gun and get shot down by the SS. Might sober up the whole RW.
choicelady : AdLib – you ALWAYS try to put the best face on your candidate’s chances. I knew Schmit was wrong, but he’s a Republican, so… He’d hardly be hired again if he walked into this admitting his guy was toast BEFORE the count. I just take him with a grain of salt. A very LARGE grain, but it’s who is needs to be.
KillgoreTrout : Wow, as far as the eye can see, there are overturned windmills everywhere. A Quixotic time for sure.
AdLib : Sally – As if anyone actually listens to Trump.
escribacat : LOL what does Trump want to do at the end of the march?
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely cat Rove has to now answer to these millionaires and billionaires who are not use to losing. They think every game is fixed. For Rove there will be hell to pay for sure.
Weirdwriter : Karma is a bitch, “conservatives. “
SallyT : Donald Trump is calling for a march on DC! ASSHOLE!
MurphTheSurf3 : Mitt Romney lost his home state of Massachusetts. And he lost his hometown of Belmont by a 65 percent to 34 percent margin, with 79 percent turnout, according to the Boston Globe. Romney has been a Belmont resident since 1971.
SallyT : Escrib, wouldn’t that be wonderful!
AdLib : Steve Schmidt is a reasonable guy but he was so full of crap before the results came in, pumping up Romney’s chances to win…and was proven to be either dishonest or just plain clueless. Why do these guys have to check their integrity at the door when they join the GOP? Or did I just answer that?
escribacat : Sally Oh please let her lose please please please
lalalu : Romney’s behavior shows how close we came to having a psychopath in office.
SallyT : Bachmann at this moment is losing!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
choicelady : Mike elk is a jerk. He is also unemployed. Might have success envy?
escribacat : Rove must be desperate, KQ. He must have made promises to get those klowns to fork over their hundreds of millions. Imagine how much money those few men have spent this year!!!!
kalie : Ad lib, i think Romneys campaign already proved he is the biggest douche in the universe.
MurphTheSurf3 : @ rauldemolina : ABC News sources say that Jeb Bush told The Romney campaign that they lost Florida
SueInCa : Sally we can only hope
escribacat : Sally — I sure hope it becomes an “issue” again.
KQµårk 死神 : CL Rove is trying to explain how OH may still go for Romney. The problem is now with NV and CO called Obama does not even need OH. Obama already has 272 EVs. It just shows how classless Romney and his boosters are. The fantasy land they live in does not exist.
choicelady : AdLib – may I vote for Romney proving he’s the Biggest Douchbag in the Universe?
SallyT : Maybe there is hope for Climate Change to be taken serious!
AdLib : 96% in FL – Barack Obama 3,987,528 – 49.9% — Mitt Romney 3,939,813 – 49.3%
kalie : Oh AdLib sorry the channel was changed to CBS News, that is who called it blue for Co. Sorry.
bito : Mike Elk @MikeElk I am very critical of union leaders bs, but labors insistence on Bain capital attacks & sb5 fight in Ohio won election
SallyT : Lost of progressive issues passed tonight across the nation!
AdLib : Kalie and all, just visited the MSNBC site, they haven’t officially called CO and NV yet but when they do, the OH BS from Romney is all moot. So, hang in there, the end for Romney is here and he’ll have to accept it then…or prove he is the Biggest Douche in The Universe.
PatsyT : GOP headquarters in Ohio… «link»
choicelady : KQ – I’m not watching Faux. What are they doing?
KillgoreTrout : It’s just like Obama said yesterday, “Don’t boo, VOTE.” Voting is the best revenge!
choicelady : dLib – I’ve lost track of FL. Gore said he’s heard from good sources it’s Obama but is that official yet?
escribacat : Sally — that’s good news too!
choicelady : AdLib – oh gosh, sorry to hear Rove is not personally responsible for paying back the Kochs! LOL!!! I know that – but it’s fun to think about the debt he’d have to pay off! Bet the Kochs have “enforcers”, too.
bito : Yes it will E’cat I would love to be a fly on the wall at the RNC tonight.
kalie : Obama’s election is a big statement against “bought” elections. Citizens United must be defeated.
SallyT : Maine legalized Gay Marriage
Weirdwriter : Geez, yes, escribacat! Born on third and pretends he hit a triple.
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib Faux News is now just making themselves a laughing stock. Just like Romney’s Jeep lie when too far. Just like nominating these baggers that went 0-5 went too far. They are going too far this time in front of millions of Americans
AdLib : Sue –
So true! Repubs whining over OH? Hilarious!
AdLib : CL – Then it’s over! Even if they protest OH, with NV and CO and not counting OH, Obama wins.
SueInCa : isn’t it funny now R’s have problems with what is going on in ohio LOLOLOLOLOLOL
escribacat : WW — he’s had so much just handed to him.
choicelady : FOX called NV for Obama!
kalie : Ad Lib yes i saw it blue, not gray.
Weirdwriter : Except for deciding not to run for re-election as Mass. gov, dunno that Mitt has ever had to concede failure in anything. His life has been so easy.
SueInCa : I just checked my FB page it is lit up for Obama
escribacat : Bito, it will be very interesting in coming months to see how they spin this horrific loss
AdLib : CL – Rove doesn’t have the money himself to reimburse the Kochs. Nope, they put Rove in charge of their spending and have lost it all!
KillgoreTrout : Gee I hope so lalalu. He doesn’t have that kind of time.
choicelady : lalalu – If mitt holds his breath until Ohio is declare for him, could he pass out and fade away? Wow – something to hope for!
funksands : Obama only Dem since FDR to win 50% or more two elections in a row
bito : Who will The R’s blame? Who will they crown their new king? Hell with them , that’s their problem!
escribacat : Denver Post has called Colorado for Obama.
PatsyT : Well, I celebrated driving on interstate 5!
choicelady : Sally! Is it possible they gave the money on contingency? Delibver us Romney or pay back the billions? You can SEE why Rove’d be messing his pants! Funk – that is JUST Cleveland – and I saw one map where all those smaller industrial cities are still out, too. LOTS of votes for Obama there!
AdLib : MSNBC kicking FOx News and Rove’s ass for blurring the line between the GOP and “news”. Nice!
KillgoreTrout : I hope Ann the Man has soiled his panties!
escribacat : KT — It should have been handed to him, like everything else has been.
AdLib : kalie – Really? I just saw it and thought CO was still gray. Doesn’t matter, just a matter of an hour or so before MSNBC calls all of them for Obama.
KillgoreTrout : As been said many times before, Romney is a spoiled child. He’s probably kicking and screaming about now.
escribacat : LALA LOL. Go for it, Mitt!
SueInCa : D.L. Hughley Watching Fox News!!!!! This better than Xmas
lalalu : Romney is going to hold his breath until the media says he won Ohio.
kalie : Sally, you are so right. They didn’t get what they paid for and they will have his butt if he cant cause chaos!
escribacat : Karl must be sweating bullets. How many billions did he con out of those captains of industry?
bito : DSCC @dscc DSCC Chair Patty Murray Statement On Democrats Holding The Senate «link» …
funksands : CL, still 150k votes to come in from Cleveland area, which may have something to do with confidence that its over despite how close it is now
choicelady : Ann Coulter will go back to slobbering all over Christie and moaning the party should have listened to her. But she also is pissed at him about working with Obama. So yeah – maybe the ONLY thing she can do is explode?
escribacat : Karl Rove is such a slug
AlphaBitch : am on a netbook and its hard to type
kalie : Adlib map on msnbc shows blue Co.
AdLib : HP has just added NV to Obama’s count putting him at 290 EVs. If the rest of the MSM do as well, when they do, this is all over for Romney and Rove.
SallyT : Oh, Rove is just holding out because he is afraid those billionaires might ask for a refund!
KQµårk 死神 : President Obama now has 272 EVs WITHOUT OH so why is Romney still holding out?
escribacat : Joaquin Castro won his seat!! Hooray
AlphaBitch : don’t know too tied up w/ this one
SueInCa : on FB buh bye “You people won’t be missed”
escribacat : I was very impressed with those Castro Brothers
kesmarn : Couldn’t remember Joaquin…
escribacat : Did Joaquin win?
AlphaBitch : Joaquin.
AdLib : Well, some have called CO but MSNBC hasn’t.
escribacat : Hooray, Colorado! Wow, I’m so proud of my state!!!!!!!! The repulsive rightwinger Joe Coors (of the beer empire — notorious union busters) LOST BIG TIME
choicelady : funk – there is something really wrong with the OH vote if it’s that close because the votes not yet tabbed are ALL in working class and Black communities. This is dangerous for the GOP if there IS fraud. VERY dangerous indeed!
escribacat : AB, yes. One of them was running for house
AdLib : Escrib – Yes, great work! CO has been called for Obama!
SueInCa : on FB Wonder if Ann coulter’s head exploded.
escribacat : Kes, yes!!!
AlphaBitch : Julain and Joaquin Castro
kalie : Romney can take his tax returns and hit the road.
funksands : Ohio within 2000 votes. But both thevSec State and Fox’s own tabulators say highly unlikely Romney can do it
bito : Brad Friedman @TheBradBlog So Rove thinks the call for Obama is completely “premature”, Romney camp not conceding yet…
kesmarn : Julian and -+–+- Castro, e’cat?
escribacat : Adlib has Colorado been called yet? I haven’t heard it called
AdLib : Obama has 284 EVs including OH. When NV is called for him, Obama will have 290 so even if you subtract the 18 OH EVs, Obama has 272 and wins. Romney can’t sit this out too much longer!
kesmarn : c’lady, they are so arrogant, they think that they can pull anything off. I don’t think they’ll get away with it.
bito : Gabriel Arana @gabrielarana Gay marriage winning in Maine (by 10), Maryland (by 2), losing in Minnesota (by 15).
escribacat : Does anyone know what happened with the brother of that guy in Texas who spoke so eloquently at the DNC? Can’t remember their names — the twin (?) hispanic brothers
KQµårk 死神 : Wow major shift toward Obama with latest update. Now popular vote pretty much tied and Obama winning VA. «link»
choicelady : kes – seriously is it possible they DO think they stole this one “fair and square” so “know” they will get more votes? Do they have NO idea how Hough and East Cleveland etc. will rise if this happens? Those are NOT stupid people! Warren, Mentor, Akron, Y’town – they ALL will take to the streets if fraud is detected and common sense projections of who votes and who lives there suddenly is not reflected in the votes!
bito : That’ it, k’es!
kesmarn : Rove has Electile Dysfunction, b’ito.
AdLib : Kes – Yep, I think they are indeed hoping Husted’s Magic Underwear Patch will suit them in reversing Obama’s win. But when Obama wins FL? Whoops!
bito : GottaLaff @GottaLaff RT @Uncucumbered: Karl Rove on FOX: race called prematurely in Ohio. #election2012| Karl Rove saying Obama has premature electoralation?
SallyT : People under 25 were 20% of the electoral
KillgoreTrout : The GOP cheaters revealed their dirty hands in 04. We don’t forget.
escribacat : Kes LOL
SueInCa : Kes
kesmarn : AdLib, they still think Husted’s “Magic Software Patch” will deliver this election to them.
choicelady : escat – Precious is indeed what Romney wants!!! Must have it!
KQµårk 死神 : Romney campaign not conceding Ohio. What a bunch of sore loser schmucks.
bito : C’Lady got my fingers crossed!
AdLib : Kes – That is the Repub meme now, flowing from Rove on Fox, “Don’t concede OH! We won’t accept losing!” All of a sudden, many Repubs and Romney’s campaign is saying it.
kesmarn : As our Prez says, b’ito: “It’s arithmetic!”
choicelady : FOX analysts just said that the RAW vote in Ohio is pure Dem, that it is so much larger than Republican there is NO way for Romney to win – his failure to conceed is ridiculous. Pouty, whiny, stupid. Rove is desperately trying to crunch success – not working.
escribacat : Mhy republican sister in law actually voted yes on 64. (the marijuana bill).
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney campaign is not conceding Ohio! Class to the very end. My guess…they want to push both speeches so late that very few see them.
SueInCa : If romney refuses to concede he will truly ruin it for the GOP
KillgoreTrout : Romney, we’ve seen your measure as a man. You failed on every graduation.
bito : whoops, k’es that was great, a chance to meet Nate Your Scholar must have been in heaven, he can understand Nate’s work!
kesmarn : I hear that Rove is on FOX saying that Romney might still win Ohio.
lalalu : LOL, cat
escribacat : Romney: “Must have the precious!”
lalalu : Romney is a nut.
SueInCa : A sore loser in defeat who would have thought different?
escribacat : I think Colorado’s popularity just skyrocketed. It’s going to be a great ski season!
SallyT : Sherlock, I am typing in the dark, I’m not high!
escribacat : Kalie LOL
escribacat : patsy, you need to send that youtube of the Dark Knight to Romney
SueInCa : 420 sally
kesmarn : Hope triumphs over fear, Frennie. And the young can breathe a little easier.
kalie : Time for a ski trip to Colorado…
escribacat : Rachel says Romney isn’t conceding Ohio
choicelady : CA folks – Prop. 30 is losing, albeit on a very small turnout so far. This could be a disaster if voters don’t pass it. Keep watching. But 39 – eliminating the corporate loophole and directing money into the green jobs that give low skill folks a REAL job chance – it’s WAY ahead! That will give us half a billion for the general fund. 38 is losing worse than 30. But all of this is on 10% or less of the vote.
SueInCa : we have bff
AdLib : Romney campaign won’t concede OH.
SallyT : It is 4:30 in Colorado!
escribacat : kalie LOL
kesmarn : I’m so glad to be able to celebrate with all of you! We really have been through a lot together.
AlphaBitch : I love the sweet young faces in the crowd. Makes me teary.
bito : That’s great k’es
AdLib : kalie, no wonder CO folks are so friendly, they like saying, “High!”
KQµårk 死神 : Still pinching myself in GA, especially the way Obama won and how Dems kept the Senate.
escribacat : Sally, that’s amazing. Maybe my newphew will move back here from Oregon now (hehe)
AdLib : So far, 3 Senate seats lost by Repubs to Dems! An a few more out there!
kalie : Gives a new meaning to the Rocky Mtn. high.
SallyT : They are cheering CO here in Oregon. It is losing here.
AdLib : Thanks Bito!
funksands : Kes, great story
escribacat : KT LOL! I still can’t believe it!!!
KillgoreTrout : I think I’ll be moving to Colorado soon!
bito : Thanks KT, AdLib we all have tried to do our little bit! Your posts were outstanding AdLIb!
escribacat : Too bad we can’t vote Limbaugh out of our lives.
kesmarn : Rush Limbaugh hates Nate Silver, e’cat, so you know Nate speaks truth!
SallyT : And don’t forget Kalima! She was working and rooting from afar!
funksands : Ecat thats awesome. Its up here 51 to 49. Way too close
KQµårk 死神 : Wow that’s awesome weird.
escribacat : Kes, I love Nate!
KillgoreTrout : Hah, Bill had a lot riding on this. money well spent.
AdLib : Bito has indeed worked very hard for this moment! Cheers to you, my friend!
Weirdwriter : Amendment 64 in Colorado passed: The amendment would allow those 21 and older to purchase up to one ounce of the drug at specially regulated retail stores. Possession would be legal, but not public use. Adults could grow up to six marijuana plants in their homes.
kesmarn : Just got off the phone from the PhD student/son in Madison. He introduced me to Nate Silver years ago before he was “discovered” and tonight WE CELEBRATED! Nate was right and we have FOUR MORE YEARS!
escribacat : Sally LOL
bito : Screw McCain Im sick of him. My SENATOR ? hardly.
SallyT : KT, Bill Maher tweeted Mitt Romney to his underwear, “Magic my ass!”
KillgoreTrout : Bito, you have really worked hard for this. You should be proud. I am proud to know you.
escribacat : I’m toasting you all with my hot chocolate!!
AdLib : Drinks are on the Planet!
escribacat : KT, yes, it’s for real. I see it with my own eyes!
bito : Congrats to all Planteers! Thanks for everyone work great or small every little bit help and helped tremendously ! Now will some one drink a bunch of adult beverages for me?
KillgoreTrout : E, for real? That too is incredible.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB- what a great decision on your part….to fight voter suppression….w hat an aim.
KillgoreTrout : I’ll bet Romney is screaming in his silk pillow right about now. I doubt he has the composure to give a concession speech! Mormon valium anyone?
kalie : So Romney not conceeding yet, is he going to contest a state or two?
Weirdwriter : Denver Post calls for Obama — Obama had 50 percent of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 48 percent with 1.6 million votes counted.
escribacat : Wow. Colorado just legalized marijuana. I’m shocked!
KQµårk 死神 : Honesty and democracy wins and lies and big money loses tonight.
kalie : Alpha: Very commendable! You go girl.
funksands : WA Goverrnor wont be decided until tomorrow. Frustratingly stupid
MurphTheSurf3 : McCain is talking????? What the Hell!
Weirdwriter : escribacat — Denver Post calling it — 64 passed.
choicelady : AB – that is beyond marvelous! You will turn Texas around and head it into the 21st Century!!! You GO, girlfriend! Super ideas, and you’re the perfect person to make this happen!
MurphTheSurf3 : THANKS CL….Got calls from a bunch of folks…want to turn Missouri Blue….oh my!
SueInCa : r;s not conceeding
escribacat : John McCain is going to concede for Mitt? Is that what’s going on?
KillgoreTrout : Great point CL. I just had that argument with some cement heads on Yahoo, yesterday.
escribacat : Wow what a great night!!! Wow.
KillgoreTrout : I’ll light a torch in your name lalalu! Hope you get power soon.
SallyT : You rich bastards on the Right, next time give that money to charity because it doesn’t buy elections!
choicelady : Murph – and a toast to YOU and to everyone who worked this campaign in every way, any way. We elected a Black president in 2008. We RE-elected him tonight. That’s world historic. Amen!
AlphaBitch : CL – I have decided to quit my job in Feb (after I finish filling in for my friend on maternity leave) and dedicate myself to doing two things – volunteering for the Castros/Villarre al and doing whatever I can to fight any attempt to suppress votes and 2) to set up an organization to start to educate voters. They will be informed or ashamed
escribacat : WW : Wow, I can’t believe it’s winning!!!!
AdLib : Thanks Murph! Nate Silver has stats, I had him and zen predicting, allowing the truth to reside without being disturbed by the MSM spin.
Weirdwriter : escribacat –from the DC site: Amendment 64 led with 52.7 percent voting yes and 47.3 percent voting no, with 1,507,746 votes or more than 50 percent of active voters counted, according to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office. The office said 25 counties had reported.
funksands : Lot of sad faces at Romney headquarters. Not sad enough
choicelady : AdLib – you were, indeed, right on the money. Hip, hip HOORAY! You kept us focused, cheered us onward and upward, and kept us keeping the faith. THANK YOU!!!
escribacat : $$$$ and LIES: 0; Hope and change: 1.
escribacat : Choice well said
SueInCa : WTH mccain to take the stage?
Sabreen60 : President Obama won in spite of the millions from Rove, the Kochs, et. He won in spite of the media who never held Romney accountable for his lies, his refusal to release his taxes, his religion – none of the things they would have allowed President Obama to get away with.
SueInCa : here here adlib you did call it long ago
choicelady : escat – the haters who say “The Blacks” elected Obama are stupid – we are majority white, the Black population is 12%, and even with majority minority vote, WHITE people are very much in this mix. This IS the face of America!
bito : Tammy Duckworth @Tammy4Congress Thanks to you, I will be the next Congresswoman for #IL08. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done to support my campaign!
escribacat : here here murph. Toast to Adlib
KillgoreTrout : You can rest easy now KQ!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- A SALUTE TO YOU….you had the this thing pegged months ago. Hats off to you my wise friend….Bravo, bravo, bravo…THREE CHEERS TO THE PLANET AND ITS WONDERFUL ADMIN.
KillgoreTrout : AB, squat? Never my friend. never that.
escribacat : Choice, they did their best to purchase our democracy and they FAILED
lalalu : Me too Kilgore. No power and feeling a bit blue but we got out there. I am glad we did.
AdLib : HAH! Rove claims OH isn’t settled and Obama hasn’t won! No way, Rove, you’re not stealing this one.
choicelady : Hi AB – we ALL were scared! The decks were stacked against us and the forces of evil were abroad in the land. But we survived, we even flourished! We took back democracy AGAIN!
KillgoreTrout : I think I am E. They can crawl back under that rock from whence they came.
escribacat : WW–excellent!! I can’t stand that Joe Coors. Ugh. What about prop 64, do you know?
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib if Obama doesn’t win the popular vote it’s only because voting is going to be way way down in NJ, NY, CT and even some Dem parts of PA and VA.
AlphaBitch : cat [ that’s the face of America
kalie : Must not feel that good to spend millions and not get what you want.
Weirdwriter : escribacat — Polis and Perlmutter won!
AdLib : Cheers again to all our Planeteers here! We blogged and explored and reported the last two years and it had to help, getting all that our to all our kind readers and folks across the web! Give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back!
escribacat : I love the beautiful diversity of that Obama crowd.
KillgoreTrout : I am sure glad I got off my lazy ass and voted today! Damn I feel good!
AdLib : Funk – Obama will win in CO, NV and FL, he will have far more EVs than needed…and that didn’t happen in 2000.
kalie : They are partying down at McCormick place with Obama.
bito : I just knew that Nate silver was way wrong and that this was going to be “razor thin” takes days to count and end up in the courts! Tahnk you Media for being so wrong!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I never really bought in to that razor close bullshit. You called it long ago. It was just a ratings game.
AlphaBitch : Sue _ AB was not – and is not now -bitchy at all but rather a cowering trembling bowl of squat. I was really, really afeered.
lalalu : Nate Silver is the man
AdLib : Murph – Fox’s ideologues bailed out. Rove was there though and sullen! Yes! Rove, you and the Kochs are big losers! Live with it!
escribacat : KT — I hope you are right. I hope the baggers go back into the dirty shadows of racism where they belong
lalalu : My Mom is sooo happy. I just wish my Dad was here to see this.
funksands : Ad, nope she’s having flashbacks to 2000
escribacat : Ww — he’s going to win Colo and probably FL too!
SueInCa : Weirdwriter they were playing games
KillgoreTrout : Take that BAGGERS! You’re finished. The Kochs won’t waste any more money on your sorry behinds!
MurphTheSurf3 : Fox has NONE of its ideologues on tonight. They knew what was coming!
AdLib : Sally – Exactly! Obama will win FL, NV and CO, putting him over 300 EVs, just as Nate Silver projected! And just as many here also projected!
SueInCa : ab is in da house? Hello AB
SallyT : Yes, Escrib, and I would love to see Nate Silver’s face tonight!
AlphaBitch : Done, Funkman
Weirdwriter : I can’t believe it was called the minute Ohio came in — I feared there would be too close to call too many times, a split vote, a Supreme Court decision, etc. Praise be!
funksands : AB Ill take two!! Ad, i give permission for my email to be shared
SueInCa : adlib you and i know they were
bito : eclecticbrotha @eclecticbrotha Next meme prediction: “Well, Obama won reelection but his electoral college total isn’t as high as 2008.”
escribacat : Sally, did you see the whiny article Howard Fineman wrote bitching about Nate Silver? What a whiner!!!
AdLib : Now, was Romney and all the MSM lying when they said it would be “razor close”? Hell yeah!
SallyT : Nate Silver WINS and Is One SMART DUDE!!!!
escribacat : Just imagine. We don’t have to look at Romney and Eddie Munster any more!!!!
KillgoreTrout : This gives a lot of creedence to the part of an ideogram in the Tao. TRUST IN THE WAY THINGS ARE!
AdLib : Funk – Tell your wife The Planet demands she celebrate!
escribacat : Health reform is here to stay and evolve!!!!!!
KQµårk 死神 : Andrew Sullivan ‘11.17 pm AMERICA FUCK YEAH!!!!!’
AdLib : Obama and Dem sweep!
funksands : My wife wont celebrate yet.
bito : Well said C’Lady I wish I were back in Chi too!
escribacat : The barbarians won’t break down the gates!
AlphaBitch : I have not stopped praying all day. I was consumed with worry. Now: who wants the new bumper sticker I am making that will say: “Barack HUSSEIN Obama – because it IS America”? Send me an email via AdLib with your address and I will send you one for free, if you promise to put it on your car. My gift to you all for being so funny, so true, so wise.
Weirdwriter : Gracias, choicelady, good to be back at this wonderful moment!
kalie : Its nice to win fair and square without having to wait until tomorrow.
SallyT : Obama headquarters is WILD!!!!!!!!!!!! !
MurphTheSurf3 : Since Obama and Biden won, and the VP is the tie breaker in the Senate, the Senate is now officially Dem.
SueInCa : This was truly a good night all
lalalu : Romney got stomped.
choicelady : He Weirdwriter! Welcome!
AdLib : A somber mood at Fox News…boxes of Kleenexes out on the counters.
KillgoreTrout : I think someone should probably call a WAAAAAMBULNCE for FOX Snooze!
choicelady : I wish I were home – Chicago. I missed Grant Park and am missing this at McCormack Place and I long to be there. But think of this – we elected a Black man as president. And now we are RE-ELECTING HIM. That is the world turned upside down for the RW. It’s a new day, and we are just beginning the rebuilding of America as a just and honorable society.
escribacat : What a great night!!!!!
SallyT : Oregon elected a lot of Democrats tonight!
AdLib : Sue – Feel the same way, such an amazing community here at The Planet, just a thrill to share this night with the wonderful folks here!
SallyT : Yes Oregon for Obama!
MurphTheSurf3 : ONE TERM MORE….the brilliant Les Miserables Parody… «link»
Weirdwriter : Gracias, Dios.
AdLib : Whining about unemployment on Fox…
KillgoreTrout : FOX news=Bhagdad Bob.
choicelady : Patsy – they’re calling OR for Obama in a HUGE lead for him! Only 7 electoral votes, but WOW is he doing well!
kalie : Did you hear the one about the Kenyan President?? lol
SueInCa : thanks kt i love the planet not been here alot but i have been busy slowing down now I am gonna write again
KillgoreTrout : sue it was a pleasure, and you make me feel like family.
AdLib : Watching Fox now…
SueInCa : that is the important thing to me adlib
escribacat : Oh, it’s awfully quiet over at Fox.
KillgoreTrout : And one very happy human being too. You are both.
bito : GottaLaff @GottaLaff I AM OFFICIALLY GIDDY!!
Spocklava : Hells yeah!
AdLib : Fox still trying to figure out how Obama might still lose it!
SueInCa : Si se Pueda
escribacat : All the KOCH billions couldn’t buy this election from us!!!!
bito : Jeff Gauvin @JeffersonObama HUGE PARTY AT OBAMA HQ RIGHT NOW #YES
AdLib : Romney concession speech!!! Delicious!
SueInCa : I love all you people who kept me sane
escribacat : Hooorrraaaaayyyy y
kesmarn : On the phone with the son…we are both cheering!!!!
funksands : FOX just called it for Obama!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
Weirdwriter : One very happy liberal, KT!
escribacat : And he’ll get Colorado too, so there!
Sabreen60 : Oh yeah. Par-tey!!! President Obama wins a second term.
AdLib : We did it! Everyone here, everyone around the country! Fantastic!
KillgoreTrout : Whats up WW?
escribacat : yaaaabbbaaa daaabbbaaa dooooo!!!
kalie : Obama wins Ohio and the Presidency!!!!!! !!!!!!
SallyT : NM to Obama
Questinia : Obama wins!
SueInCa : YEAH@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @
AdLib : He won OH!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : NBC…O has OHIO….2nd term for Barack
Weirdwriter : OHIO!!!! OBama wins!!!
lalalu : Yeah Ohio !
escribacat : NBC calling Ohio for OBAMA!!!!
AdLib : OBAMA WINS!!!!
funksands : Sally the Redskins lost their magic in 2004 too.
lalalu : Thank You Oregon
SueInCa : oregon for obama
funksands : WHOSE SENATE???? OUR SENATE!!!
Weirdwriter : Hola, amigos y amigas — sort of like church on a day of national thanksgiving, this feels like the place to be tonight. Keep the faith!
kalie : So we need Florida or Ohio?
SallyT : Every since Missouri went Red they have lost their record of always voting for the person who won the Presidency. That should tell them something!
escribacat : Obama at 249 EVs
lalalu : Thank You Iowa
bito : TIMEPolitics @TIMEPolitics Fox News projecting Mitt Romney will win Missouri. so does NBC
SueInCa : thos evangelicals in Iowa stuck by their claims
KillgoreTrout : I wonder if Ann will be dressing her horse, or crying in his feedbag.
choicelady : bito – Tweet Frank back and say it’s not a moral flaw – it’s perfectly human. IOWA JUST WENT FOR OBAMA!
escribacat : C’mon where’s OHIO?????
kalie : Iowa gave 6 to Obama
SueInCa : iowa for obama
AdLib : Obama wins IA!
escribacat : Calling IOwa for Obama
SueInCa : don’t know how true it is but…..Oh dear…. ABC News sources say that Jeb Bush told the Romney campaign that they lost Florida.
Sabreen60 : Marriage equality is up 51% – 49% in Maryland. Sure hope we can get this passed.
PatsyT : Off to pick up kids … Hope when I get back we have our Pres Obama elected! I hope I stay on the road if that happens and I start screaming cries of Joy
bito : Catholic Democrats @CatholicDems A Kennedy from Massachusetts returns to Congress with Joe Kennedy III’s win tonight.
bito : Frank Rich @frankrichny Is it a moral flaw to admit that watching Ann Romney during Mitt’s concession speech will be Must See TV? Better than Sopranos finale.
KillgoreTrout : E, rape is just not that popular anywhere. LOL!
escribacat : Choice it will be very interesting to see what he does.
KQµårk 死神 : BITO very true I saw Kaine was up by an average of 5% so it seems like Dems are under performing there.
PatsyT : On Twitter… Current TV @current Jeb Bush reportedly tells Romney campaign they lost #Florida. “If Gore and Bush can agree on Florida…,”– @cenkuygur. #Current2012
choicelady : All – I honestly think Willard will NOT conceed tonight in his last “Fuck you” moment thinking he’s gained something that way. He is incapable of seeing himself in a poor light on any issue ever. He thinks rudeness and disdain are power.
escribacat : I have to say I’m amazed that conservative MO re-elected McCaskill
escribacat : Colorado 30% reporting ( 879 precincts ) Obama 50.6% (872,187) Romney 47.4% (816,739)
SueInCa : will this be the first time a candidate does not give concession speech?
bito : Joy Reid @TheReidReport Kaine’s 2-point win in VA is good, not great, for Obama. Kane is expected to overperform Obama. The question is by how much. #election2012
AdLib : 27 EVs away for Obama!
KQµårk 死神 : KT I was gonna say the same thing.
AdLib : CL – I guess it’s possible, NBC called it as probable but not absolute.
KillgoreTrout : I’ll bet Romney isn’t man enough to give a concession speech.
SallyT : Portland elected a Democrat mayor…Charlie Hales!
choicelady : AdLib – CNN said NC is still possible for Obama?
SueInCa : damn tar hills still not reading before they vote, marriage equality revisited
AdLib : Romney wins NC
MurphTheSurf3 : 61 Percent of the White Vote for George HW Bush got him 400 Elector Votes….Romney will likely get close to that percentage and lose the battle….Demogr aphic change demonstrated.
KQµårk 死神 : Denver Post called CO for Obama. All he needs is IA to win now.
AdLib : CL – Yes, WI was called for Obama. A great win!
AdLib : Five Word Smile Break: Imagine Romney’s Concession Speech Tonight.
KillgoreTrout : Kalie, I think she should get more recognition as SoS. She’s very good at what she does.
choicelady : My husband just hollered WI for Obama – did we have that before?
kalie : KT: I think Hillary has really worked hard as S of S and got little attention for it. She should enjoy her family. Life is short.
KQµårk 死神 : Willard lost about three home states didn’t he.
escribacat : Bito, they know they are guilty. They are the ultimate cynics.
SueInCa : 243 obama 188 romney
PatsyT : Pres Obama won his home state Mitt lost his
bito : Really E’cat, Does Rove think all those filibusters were started by Dems?
escribacat : Gee, who is this blonde bimbo on Fox. “Gee, ya can see why they want ta win California!”
KillgoreTrout : kalie, I believe hillary when she says she will not run. I think that family has had it’s fill of campaigning.

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