With the Oscars coming up this weekend, today we celebrate the movies! What are you favorite film scenes? Your favorite music from films? This is the place to share them!
I’ll handle some of the classics!
Citizen Kane
Some Like It Hot
Duck Soup
Singing In The Rain
The Godfather
And just for a twist in this lineup…
The Big Lebowski
The Lib abides. Your turn!

Ok guys you got it going on here. Now how do you embed the videos?
It’s easy. Just copy and paste the URL of a YouTube video, but put a “v” after the “http”
That’s all there is to it. Plus, since you can edit your comments here, it doesn’t hurt to try different things to see if they work.
Thanks Buddy
Hi, Postman!
You’re a warrior!
HH! Good to see you.
Not Friday anymore, (and others have put up plenty of Pulp Fiction music,) but I wanted to add this. It is the opening theme to the movie, performed by Dick Dale:
I have always liked the exotic sound of this song, but did not know where it came from until recently. It turns out that the song “Misirlou” (which means “Egyptian Girl”) has been popular all over the Middle East, in Greece, in the Balkans, and in Jewish Klezmer music! Who knew? (I didn’t anyway.)
To compare, listen to this more traditional treatment from Greek television, where it is being used as background music for a famous bellydancer. Listen to the melody… yep, it’s the same as the surf music melody:
I love this song!
I still want to see these movies.
From the movie “No One Knows about Persian Cats”
Blues from Mirza – Emshab
Metal from Nik Aeen – Hesar Na
From the movie “Glass House”
That’s just raw. If rap had not existed, I’m convinced Iranians would have created it. It still has a sense of purpose there, too.
Khirad. Metal from Nik Aeen — Hesar Na
This is Awesome!!! Thanks for posting, I never would
have know there is Metal over there. These guys remind me of
What happens when you mix a little Phantom of the Opera and Hamlet à la the The Murder of Gonzago on a Bollywood screen?
Cheesetastic fabulousness.
Doesn’t hurt that Deepika Padukone is totally hawt, either.
excuse me, that would be “fabulousity”
I briefly debated which variant sounded more fabulous.
Phantom of the Opera? No, no, no. Try Phantom of the Paradise.
I’ve actually seen that. 😉
Oh gods, that looks horrible.
I loved “Music of the Night”, from the original.
Here is a wonderful indy film you’ll never see at the Oscars: Ink. Movies can be art and entertainment at the same time. Watch it on Hulu and enjoy.
Indie Movie Explodes on BitTorrent, Makers Bless Piracy
You see asshats like Time Warner (YouTube)?!
It HELPS you!
Good night all…I’ll leave you with this!…
The Dood abides. Too sweet. Good night.
That was a pretty good CGI, I have to admit.
Now that all the videos are missing, the thread moves much faster. 🙄
All the videos are missing. WTF?
Chase…I still see them…
Dood–Mine have been missing for awhile. I’ll reboot.
They are back up as far as I can see chase, might have been due to a bit of tweaking behind the curtain. Flap off?
If you still can’t see them, empty your Cache and restart your computer.
Kalima, I restarted Firefox. All is well. Thanks.
Great, I’ll get back to my cleaning. If you need me just holler, or leave a message with the kitties. 😉
Some Marx Bros….
More “Pulp Fiction”…
Dood, this is much better quality than I could get my fingers on earlier. Any move in which John dances is a treat for me.
…weird religious beliefs aside, a man with rythm is a beautiful thing.
Quentin Tarantino films usually have good soundtracks….
Dood. Change “usually” to “always.”
Chase! 🙂
I think I really meant some are better than others…the Pulp Fiction soundtrack is one of my favs!!
Mine, too, Dood. Coen Bros are a close second.
Oooooo…that’s almost a toss-up for me!!
Dood, I really hope this is the song you meant to link to.
Was going to but went with the more “obscure” one…!
All these award shows make me think of the song “Show Biz Kids” by Steely Dan.
“Show biz kids making movies
Of themselves you know they
Don’t give a fuck about anybody else
While the poor people sleepin’
With the shade on the light
While the poor people sleepin’
All the stars come out at night”
I apologize for being so cynical. I hope the folks who are into that stuff enjoy the show. It’s just not my cup of tea.
LFer. I love that people make movies. It’s one of the few industries we have left in this country. I doubt that they make them to win awards. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
Chase, I enjoy movies too. It’s all those awards shows – Emmys, Grammys, Oscars, Younameits – that I can’t stand. They’re such self-congratulatory BS, an entire industry participating in a giant circle jerk. Gag.
LFer, I see your point, but those shows showcase new commercials, new creative, ad sales. That’s an industry all to itself and it employs people like me and thousands of others. So, I’m all good with it. I don’t watch it much, but I support it.
Lemme see if I can get this to work….
And, one more. Cat/Yusef Harold and Maude trailer.
I miss Ruth Gordon.
Bud Cort later suffered a terrible car accident and years of therapy and surgery. I was glad to hear that he has started working again.
Ruth Gordon was the best. An 80 year old hippie.
Nice, Chase. One of my favorite Cat Stevens (beautiful, no?) songs, Rubylove:
chase, great find. I absolutely love this movie and soundtrack. One of the greatest love stories ever told, with a touch of anti-war.
Omkara – Beedi
Actually a rare high brow Indian movie too, based on Othello. Who am I kidding though? I like this clip because of Bipasha.