AdLib : Night Patsy! So nice to chat with you and so many wonderful folk tonight!
PatsyT : Some things never change… Nighty Night
AdLib : I will post it on TOOT!
AdLib : Patsy, that is just fantastic! I’ve seen the clip before but it was never more perfectly applied!
PatsyT : OK AuntieChrist has the image of what we saw … this is what we heard «link»
AdLib : This demo is so uninformed and ignorant…I mean, to be undecided at this point, you’d have to be.
AdLib : KQ – That could be the case but we are talking about low info voters and I doubt they have any idea what a jobs report is.
KQµårk 死神 : Last month everything was positive for Obama when the jobs report came out. The effect of the debate has yet to be determined but it’s not going to be a positive.
AdLib : Yep, the next few days will be all about unwinding all of Romney’s lies and the “glow” the MSM has now about Romney will dim.
AdLib : It made no difference last month.
AdLib : I do think the Biden debate will be good but I don’t know that the jobs reports matter, the public knows things aren’t going to get better soon whether it’s ROmney or Obama in the WH.
KQµårk 死神 : One thing did change though this election will look allot more like 2004 with Bush than 1996 for Clinton.
KQµårk 死神 : The next big thing is using the fact checkers. The next big thing is pointing out Romney’s vagueness and flip flops.
KQµårk 死神 : I get that. Not calling this debate a game changer but now what comes next matters more and more starting with the jobs numbers and Biden’s debate.
AdLib : KQ – I don’t know that that’s true. The math is, maybe 10% but probably less of the voters are undecided. Even if Romney was to win them by a meaningful margin like 10%, 55%-45%, that’s only 1%. And in the swing states like OH and PA, there aren’t many undecided, no debate is going to change the minds of people in those states to vote for the “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” guy. Always remember, the electoral numbers matter, the national numbers don’t.
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib I hope there is nothing to worry about but now things like Friday’s jobs numbers really matter.
AdLib : Don’t worry this one folks, the pundits may be all excited but there was nothing to excite the undecided goofballs.
Truth : Probably Romney for whatever reasons was declared the winner of the first debate, but let’s see what he looks like when his lies blow up right into his face. And let’s see how he looks in the next 2 debates when he’ll be asked for more specifics. Moreover, how will the Republican base like his newly adopted “socialist” ideas….
AuntieChrist : funksands, no, I didn’t figure that I could in the live blogging format. I’m still trying to figure out how to do it from the comments section in Time Out for O/T.
PatsyT : Pathetic .. clueless undecided voters interviewed on MSNBC
funksands : AC, I don’t think you can in this format.
Kalima : Murph: If a presidential debate can be won by someone who tells so many lies for the duration of it, then I don’t hold out much hope for the future of America.
SallyT : I think Obama should come out and say, “With me as President, BinLaden is dead and Big Bird lives!”
AuntieChrist : Thank funksands, I can never figure out how to post the images as images tho.
funksands : Auntie, that’s awesome.
KQµårk 死神 : Agreed funk if Obama spent the whole night on all the lies he would lose anyway.
AuntieChrist : Romney’s priority: «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : CNN) – Sixty-seven percent of registered voters who watched the debate said GOP nominee Mitt Romney won the debate, while 25% said President Barack Obama came out as the winner, according to a CNN/ORC International Poll released late Wednesday night.
foodchain : good night you lovies. As a parent, I want to run interference but I also believe that the week will prove out. If what Mitt did tonight is reate a deesire to look at him more closely–well the ahoe is dead on that. Take care all
funksands : A fear of mine is coming true. Exhibit A tonight. Romney lies so much and so often that fact-checking overwhelmed and chronic liar morphs into “Mitt being Mitt”. Everyone pissed at Obama not calling out Romney on lies, talks very little about Romney lying through whole debate.
SallyT : One thing I bet you will see in the next debate is Obama looking up more as everyone is making a big deal about him not doing it tonight.
SallyT : «link»
SallyT : Thinkprogress has a good fact checking on the debate.
Truth : Obama could have pointed out that he can’t waste time refuting every single Romney lie and therefore people should make avid use of fact checking follow-ups.
SallyT : In the VP debate, Biden can go after Ryan on why did you vote this way and why on that another way? He can go after Ryan obstructionist where Obama couldn’t with Romney.
Truth : Sally, yes, I’m curious what’s going to happen from his own people. They knew already he’s changing positions more often than his magical underwear, that’s why they never wanted him. In general I find it interesting that now suddenly so called socialist ideas are mainstream and in the focus, not Tea party crap from 2010
KQµårk 死神 : Here we go back to a toss up.
KQµårk 死神 : Well Obama loses the snap poll big 67% to 25%.
SallyT : Truth, I hope they start hitting Romney tomorrow on his “new” positions that he took in the debate. I don’t think you can call him a “true conservative” and that should have his base shaking their heads.
Truth : Sally, I wonder how Romney is going to explain to the R’ base all the socialist ideas he suddenly wants to implement once he’s president….
SallyT : Personally, I think Obama was pissed that he had to spend his Wedding Anniversary with Romney.
KQµårk 死神 : Sure food but that’s one reason why. I mean Romney acted like his tax plan he’s promoted did not even exist.
foodchain : KQ, Obama could have turned in a better performance. You talk to BIbi, Mitt is easier
bito : ‘xactly, KQ! How can Obama argue a point when Mitt just changes his whole platform willy-nilly?
foodchain : It’s difficult to separate the moment, the word from what tomorrow might say. It’s difficult to look at Mitt and keep a civel tongue.
SallyT : Rev Al said that Romney committed to things tonight that his base is not in agreement.
KQµårk 死神 : Tonight showed how hard it is to debate a liar without principles. When you can change every plan and take every side of the issue you have all the answers.
SallyT : FC, I was just typing that!
bito : Frm the Monkey Cage I said this on Twitter so I’ll say it here. 1) Post-debate polls show a pretty even split as to which candidate won. 2) The media generally call it for Romney. 3) Obama’s lead in the polls narrows slightly—I’ll say by about 1 point. «link»
foodchain : OK, Al Sharpton says it: Mitt can’t defen anything he said. News will keep coming out of this.
SallyT : FC, I am still with you.
foodchain : I think the analysis is fair: Mitt won by a bit. No contest by the president. Mitt could have been taken off his game by almost any challenge.
foodchain : Hey Bito, as one who is not here enough, my thought are never not here.
Truth : Hi e’cat, good to see you. I think there is nothing to worry. This was only the first debate. And VP debate will help to make matters clear too. Great that the President pointed out a leder has to say No at times to stand by his principles…. The VP choice says already quite a bit in case of Romney
escribacat : What matters is whether the numbers change in Ohio, PA, FL, CO, etc in the next few days.
SallyT : KQ, I think it will be very interesting to see how many times Romney changed his positions from those he has been preaching on his campaign trail. He was really trying to get in the middle tonight.
bito : Good night k’es, it was nice, for me, to see you and so many others.
KQµårk 死神 : Obama had the biggest moment in the debate when he said Romney’s whole big tax plan idea was ‘nevermind’ people won’t forget Romney’s flip flop on national TV.
AdLib : Now, really am popping out for a bit. No diving in the pool from the roof while I’m gone!
bito : Bobfr @Our4thEstate @CharlesMBlow In summary, Jim Lehrer enabled Mitt to prove to the world he is a LIAR & a BULLY. #PBO provided facts & was Presidential.
Beatlex : Ed Shultz wanted a street fight,he seems crushed
AdLib : Murph – A quick note than have to pop away. The emotional tone is key in a debate for undecided but they don’t usually choose the bully and the hostile over the calm and compassionate. I think that as the CNN poll showed, Obama won this debate in the eyes of undecided. In the eyes of folks like us on the left, he disappointed us by not being more confrontational. ..but that’s what could help re-elect him.
SallyT : I meant Isn’t being angry or bullying. Damn my fingers don’t work with my brain at time.
SallyT : KT, I agree. Being more aggressive about your positions and accomplishments is being angry or bullying. I think the President will do more in the next debate because he will have study this debate and know where he should implement his attacks (not yelling but attacking with facts).
MurphTheSurf3 : Al Sharpton and David Plouffe are speaking….what I am hearing is that the debates are an opportunity for Romney to hang himself on a lot of lies and changes in positions…all of which will emerge in the next two or three days….BUT if these events are Stage Events, then the emotional tone is important….and that tone was set by Mitt. I don’t know.
Truth : KT – very much agreed
kesmarn : Must call it a day as well, Friends. I’ll leave a graphic I just discovered on TO/OT before I turn in. Have a great evening, all. And don’t forget to vote!
Beatlex : After the dust settles and the talking heads calm down,Romney will be seen as lying and bullying his way through the whole debate
Truth : The bigger picture I see is this: 2010 the Tea partiers defined the discourse in the US. But right now, those pesky “socialist” ideas of Obama’s are mainstream – Mitt’s 47 comments helped a lot in this. This shift in discussion is already a big progress.
KillgoreTrout : Obama is a very calm and measured man. I have no doubt that he learned just what he needed to learn about Romney as a debater. He already knows what a liar Romney is. Now he knows Romney’s line of attack. Just like Grant learned Lee’s line of attack. Just like Grant figured out how crafty a general Lee was.
escribacat : Dad’s leaving! Party time!!
AdLib : I’ve got to pop away, no jumping on the couches or smoking in the living room while I’m gone. And leave the liquor cabinet alone!
AuntieChrist : AdLib, yes, that pile of excrement.
AdLib : See you Patsy!
escribacat : AC — You mean that misogynist guy?
PatsyT : off to pick up kids BRB…
Truth : No worries here. Perhaps because I don’t wreck my nerves not anymore frequently with politics… I think, as Ad Lib points out for months, the msm need the so called “close race” to bring their ratings up. Debate on economy is the only chance where Mitt could come off as halfway informed and so of course msm will try to add some spice and declare him the winner. And how will he look after the fact checks? Or won’t there be any?
PatsyT : C Mathewes and Ed can stuff it.. watch they will turn around and slither back. Call out Romney on the BS!!!
AdLib : Sally – My point is that the desire to have obama be hostile is not necessarily the path to his winning. It’s a wish fulfillment for all of us who despise Romney for his lies but it is not necessarily what will convince voters to support him.
AuntieChrist : escribacat: “CNN, etc…” As long as Eric son of Eric continues to be employed by CNN, it will never be tuned into at my house.
PatsyT : ECat Yes I want to eat Cake, Pie, Fettuccine Alfredo and Kettle Chips galore and still lose weight.. So vote Romney…
Beatlex : Tweety and Ed lost it! They wanted blood on the floor
SallyT : I should have said debating a woman for President.
SallyT : AdLib, I don’t think Obama vs Hillary is a good comparison. That was the first time someone was debating a woman and anything could come across as an attack. Kinda like Biden and Palin. But, I do think that the President can be a little more aggressive about his positions with Romney and I am sure the next debate will show him doing that.
AdLib : Beatlex – Yep and as the days go by and the polls stay about the same and a majority say Obama won, all there will be to talk about is what a liar and fraud Romney is.
escribacat : KQ — on CNN focus group.Interestin g. Now they are doing fact checks on CNN.
AdLib : KQ – Thanks for that! Exactly what I was proposing. The undecided go on tone, not who’s the most aggressive.
AuntieChrist : kesmarn : As I watch ABC (yuck) they ARE saying Big Bird was the meme of the evening on Twitter. That and “my flag pin is bigger than yours.” — That’s just the thing, kes, ABC is ticked off at Twitter users for Romney’s idiocy.
escribacat : Adlib — I agree. People are always getting disappointed that Obama doesn’t yell and pound the pulpit — but that is not his style.
KQµårk 死神 : Welcome Beatflex.
AdLib : AC – That’s what gives Obama his powerful support though from the public. He’s not an asshole like Romney. I learned my lesson in the 2008 primaries when I though Obama made a big mistake not coming back hard at Hillary…the indie voters prefer a strong and calm type, not a manic buzzsaw.
kesmarn : Yes, KT. On the debate rules, I’m thinking “mic-cutting-po wers” for the next moderator are in order. Seriously. That’s the only thing that will stop that human bellows.
KQµårk 死神 : CNN focus group thinks Obama won debate. Forget the pundits and partisans it’s about the squishy middle.
Beatlex : Romney promised the world! With zero specifics as usual
AdLib : Escrib – You said it! Ed is all about himself and self-promotion. A big ego and an insecure man, easily upset.
escribacat : Patsy, I want some of that cake!
AuntieChrist : I wish the President would take lessons in disrespect from Dave Chapelle.
PatsyT : Eat Cake Lose Weight… Where is that Roosevelt quote.. I am going to look for it
escribacat : Adlib — Ed has been bashing Obama for years now. He’s a loudmouth jerk.
KillgoreTrout : Kes, I agree. This debate went just as I was afraid it would. No enforcement of the rules. Why have rules at all if they are going to be overlooked? Leherer was absolutely disappointing. Why am I not surprised?
AdLib : Bito – Don’t forget how nasty Ed was towards Obama on the ACA. He’s an anger muppet, that’s his schtick.
kesmarn : “PBO stood calmly in the face of a demented buzzsaw.” Terrific!
escribacat : Kes — LOL.
kesmarn : As I watch ABC (yuck) they ARE saying Big Bird was the meme of the evening on Twitter. That and “my flag pin is bigger than yours.”
KQµårk 死神 : Romney acted like his tax cut plan didn’t even exist. People will notice Romney had details on attack but no details for his plans.
AdLib : KT, as I mentioned, it could be Ryan’s RNC speech all over again. Will the MSM just talk about the horse race and ignore the lies Romney used to help himself or will they reveal his lies and in the end, let Romney damage himself.
Truth : KT- yes O feeling R out, good catch! Next time he’ll know exactly how to counter this strategy. Romney continues to be a one trick pony. And his many lies will not bode well with Indies.
bito : @Choicelady320 @thepeoplesview @edshow That’s our Ed. Blame the only adult in the room.PBO stood calmly in the face of a demented buzzsaw. That’s cool.
KillgoreTrout : I think Obama learned quite a bit tonight, about how little Romney thinks of the rules.
PatsyT : OMG there is a rat that looks like Gulianni on MSNBC
escribacat : I like the idea of Mitt firing Jim Lehrer.
AdLib : Kes – Exactly! The partisans want a fist fight but to those who are outside of all that, it was two guys arguing over lots of details that they weren’t sure about. Tone is key with indies, I think Obama won on the way he conducted himself and truly, I think that’s what matters.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, let’s see how triumpant Romney is when the fact checkers get through with him. He told some some pretty big whoppers tonight. Like he always does.
kesmarn : I suppose Mitt roasting Big Bird on a spit would be overkill as far as graphics go…?
AuntieChrist : AdLib, I was thinking that Mitt should be snearing as he stands behind him… but the look of surprise amused me.
foodchain : Bito, exactly. Sentences are important. Words are important. Romney had words with little time for contention. I can’t say how (blegh/ick/yuck) unhappy I an at the lies.
AdLib : AC – I found that graphic hilarious!
AdLib : Escrib – That’s what I’m thinking. Undecided voters go on tone, not substance. Listening to the tone of the two, Romney came off hostile and plaintive. Obama came off genuine and reassuring. Watch how this really plays out.
kesmarn : College kids are saying that the poor moderation basically destroyed the debate format and the result was “a wash.” Interesting.
escribacat : I like his outfit, AC. I kinda like the one you made already.
SallyT : I think that tonight might give Romney a little wind under his wings but that the truth will bring him crashing down. BinLaden is dead and Big Bird is alive!
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito, like all sociopaths, Romney is an adept liar and if people don’t know better they might buy that stuff.
AuntieChrist : As Big Bird will more than likely take the wind out of RMoney’s sails, should I use a more graphic shot than what I’ve made?
AdLib : Killgore – I don’t think Obama wanted the MSM crowing about Romney winning tonight but he knows that this is a series of three debates. In the first act, he watched Romney play out his hand of lies and co-opting Obama’s positions with vague generalities. In the next debate, Romney has no surprises but Romney knows his game. And same in the third act. So, best to see the big picture on this. Romney made his play, now we all know his nasty scheme.
escribacat : I’m willing to bet that the “undecided” voters lost interest in all those facts and figures and didn’t really listen.
kesmarn : AuntieChrist, are you suggesting we should MAKE Big Bird the Story!? Naughty! I like the way you thing!
bito : Here is one problem: If one has not been following the campaign and what Mitt has proposed as solutions, they did not know that 93% of what Mitt said were lies, or didn’t follow what he has previously said. So the all the “new” stuff make strike them as good solutions.
KQµårk 死神 : KT incumbents are all at a huge disadvantage during debate because they have the hardest day job of all.
escribacat : AC — It’s always some little soundbite that takes over the story — I think Big Bird would work!
SallyT : Kes, I think that Big Bird being murdered by Romney and Romney firing Lehner will be a joke line tomorrow.
escribacat : I agree, Adlib. I’m not worried.
foodchain : we can talk about tonight’s debate but what will happen tomorrow when the fact checkers get hold of Mitt? I’m not interested in our own back slapping: I want a win.
AuntieChrist : Kesmarn, “I’m beginning to wonder if the morphing of this story is already happening. Is the “Big Bird” line going to be center stage tomorrow? Will it be the Clint Eastwooding of Romney one more time?” -+-keep it alive.
AdLib : At the very least, allow me to say, don’t be troubled by this. I don’t think Obama voters will go to Romney because of this debate and the undecided may waver back and forth but Romney isn’t going to pull ahead on OH and PA because of this. And he’s played his hand now, Obama knows his triangulation of lies game. Watch what happens in the next debate.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, I agree completely. Obama seemed a bit overworked and tired. With all that’s been happening, how could he not? Obama knows this wasn’t the last stand. I think he was feeling Romney out. Observing his main talking points, in order to destroy him next time around.
kesmarn : I’m beginning to wonder if the morphing of this story is already happening. Is the “Big Bird” line going to be center stage tomorrow? Will it be the Clint Eastwooding of Romney one more time?
foodchain : We can talk about tonight
Truth : OH SORRY – it’s the first time I use live chat, and each time I used enter the post disappeared. Didn’t realize it got sent every time! So only the last one is the complete version.
escribacat : Ryan is so extreme, he’ll turn off the moderates.
AdLib : Well, we all know that Biden won’t have to pull any punches.
escribacat : Sally — me too. That’s the one I’m really looking forward to.
SallyT : I can’t wait to see how Biden handles his debate with Ryan.
KQµårk 死神 : I don’t think it will move the polls much but the MSM meme will be Romney won with all the lies. Too bad they won’t call out the lies.
escribacat : Yes, I’m seeing the same post over and over from Truth…?
AdLib : Murph – Maybe but I really don’t think the way punditry sees debates is necessarily the way indies see it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Why is the Truth comment repeating every few moments.
AdLib : Truth – Your posts are posting, you’ve got duplicates going up.
escribacat : Food — yes, according to CNN timer
MurphTheSurf3 : I have been reading all of the comments here and watching others in two other streams….Romne y rescued his campaign tonight….he emerges appearing to be as strong as Obama…he will get a bump from this. I hate to say this, but I think Obama let Romney have the upper hand.
Truth : Hi guys – Obama won. However Romney was much better than I expected even though he bullied his way through. But then some Americans, I guess mostly R’s, like that kind of behavior. However, Romney lied and lied – the fact checks will bring this up after the debate. And, Obama placed a few punches that really hit Romney. He pointed out that he has no real plan, that a leader needs to say NO at times to stand by his principles. What I like most is that Obama took pride possession of the term “Obamacare” and even said he’s become fond of the term.
Good job! Lehrer was useless – let Romney go on and on and lie continuously. And another important thing: discussion in general shifted to Obamas positives – .Romney would now do all that too! This is a far cry from Tea Party ideology being mainstream. The good things are in vogue now! And that’s clearly a win. Now only Dems need to retake House and keep Senate and of course voters need to get out to vote for Obama
escribacat : Adlib — yes, it’s really annoying that those least qualified make the difference at the end
foodchain : Obama spoike 4 minutes longer!!??
SallyT : KT, I think the President will be much different in the next debate.
AdLib : Escrib – Right with you, I can’t stand the undecided voters! Morons making a difference in elections.
KillgoreTrout : Let us remember, that Obama always plays chess when the RW is playing checkers. There are 2 more debates coming. I think Obama was just testing the waters tonight. If I were Romney, I’d be worried.
KQµårk 死神 : Here it comes now the meme will be Obama didn’t close the deal.
SallyT : FC, I am still with you.
escribacat : KQ — I can’t stand Ed or Chris. Too much screaming and ranting.
AdLib : FC – Maybe so but watch what happens over the next few days. Remember Ryan’s speech, which was seen as strong the night he gave it but in the following days, his exposed lies became a deficit.
SallyT : I’m watching Current. Al Gore said that we need to wait for the fact checkers/
escribacat : Am I the only one who is sick and tired of “undecided voters?”
KQµårk 死神 : Ed would only be happy if Obama made the debate like his show. Yelling the air.
AuntieChrist : I should do the same. Can’t stand right wing hacks.
escribacat : AC — LOL LOL
kesmarn : You did indeed tell us so, AdLib.
AdLib : AC – I’m just watching MSNBC right now, can’t stomach ABC.
foodchain : But, Ad, it would be hard to say Obama did a great job of refuting Mitt’s points
AuntieChrist : «link»
escribacat : CNN is being much more evenhanded than MSNBC, adliv
AuntieChrist : Excuse me, but who the HELL is this Bitch telling us what we feel?
AdLib : Hate to say I told you so but I told you so. The MSM was already set to crown Romney and nothing would deter them.
PatsyT : The Glow will wear off and the truth will come out and those lies will look like the BS that they are.
escribacat : Final #CNNDebateClock results: Obama 42:50 Romney 38:32 #CNNDebate ” – @CNNPolitics
kesmarn : I noticed that AuntieChrist. They got their script and they’re really sticking with it. And their script says: “Romney won.”
KillgoreTrout : Excellent point Truth. I think Romney expected Obama to run from the term Obamacare. O took the RW dig and turned it around to his advantage. Obama should be proud of what he’s accomplished and showed it by saying it was a term he’s come to love!
AdLib : Patsy – That’s my point! Rev Al just said, he made a great case but he’ll be indicted for perjury.
KQµårk 死神 : Romney never answered the question about how he would pay for a $5 trillion tax cut that will kill him.
AuntieChrist : The idiots streaming on ABC are still trying to press the issue that Romney won.
PatsyT : During Clinton and Obama debates, I thought Hilary won. But Obama won the nomination and is President. Just saying…
escribacat : Chris Christie, eg
AdLib : Truth – I think it’s too early to soak in the debate, I know many think Romney won by being so hostile but I think that’s not clear yet.
escribacat : Rightwingers do like bullies
KQµårk 死神 : The public and fact checkers will end up deciding who wins this debate.
escribacat : Hey, Truth. LTNS
kesmarn : Well said, Truth. I think over the next few days, things will look different than they do with the “pudnuts” at the moment.
escribacat : Adlib, I agree. I can’t stand the ranters and screechers myself. I respond better to good manners.
AdLib : TRUTH! Hey, great to see you!
AdLib : Escrib – I think the pundits want to see hand to hand combat and meanwhile, indie voters want someone who they like to vote for. Whatever anyone says about Obama not being aggressive enough, wait to see what the public says. I think this debate showed Obama as a better person than Romney.
Truth : Hi guys – Obama won. However Romney was much better than I expected even though he bullied his way through. But then some Americans (Republicans…) like that kind of behavior. Yet he lied and lied – the fact check will bring this up after the debate. And, Obama placed a few punches that really hit him. He pointed out that Romney has no plan, that a leader needs to say no at times to stand by his principles. And I so liked that Obama took pride possession of the term “Obamacare”.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, I think Obama has a great respsect for the rules of the game
foodchain : Ad, it’s not about Chris’ anger, it’s about his points. As President many people hate, argue, position (Israel, Pakistan etc) and if he can’t stand up against Mitt, shit
SallyT : AdLib, I think that will happen but I do think the President should have done some of it himself. He didn’t have to be angry about it but he should have called Romney more on the lies.
escribacat : Just changed the channel away from screeching Chris
KillgoreTrout : Great point kes. Obama has a whole lot on his plate, especially the volatile situation in the mid east. He’s been accused of a cover up in regards to Libya, which is total RW bullshit. Romney has all the time in the world to be able to seem “in control.” He has no idea of the pressures of such intense leadership responsibilities .
AdLib : Sally – I think that much of what Romney BSed about will be torn apart over the next few days.
SallyT : I love the President but I think he let Romney get away with too much.
AdLib : FC – You’ve got a point. Chris is passionate and aggressive about what Obama should do…but again, this is not what indie voters necessarily respond to. This is all about appealing to those who don’t like “angry”.
kesmarn : There’s a different between being glib and being effective. Romney was only glib.
foodchain : Hey Sally, Chris’ rant is perfect
SallyT : I agree FC.
KQµårk 死神 : Face it Romney debated like people have no memory.
foodchain : Chris is never so right, but he is tonight
MurphTheSurf3 : For the viewer who just tuned into the campaign tonight….Mitt was in command and Barack’s head was bowed…or he was nodding his head in agreement…Bara ck endured the debate….sorry, Barack lost.
foodchain : You go Al. Mitt loves the 47%
AdLib : Keep in mind, the undecided at this point go more on who they like more than actual issues. I don’t think this was helpful in the long run for ROmney. The Pundits use far different yardsticks than low info voters.
PatsyT : Thank you Rev Al!!
foodchain : OK Al just made me feel better. All night Mitt can be challenged by everything he’s said prior
KillgoreTrout : I think Lerher was totally useless as a good moderator. He let Romney abuse the rules of the debate. NO BALLS!
kesmarn : Poor control by Lehrer. Romney bullying, wordy. Prez did very well, but looked weary, which may actually turn out to be an asset down the road. He appeared do be a man who has actually done a day’s work. A man whose shoulders have borne real burdens.
SallyT : Spitzer said that Romney cut back to the middle tonight.
choicelady : food – I agree PBO could have been more crips. He should have said yes I CUT THAT and it goes into care not corporate and grifter pockets. He needs tighter control BUT he came across as a thoughtful man, caring and focused and Romney scattered across the map repudiating every thing he said. It was NOT substantive no matter what these pundits say – Romney gave NO INFORMATION. This is the problem with these analysts.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, Romney did seem panicked and desperate. He lost his cool, even though it was subtle, he seemed a bit flummoxed.
AdLib : Murph – I don’t agree. I think that there is a bitter taste that will grow in the public’s mouth about Romney. Don’t forget that in the primary, everyone piled on Obama for not attacking Hillary aggressively…i nstead, what happened is that indie voters liked him more.
PatsyT : It going to take more then bully tactics to win this.
SallyT : Murph, I think the President missed a lot of opportunities tonight to hit Romney hard.
KQµårk 死神 : ;
AdLib : Maddow just dissed Lehrer and said the format died tonight.
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney won. Sorry Ad Lib. He won. He came across as knowing his stuff, even though it was a lie. He was not challenged and he was not confronted. He ended each exchange in charge.
PatsyT : Oh jeeezz Steve Shmit idiot!!
bito : I agree KQ, Jim was quite disappointing.
AdLib : FC – Obama did dispute the $716 twice.
MurphTheSurf3 : The format did not work….mostly because Lehrer could not control the debaters.
PatsyT : He has always been a bully
foodchain : Ad, I am not feeling great. $716 never refuted? No crspness from Obama. But way too much data for most viewers
kesmarn : G’night,Frennie ! Safe travels! Mwahhh!
KillgoreTrout : Lerher is guilty of the very same thing I was afraid of. No balls in questioning and no balls in keeping the candidate from obeying the rules! I am pissed!
AdLib : Night AB! Sleep well!
AlphaBitch : I’ll check in tomorrow to see your wrap up. Long day.
AdLib : Okay, what are your reviews???
escribacat : Next event will be interesting!!!
AdLib : Thanks for joining in kalie!
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney spent the night spewing lies, changing positions, promising with detailing, – a Brooks Brothers Vomitorium…..a nd Lehrer stood there holding the bucket.
PatsyT : Yes, with Obamacare my daughter get to have insurance DICK! You going to take insurance away from my daughter that has a pre EX condition.. DICK!!!
choicelady : KT – perfectly OK. Love you all the time!
kalie : You guys are the best!! Thanks for a fun debate.
AdLib : Sue – Just clear your cache next time! Take care!
bito : Jody @FishHawkRdJody Tonight Mitt walked away from his tax plan, his deficit plan, his non-jobs plan & his entire campaign plan. Way to go
kesmarn : Rush does it all the time, Patsy.
escribacat : Where are these amazing 12 million jobs coming from Mitt? China?
foodchain : OK, Sue, I’m a person who doesn’t know what pp is freesing
AdLib : Romney comes off as so smarmy and keep in mind, in the GOP Primaries, the more people saw of him, the less they liked him. I’ll bet Romney does not get any advantage from being in front of the American public for 90 minutes.
PatsyT : Kes! great idea!
kesmarn : Luv ya Sue!
SueInCa : pp is freezing on me.but i have enjoyed the comments everyone thanks for the cammaraderie too
KillgoreTrout : CL, my apologies. Old school never goes completely goes away. Especially USMC lingo.
AdLib : KT – Yep, Lehrer doesn’t have the grit to stand up to either. Too bad but ROmney sure didn’t score a knockout and though the pundits may call him a winner just for not stumbling, people watching aren’t going to favor him. Romney lost this debate in the public’s eye. And he sure didn’t have the kind of performance he needed.
kesmarn : I think at the next debate, the moderator will need to threaten to cut Romney’s mike if he doesn’t play by the rules. And then do it.
PatsyT : KT I don’t think he has it in him to stand up to that bully. Shame.. Romney is going to cut his job
foodchain : KT, I’m with that! Mitt interrupted and was never calleed out nor did O get the time back. Nor did he challenge lies. And he’s one of our best!
kalie : Seriously should i go back to school at fifty two? What for now? A PHD?
choicelady : KT – said with love, of course.
SallyT : Romney goes last with his pie in the sky, Escrib. Dodge it because it is pie in our face.
choicelady : KT – don’t be sexist here. No woman would let Romney get away with this!
kesmarn : Great point, Mr. Prez! Romney as panderer.
KillgoreTrout : I’m pissed at Leherer! Fucking pussy!
AdLib : Nice, Obama got a good punch in at the end on Romney.
AdLib : Escrib – Seems like that to me.
choicelady : PBO has gotten more out of the GOP than anyone could have imagined. He sat down with people who minutes after the inauguration said they’d never pass ANYTHING he did. He’s in this race for HIM, not for us, the people.
kalie : Murph i saw that too where lehrer let the green jobs go right by. Romney can lie and its okay. Hasn’t it been that way for the last 24 months of Romneys run? He lies and lies and lies.
PatsyT : Romney: my plan is to sit down
KillgoreTrout : Very well said e’cat!
escribacat : It seems so obvious to me that Mitt is pie in the sky and Obama is standing on earth
AdLib : Obama got the best joke of the night.
PatsyT : YES !!! good one Pres!
KillgoreTrout : What about the 47%, MITT? You know, the moochers and hangers on?
escribacat : hehe
SallyT : Democrats are not obstructionist, Romney, like the Republicans have been to the President.
AdLib : Uh oh, ROmney’s flipping all over the place.
PatsyT : kalie, tell your horse to go borrow some money from their horse parents and get some better training.
escribacat : liar
MurphTheSurf3 : what the fuck….Romney accuses Obama of paying off friends with 90 billion in green jobs and Lehrer pushes past it….fucking ridiculous.
KillgoreTrout : The program that let the government give money to Solyndra was established in 2005!
choicelady : $90 billion has been very successful. The gov’t has ALWAYS been picking winners and losers over the last 40 years. And ACA does NOT regulate health choices and Romney knows it. MA NOW has #1 schools but not under HIM.
AdLib : Here comes the rehearsed BS.
kalie : How do we get horses to be more effective so that i can get my horse to win in the Olympic Dressage event????
SallyT : I Mass schools ranked number one?
MurphTheSurf3 : Green Jobs…90 billion – nasty, and his old stamping ground….Obama needs to come back at him for this. First time I see Romney flailing. Obama seems to be ignoring him.
PatsyT : Shut up with the Solyndra … it is a drop in the bucket compared to the huge Oil Gas Coal and nuclear river of cash.
choicelady : food – I think the ‘win’ comes from Obama’s steadiness. Romney is incoherent and all over the map is hyperventillatin g. Obama did exactly this in 2008 and my husband said he’d LOST. Nope. People WANT this steadiness and clarity.
AdLib : ROmney does come off as a bully and elitist. No way he is seen in a positive light after this by any who aren’t already on the right.
kesmarn : Not going to cut anything. Not going to raise taxes. But Romney’s going to cut the deficit.
escribacat : LOL KT
KillgoreTrout : OH! LIke Romney doesn’t have his own jet? And no president has ever had one before? God I want to slap the shit out of Romney!
SueInCa : ok say it now you put your money in the Caymans and Switzserland say it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !11
KQµårk 死神 : What’s the matter with putting $90billion in green jobs.
AdLib : Yes Sally, a zinger. Fell flat.
PatsyT : Oh no he dumped another zinger…
KQµårk 死神 : Now he’s not going to cut anything.
escribacat : Memorized earlier, Sally
SallyT : Was that a zinger????
foodchain : I must be the c=scared rabbit, but I haven’t seen /romney losing this. He might not be having a big win but I dont’ see Obama taking any win her eeither
escribacat : One of Romney’s zingers I bet
PatsyT : Just go ask you Dad for that tuition .
KillgoreTrout : I mean losing it, like losing control of his believed cool. He’s showing panic.
choicelady : Quote from Obama is right – rising tides lift all boats. Tides lift from BELOW not from ABOVE.
AdLib : Pained look on Romney again! Good.
KillgoreTrout : Romney is coming off as a spoiled child…..which he truly is!
AdLib : KT – I don’t know that Romney knows he’s losing but he does seem to be struggling.
SueInCa : How does Romney propose to get that money out to the 47% and which private school can they afford for 1000 dollars
KillgoreTrout : I think Romney is loosing it! He’s in panic mode!
choicelady : Ooops – political incorrectness corrected in front of God and everyone.
escribacat : Ah, the old common enemy — which includes “Muslim” Obama.
PatsyT : I hope the fact checkers can keep up with this…
AdLib : Huh? ROmney just said that states SHOULDN’T have control over Federal spending on Title 1 but attacked Obama for infringing on states rights.
choicelady : His is NOT a new path – it is the OLD path that brought us here to this crisis.
SueInCa : they are sometimes friends because of the joint hate of muslims
foodchain : CL and Sue, really! I’m going to pony up on that. Thanks for the insight
SallyT : Yah, the 47% can go to any school they get off their asses and can pay for……
kesmarn : Vouchers again.
escribacat : What’s Dominionist view of Mormons, CL and SUe?
AlphaBitch : I think this should be named “The Mitt Romney Hour O’Lies”.
SueInCa : i hear it too cl
choicelady : Descent into pandering to the Dominionist Right.
MurphTheSurf3 : Mitt just keeps spewing out his laundry list….
kalie : wtf quit stuttering and no, im not a child of your mormon god. My god is a Christian god, so to hell with you..
escribacat : Blame Bush’s crash on progressives
kesmarn : Innovation in the care of the elderly: let’s bathe ’em all with a fire hose.
foodchain : Yep choice. It hasn’t yet been said tonight even though Mitt has brought up this false number twice tonight
AuntieChrist : Tea Partiers having collective orgasm – wondering what in the world the tingling sensation is.
KillgoreTrout : Children of the same god? Oh shit, there goes the basic founding concept of FREEDOM OF RELIGION!
SueInCa : Cared by one another there goes welfare and food stamps. Your neighbor will feed you
AdLib : Bible beating time.
KQµårk 死神 : So where is the right to lie Romney.
AuntieChrist : Used to have a meth addicted neighbor who acted as antsy as RMoney.
choicelady : food – I agree that PBO needs to say YOU BET I CUT $716 billion and put it into SERVICE for those who are in need.
KillgoreTrout : How about promoting the GENERAL WELFARE!
kesmarn : That’s because MIT and Harvard are in MA, Mitt. Nothing to do with you.
PatsyT : Oh No any thing he likes or loves is going to get the axe
foodchain : KQ only because we hate him. My daughter’s facebook feed is 90% Obama, but I’m way too frightened by the US voter’s stupidity
AdLib : Romney’s going full bore Bagger now, good.
SallyT : Mass has great schools now that you are gone!
PatsyT : What is Romney really thinking right now… ?
KillgoreTrout : Great job O. The American civial is still a point worth bringing up, especially when the positives are laid out.
kesmarn : I hope the public see Romney as a lying bully…not as “strong” because he talks too long and interrupts too often.
KQµårk 死神 : Romney looks like a rat on rabies.
SueInCa : I hope so KQ he sounds like a bully to me like AB said
foodchain : Humm, I’m not seeing a deal breaker here. Obama is not coming through at this point. $716 billion is a lie! Romney care will cost you $6000 per year! Say it!
AuntieChrist : I think it’s fine that Lehrer isn’t more forceful of the rules. It shows Romney’s desperation in comparison to the President’s cool handling of the situation.
choicelady : bito – a man too modest to brag? ROMNEY????
KQµårk 死神 : Romney is so full of BS the Americans can see it.
AdLib : Bito – I do think that’s a good line to spotlight!
bito : Josh Harkinson @JoshHarkinson Zing! Romney keeping his plans secret because “they are too good,” Obama speculates.
KillgoreTrout : Get em CL! Tell it like it is! It seems Jim will not allow it!
bito : Bill Blum @BlumsLaw Repeal and replace theme: are Romney’s plans secret because they are too good? Maybe the line of the night
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney got very little done as governor. He worked around the legislature. Used the veto constantly, and was overturned almost every time. RomneyCare was one of the few pieces of legislation he got through
AlphaBitch : Mittens looks like a bully again IMHO
escribacat : Romney brings ideology and magic and a bit of bullying.
foodchain : Here’s a quote “You;ve supported everything I’ve said, pretty soon you’ll be voting for me” Ted Kennedy vs Mitt
choicelady : Liar – Romneycare covers pre-existing conditions BUT NOT THE COSTS. Sure you can have it, but at MARKET RATES. You get $200 per month to help on a $1000 a month bill. And you are FORCED to have it no matter what.
escribacat : Romney coming off as a bully
AlphaBitch : ‘ah…Reagan had the most members of cabinet EVER indicted.
AdLib : Sue – Lehrer is way too weak, indeed. Disappointed in him.
KillgoreTrout : Gad damn it Jim, stop letting Romney abuse the rules of the debate! Damn it!
PatsyT : Lehrer needs a bat!
kesmarn : Say NO, Lehrer!
SueInCa : WTF fire Lehrer. He has lost control completely
kesmarn : This is his finest moment.
SallyT : Doesn’t matter, AB, Romney’s color can wash off but the President’s can’t.
AdLib : Obama’s taking ROmney’s BS on head on, good!
PatsyT : This is a good time to quote Roosevelt…
escribacat : touche
AlphaBitch : Good observation, Sally. But his tan of orangina seems to have faded.
SueInCa : AB what does BillieBobJoe in ARkansas say?
kesmarn : All he needs is to get on meth and Oxy and he’ll be perfect, AB.
SallyT : And, AB, a better complexion.
AdLib : AB
AlphaBitch : AdLib: Kitty Lou says people in rural TN will like romney because he has 1) a bigger flag pin 2) a big head and 3) good hair. The stuff that matters.
KillgoreTrout : No Ad Lib, not in any way!
PatsyT : AC YES I WE all need to fear for all of the things he says he likes and heven forbid Ann said she Loves You Women…
foodchain : Yeah, my kids from 22-26 had health care coverage
SallyT : AdLib, I think Romney is coming off as a better guy than he really is.
kesmarn : So THAT’s what happened to health care? Romney was a consultant. That explains a lot.
KillgoreTrout : The American people? When have businesses ever regulated themselves?
SueInCa : he did not answer the question damn Lehrer needs to get control and call him on it
SallyT : Romney, I know people that own hospitals.
AdLib : I know we’re not completely objective, but is Romney coming off as a more likeable and trustworthy guy?
KillgoreTrout : No such board exists!
AuntieChrist : Patsy, He was lying.
boomer1949 : Thanks AdLib. Be right back.
AdLib : AC –
choicelady : Shout out for Cleveland Clinic!!! That IS the model that now informs how we pay for Medicare. Preventive Care is ABSENT in Romney care – you have to use your MANDATORY $5000 per person per year and people do NOT have that. So Romneycare is catastrophic care. ACA has reduced costs, provided huge numbers of preventive procedures FREE (also in Medicare) and have lowered costs per person and per family. Interstate coverage is a disaster.
PatsyT : Auntie… NOOO not Big Bird.. but but Romney said he liked Big Bird!
boomer1949 : AB…typo sorry
KillgoreTrout : Go Obama Go! Tell it like it is!
AdLib : Boomer – That’s an ABC/Yahoo error probably, maybe too many people on the feed? Can’t do anything on this end. Maybe close and reopen your browser? Could be your flash module having an issue too.
SallyT : Yes, that is it AdLib.
SueInCa : Big picture again something righties do not do
boomer1949 : AN-liar liar pants on fire!
kesmarn : Hahaha! Good one, AuntieChrist.
PatsyT : Yea Cleveland ! Rocks!
AlphaBitch : Boomer – Romney’s lies are frying the feed.
AuntieChrist : «link»
AdLib : Sally – The very nasty scheme here is to lie about how Romney supports everything Obama does but that he has different ways to accomplish them. By satying general though, it allows them to flip back to their base and say their solution…are all the RW ideas.
boomer1949 : Hey AdLib…I’m watching the live feed and not the tv…but the live feed keeps popping up an error…although I can read everyone’s comments.
MurphTheSurf3 : Romney’s offers the mythology of states being the best deciders of issues like this because of the unique nature of each state- what…are they separate planets…Nope.. .this is a cover for his having to distance himself from his own effort- a model he proclaimed to be a national model….
SallyT : Right, AdLib. He is saying things that he knows will get the Independents to listen to him but he does not give any details. Just a fairy tale that ends happily ever after. Romney is the queen that hasn’t showed his wicked witch side.
choicelady : KT – that IS a real problem and why PBO insisted on his time. BTW – the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization was Romney’s biggest supporter but once it was passed saw how BAD it was and are his greatest critics. NO one is going to lose coverage except the Catholics who are dumping their employees over contraception, and others may dump it, but the tax breaks for business are HUGE.
PatsyT : The guy in the Red Tie Is one big Lie
foodchain : Be ready, be strong and say something
escribacat : what GOPer plan?
kesmarn : BS knee high, Patsy.
KillgoreTrout : OOPs, Freudian slip.
foodchain : Romney had a democratic state house; he followed what they did. He didn’t lead anything.
PatsyT : BS Alert!!!!
escribacat : Me too
AdLib : Escrib – Hope Obama brings up the GOP obstructionism.
KillgoreTrout : Pushed through without congressional approval? I don’t think so Romney!
kesmarn : b’ito, he’s bought and paid for.
PatsyT : What He DID try to bring America together…
escribacat : Blames O for GOPer obstructionism
KillgoreTrout : What, Jim calls Obama out for asking for more time and let’s Romney go on and on without a warning?
AdLib : Sally – Yes, it’s a triangulation type approach, shrouded in generalities and dishonesty.
choicelady : PBO – say that people HAVE gotten rebates for overcharges. Say the High Risk Pool has covered MILLIONS with pre-existing conditions for VERY low rates. Call Romney OUT – knowing as I do that ACA is vastly different from Romneycare.
bito : Finance industry makes up nearly half of pro-Romney super PAC’s donations «link»
escribacat : Want to hear Romney’s excuse
SallyT : Romney is practising tonight Rove politics. He is saying everything that is a reverse to his original plans to try to get the President off guard. Not working.
escribacat : In mass!!!
foodchain : Whi is the $716 billion not called a lie?
KillgoreTrout : The know nothings are the only ones who are buying Romney’s bullshit.
AdLib : Obama is strong on HC, ROmney is just propped up by his $716 billion BS.
foodchain : Choice–How about it!! I’m scraming at the TV and Lehr
AlphaBitch : Sing it, CL.
choicelady : OK – I am SICK of Romney interrupting, butting in, hyperventillatin g his LIES. I could live with disagreement. He is out and out LYING.
kesmarn : “is” not “his”
foodchain : Hey Patsy
kesmarn : Patsy, that his Thurston Howell Antoinette.
PatsyT : Hey guys!
AdLib : Hey Patsy! Great to see you!
AlphaBitch : Poatsy!
KillgoreTrout : What a bald faced lie. The ACA has lowered cost for employers.
AdLib : ROmney quotes the CoC’s puppet board as small businesspeople.
KQµårk 死神 : My wife just got $240/month insurance because of Obamacare.
kesmarn : Restore $716 billion worth of fraud back into Medicare.
escribacat : Liar
PatsyT : Hey who is this guy debating the President? I don’t recognize him
escribacat : CL EXACTLY
choicelady : CBO did not say any such thing. The cost of ACA is amazingly LOW.
KQµårk 死神 : More big lies.
AdLib : The cost of health care will get better…when you kick 30 million Americans off of HC.
AlphaBitch : Let me sum this up: Obama tries to explain, Romney stutters a lie. I’m bored already.
SallyT : Romney’s regulations would be that the banks are regulated to do as they damn please because his money is off shore.
foodchain : Well, Romney on the stump
choicelady : Romney is all wet – mortgages are UP, housing builds are UP, sales are UP, prices on homes are UP – he’s WRONG and a total liar.
AdLib : So ROmney is trying triangulation, trying to usurp many of Obama’s policies but then flipping over and being general about how he’d support them.
kalie : Stop it already. We have all lost big time in our stocks, bonds, investments, etc. Are you kidding me? Get rid of regulations? Not. Obama, get your ass up there and represent us!!
SueInCa : Lehrer is blowing this one he has lost control
foodchain : Come on Jim
foodchain : oes he let ronmey talk? this is his time
AdLib : Maybe Sue!
SueInCa : The big Sting adlib?
choicelady : Call out the flip flop, PBO!
AdLib : SUe – No, I think Repubs know he’s lying and on their side.
choicelady : Dodd Frank has NOT given “too big to fail” status and is currently dismantling Lehmann via FDIC. It is true that local banks ARE failing, and they were and are horrible. Same thing happened in the S&L crisis – those small banks that “downstreamed” lending got screwed but did so with eyes WIDE open. So big or small – you screw up with risky behaviors, you fail.
SueInCa : He just lost many republicans they may hold their nose to keep the hate inside but he has flip flopped all over again
kesmarn : Finally!
KQµårk 死神 : Now he’s for Dodd Frank.
foodchain : WHy is Romney taking charge
AdLib : Romney is stuttering like a MF!
escribacat : LOL
SueInCa : closed since dodd frank is he delusional
KillgoreTrout : E’cat, I owe you one. Gladly purchased!
foodchain : Coke? you want coke? Well, maybe it’s safer
AdLib : WHAT?! ROmney’s upset at banks getting treated to well?
escribacat : KT, where’s my coke?
foodchain : not much control by Lerh
choicelady : Romney – he thinks PRIVATE insurance is lower cost?????? Better care????? Does he think we’re that stupid? Private insurance – if you can get it – is minimally $1000 per month vs. $90 for Medicare.
KillgoreTrout : I owe you a coke Kes! Gladly bought!
AdLib : Romney supports regulations? What BS!!!
SueInCa : uh oh republicans are not going to like regulation
KQµårk 死神 : Now he’s for regulations.
kesmarn : Jinx, KT.
escribacat : Kes, I agree
kesmarn : Lehrer doesn’t have good control at times.
KillgoreTrout : Jim, stop letting Romney control the debate!
escribacat : Romney resorts to ideology
SueInCa : I hear you both K and Ecat
KillgoreTrout : Vouchers are paid for by block grants. The ket word being block!
escribacat : kalie, me too
choicelady : Good point – no Medicare, no alternatives but private gouging insurance.
kalie : I don’t like the Medicare Social Security cutoff point. Im a younger boomer, and I am paid up into both. But being age discriminated against at this time in my life, they want to screw me and my husband. Im not up for it and will set Romney and the gop on fire before i give up my benefits.
SueInCa : god that look everytime he looks at the Prez he looks very uncomfortable or he is thinking he just passed out a zinger. Chocolate this time
AdLib : Romney’s looking very pained again!
KQµårk 死神 : We had competition it was Medicare Advantage and failed.
kesmarn : Oh yeah. Competition has really worked so far. Not.
boomer1949 : Hell yes, you can afford to change you jerk!
choicelady : There won’t be plans that cover you comprehensively. NO WAY. I know what it costs. Insurance via government is through private PROVIDERS. It’s your doctor or hospital that matter. Clinton’s COS should be drawn and quartered.
SueInCa : oh for christs sake he is offering a gov plan but then doggin a gov plan
kesmarn : Right, KT!
foodchain : Somewhere this $7+ billion is going to be truth told.
AdLib : Sue – I know, the Repubs are always hypocrites when they’re not in power.
KillgoreTrout : Private plans are free? Kiss my ass Romney!
escribacat : HUH????
kesmarn : He’s again going to pit 65 year olds against 55 year olds. Typical.
AdLib : No good, his dancing away from voucher care. Sorry Romney!
SueInCa : Actually ADlib they are wasteful spenders they proved it under Bush with fancy bookkeeping
foodchain : I am repulsed by how few people have any sense of how much health care costs if you don’t have an employer or if you are self employed.
kesmarn : Truth.
AdLib : Yes, repeal Obamacare and Seniors pay more.
choicelady : AARP is the biggest supporter of Obama’s work on Medicare. They have HUGE cred with seniors. Good call out.
escribacat : Why doesn’t Jim ask R about Romneycare?
AdLib : Sue – Yes, since when did Repubs oppose cutting wasteful spending? Oh yeah, since Obama was elected.
escribacat : Perfect, O
SueInCa : right ecat some people cannot look at the big pic
kalie : Ryan, lets talk Ryan. I think he is the creepiest loser gop member lying piece of …… i have ever seen.
SallyT : Hey, you still need to listening you old folks because they will start with the younger but it will end up on your plate, too.
choicelady : You take the majority of people OUT of Medicare, it’s like a loss of ANY pool – those IN it are screwed. The voucher pays HALF of what private insurance costs. That is Romneycare in MA – a flat payment no matter what it costs YOU.
escribacat : And if Obamacare is cancelled, they couldn’t purchase insurance anyway because all seniors have preexisting conditions.
KillgoreTrout : Voucher programs are paid for by block grants. Grants to states who really don’t have to account for that spending.
SueInCa : Is this man really that stupid? Medicare could take a lot of cuts to waste and fraud. Romney does not see the big pic
escribacat : Grrrr. as though “future” people don’t count!!!!
choicelady : The loss of Advantage is NOT a loss of CARE. It’s a loss of privatization rip offs. People are NOT losing Part B but getting it from the government not private parties. ACA by the way RAISES the Medicare payments to hospitals and doctors.
AdLib : Obama is holding himself together calmly. Not easy, I want to through a crate of tomatoes at Romney.
KQµårk 死神 : Here’s the big lie.
foodchain : AD, I know!!! Give it up Mitt. Everyone has called him a liar and yet he will do this in a public forum
kesmarn : LIES about doctors threatening to refuse to take Medicare.
escribacat : Sue AMEN!!!!
KillgoreTrout : Romney you lying prick!
kalie : Medicare still has problems and i could go in there tomorrow, were it my job, and find millions in overcharges. After my dad was in the hospital for five days for a fall, i can tell you that hospitals milk medicare to the max.
SueInCa : LOL so if you are 60 or over you don’t need to listen? Does he know what a 59 year old like me thinks right nowq?
AdLib : LIAR! He just told seniors they don’t have to listen to any more about Medicare!
choicelady : Romney – LIAR ON THE $716 BILLION!!!
kesmarn : And that’s why the insurance companies have fought against our Pres so hard. They were called on their fraud.
KillgoreTrout : My mother is a diabetic, and needs to check her blood sugar 4 to 5 times a day. Without Medicare, she would have died from low blood sugar years ago. Fuck you Romney!
escribacat : What a jerk
AlphaBitch : Q: why do we keep providing subsidies for an industry that is immensely profitable but running out of resources vs. investing in a new energy source? Did the interstates just build themselves?
choicelady : PBO – MESSAGE: We cut waste, overpayments, and fraud and I’m DAMNED PROUD of that! Now dollars go to SERVICE!
foodchain : I think we are seriously looking at Obama’s “rope-a-dope” No mention of the 47% but talking about his grandma
AdLib : Yes! Straighten out the lies about the $716 billion cut from waste in Medicare.
KQµårk 死神 : Get ready for the big lie in Romney’s response.
SueInCa : George R? He would have talked about the generals in Vietnam brainwashing him
AdLib : Personal story about his own grandmother getting entitlements which helped her get off of them and raise a POTUS!
AdLib : Medicare is a losing issue for Romney, this should be interesting.
boomer1949 : not you KT, Mittens.
kesmarn : That would require both a brain and heart transplant, Kalie.
foodchain : I have got to wonder how George would have done> No way could he have even been in this discussion. So how dumb were those voters?
KillgoreTrout : Just ribbing you Boomer. I’m very glad to see you here.
escribacat : As though state government is any different from federal govt!!!!
AdLib : Romney keeps saying everyone can have it all. Obama’s hit him a bit on that but I want to see more on that.
choicelady : kalie – Romney is not exhibiting spunk but punk. He has NO new ideas just hype.
kesmarn : If he “needs to get a new accountant” because his current one failed to get the deduction for shipping jobs over seas, what does that say about what he has done?
kalie : I love Obama, but I like Romneys spunk. He could be good for our country if we “retaught” him.
boomer1949 : No KT, not at all…I’m just out of practice and can’t keep up with the typing and listening and say heys. What a lying sack of poop…
KillgoreTrout : If I were Romney, I wouldn’t mention overseas money!
choicelady : Romney is LYING – that is WHY he closed plants and outsourced. You also get write downs for CLOSING!
foodchain : I agree Choice. If you love the country and have invested time in it, you have a right to make a face
AdLib : Romney attacking alternative energy?
KillgoreTrout : I know! I’m chiding Boomer.
AdLib : Killgore – The scrolling is fast!
foodchain : oooh, corp jets, oil subsidies, state support can’t happen
choicelady : Sally – I think the pres looks sincere not frustrated, and his TONE is really good. Romney seems hyper, frantic, edgy, and on the edge. That’s his tone. I’m LISTENING but not looking because it’s above where I type, so it’s GREAT to HEAR the two.
KillgoreTrout : Boomer, are you ignoring me! (:
SueInCa : Bam go Obama
MurphTheSurf3 : Balanced Approach….the teacher in Las Vegas….Romney has said no revenue increases…..so we have to cut deeply into programs….like medicaid…..WHI TTLING AWAY AT THE ARK MITT BUILT TO SAIL INTO THE DEBATE OCEAN.
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely Sue. The song remains the same.
AdLib : No way Romney gets the kind of “win” pundits have been insisting that he needs.
boomer1949 : Woot, woot!!
kalie : I like cutting out all the corporate bennies. If you ship jobs overseas you are the BAIN of our existence!!! Like a cancer on our society.
SallyT : The President looks frustrated and Romney looks fake but the MSM is going to say that the President looked mad.
SueInCa : KT that is the pretend game all the rich play. Give us breaks we will give you jobs we just don’t know when
AlphaBitch : Whoop. Overseas jobs. Watch for my bumper sticker, coming soon to a state near you.
AdLib : How does Obama not seem reasoned? And how does Romney not seem to be fabricating?
choicelady : I just want to figure out what a VooDoo Economics costume would be. And he JUST CALLED OUT the tax breaks for moving overseas!!!! Yes indeed!!!
KQµårk 死神 : Go prez.
kesmarn : This is why corporate money has been flooding into the Romney campaign…tax CORPORATIONS?? Horrors! Go Prez!
KillgoreTrout : Give me that Black Cat Bone and tax cuts!
AdLib : CL – I’m a scared!
escribacat : O is using pauses well
choicelady : AdLib – WE have revived VooDoo Economics. Just in time for Halloween!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, like employers are going to raise wages. Bullshit.
AdLib : Romney admits he has ruled out revenue.
MurphTheSurf3 : The National Federation of Independent Businesses is a front for the Chamber…..
KillgoreTrout : Lowering taxes 20% across the board is not going to lessen the deficit.
kalie : I have my own plan says Romney, not Simpson Bowles. Oh yeah Romney, throw those numbers around make you feel like a big shit??? When in recession Rom says, dont raise taxes! Whatever he has no idea of what he is saying. Its over his head.
escribacat : Garsh AB!
choicelady : Romney – “you shouldn’t raise taxes on anyone” but Romney is FINE with taxing the middle class. The small businesses ARE for PBO.
foodchain : I percieve a someback coming –hard
AlphaBitch : Here Kitty kitty = e’cat. Mwhat to you!
AdLib : So…ROmney says don’t raise taxes but pay down the deficit with less income?
escribacat : shucks kes
SueInCa : Mitt lies about this taxes
kesmarn : “Mwahh!” to e’cat.
AdLib : KQ – Yes, that’s my take, neither Lehrer nor Obama pressed Romney on details.
choicelady : Romney just got heist on his own petard = we ARE using S-B.
escribacat : I wanna smooooch!
kesmarn :
AlphaBitch : Smooch to bito.
escribacat : Hey no smooching!
KQµårk 死神 : He never explained how he would pay for his tax cuts at all.
kesmarn : B’ito, let me add a big “mwahh!” kiss in greeting tonight!
AdLib : Hey KQ! Welcome!
choicelady : Well – Romney’s new tax plan is totally incomprehensible . What IS he saying? Now PBO is laying out SPECIFICS. He is relying on Boles Simpson which Romney claims he is not.
KQµårk 死神 : Mittens is just terrible with all his lies
AdLib : Sue – Yep but the RWs are a lost cause. Just want the indies to recognize the BS.
Parsifals : And Sue is so right. I live with the cows and their herders are all Elephants.
foodchain : I never said $5million by saying he’s doing $4 million. Hahahaha
SueInCa : Hey Bito good to see you
kalie : Honestly, we need to cut out the gridlock in Congress and Senate, and start working for the people of the US.
foodchain : Obama just took away Mitt’s
SueInCa : problem is rightwingers won’t know the difference adlib they never knew the details
AdLib : Bito – yes, he sure just fabricate a fantasy budget. And great to see you!
AlphaBitch : God, I was just going to say “WHY won’t anyone talk about the budget deficit increase being because they put the cost of the WARS into the budget?
AdLib : At this point, you can’t say Romney is changing the game…though he’s drastically changing his so called tax plan.
SueInCa : shut down all but necessary defense. we beat everyone in the world mny times over
choicelady : Hey bito – I think you’re right. Mitt’s Tax Plan 435.
KillgoreTrout : Everyone knows Big Bird is a moocher!
escribacat : Skip the next few invasions!!
escribacat : Sue — I agree
AdLib : Cutting funding of the moderator’s network? Way to schmooze the host, Romney!
SueInCa : Oh shit he is blowing it big time with his slash and burn. That is not the way to balance a budget
bito : AdLib, it seemed that Mitt just made up ANOTHER tax plan to me. What he said tonight doesn’t follow what he has said before.
kesmarn : ‘I like you. I like Big Bird. But you must die.’
SallyT : He wants to eat Big Bird!
foodchain : OH, nervous Mitt is showing up
escribacat : Cutting anything that’s progressive
KillgoreTrout : I love Big Bird?
kalie : Im looking at Romney and Obama and thinking that Romney wouldn’t be such a bad wingman for Obama…..
SueInCa : well duh Romney but that does not explain how you would do it.
AdLib : CL – He didn’t press Romney on what he would cut.
KillgoreTrout : Enough with the generalizations Mitt. Be specific!
foodchain : All I hear is “I didn’t say 5Trillion. He can’t say what he will do but platitudes
SallyT : Romney goes, “Raise taxes” and moved his hand downward.
AdLib : ROmney is talking about math? He may be struck by lightning.
kesmarn : What would you know about morality, Mittens?
choicelady : AL – didn’t Obama ASK what Romney would cut?
kesmarn : The Prez looks like a man who is suffering a fool — not gladly.
AdLib : Why sin’t anyone asking Romney what he would cut?
choicelady : kalie – I know! It’s why we love being here. Good conversation.
boomer1949 : Puhleeeze Thurston, puhleeze! Go get him Mr. President. JOBS BILL!!
AlphaBitch : I’d say “Don’t bully Lehrer, you hair raper”
SallyT : STOP IT!
AuntieChrist : The President is cool. Smiles at RMoneys panic stricken stuttering.
escribacat : Sally LOL
kalie : Choice: im making fun now, but know full well how wrong that is. Thanks and we agree.
SallyT : Shut up!
kesmarn : It always has to be Romney’s time, turf and agenda. He thinks.
escribacat : Romney is so worried about all the suffering, eh?
SueInCa : spot on KT
AdLib : AB – No, it’s good, makes him look bad.
choicelady : Sue – Romney thinks it is ALL grade school and he has to push to the head of the line.
KillgoreTrout : Last word? Romney you entitled sense of yourself is showing.
AlphaBitch : Why is romney making the rules up? Pisser
SueInCa : Romney this is not grade school
AdLib : Romney is whining about wanting to have the last word. Not good!
choicelady : kalie – the former head of Joint Chiefs said giving military unwanted money IS WASTEFUL and is doing damage.
escribacat : O is starting to relax now.
kesmarn : YES…remember Dubya. Remember Clinton.
escribacat : Obama’s got history on his side. Let’s hope voters realize that.
AdLib : Yes! Tie Romney to Bush and the 2008 crash!
kalie : Dont give the military money they are not asking for. Sorry, that just seems wasteful. I don’t give my kids money they don’t ask for and you don’t want to be a bad parent do you?
AdLib : Obama’s doing fine right now exposing Romney as a BSer.
SueInCa : great to see you boomer and everyone else it is like old home week
KillgoreTrout : Boomer, you stranger!
kesmarn : Hope you’re doing well, Boomer.
MurphTheSurf3 : Lehrer is just letting Romney talk and talk and talk….he needs to get into the game-
AuntieChrist : Such BULLSHIT! RMoney is and never was about jobs.
foodchain : We need to be careful about what we think and how Romney sounds. Obama needs a kill,,,,,and it’s coming
boomer1949 : CL, Kes, Sue, AdLib…thanks.
choicelady : Romney is lying about TAX rates and when they are implemented. I know you’re shocked.
SueInCa : Romney is pleading
AdLib : Romney sounds plaintive, not convincing.
kesmarn : ‘Zactly right, c’lady!
MurphTheSurf3 : SO Romney’s tactic is to avoid dealing with the question of how he will fund his planned mega cuts by just denying that is what he is going to do. Vintage Romney.
KillgoreTrout : Gasoline tax?
AdLib : Pundits are going to give Romney props for lying well. Most sensible people will see him for his huge flip flops and dishonesty.
SueInCa : Uh oh he said Mr President you are absolutely right right wingers just groanede
kalie : You damn well better respect your Potus, and quit stuttering.
choicelady : kalie et al – that is $250K TAXABLE income AFTER all the investments and costs have been deducted. You net that? You should indeed pay more.
AdLib : All true Kalie, it worked then, it can work now.
foodchain : Ad Obama
kesmarn : Trump DOES have a small “anything” and the ex-wives to show for it.
boomer1949 : Hey…it’s been 4 years and we hung together then. Thanks! It’s great to see y’all too!
choicelady : Romney is caught up in refusing details and praying no one will want them.
kalie : I agree for incomes over 250K we have to go back to the Clinton tax rates. We need to pump up education, small business, the environment, and anything not Romney. Hahahahah
AdLib : AB – Considering what he’s full of, gas is not unexpected.
SueInCa : made in china AB
kesmarn : Boomer! Howdy!
SallyT : Romney has a bigger flag pin. Money does buy bigger pins.
AlphaBitch : romney has gas pains, Ad.
choicelady : Boomer! GREAT to see you!
AdLib : Wow, Romney has such a pained smile on his face. Yes?
SueInCa : Danr Adlib he looks like he has to go to the bathroom
kesmarn : I agree. Pres looks tired. He’s been working hard. Unlike his opponent.
AdLib : Hey Boomer! Great to see you!
choicelady : Great return, PBO. Note that small businesses AND families got tax breaks under this administration.
AdLib : Romney looks pained.
SueInCa : Boomer!!!!!
foodchain : It’s still early! Wait–it’s Math! Go O
kesmarn : “Nevermind!” Great!
boomer1949 : Hello All…Thurston is a lying piece of $hit!
AdLib : Nevermind! Heh! Emily Latella is smiling.
AlphaBitch : Kes- did you win first drink????
escribacat : Adlib — Prez does look tired.
SueInCa : AB that is what I said a few days ago stutter sstutttter
kalie : Ad lib thanks but i get that and know that Obama would be my guy who gets what it costs for college. I know that unlike Romney, who wants me to borrow that from my parents, i can
SallyT : The President is biting his lip. He just wants to say BULLSHIT!
AdLib : Such blather!
kesmarn : Drink! Small business!
AdLib : Obama is struggling to look pleasant. Hang in there Barack!
choicelady : Sue – curses to sisters in law. Mine no longer calls. Blessings all around.
SueInCa : he will lose it the more he has to defend his platform
KillgoreTrout : Mitt can’t take criticism. When faced with it, he starts to ose his cool.
AlphaBitch : St-st-startng to st=st=stutter.
AdLib : Mitt will use magic! That’s how he can do everything!
SueInCa : I did cl and my damned sister in law called me right after it started damn
choicelady : Romney – details please?
kesmarn : Five boys are all liars? Nice!
escribacat : He is getting worked up
choicelady : Sue – note this: Seventeen minutes in, Romney is starting to unravel.
AdLib : Come on, ask Mitt how he will pay for the tax cuts!
KillgoreTrout : Shut up mitt and let the moderator ask the questions!
AlphaBitch : Mitt’s hair looks nice tonight. Did someone die his fringe in the back?
SueInCa : uh oh romneyh is starting to lose it
AdLib : Kalie – ROmney and the Repubs want to kill Pell grants and make loans more expensive. So I can tell you who wants to make it worse.
foodchain : I hope the pundits don’t like smirks
choicelady : kalie – well, you’d just be part of the 47% who think they’re “entitled” to reasonable college costs!!! Selfish of you to burden the rich with your wants.
kalie : OMG i wanna buy a new car. Can someone lessen the cost of college for my kids??? Its outrageously high.
choicelady : Well…I actually like coal. There IS “clean coal” – it’s what saved England and is now being produced in Poland. But Romney is not asking for those standards – anything anyone wants to dig and under ANY conditions no matter how dangerous will be fine with him.
AdLib : Coal is cool! If you don’t believe in global warming.
SallyT : Romeny, I know Coal Mine owners personally.
AdLib : Hey Kalie! Welcome!
escribacat : Some of my best friends are coal!
kalie : OMG i like coooooaaaaalllll l.
AdLib : What will you cut, ROmney???
choicelady : What difference is it if gas and oil comes on private land? He has decided that doesn’t matter – but Obama policies HAVE increased THAT production for sure.
foodchain : Boring is repressed anger because the man talks in LIES
kesmarn : “You won’t let big oil rip up the National Park System! Meany!”
SallyT : Rape government land! Lots in UT.
AdLib : Heh! You couldn’t drink more often if I said to drink everytime ROmney breathes.
AlphaBitch : Romney is trying to be real specific. “I like coal” WTF
AuntieChrist : Romney knows that Middle income families are being crushed. He’s the one stepping on them.
escribacat : He’s boring
AdLib : So rehearsed and boring, am I just too partisan or is ROmney boring?
foodchain : Well if we tipped a drink everytime Mitt acted like he was for the common man, we would not make it past the first hour
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib if do drink at every lie- we will be smashed in five minutes.
choicelady : ADLib – if we drink everytime Mitt lies, NO ONE better be driving or need to go to work tomorrow!
AdLib : Drink every time ROmney lies or flip flops?
foodchain : gosh, isn’t Mitt the kind fellow. Where are my nickles? I’ve got a spittoon already
kesmarn : “Middle class” $10-50,000,000/y ear income.
SallyT : drink
escribacat : no kidding murph
AlphaBitch : Kitty Lou picks “middle Amuricans”. she’s my hostess tonight.
choicelady : Mitt intends to extend RICH people’s tax breaks and raise the middle class. He is FUCKING LYING.
AdLib : Gulp!
MurphTheSurf3 : Mitt as CHAMPION OF THE MIDDLE INCOME EARNERS….I am going to puke….
SallyT : Middle income…..drink , drink, drink
AdLib : Lying SOB! He’s not going to cut taxes on the wealthy???
AdLib : Job craterers.
MurphTheSurf3 : KABOOM! How does Romney pay for 8 trillion in promises….Obam a lays it out…..
SallyT : Romney has flittering eyes! Blinking alot.
choicelady : Murph – PBO is the first president in MY LIFETIME to use the tax code to promote business rather than to shut it down and move or outsource.
AdLib : A slow wind up…hmm…I wonder if this is going to stay mild. That’s not great for Romney who needs a game changer…which most debates don’t provide anyway.
escribacat : Quit sneering, Mittt!
AlphaBitch : job creators.
foodchain : lol adlib
choicelady : food – that’s why Leherer (I KNOW I am spelling this wrong) kind of clenched when he realized what he’d said.
MurphTheSurf3 : 25 percent for manufacturing, emphasizing U.S. jobs…it was 28…this seems like a new standard….
AdLib : Trickle down doesn’t work. How’s that FC?
AdLib : Drinking word is actually ROmney’s chuckle.
KillgoreTrout : How about a drinking phrase…I care about the middle class!
choicelady : AB – “I care” would be the drinking words…from Mitt.
kesmarn : For Romney, the drinking word is “small business” AB!
escribacat : Yes, CL, he did!!
AlphaBitch : already a little looped.
foodchain : AB, no kidding, already had pizza–good to go
choicelady : Wow – Leherer called Mitt’s plan “trickle down”. Wow.
AdLib : AB! Welcome!
AdLib : Hey Kes! Glad you’re here!
AlphaBitch : What’s the drinking word?
SallyT : I also know how to fire people and close businesses Romney forgot to say.
AdLib : We knew this was coming! The “kinder gentler” Romney.
kesmarn : Hey, Sue! And all the Planeteers assembled to watch our Prez kick ass!
choicelady : Small biz people are actually FOR Obama. Romney knows NOTHING about small business.
KillgoreTrout : But Mitt really cares about those 47%. AAAAAAGGGHHH!
AdLib : Huh? ROmney said he won’t cut taxes on the wealthy? Now comes the BS list.
MurphTheSurf3 : I wonder what Romney said to that question: Can you help us? We will help you become happy with your life as a serf….
foodchain : Oh crap, Mitt is doing a humanitarian thing
SueInCa : hey kes
kesmarn : Ohio sees right through you, Mitt.
AdLib : Baby in her arms..cloying BS rehearsed.
escribacat : Mitt isn’t answering.
foodchain : oh me too Bito
choicelady : OK – Mitt returned the anniversary serve. Nicely done. That will be his high point.
AdLib : Whoops, he stumbled on joke #1.
SallyT : Romney didn’t spray tan.
AdLib : Obama has the mild-mannered Clark Kent thing going on now. Modest, humble and genuine. Then will come Romney’s forced smiles and chuckles. What do you think America?
foodchain : yeah, Mitt looks smirky
choicelady : Hey bito – if you’re just listening, I see you and send my love.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL, KT, KQ…howdy doo….American Gladiators.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sally!
escribacat : Mitt already looks kinda nasty
AdLib : Welcome, that is.
choicelady : Nice start on the anniversary spot.
AdLib : Kilgore! Welcoe!
SallyT : Hi KT!
AdLib : Sue – Your husband is reading my mind.
KillgoreTrout : Please, enough with the family values schmaltz.
AdLib : Hey CL! Great to see you!
SueInCa : Hey CL
AdLib : I see Romney on Ecstasy! Too much happy-happy stuff is going to come out of him, that’s my bet!
choicelady : Hi everyone! Let’s ROCK!
SueInCa : MTS and Sally good to see you
SueInCa : my husband started it out right all right you son of a bitch meaning romney of course
AdLib : Hey Sally! Welcome!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi sally….ring side seats….and they’re off.
AdLib : Go Jim! Get that Romney Bay-stard!
kesmarn : “Specifics”… that’ll be a problem for Mitzi.
foodchain : I’m glad they did not give Candy Crowley her own questions. She’s awful IMHO
SallyT : Mr. President, make him dirty his secret underwear!
AdLib : Uh-oh, can Romney refuse to answer questions because he didn’t get to approve them first?
foodchain : I heard that kick him in the balls. GOod advise still
AdLib : Jim Lehrer is a good moderator usually, glad we don’t have some lame Fox hosts in any of these.
foodchain : Let me just Hi to everyone: been a while for me
MurphTheSurf3 : Kick him in the balls….like the sentiment in that…..
AdLib : Hey Escrib! Welcome!
AdLib : Thanks Sue! Here we go! The debate begins!
escribacat : Hi folks!
SallyT : Okay, I’m ready. Kick ass, President!
AdLib : Beatlex – I think you’re right but the RW Baggers will blame a Romney loss on his not being extremist enough. I am looking forward to witnessing the GOP civil war that would ensue if Romney loses as expected.
Beatlex : This format benefits the President.They each get 2 mins on a subject,then debate for 11 mins
foodchain : He smokes, is fat and unhealthy and yet there he is. I want him to at least have a bad back!!!
SueInCa : you are on a roll Adlib
AdLib : Hey Murph! Welcome! Very interested to hear what your friends are thinking about it too.
AuntieChrist : Which, under Obama, they’d not be able to turn him away due to a pre-existing condition.
SueInCa : he smokes big fat cigars of course he is unhealthy
AdLib : AC – Limbaugh had to have transplant surgery, he has the lungs and brains of a pig and can’t help the snorting.
foodchain : And here we go!
Beatlex : Republicans have only themselves to blame.Mitt’s lousy campaign is directly traced back to them getting in bed with the T party.You can’t win an election from the hard right
AuntieChrist : If it’s real, it sounds unhealthy.. and he should see a doctor.
SueInCa : lol FC you know it is funny. this new keyboard is really close together
foodchain : Oh Sue, OUCH
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello one and all…I see we have some folks here I have not met….so hello to AdLib, AuntieChrist, Beatlex, bito, foodchain, Parsifals, SueInCa with others to come. I am at a debate watch gathering with a bunch of friends. Wine coolers, egg rolls, and apple cake. So, some of what I may say may reflect the crowd here, the wine coolers, the egg rolls, the apple cake or all of it together. Been an exciting campaing day.
AdLib : Congrats Sue! Glad to hear that! Lots of fun to have a new computer! I’ll be getting one soon…unless Romney wins and outlaws the internet.
SueInCa : that is the fat in him coming out be glad it is not from the other end
foodchain : I did like that Limbaugh said that if the GOP lost senate and congressional seats that there would be a third party: the conservative party would separate from the wuss GOP
AuntieChrist : I don’t mean to be cruel, or maybe I do, but I’ve noticed on MSNBC when they play sound bytes of Limbaugh, he snorts alot… is that for real or is it added in for comedy?
SueInCa : There are so manyh ways to make fun of Limpballs
AdLib : FC – He does look like a huge piece of overripe and pungent cheese.
SueInCa : Glad to be here with my new improved super fast pc
foodchain : How about a smelly cheese–limbaugh er
AdLib : Hey Sue! Welcome to Debate Night Chat!
AdLib : If you cut Drudge in half, the creatures inside would just seal him back together.
SueInCa : AC you mean Limpballs?
AuntieChrist : He’s as bad as Limbaugh.
Beatlex : Drudge is drudgery
AuntieChrist : I seriously despise that wretch.
AdLib : Beatlex – ROMNEY: “I saw a 47 poor percenter on the street who said he hadn’t had a bite in weeks…so I bit him. Then I kicked him. Then tied him to the roof of my car for a long drive to Florida. Heh-heh!”
foodchain : AuntieChrist, if you took Drudge’s hat you would find a brick
AuntieChrist : If you take off Drudge’s hat, one would probably find the Log Cabin Republican’s Dance hall.
foodchain : We’re watching a taped Colbert show with Vince Gilliigan; there now s blue crystal meth. Ha! We ( our daughter is here)are waitng for the debate
AdLib : FC – Mitt relates only to the masses of millions.
AdLib : AC – Well ask your phone who it’s voting for, I still could be right.
Beatlex : Maybe Mitt can show us some Henny Youngman…:Take my wife..Please!”
AuntieChrist : It’s more humane than Mittbot.
foodchain : Mitt has never related well to the masses so I’m wondering what magic pill he can take to “relate”. I know I’m hoping, but I just don’t see a history for Mitt
AuntieChrist : My phone’s an Android, and I resent that remark.
AdLib : AC – If you take off Drudge’s hat, you can see the rats under neath operating levers in his head.
AdLib : Romney will appeal to the android and Vulcan vote.
AdLib : Great FC, I was about to ask if I could help!
foodchain : Ahh, got it
AdLib : Foodchain, we know that Romney will be well prepared for his initial remarks but as the discussion can be long, there could be a major stumble, no matter how pre-programmed he is. I don’t put it past the Obama team to come up with some clever strategies for cornering him on his lies without looking too aggressive.
foodchain : Hey Adlib, great to be here; still calibrating my screen-+-I’m challenged
AuntieChrist : Never have lived that Fedora wearing asshat.
AuntieChrist : I have ZERO respect for Drudge.
AdLib : Hey Foodchain! Welcome!
AuntieChrist : He’ll laugh nervously at his own unfunny jokes – not being able to connect with people who have a pulse, then panic as he’s cornered and laugh his maniacal offbeat flip flop denial of reality.
AdLib : How about that horribly phony “scandal” Drudge and Fox tried to whip up over Obama’s public speech in 2007? How can Fox be called anything other than the GOP’s propaganda network now. Can’t we sue them for false advertising since they have the word “News” in their title?
foodchain : I’ve seen Mtt, his perfect trees, is nervousness in front of non corp execs. I’ve gotta wonder how he holds on for 90 min
AdLib : AC – I shut down my car elevator to watch the 100″ screen in it when I saw him making that 47% crack. My word!
AuntieChrist : He is predictable if anything.
AdLib : AC – I’m afraid we won’t get any of those off handed comments from him tonight, he’s probably programmed to run a loop of BS whenever he’s stuck for something to say. That will come off a bit odd though.
AuntieChrist : I spit Grey Poupon all over my gold plated monitor when he did that.
AdLib : AC – In my imagination, he’ll come out tonight like he took a handful of Ecstasy and will be smiling and praising 100% of all Americans…then he’ll take some meth and turn on Obama as being responsible for all evil on Earth.
AuntieChrist : that was so unbelievable.
AuntieChrist : or… unhuman.
AuntieChrist : It’s unbelievable how automated and inhuman he is.
AdLib : AC – Wonder if he made a $10,000 bet on winning the debate?
AdLib : Maybe he really hypes Romneycare as proof of his compassion and portrays “trickle down” as good for the nationwide droughts.
AuntieChrist : He *could* capitalize on how to make millions by losing an election. Oh, wait…
AdLib : I do think Romney will come out with some enormous BS and some serious flip flopping as he flips and flops desperately away from the 47% comments.
AdLib : AC – Maybe we need a Mitt Romney Joke Book? Or would that be an autobiography of his run for President?
AuntieChrist : But I was used to the Nattering Nabobs Notification System from my …nigh unto nine years at Nabisco.
AdLib : I agree with the genius pundits, Romney will suddenly look like a genuine, compassionate protector of the middle class. To the pundits only, that is.
AuntieChrist : Romney… what a joke!
AdLib : AC – You should be glad we chose not to use the Nattering Nabobs Notification System instead.
AdLib : Maybe after losing the election, Romney will have a PPV Standup special?
AuntieChrist : …and you?
AuntieChrist : Good! Just trying to figure out how to navigate this popping page of Political punditry.
AdLib : AC –
Yep, that’s Romney’s secret debate prep book!
AdLib : Hey AC! How the “hell” are ya?!
AuntieChrist : «link»
AdLib : Man, the pundit babble is so annoying, more misinformation on MSNBC claiming that Obama promised the stimulus would bring unemployment down below 7%. He never said that, some analyst said that and the Repubs kept pushing that meme…so of course, now it’s a “fact”?
AuntieChrist : Mitt Romney’s study guide:
AdLib : Great, see you then Beatlex and bon appetite!
AdLib : Just saw a racist, anti-Latino commercial on MSNBC which portrayed a handsome young black man displaying racial resentment towards “immigrants”. Obviously a Repub front group (Numbers.com?) trying to convince black people not to vote for Obama using racial division. What scum.
Beatlex : Exactly Adlib.See you in a bit,about to have dinner..(‘-)
AdLib : Beatlex – I think we’re about to see. Rehearsed “zingers” come across like selling week-old french bread. Stale.
AdLib : So what’s the drinking game tonight? “47%”? “Tax Cuts”? “Obamacare”?
Beatlex : How do you “practice” zingers?Good zingers are in the moment.And the President is capable of thinking on his feet,unlike Romney
AdLib : My bet is that Romney unintentionally pushes the creepy factor with way too much smiling and pandering to how much he loves “the little people”.
AdLib : Beatlex – That’s what’s so absurd. We’ve seen Obama handle very sudden and critical situations with cool and class…why are the pundits such amnesiacs and thinking that Obama is this guy who freaks out and can’t control himself?
Beatlex : The President would have to stumble badly to lose this debate.I don’t see that happening
AdLib : Parsifals – I think that is a real possibility…wh ich would only hurt Romney. Boring means no change and that’s disaster for Romney.
AdLib : Beatlex – So true which is why he’s been memorizing so much for the past couple of months. The one problem with that though…what if Obama or Lehrer ask a question he doesn’t have a memorized answer for? Look out below!
Parsifals : Too much preplanning and negotiations before the debates by both the networks and the candidates. It may be boring.
AdLib : BTW, if you refresh your page now, you can see the live streaming video window…though since it’s ABC, I’m holding off on it until the debate starts, have MSNBC in the background.
Beatlex : Romney needs a script,he is prone to saying dumb things
AdLib : Parsifals – I was looking forward to the debates as a chance to hang Romney on all of his lies but with Obama ahead, guess I’m a bit cautious about something negative affecting that. Though, there just aren’t many undecided voters.
Parsifals : I actually hate these debates and can’t imagine that the President will not be fully prepared. Romney however can be aggressive (I lived in MA).
AdLib : Very kind of you to say, Parsifals!
AdLib : So, going into the debate, what do you think is going to happen? Is Obama going to win clearly, will it be a boring draw or will Romney stumbled big time?
Beatlex : I guess they have to try and keep the interest up somehow.Junkies like us don’t need the hype! we would watch anyway
Parsifals : Thanks, Adlib. Only here cuz of you.
AdLib : Hey Parsifals! Very nice to see you! Your name appears now, it takes a moment sometimes!
Parsifals : I am new at live feed and don’t see my name as on line, Ad Lib.
AdLib : Same here, great to see you too, Beatlex! The pundits have been going wild about how well Romney can do, I think they are buying into the hype.
Beatlex : Good to see you Adlib,it will be interesting to see what happens anyway
AdLib : The first Obama-Romney debate begins shortly! Join us right here for pre-debate chat and a live chat throughout the debate!
AdLib : Hey Beatlex! Agreed, I do think Obama will come out on top!
Beatlex : GO O! Mitt doesn’t have the chops to win this debate.He has given the President all the ammunition he needs.
Home Chat Room Archives Live Events Archives Live Events – The First Obama – Romney Debate – 10-3-2012
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