In light of the HP sellout and the exciting new influx of members that resulted, we relaxed a few of our editorial policies to make the transition to The Planet as smooth as possible. Our editorial policies mainly address which articles appear on the front page but in this article you’ll find information that will be helpful in posting your articles.
a. Front Page Articles
Our front page represents The Planet to the public so it is important to us that articles on our front page look complete and present meaningful issues that reflect the concern, passion and substance of the site and its community.
Posts on any and all topics are welcome though when they are primarily relaying a news article, dealing with a less accessible topic or of a more personal nature (not as issue-oriented), instead of being published on the front page, they may be published in Speakers Corner (more on Speaker’s Corner below).
Posts should be used when you have something of length to express. A brief POV or sharing news that’s just a few paragraphs should be expressed as a comment, on a pertinent thread or if none exists, in Morning Blog in the mornings or Time Out for Off Topic afterward. If a post is submitted that is quite brief, it will likely be converted into a comment and placed on MB or TO/OT.
b. Publishing Posts
Our editorial guidelines are that all articles need to have a graphic at the top of the article, a Featured Image selected, an excerpt, appropriate categories selected and tags added. We invite all members to apply these to their own articles since it will allow us to publish them quicker (and relieve our workload a bit). Your articles are always welcome but will have to wait for publication until we have a chance to add all of these elements to your article first (instructions on doing all of these appear below).
We do and will allow some members who consistently prepare their articles in full, the ability to directly publish them. We have to limit this number though so there aren’t too many articles published on any one particular day, allowing each article to get a fair amount of attention.
Some articles will be selected to be featured, in the slider at the top and/or staying at the top of the page. We try to spread that around a bit but it’s generally more topic driven or selections are made to provide a wider variety of topics.
Titles of articles are subject to change, if they are not descriptive enough of the subject matter, it will diminish the possibilities of an article being discovered on search engines. Graphics too may be changed if there is a copyright concern or if they are inappropriate.
c. Speakers Corner
As mentioned above, this category is for articles which are not as issue-oriented or aimed at a wider audience. Again, all articles are very welcome, whether they are about the Middle East or about one’s love of Golden Retrievers (guilty as charged) but the more personal, shorter, or less issue-related they are, the more likely they will be to appear under Speakers Corner.
Articles published in Speakers Corner don’t appear on the front page but are fully publicized to our membership, through email notification and appearing in the Recent Posts widget in the right sidebar of each page. Speakers Corner is a popular destination on The Planet, in fact, two of our main features, Morning Blog and Time Out for O/T appeared there until getting their own Speakers Corner categories recently. So if your article is published there, it will typically receive as many or more responses as some Front Page articles.
d. Off Topic Comments
We are not terribly strict about this but out of respect for the time and energy our members invest in their articles, we try to keep discussions on topic for that article. Jokes and brief diversions are usually fine but if we feel that one or more comments are pulling discussion way off track, we will move such comments to Time Out for O/T where that discussion is welcome to continue. So, if you posted an OT comment on a thread and it isn’t where you left it, you’ll know where to find it.
Here now are some tips on fully preparing your article:
How to Prepare Your Article For Publication:
1. Adding Images and Featured Image
(If you want to use an image that’s on your computer, skip to Step b.)
a. Find an image on the web that isn’t copyrighted ( is a great source). Download it to your computer.
b. When you are adding a New Post in your Dashboard, click at the very beginning of your article so the cursor appears there then click the first icon above the menu of the Post box (in the red circle):
Click the “Select File” button on the box that pops up and choose the file or files you want to upload.
c. Once the image has fully uploaded, a box will display with all the details about that image. Scroll to the bottom of that box, click “Use as Featured Image” then once it finishes processing that, choose a location (Left/Center/Right) and size desired then click the “Insert into post” button and you’re done!
If you’ve forgotten to add the Featured Image, just scroll down on your Add New Post page and look to the bottom of the right hand column, you’ll see a Featured Image widget, click the “Set featured Image” link then follow the instructions above to upload an image or use your Gallery (images you’ve already uploaded for that post) to choose and select a Featured Image.
2. Adding an Excerpt
Add a brief description or intro to your article in the Excerpt box just below the Post box.
3. Adding Categories
Scroll through the available categories and check as many as are appropriate. Please note that the News and Politics category is always selected initially so if this is not appropriate, please remove the check in its box.
4. Adding Tags
If you have the Visual mode set for your post (there are two tabs in the upper right corner of your post composition box, Visual and HTML), Tags will automatically be suggested for you in the Post Tags widget in the right hand column. All you need do is click on Apply All link and they will be added to your post. Click the “x” on any undesired tags to remove them.
We’re thrilled to have such a diverse community, creating such a variety of insightful, intriguing and enjoyable articles. Thanks so much for all of your support and making The Planet what it is.
YAY! I mastered the “Featured Image” thingy! (And it was ridiculously easy.) Amazing how our mental blocks prevent us from seeing the forests for the trees.
Thank you AdLib, this manual is very helpful. I saved it to my PPOV-manuals file for future reference. And thanks also for the new access to comments, it makes it a lot easier to keep track of the replies.
Now I would like to request that Cher’s excellent “The Daily Planet” gets her own space too. It is so refreshing to see news and ongoing initiatives on the same post. It just leaves me going away more hopeful than when I came and so it makes me read more news. I admit, I often read news in a very selective way ( = I omit 98 %) because they’re mostly made up negative and depressing. Why would I want to invite those two unwelcome guests?
“I admit, I often read news in a very selective way ( = I omit 98 %) because they’re mostly made up negative and depressing. Why would I want to invite those two”
Wow – hate to say this, but how on earth are you going to get to any kind of “truth” when you don’t even read anything that MIGHT make you uncomfortable or unhappy??? Were you kidding? That’s the problem we have with tea baggers and people like Beck. Don’t tell me you think exactly like these folks!
This is quite a bit far-fetched, truth-seeker. Tea baggers generally don’t seem to like to think for themselves, and they seem to be addicted to be filled with hatred and fear. Did my comment express this? If so, it somehow must have escaped my attention!
And media corporations, especially large Murdochy ones, thrive on blood and strive. I don’t support that and I neither like to fill my brain nor my system with that. Remembering the times at HuffPost, I recognize that I thought I’d have to bear with it. But no, I don’t. Why should I? I have to adhere to my ethics and bring about whatever positive changes I can. I find this much wiser.
Now to repeat my message once more: Cher proves it IS possible to present the news in a way that is uplifting and not depressing.
I meant to add: the new toolbar also seems perfect for addressing the problem some people have had on keeping track of comments. All we have to do now–in addition to reading the latest comments on the sidebar–is to click on the “comments” tap on the new toolbar, and Voila! Another place to find the comments. Nice!
Now, I have a ➀ in my comments toolbar that I can’t make go away.
It’s not a problem. I just find it curious.
HH- it’s just indicating p.1 🙂
@AdLIb — I like the new changes, but I’m having a problem with the drop-down menus for “Speakers Corner” and “Take Action” being visibly blocked by the YouTube video in the “PlanetPOVideos” box. I’ve seen this same issue with embeded videos on many other sites, and I was thinking that if I’m not the only one with this problem, maybe you could flip-flop it with the “Sponsors” box.
That’s odd, I just checked and it works just fine with me. The drop down menu covers that part of the video and you can see the other categories clearly on the green backdrop colour.
This is the thing, that issue is a local system issue so it’s hard for me to figure out what’s causing it. I will try to figure it out though!
If it’s just me, then it’s no big deal — I can work around it. I just don’t want anyone interested in joining the site to be discouraged by having a similar problem.
Thanks Paradise, I always want to know about issues. I feel the same way about not wanting members to have to deal with it…including you.
If you’re game, try updating your video driver as mentioned above, that might solve it.
Mine has never worked correctly — I still don’t know what the second item is on the “Take Action” menu :-). It could just be my setup. I’m running Internet Explorer 8 on fully updated 32bit Vista, so it wouldn’t surprise me any.
Paradise, just for kicks, would you mind installing and trying Firefox to see if it works properly?
The other member who had an issue was using Windows XP and Firefox so it points more to quirks in individual computers. I wonder if it is the video hardware or its driver.
Do you know how to check your system for your video controller? If you know what it is, there might be an updated driver for it at the manufacturer’s site that could solve this issue.
I just tried my Google Chrome browser (that I almost never use), and it did the same thing. My video driver is recently updated, but I’ve had this same problem at other times in the past. I’m guessing that it has to do with Vista (which isn’t exactly stretching the imagination). I’ll download FireFox and see how it reacts.
AdLib — I… WHOA!! Did you just turn on spellcheck!?! FREAKY!! Anyway, I just installed Firefox, and it works just fine! I’ll just use it from now on.
Cool!!! Glad to hear it Paradise!
Paradise, very sorry about this. I’ve heard of this situation with only one other user, it seems to be very rare and connected to particular systems and Firefox.
Are you using Firefox? If so, what version of Windows is on your computer?
I will continue investigating it but since I can’t replicate it, that makes it very difficult to track down.
It would be a bit of a complicated revision in the site to move the video box, I will see if I can find a solution to this.
I use Internet Explorer 8 on a 32 bit Vista system (and not by choice, I assure you).
AdLib – I have this same issue. It’s not a problem for me, really.
I have a 32-bit, Windows 7, and it shows up with IE8.0, Safari, and Chrome.
I haven’t looked at it yet with my 64-bit desktop, same browsers.
My display adapter is an Nvidia GeForce Go 6100 in this machine (laptop).
Everything including drivers are fully updated. I’m religious about that.
Just an FYI…
Just DL’ed Firefox, and it works just fine. The rolldown menus are now on top. Hmmmmmm….
Also my animations are now working again! Other 3 browsers, not so much.
Any problems with having a blog post here and on a different blog?
Not at all, cross posting here and on other blogs is just fine here.
1. I’ve just installed the new WordPress update that should solve the problems that we were having with images in posts. You’ll also notice a bar at the top with your name, avatar and easy-to-navigate links. Try them out, it should make traveling around The Planet quicker and easier!
2. I have added a new category under Speakers Corner which is called Business Corner. All of PocketWatch’s excellent articles on business and future articles from members offering insight and advice about business and being an entrepreneur will be easily accessible there (here’s the direct link: ). If you haven’t checked out the category menu above (beginning with Arts and Entertainment) and all of their sub-categories, please do and you’ll find how easy it is to find articles in any category.
AdLib – Thanks! I particularly like the Search feature! A keyword or two, and all the articles (Posts) that are related to the keywords pop right up. Excellent.
Perfect! This is what I was suggesting with all the new volume.
You always come through!
Thanks pal, as do you!
I’ve never tried it at PPOV, but can you do a photo slideshow?
And, oh, my avatar and name are in a bar across the top of the page now!
Not at the moment Haruko, we are still trying to fix other issues that we already have right now.
Can you keep this hovering near the front page, please? I’m technophobic and will need to refer to the instructions.
Marion here is a tip. At the bottom of Related Posts, you will see “Email This Post” you can use it to send the post to your own regular email address, then you have it there on your computer. It will of course always be here in our archives, but it will save you the work of searching for it when you need it. You can also C&P it.
Another tip– you can bookmark this page too.
Or c&p it and save it in your “PPOV-manuals”- file on your computer
Well, that answers all my questions.
Thanks AdLib.
Cheers ADONAI!
So I haven’t checked yet.
Am I to assume the image glitch in WordPress is fixed?
Khirad – been working ok for me the last couple of days.
Okay, this opens up a few things for me.
THANK YOU!!!! I so needed this tutorial!!!
Thank you!! Thank you and THANK YOU!!!
Abby, truly, it’s my pleasure!
You refer to HP’s sellout as if it were a recent event……
Insert annoying smilie-con here….
Speaking of sellout…I have noticed that when I try to access something in a past HP that I found on google or whatever, if it speaks poorly of the corporate rich, and advertisement pops up THAT WILL NOT CLOSE – THE LINK TO CLICK ON THE X DOES NOT WORK.
Perhaps it’s just my problem, but does anyone else have that happen? And if so – are all the past articles casting aspersions on corporate bigwigs the focus of said problem?
Just asking.
AdLib– re this:
When I upload the image there is nothing anywhere in the box that gives me any option to “Use as Featured Image.”
The only place that “Use as Featured Image” appears is, as you said,
You have to add the image while you are writing/editing your post, clicking the icon pictured in my article above. Then, when your image uploads, at the bottom of the info screen on that uploaded image, you will see the link in the red circle:
Click the link and in a moment, it will apply that image as your Featured Image.
If you click on the Add New link under Media, the image isn’t uploaded as connected to your post and you won’t see the “Use as featured image” link.
The only other reason you wouldn’t see the image description box is if it is collapsed. If you just see the image and a single row of info, click the “Show” link on the right side and the description box will expand.
ADlIB– swear to god–it’s not there. There is nothing to the right of the oval button “Insert into Post.” (I just checked again for the umpteenth time.)
Perhaps I should switch to Microsoft Explorer instead of Firefox? Also, tonight when Alan gets home, I will get him to help me post a screengrab so you can see the box.
Are you using the icon pictured in the article above and not the “Add New” link to add graphics in your post? When you do that, it attaches the image to your post and it appears in the Gallery of your post. I haven’t seen your uploaded images appearing in your post galleries so it appears as if the icon isn’t being used for uploads. Is that the case or not?
I have Firefox, it shouldn’t be an issue. But just for experimenting, why don’t you try doing the same on Explorer and let me know if it works.
AdLib– I have to leave now, but will play with some other options later–thanks for the help!
Cher, I found that you’re using URLs to images at other sites for inserting in some of your posts, you won’t see or be able to use the Featured Image option using that method.
An image needs to be downloaded to your computer when it’s on another website then uploaded to our server. Then you will see this option.
Let me know if all is okay when you get a chance. Thanks for your patience!
AdLib – Thanks! On a personal note, I have been thinking that my business series needs to be in some sort of aggregated place so as to be easier to find for people that want to refer back to it. There are many Comments under those Posts that are useful as well. seeing as how there seems to be a small community of business people here, I’m suggesting a Business Blog or some such in the Speaker’s Corner or something like that.
I’m sure others may weigh in on this.
BTW, have you ever heard of or seen “The Well” website? I am familiar with it from years ago, and it is a very slick version or model of what I imagine PPOV wants to be in some ways. Worth a look just for reference.
Hey PW!
Checked out The Well, as far as I could go- without paying; which raises my issue:
It is slick, and it is subscription only.
There are people on PPOV who have documented their circumstances, and to some, even $6.50/mo would be unaffordable.
I will be honest, it was a bit too slick for me- too many ‘experts, and too much professional involvement; and, I suspect some serious editing.
I have no problem with editing guideliness set out by AdLib- fact is, some of us could probably benefit with some editing!
If/when PPOV turns into The Well, I doubt I would stay around long.
jkk ref: The Well
I know it’s a for-pay site, and I’m not suggesting that PPOV become so. They have been around since the old DOS days, using the old forum architecture. It is, as far as I know, the oldest and most respected such site in the world.
What I like about them is that they require people to be out in the open. “You Own Your Own Words” is their guiding policy. You cannot be anonymous there. Again, not suggesting that PPOV do that, but the sentiment here is similar to that.
They are owned by Salon, and obviously have a lot of money behind them. But I like the smoothness and ease of operation of the site and the way they are organized.
Just offering it to AdLib to check out and see if there are any attributes he might use here. I’m always thinking of the future. Nothing wrong with seeing how others do things.
I agree, however, having a very distinct last name,(mine was the only one in the ‘book’) and having had an incident of being stalked for an extended period of time, I have to take issue with using your real identity.
Men don’t usually think of those issues, and I don’t fault you for it- but my identity is mine and I don’t choose to put it out there for a reason.
There is nothing wrong with seeing what’s out there, but what drew me to the blog world was the idea that real people have a chance to vioice their ideas without having to pass editorial review.
jkk – I must have miscommunicated. I am not advocating an open non-anonynous (?) (what’s the opposite of anonymous, anyway? Am I having a brain fart?) style or forum here. Not at all!
What I was referring to is that The Well uses that to keep out the flamers. Here, it’s done a different way, and that’s fine by me for the reasons you relate.
What I like is the very open way of saying it: You Own Your Own Words. THAT I agree with!
jkkFL. To answer your concerns, please read the link about why we started The Planet, and rest assured that we won’t be changing into a Rupert Murdoch, pay as your read site in the future.
The Planet will remain a site where people can get together to share ideas and express opinions, if that includes business ideas or how to make the perfect quiche it makes no difference, we have our principles and core values, those remain the same. We started the site to have a place to express ourselves freely, and our hopes were that people like you, and the members who joined us later would enjoy it too, it was never intended as a business venture for profits by any of us, just an escape from censorship, moderation and trolls.
Donations here are voluntary to keep The Planet up and running, and we run this site on a voluntary basis, so you can put your fears of ever being charged to read the content of this site to rest. If you haven’t read this, please do, it explains who we are, and who we intend to remain. Thanks.
PW – Thanks for the tip, I will check out The Well and see how they organize.
I like the idea of a Business category, let me see what I can do!
OH PW…I love that idea!
I would love to see a business section!
Abby – Since I started this marathon business series, I learned just how many small business people there are here, and it makes sense to corral that subject. There’s a lot to say, both from the standpoint of technical issues like you and I get into, but also from a larger perspective of ethics and community.
Lots of meat to chew on (no offense to the “veggie-heads” among us
There does seem to be quite a bit of interest, and let’s face it, business effects a lot of different social and political issues as well, so it seems like a great idea!
I would love to see, perhaps as a part of the ‘Business Section’, perhaps another- (sorry AdLib!) a section covering some of the OT topics, like last night where there was a lively discussion of making, making do, and repurposing items to reuse..
But- veggie-heads have to chew too, they just leave out the meat!!

jkk – raw carrots? (I like those.. a favorite snack)
I would love to comment or contribute to a business space. I think those of us in the business community have a lot of things that could help folks understand what challenges we face. Speaking for myself, I can help discuss the food business, and how items get on the supermarket shelf. It is very dynamic, and the recent conferences I attended show how challenging it is to stay ahead of the trends.
That’s a great idea, PW. I haven’t been able to keep up with all the postings you’ve made but in future I’d like to take my time and read through it when I’ve got more time.