Okay, it’s rigged this time with questions voted on by Baggers but maybe the hatred and stupidity of these dwarves will show through.
Please feel free to live blog with us during the “debate”.
Okay, it’s rigged this time with questions voted on by Baggers but maybe the hatred and stupidity of these dwarves will show through.
Please feel free to live blog with us during the “debate”.
In Debate, Republican Candidates Trip Over Foreign Policy
Friends and allies: Romney fails International Relations 101
How many debates are these yahoos going to have?
Gary Johnson ad.
We already knew this guy was a nothing, but I thought it was interesting to see that he’d be a nothing even with more name recognition.
He’s running on tolerance! Ha!
I thought the states’ rights part in that was quite a non-sequitur, but he had to say something Republican, right?
And will the real Mitt, please stand up:
Mitt Romney: Thanks for Supporting the American Jobs Act
Awww Booo Hisss
I missed another Repub Debattleaxe
No worries,
I can enjoy all the excitement by reading all the kick ass comments of Planeteers!
Thanks Guys!
Hi Patsy! I would hate for you to waste your energy! 🙂
Our comments might have been “kick ass” but the debate certainly was NOT! Perry was pathetic! He looked like he would rather be sliding down a razor blade into a vat of alcohol than to be on that stage! Uncomfortable is not the word! If he’s not careful, he’s going to lose this thing to Romney. IMO, that would be sad…I think Mittens is much more dangerous to President Obama than Perry is. At least Mitt can answer a question without stumbling all over his own feet!
Sorry, I didn’t mean to get on a roll. 🙂
Owww go ahead and roll Em!
Oh Patsy, thank you! I think I will! LMAO 🙂
Hang around for a while and I’ll tell you how I REALLY feel!
EM- The Tea Party and Perry seem to be imploding and I’m kind of sorry because I’d rather run against the crazies. Maybe Sarah will still come save the GOP. I couldn’t be happier if she decided to add to the mayhem. Mitt looks too reasonable. What I hate about these debates is the audience – good lord – where do they find these people? Why can’t MSNBC sponsor one and ask some real questions? Right – when hell freezes over.
My goodness, I heard. They actually BOOed a serviceman for being gay? They booed someone who is serving our country?
And right-wingers continue the meme that liberals “hate America.”
My gosh, I just can’t wrap my head around it. I truly cannot.
These people are so utterly consumed with their rage and nihilism they’ve lost their humanity.
Yep. So far, the GOP Debate audiences have cheered executions, cheered death for people who don’t have health insurance and booed someone risking their life for them because he was gay.
Who wouldn’t want to be a member of that club?
It really does show how far off the rails the modern GOP is doesn’t it?
KQ, your comment raised my curiosity on what some of the actions that St. Ronnie took that wouldn’t square with the party now.
What else did he do besides raise taxes, grow government and tax and immigration reform?
I had forgotten about this site:
The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan
From the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a libertarian/ Austrian School of Economics site. They considered President Reagan close to a liberal and he certainty wouldn’t fit in with this crop of GOP candidates.
One thing that jogged my memory was remembering that Reagan was the first GOP candidate to run on dissolving the Dept. of Education and every R since then has run on it.
Bito, I thought I remembered the same thing. What does the repub party have against the Department of Education? The graph they showed last night indicated that 47% of repubs would cut DoED over anything else. When our students are doing so poorly when compared to other countries, what is it that they object to?
I did watch the President this morning when he talked about the “No Child” BS that the Bushies did. He chided Congress for not acting to change things and said that since they could not act, he would. That’s my Prez!! Love it!
Em, The Dept.of Ed is the devils workshop, in fact all of education is part of it.
Bush thew NCLB under the bus from the get go from poor administration to not funding it. Teachers hate it the way it is now setup.
I missed most of that and only saw a clip so here it it is:
And here is the transcript:
Bito, thanks for posting. I will have to get a magnifying glass to go back and read the White House reforms. The type is so tiny and I can’t figure out how to zoom it in on my ‘puter.
Em try ctrl+ to increase the size.
Bito, thanks for the tip. I am still so technologically challenged! 🙂
Em, in addition to the vid, which is quite good, and transcript, the WH has just released the “fact sheet” on the changes to ‘NCLB’-no child left behind.
Of course the AP uses this misleading headline:
“Obama lets states opt out of federal school rules (AP) “
Bito, it’s that same ol’ “librul press”, don’t ya’ know! 🙂
I saw the speech live and as usual, he was great. He nailed Congress for not doing anything.
Sorry to have had to pop away in the middle of this intellectual exercise (just saying their names seemed to require intellectual prowess) but I had to help my daughter with her homework.
She was actually learning the words “Trudged”, “Fumbled” and “Nervous”…ironically at the same time that the GOP nominees were.
I think my daughter did better.
This was not a debate, it was a pep rally. Hatin’ on Obama, economic fairness and government in general…with a bit of gay bashing and poor/minority hating mixed in.
Unlike the first debate, there were only softball questions, no serious challenging of any of them and just ganging up on reality.
Actually, it was quite boring and pointless, as I think most of the subsequent debates may be.
And in a REAL debate with Obama, I don’t see one of them, including Romney, competitive when having to face reality instead of the fantasyland of GOP debates (“I would cut the budget and increase border patrols with unicorn money!”).
The pudnuts (H/T Bito) wallow in polls today as if they had any significance on Obama in 2012, a waste of time bloviating on worthless data.
A year from now, faced with Baggers taking over the country and decimating it or Obama continuing, the choice will be clear and on Obama’s side.
We will have to work hard on GOTV to fight all the voter suppression the GOP has been entrenching but the GOP is the nihilist party and the majority dislike them in poll after poll.
Adlib, You better believe we are going to have to work hard! One thing though…today’s inaction in Congress (to keep the govt. open and running) is showing the American people, once again, what the GOP/TP stand for, and it ain’t the people! I just hope that when the debt ceiling thing went down and woke up the people, that they stayed awake! We do seem to have a very short attention span!
I would slightly disagree with you on the questions from FUX. I thought there were some pretty good ones that I really didn’t expect from them. The first that comes to mind is the question by the student on video about Obamacare and whether they would kick the students off their insurance plans by repealing it. As I remember it, none of them really answered the question.
The other one was about DADT from the gay soldier. I’m rather surprised that they let this one through. Santorum gathered up all his righteous indignation to insist that troops should NOT HAVE SEX at all! Yeah…that’s really going to work out well! LMAO
One thing about these debates is that there is virtually NO follow-up. The candidates get up and make their talking points, and then it’s just left hanging in the ether! Oh well, at least there is only ONE more of these damn silly things.
I’m still gobsmacked by Michelle’s statement…”Thomas Jefferson was the author of that religious liberty that he loved so much.”
WTF??? What exactly does that mean?? And the other thing that stands out was her comment about “grabbing that brass ring of liberty”! Oh GAG!!
Not to worry…I had my Maalox cocktail ready! 🙂
The bottom line on this is the same as last time…there was absolutely nothing new. It was the same old talking points, and a few jabs at each other.
I thought Perry looked weak and somewhat confused at times. Romney seemed strong and sure of his answers for the most part. Ron Paul got a pretty big ovation from the crowd. Bachmann needs to just take her “brass ring of liberty” and go away!
I didn’t watch the debate. I have a weak stomach – but I enjoyed reading your comments here and on Twitter.
Are you keeping score?
Hi Sabreen, you really didn’t miss anything. Sorry about your stomach! I feel your pain, but I was able to tough it out for the last half-hour! 🙂 Maalox and Tums…work wonders!
thinkprogress ThinkProgress
Bachmann says Obama has the lowest presidential approval rating of any president in modern times. Apparently can’t remember George Bush.
LarrySabato Larry Sabato
by mattyglesias
Bachmann goof: Obama has lowest ratings of any modern POTUS. Correct if you exclude LBJ,Nixon,Ford,Carter,Reagan,Bush,Clinton & Bush.
Final question…oh thank God!
Who would you choose among candidates to be your running mate?
Johnson…Ron Paul
Santorum…sidestep to Newt
Newt…no idea, they’re all good friends of mine
Paul…no choice, it’s inappropriate
Perry…a Combo of Caine and Newt
Romney…all these people would be better than our current Pres.
Bachmann…strong Constitutional Conservative blah blah blah
Caine…would choose Romney if he will do the 999 plan..or Newt
Huntsman…chooses Caine for his tie
Oh that was totally weak and I’m completely nauseated!
Now, can I be excused??
Mittens took an implicit swipe at Palin and thus Bachmann I thought.
Em, I’m exhausted and I didn’t even watch it. 🙂
daveweigel daveweigel
“To rebuild the economy, Jimmy Carter sucked.” #googledebate
digby56 digby
How come Republicans can run against Jimmy Carter for 30 years but Democrats can’t mention the words George W. Bush?
Bachmann: “Reach for that brass ring of liberty”….Oh my god, this woman is so damned dumb!!!
Romney, playing the same damn patriot card!
Newt: recalling 30 years ago! Doesn’t he realize how old that makes him seem?
Santorum: REAGAN…blah blah blah blah!
Johnson: Who??? Balance budget now!
I want him to say “fierce” so badly.
zaheerali Zaheer Ali
by monaeltahawy
RT @nisaa: #GOPDebate RT @probert06 Rick Perry is on the side of life, except for the 234 executions he’s signed off on as Governor of Texas
Perry really can’t talk very well…he’s stumbling all over himself! What’s wrong with him? Is he just that damned dumb??
Romney is nailing him! Perry looks a little weak.
Em, that’s what they are saying on twitter. Get him off his talking points and he’s lost.
Really bito, it’s really obvious that he’s lost when he has to come up with an extemporaneous answer.
I’d go with dumb Em.
EM – A 2.2 GPA isn’t terrific for the leader of the free world – I’m not sure he’s real bright, but that’s what the GOP likes – straight, charismatic guys with little education that have avoided serving their country, and love to send young kids into combat and brag of their record with “Ole Sparky”.
Artist, you got it! Is that really his GPA??? Oh my god!
I remember The Village Idiot bragging about a “C student” running the country! I would just about bet his GPA was higher than this!
EM – I don’t have WordPress skills, i don’t know how to do a link, but his actual transcript was on HP a few weeks back and you can look it up. He went to Texas A&M and was an Animal Science major.
Artist, just do a copy of the url, the http:…..page your on, and paste it into your comment box. Bingo!
Bito – yeah, you make it sound so easy! Smarty pants. I’m always on my phone too and it’s hard to copy and paste but I’m going to get an iPad this week so maybe I’ll get better. Thanks!
Artist, who’s the smarty? 😆 I can make and answer calls on my phone–that’s all!
johnvmoore John V. Moore
by theonlyadult
Republicans cheer killing innocents on death row, people dying without insurance and now boo a US Soldier protecting our freedoms