The election is just three days away and a preponderance of polls and early voting makes it more likely than not that President Obama will win re-election. Assuming that turns out to be the case, there are just three more days of having to look at and hear from Mitt Romney so this weekend’s music theme is a farewell to harms…and lies and plutocracy…goodbye Mitt, we hardly knew ya…but then that’s unavoidable with you.
So, offer up your songs of adieu to Mitt, whatever farewells speak for you in bidding him a nice trip and an early Fall.
Hit the Road Jack – Ray Charles
Goodbye to You – Scandal
The End – The Doors
Beat It – Michael Jackson
End of the Line – Traveling Wilburys
Good Riddance – Green Day

The Lads–Piggies;
Thanks Ad for the inspiration.
Pigs – Pink Floyd
Queen–We will Rock You;
Cassandra Wilson–You Don’t Know What Love Is;
And, this one is for Mitt!
“I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out Of My Hair”
Okay, this is not for Romney but for President Obama and VP Biden and all the other Democrats running their races across the country. Keep those leads!! And, to those Repugs, this songs for you!
Imelda May–Sneaky Freak;
Y’all seen this one? Ry Cooder and Mutt Romney Blues. Too funny! Apologize if you’ve seen it before….I was driving WITHOUT a dog on the roof……
Too funny AB! I love it.
Get off of my cloud Mitt!!
Let’s try this
Great pick FC.
Jeff Beck and Tal Wilkenfeld (on bass) We’ve Ended As Lovers;
Not sure what this song has to do with Mittens, I just posted it because this young lady is simply awesome.
And who wouldn’t agree with this one?
Jackson Browne and “The Pretender”. Watch his explanation of who the pretender is…..
This one goes out to Mitt Romney, his wife Ann, Karl Rove, the Koch brothers and the rest of the RW GOP:
Crippled Inside – John Lennon
The Beatles–Nowhere Man;
Couple of dedications for Mittens a la Ruthie Foster (one of the reasons I love living in Texas, folks)
and Grinnin In Your Face w/ Warren Haynes
Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks–Where’s The Money;