KQuark : Just wanted to say hi. Wifey and i having a lovely holiday. Cya next week.
javaz : having trouble reading the screen but hello to all
javaz : Hiya!
KB723 : “??????”
kesmarn : Did they mean $200, b’ito? Tonight, when I make soup, I’m gonna remind myself that it’s worth about $300 at the deli…Does that mean I can go out and spend the money I “saved” on new clothes?
bito : Wonder if that 20 dollar baked potato was a misprint.
kesmarn : I wonder if they could Fed Ex me some tea sandwiches and asparagus soup?
kesmarn : Check out the menu: «link»
bito : Best NY Deli? «link»
AdLib : Heh! Very funny, thanks! Sleep well, pal!
AdLib : Yes???
bito : StephenAtHome Stephen Colbert by Dahlialithwick I don’t want Sharia Law messing with our constitution! That’s the job of Scalia Law.
bito : ok, just had to leave you with this from Colbert
AdLib : Night CL!
choicelady : ‘Night AdLib and bito and Khirad and guest.
AdLib : I think this would be a good time to wrap our coverage of the SOTU tonight. Thanks all for a great discussion and great company. And feel free to hit the Bachmann Alert on your way out. Night!
bito : Night C’L
bito : I need to get some rest, thanks everyone for a wonderful night,
AdLib : Night CL, wonderful to see you! Sleep well!
choicelady : Well dear friends, I have totally enjoyed this, but I’m folding like a cheap suit. Busy day, busier one tomorrow. So off to sleep, perchance to dream of someone or something other than Michelle. ‘Night all! Sweet dreams!
choicelady : Khirad – yikes.
Khirad : She totally stuttered and said Iwo Jweema.
AdLib : Bito – Whoops! I’ll go back and watch it tomorrow! Thanks!
bito : It was from TPM, AdLib
choicelady : Khirad – I’ve not seen the video yet. Did Michelle REALLY pronounce it Iwo Jweema??? REALLY? A whole lotta WW II vets are gonna come down on her for that. But they why bother? She’ll just twinkle and giggle that she was just sooo nervous, and can’t they forgive her for that little UNIMPORTANT mistakey.
AdLib : CL – That’s what got Matthews in an uproar. Here’s the link to the HP article: «link»
AdLib : Bito – Cheers for posting it but since I’m on my MSNBC fast, I’m not giving them my viewership even on the web so I didn’t see it. But after reading about it, it just seems like the end is coming for all these freaks much sooner than even I expected. They will lose a lot of nut bagger seats in 2012, that’s my prediction. Then what will the remaining Repubs say about the will of the people?
choicelady : Khirad – No. She does not.
Khirad : Iwo Jweeema?
choicelady : AdLib – the Founders solved slavery???????? How????? I like Lawrence O’Donnell’s statement: you are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. She just makes up any old thing that pops into her head. I guess there’s lots of room.
bito : I posted that video in TO AdLib.
Khirad : I caught a little of that searching for the response video. And John Quincy Adams? She knows that’s about as elitist and godless a president as we’ve ever had, right?
choicelady : AdLib – some GOP pols as well as Dems are raising these issues about types of guns, magazine size. I’m rather hopeful that it might lead to something more. On the other hand, it probably won’t until we have someone else harmed. We are not a proactive nation. We’re not even a very good REACTIVE nation.
AdLib : I’m not watching MSNBC but I saw the article at HP describing Matthews’ attack on her and the TP rep for her claim that the Founders solved slavery. These freaks have seen their high water mark in Nov 2010, it’s all downhill from there and especially in contrast with this reinvigorated Obama.
choicelady : AdLib – yeah, that was the FIRST indication. The smell of cordite I first chalked up to lousy aftershave…
Khirad : Got it. «link»
choicelady : I bet Michelle was reading her cue cards. Nobody accuses HER of “cheating” by using a prompter. Though it probably has to be spelled out phonetically in BIG LETTERS. I can see her making the Lawrence Welk mistake of calling WW II – “Double-you double-you eye eye”. Honestly – he DID! She’d do worse.
AdLib : CL – What was it that tipped you off? The smell of gunpowder on his lips?
AdLib : CL – I think the American public is fine about talking on restricting guns and magazine sizes. It is the pols who are terrified of the money and power of the NRA who are the problem…along with the NRA of course.
bito : KO was tweeting a bunch tonight on the speech
Khirad : Wow, C-Lady, that would totally creep me out too.
AdLib : Escrib – If you do a search, Planet articles come up pretty well on search engines. Type in your screen name and PlanetPOV on different search engines, you’ll see what I mean.
choicelady : AdLib – I suppose this is NOT the moment to discuss that I once dated the NRA public affairs guy. He was not IN that position at the time, but that’s where he went after we parted ways. When I learned that, I have to say I breathed an enormous sigh of relief that we were no longer seeing each other and were 3000 miles apart. Creeped me out.
AdLib : Bito – That was cold of AB but KO needs to get used to it and even adopt that kind of humor about his situation, it will benefit him in the long run.
Khirad : I see a funny spoof. Who was Michele Bachmann looking at that whole time! And gettin’ all Ross Perot with yer charts and Kathleen Harris makeup!
Ooh my, it’s Glenn Beck in drag.
AdLib : Khirad – That’s the only one so far and not only is it crappy, the quality of the video is very poor too.
choicelady : AdLib – I wonder though if the general public, as opposed to the AZ reaction of buying Glocks by the bushel, aren’t starting to talk about “gun safety” and limits on magazines, etc. Good openers. Any time GOPers will discuss that sort of thing, it’s some progress.
escribacat : Adlib — I thought it was cool. A couple minues ago it said Bing was crawling the site
bito : BorowitzReport Andy Borowitz by KeithOlbermann This speech is so long, Keith #Olbermann could have left three networks by now. Zing. #SOTU
choicelady : Khirad – thank you for your discretion!
AdLib : Khirad – I don’t think it’s ever been this bad when it comes to NRA/Gun Culture being a third rail. I mean how sick is it that cutting SS is no longer a third rail but talking about any restrictions on guns is. Only enforces that the corporate control and power of Congress, as we saw with the banks controlling things, has gotten much worse.
Khirad : «link»
Khirad : All I’ve found is this crappy upload.
choicelady : AdLib – I’ve noticed “Google is crawling” only once, and it was unnerving. Made me itch.
Khirad : You’re lucky I didn’t go with some of my first analogies.
AdLib : Escrib – The search engine bots from Google, Bing, etc. identify themselves. It’s good for us, we want our site and posts appearing on Search engines but it can seem a bit odd to read “Google is crawling”.
choicelady : Khirad, AdLib – oy. I do agree, but I’d never quite thought of it in those terms. Bad visuals.
bito : KeithOlbermann Keith Olbermann Oh my. Eyeliner explosion? #sotu response
Khirad : Yup, that tweet I know, bito.
Khirad : That just reminded me – talking of that concern troll. How much of a third rail is our gun culture, when civility, not guns was discussed? I’m glad he didn’t, it’s political suicide. But that’s also what’s so sad.
escribacat : Adlib, interesting how the banner says when google or bing is crawling the site.
choicelady : ‘Night kes! Enjoy the BS detector once again!
AdLib : Khirad – Exactly! When you watch shows where the supposed “Dem” is nodding with the RW Repub at how lousy Obama is, you just want to push “Ed” aside and say, “Why don’t you two get a room?”
bito : #Egypt #jan25
Khirad : Oh no, I’ll be back to مصر soon enough.
escribacat : Adlib, I agree completely. They use the same language and thought patterns.
bito : Night k’es, tweet me at ppov3
AdLib : CL – Yes, that kind of “making out” was what I was going for. They seem to be lovebirds, Purist Dems and RW Trolls.
Khirad : It was such gibberish, I pegged that one as a concern troll. Often times you can work on some of them, and they can’t keep up the act. They let something slip. Others are really purists.
AdLib : Night Kes! Glad you like the “alert”. I will keep it handy for RW speeches in the future! Sleep well!
bito : not to change the subject, but it is daybreak in Egypt right now. 7:11a
Khirad : And they do, they do make out. That’s what’s so disturbing. Like Hamster giving Norquist a reacharound.
kesmarn : c’lady, you ALWAYS say something worth someone’s time! And I will always be your fan wherever you post. Gotta sign off for now, though…after I play with the BS button one more time!
AdLib : Khirad – Do you think such people are really Dems? Not because Dems can’t be asses but it all seems like RW hate to me.
choicelady : AdLib – by “making out” I hope you don’t mean the old high school way. Eeeeuuuuwww!
choicelady : kes – wouldn’t that be “Crawford is a whole NOTHER country”? You know, keeping with the lingo there… I check headlines, but I’ve pretty much given up on blogging unless something REALLY catches my eye. It’s futile. But I must say something worth someone’s time – I keep getting fans. Maybe it’s pity?
AdLib : CL – I know that there are indeed Purist Dems but put one next to a RW COncern troll and they will make out.
kesmarn : I hear you, AdLib. You feel that comments often fall on dea ears over there, too. Well, it’s after midnight here in the Land of No Trains and No Education, so I’d better call it a day. But not before I hit the BS button one more time. That is SO much fun! Thanks, AdLib! And a good night to all…b’ito, you too, if you slipped away without a sound there!
escribacat : Khirad, those lefties piss me off much worse than the rightwing trolls
AdLib : Kes – I commented earlier, it’s so hard for me to write comments there on the rare occasions I try, you try holding your nose and mouth and trying to type at the same time, it ain’t easy!
Khirad : What is it with the fringe trolls. I have to stay away from financial, Afghan, and so many others ’cause it’s like flies to shit. The other day, I was on a Gabby thread and this so-called lefty said Obama would milk Tucson like Bush did 9/11. Okay, to invade what? Milk it for gun control, perhaps? Fraud. I told them, “As a Tucsonan, and I mean this sincerely, eff you”.
escribacat : LOL adlib
choicelady : AdLib – that’s purely disgusting. I’m sick of the “purists”! They demand single payer et al. but have never had to count votes. We are NOT in the grip of “progressives” – they abandoned ship, and if I read on more “Obama is dead to me” quip I will puke.
AdLib : Escrib – Well said. Although it seems that it’s the flower’s “fertilizer” that attracts these pests.
kesmarn : I hafta say I haven’t spent even 10 minutes over there in the last 4-5 days. Sometimes, I just can’t summon the energy to go there…HP, that is. Not Crawford! Crawford is a whole other country!
escribacat : Adlib,forgive the metaphor but each flower attracts its own kind of insects. HP attracts the fringe trolls.
AdLib : Kes – Crawford was Hell, I know that because of the devil that lived there.
AdLib : CL – A hatefest against Obama. Lots of RW trolls and some claiming to be Dems (purist types). They just hate. They would be happy to have the world end tomorrow just so it would happen on Obama’s watch. Total idiots.
kesmarn : Yes, b’ito, and then we can eliminate taxes for the wealthy entirely. And to the drivers in Texas: where is Crawford? Speaking of purgatory…
AdLib : Khirad – Yes, driving through West Texas could give a glimpse into what purgatory might be like.
kesmarn : If the Repubs have their way, I should have added.
choicelady : AdLib – hatefest against WHOM? Bachmann or Obama? Creepy I even have to ask…
bito : k’es, but the budget will be balanced
kesmarn : The national check book will balance as our children live in tents and use roller skates to get to work.
Khirad : You know what else rivals the worst drives, but which I haven’t done (yet)? West Texas.
choicelady : Khirad – I drove I-80 all the way, and from Wells on the east to almost Sparks, it was stunning. I could NOT believe it since I’d never seen it verdant. I was in a state of shock. Also if you drive from Stateline down 270 (I think) to 395 then south on 395 – it freaking looks like NY state around the are south of the Catskills. That I also did in April. Horse ranches with white fences, then tall timber – stunning. Who knew?
AdLib : Excrib – I popped over to see if they had the video for Bachmann’s speech and saw the hatefest going on over there. I just don’t get it, what’s the point of blogging there? It’s like trying to wash your clothes in a mud puddle.
Khirad : Oh, Northern Nevada. Haven’t been, but yes, more scenery. I have one word for e’cat – been past Tonopah?
bito : We can’t afford to create assets!
kesmarn : Khirad, a Chinese business group just bid on a parcel of land here in town. Soon Ohioans had better learn Mandarin. At least the Chinese will probably keep up the property, though.
AdLib : But Khirad, the deficit! The deficit! For our children’s sake, we can’t afford to build an infrastructure that will be there when they grow up because of the deficit!
escribacat : I think I’ll spare myself from that toxic shit this evening, Adlib.
choicelady : Khirad – the western part of NE depends on the route. Not so bad on I-80 but pretty forlorn on I-70 indeed. Not much beats SW Illinois for blah though. That’s what rivals the CA central valley, IMHO.
Khirad : Have we all here seen the numbers on the Chinese infrastructure boom put into highways, rail and green energy? If you see them, they’ll knock your socks off. We should really be ASHAMED.
AdLib : HP is packed with Obama haters right now, what a sad place to spend time.
choicelady : escat – yup, Winnemucca and all. Just one week, mind you. One.
escribacat : I went through Nebraska last October. I saw a LOT of windmills.
kesmarn : You’re right, c’lady! Lake Shore limited. And, yes, schedules NOT good. Leave Toledo at –what was it– midnight? Arrive Syracuse at noon? Something like that..,
Khirad : Ain;t that the sad troof, e’cat?
choicelady : escat – been to Winnemucca. Was with my father. We had just ordered when an ear-splitting, heart-thumping BOOM shook the entire place. Someone broke the sound barrier. Damn. Coulda died. I also heard it’s a huge speed trap, so it was good I was being pokey.
escribacat : Adlib, are you talking about HP or Fox? I can never tell th difference
Khirad : Whoa, where were you in Nevada?
AdLib : Meanwhile, at a deteriorated blog across town, hatred of Obama spews from the denizens of that dank and depressing dive.
Khirad : Yes, at least Nevada is more interesting with the mountains in the background. And I mean the greater western part of Nebraska. My god, just fields and stinky cows, hardly a town. We can agree that Central Valley is the worst.
kesmarn : I can only imagine the reduction of stress if we had workable rail in the midwest in the winter, too. The delight of being able to sit and watch the snow go by instead of slipping and sliding all over it!
choicelady : kes – Lake Shore Limited! I used it all the time!!! I am a great fan of breakfast in the diner. I got on and off in Buffalo though – horrible schedules. Otherwise – tons of fun.
escribacat : C-lady, are you SURE it was Nevada? I don’t think I ever saw a green plant there
choicelady : escat – I drove through Nevada in April in 2000, and it was gorgeous! All long, green grass with snowcapped mountains. I think they get one really beautiful week per year to compensate for all the rest.
choicelady : Khirad – correction – nobody out there BUT you.
Khirad : I watched old airplane ads where there was class to traveling by plane. That’s long gone, but I think they still try to do it with trains, linens, silverware and all of that.
choicelady : Khirad! I was born in Nebraska – only PART of it is as awful as the central valley. The only way I deal with that trek up and down I-5 is music and long cell phone conversations with people I usually don’t talk to. That’s in the 4 hours of safe – south of Stockton, north of Bakersfield. There is nobody out there buy you… NE is more interesting than that!
AdLib : I’ve made the LA – Vegas drive many times. A high speed train would kick ass over flying or driving.
escribacat : You haven’t been in an existentialist crisis if you haven’t been to Winnemucca Nevada.
Khirad : From Reno to Vegas. Not only the landscape, but the abject POVERTY. LITERAL shanty towns.
kesmarn : Khirad, I did Amtrak from Toledo to Syracuse about 3 years ago. It was fun! The sleeper was super-tiny, but I am 5 feet tall, so it worked. And the dining car was a delight. Linens and real silverware. Good food, too.
choicelady : AdLib – LOL!!!!
escribacat : Khirad, have you ever driven across nevada??? It’s the worst.
Khirad : And please make high speed rail from LA to Sacramento. It’s like driving through Nebraska.
kesmarn : I saw no reason for me to go hungry because they were “weak” enough to get seasick, c’lady!
choicelady : kes – OMG I forgot he also smokes. A puff and a shot – poor baby. All his fun was delayed. He actually had to WORK tonight.
AdLib : We love OH people! As the song goes, “Hold on, we’re comin’!”
choicelady : kes – chicken and dumplings on a heaving ferry with a heaving set of passengers. You are special! I’d have done the same. Never been motion sick EVER.
AdLib : Cl – Yes, I think Boehner was getting the shakes…then comes the fidgeting then the crying then the pacifier.
kesmarn : And, yes, please rescue us OHIO people! We’re not all bad!
Khirad : I’ve always wanted to do a train trip on Amtrak. Now on this West coast thingy. Let’s do it. San Diego to Seattle. If Canada wants to invest, we’ll include Vancouver.
kesmarn : He was so craving a cigarette, too, c’lady!
choicelady : bito – Someday Ohio will rejoin the union, honestly. Then we can liberate the captive population and give them rail. BTW – did you all watch Boehner behind the President? He kept licking his lips. I think he was counting the seconds until he could hop onto his bar stool…
choicelady : kes – would NOT have guessed the rye flour part, but yes, I’m familiar with the “look” of those wonderful ads. I have quite a few as well.
kesmarn : c’lady, on the rough ferry ride: I am very little inclined to seasickness, but was traveling with someone who was suffering terribly. I ate a wonderful dinner of chicken and dumplings on the boat, and got the worst dirty looks for it!
escribacat : Adlib, that would be fantastic
AdLib : Imagine being able to take high speed rail up or down the west coast of America. Across the nation. Would be so cool.
choicelady : Khirad – I used to ride Amtrak cross country. It was wonderful. I once upon a time could get a cheap compartment. Not so much anymore. But even sleeping upright it’s fun. I love trains, and a national interurban would be huge for the “flyover country” just getting from, say DesMoines to Omaha. VERY good idea!
Khirad : The latter for being green, that is.
Khirad : Juan de Fuca can get hairy, but those fairies can take it. (Washington State or BC ferry?). My guess is the latter.
bito : Can’t go through OHIO, Khirad.
kesmarn : c’lady, it’s a Gibson girl era ad for rye flour of all things! I’m crazy about vintage domestic arts kinds of stuff. Collect old books of household advice and ladies fashions of the turn of the 19th century and cookbooks and stuff. She fit right in!
Khirad : We need a “Green Line” across this nation.
choicelady : kes – I was on the ferry crossing the Juan de Fuca straits with a young man that color. Huge waves. Looking back though, I think he was crossing the border to defy the draft. It was 1971. The waves may NOT have been the reason.
bito : To go with that CAP link this is a good one to watch «link»
AdLib : Go green!
Khirad : Hah kes! I fear the Bay has just been outweirded on this one.
choicelady : kes – a major OT diversion – what IS your avatar? It’s tiny but fascinating.
kesmarn : I was on a rough ferry boat ride to Newoundland once and everyone was pretty much that color…
choicelady : Gosh, Khirad – all the people on BART look pretty normally colored to me. I’ll keep an eye out for the Greenies though…
kesmarn : Uh-oh…there goes the neighborhood, Khirad…
Khirad : Oops, forgot this: «link»
choicelady : AdLib – the bus and motorcoach travel is good too. I was in England in 1996 and went to several small towns on buses. Took motor coaches for longer treks. They served sandwiches and coffee and even had a “cabin attendant” LOL!!!
Khirad : BART is neat. Beware about lightrail, though. It attracts the green people.
kesmarn : Thanks, b’ito. They are adorable. I would drive one in a minute!
choicelady : I read somewhere that conventional cars, well made, can get way better mileage than now and still be safe. I have a 2000 Saturn that still in its dotage gets close to 40 on the open road, 30 around town. And I’m NOT a pokey driver! Or lead footed either…
AdLib : CL – Rail is what makes traveling in Europe so sensible. The auto and oil companies have worked hard to denigrate and destroy rail here in the US.
bito : Gem «link»
escribacat : I miss BART!!
escribacat : Just looking at them. You can get one with a little “trailer” in the back.
choicelady : Thanks bito and AdLib – GREAT resource!
bito : They make some bigger models, E’cat. Some almost look like VW bugs.
choicelady : On mass transit – I grew up outside Chicago, and my Dad commuted his entire life on the Northwestern. What a vastly better way to travel to and from work. They have great commuter lines around older cities. I use Amtrak and BART to go to San Francisco. Nobody in their right mind drives. First the hills, then the cost of parking. Ouch! At worst I drive to the first BART lines and park. It’s $1 versus over $20 for lots. MUCH better to be on the trains!
kesmarn : Did I miss the Gem car link, b’ito?
escribacat : Bito, I don’t think my greyhounds would fit into that Gem
bito : The whole pdf is worth reading.
bito :
I’s up about 5 times now.
AdLib : I only included a portion as well, just most of the domestic things.
bito : C’Lady, link to CAP «link»
AdLib : CL – I just used Bito’s link to CAP and all that they think Obama can do via EO’s, here it is: «link»
escribacat : Bito, those look a lot like golf carts! Very cute. I can see using that around town (not on freeway tho)
bito : «link»
Khirad : And as to Norway, hmm, I forgot how they did that, but I think it involved light rail.
choicelady : bito – yes, it did! Used buses, too, but loved the Soshay!
bito : Urban mass transit! There let’s go back to the 50′-60’s Shelly.
choicelady : AdLib- do you have a link for all this at CAP? Wow!!!!
escribacat : Night Cher
AdLib : CL – Here is a link to Bloom Energy’s “benefits” page: «link»
kesmarn : Good night, Cher!
escribacat : Kes, I feel the same way about the lost trolleys of my region. It would be so great
Khirad : Of course not, bito, she was being absurd. There is no plan to outlaw cars, just make an already bike friendly city who already has a lot of bike culture even friendlier and safer.
bito : Gem Cars E’cat
AdLib : Thanks for joining us, Cher! Sleep well!
bito : The “soshay” ran right by there didn’t it?
escribacat : Bito–how about golf carts? There’s a town near me where everyone is driving around in golf carts
kesmarn : Back to energy and transportation: for a while I lived in a little town about 20 miles from the city and the old inter-urban tracks were still there. The old station was 1 block from where I lived. How I wished that line were still running! I thought “how did we go backward so fast”?
Khirad : You should see that Rick Steves thing. They even diverted the highway UNDER the city! I don’t have to imagine, I’ve seen it, and Socialism looked WONDERFUL. Even in Portland there is EXCELLENT public tranportation, buses, trolleys, lightrail – with minimal cars to begin with.
Chernynkaya : Well folks, it’s been fun. And AdLib– thanks for all your work making this possible! Time for me to sign off. You guys, don’t forget to turn off the lights!
bito : Not all of us can ride bikes, Khirad.
choicelady : Oh bito – I road the Southshore when I worked at the Museum of Science and Industry and lived at 72nd and Jeffrey. GREAT train – very reliable! Is it still alive???
AdLib : Whoops…too much, sorry!
escribacat : London has a high tax for cars driving in the downtown area. Cameras snag your license and send you a bill
AdLib : Props to bito, check out some of the details from his link: “The list below of ideas from the Center for American Progress’s policy experts offers just some of the many possible actions the administration can take using existing authority to move the country forward. Specifically, in the energy and environmental arena, the president can: * Reduce oil imports and make progress toward energy independence. * Progress toward reducing greenhouse gas pollution by 17 percent by 2020. * Conserve federal lands for future generations. * Manage public lands to support a balanced energy strategy. * Convene and engage hunters and anglers in the development of a fish and wildlife climate adaptation plan. * Generate solar energy on U.S. Air Force hangar roofs. On the domestic economic policy front, President Obama can: * Direct an assessment, strategy, and new policy development to promote U.S. competitiveness. * Launch the new consumer financial protection bureau with an aggressive agenda to protect and empower consumers. * Increase the capacity of small businesses to expand hiring and purchases by accelerating the implementation of the Small Business Jobs Act. * Promote automatic mediation to avoid foreclosure where possible and speed resolution. * Create a web portal to empower housing counselors, reduce burdens on lenders, and speed up home mortgage modifications. * Help stabilize home values and communities by turning “shadow REO” housing inventory into “scattered site” rental housing. * Promote practices that support working families. Elsewhere on the domestic policy front, the Obama administration can: * Partner with the private sector in health care payment reform. * Focus on health care prevention in implementing the Affordable Care Act. * Streamline and simplify access to federal antipoverty programs. * Replace costly, inhumane immigration detention policies with equally effective measures. In the education policy arena, the president can: * Launch an “educational productivity” initiative to help school districts spend every dollar wisely to best prepare our children for the 21st century. * Ensure students can compare financial aid offers from different postsecondary institutions. * Improve the quality, standards, and productivity of postsecondary education.
escribacat : Khirad, Can you imagine how nice cities would be without cars?
choicelady : AdLib – does the Bloom Box use conflict minerals? I remember being blown away when you first mentioned this – and then promptly forgot all about it. I will repent!
bito : Southshore RR for me C’Lady
kesmarn : Begala is tearing apart Ryan’s speech right now: “His plan is basically cut taxes on the rich and no explanation of how to balance the budget after that.” And everyone else is wondering who Bachmann was looking at when she taped her message. (She gazed off to her right through the whole thing.)
Khirad : e’cat, on cars: In Portland, they’re debating special lanes for bikes in the city and one person writes in to the news “why don’t they just ban cars in the city and waste all our tax dollars on bikes!” (who according to their bitter, sarcastic logic, don’t pay taxes for roads). Then I watched a Rick Steves on Norway, who has done that in Oslo. So, maybe we’re on our way!
escribacat : C-lady, 100 years ago, Denver had a great trolley system. They were all ripped up when the auto came along
choicelady : kes – decades ago almost all of the East had interurban trolleys. Outside Chicago it was the Chicago, Aurora & Elgin we called “The Roaring Elgin” – an electric train. While I worry about cranking up nukes – filthy and expensive – the collective transit would be per capita less demand. The railbeds are left in some areas. We need to think about this.
bito : Yes those signing statements were terrible
AdLib : CL – Yes, switchgrass is an ideal material for ethanol. Brazil has been heavy into that for some time and it’s been fantastic for them. As for electric cars, they are excellent when paired with fuel cell technology for electricity generation. Such as, my faves, the Bloom Box.
Chernynkaya : I love that Obama gets what this country needs–his vision is spot on. I just want to know a little more about how he will get there. I’ll have to read his budget.
bito : The CAP study on exec orders «link»
choicelady : bito – it was signing statements, but EOs are useful, too. I’m tired of pretending there is purity in his not using the tools at his disposal. He would be doing it for the right things, right reasons. Right as in CORRECT, of course!
AdLib : So, The Repubs will just ignore the SOTU and the polls, pushing their slash and burn agenda especially on anything helping the poor and middle class. They may have already worn out their welcome with the public and they still have 2 years to go!
escribacat : I always think of cars as a temporary aberation in the history of humankind
kesmarn : If only we had some decent mass transit in the midwest, Cher. With our stupid governor turning down the funding for our high-speed rail, all we have left is car travel… unless the greyhound happens to go to your little berg.
choicelady : escat – absolutely into renewables. But we need to review ethanol that uses feed corn rather than corn WASTE and is driving up global food prices as land is diverted to that. Switchgrass is a vastly better choice. And it creates ozone at the ground level, so… I’m not a fan of electric cars that lead to more nukes. I want solar cars. Batteries contain blood minerals though. I find there is no such thing as “clean, green” autos. MAybe far better to improve the existing mileage, lower consumption
Chernynkaya : CL and AL if O goes the signing statement route it’d be fabulous.
bito : Did I miss C’Lady on about exec orders? We agree!
escribacat : Cher, it didn’t stay up long enough.
Chernynkaya : Tes, E’cat– we screamed before and nothing changed. maybe we need $10 gallon. Actually, we really do.
kesmarn : You’d think even Congress and the oil people would realize that the oil game has an end point. It’s a finite resource. Game over.
AdLib : Cher – Maybe CL has got it figured out, Obama could use a signing statement to say he won’t enforce the subsidies for oil companies. Will piss off a lot in Congress but so what?
escribacat : Cher, if the price of gas goes up to $4 again, everyone will be screaming for alternative fuels
escribacat : lol kes
Chernynkaya : Can we really get Congress to turn their backs on oil? If not, and IF Obama wants to pay for his goals via those savings, none will get done. What it DOES do is set up a confrontation between those indebted to oil biz, those who aren’t beholden.
AdLib : CL – Love that idea of a signing statement on the next budget that takes away these tax breaks. It is especially outrageous that we subsidize the turning of food, needed around the world, into fuel in a wasteful way that uses up most of the amount of fuel manufactured through the inefficient process that’s used. Killing both supports would put a hell of a lot more corn on the world market and make the price of food for all go down.
kesmarn : My son calls that the “nausea cam” effect, e’cat.
choicelady : We’re boycotting MSNBC, CNN is a farce, C-Span interviews almost nothing but white conservative men, and NPR is good on everything BUT the economy. The Nation is boring (and I know three of the writers), HP is a joke, so can someone tell me what’s left to us? I’ve been reduced to LOCAL freaking news and it’s Chatty Cathy doll anchors! Help!
escribacat : CNN’s graphics are making me sea-sick
escribacat : C-lady, we should withdraw all that money and put it into renewable
Khirad : Just as I imagined it, then, e’cat.
escribacat : Khirad — it’s a whole lot of blab blahb blab
Khirad : Subsidize 4 Loco!
AdLib : CNN is such a farce.
choicelady : Escat – we subsidize the freaking oil industry and also ethanol. All the latter goes to one company, Archer Daniels Midland. They have a lock on ethanol (which has dubious value the way the make it) but we subsidize them nonetheless. We can stop that partly in regulation. This may be one place a “signing statement” that refuses to pass on these tax breaks might make me review my attitude about signing statements in this adminstration. Hell – Bush did it to everything.
Khirad : Right about now I’m glad I don’t have cable here. You don’t actually miss it as much as you think you would. I mean, the first few weeks, sure, there’s the withdrawal symptoms, but I certainly don’t need to see CNN’s 50 pundits in one studio yelling and tripping over each other right now.
AdLib : There are billions in subsidies GIVEN to oil companies like Exxon…which paid ZERO in taxes because they’re based offshore! They’re not even paying taxes to the nation they’re exploiting. Take ’em away.
escribacat : C-lady, I agree. The people who see the actual process have much more realistic expectations
Khirad : Ryan – fear the government, big bad government – but when Obama talked about earmarks and other GOP pet issues, where was the enthusiasm? Oh, right, it’s just double speak, and soon enough even their anti-government fervor will wane in effectiveness when their supporters have it dawn on them that they are now in CONTROL of part of government. D’oh!
escribacat : The pundints are arguing on CNN
choicelady : bito – until Tucson, I think fear sold better. Now – I think maybe hope is back. escat – I think Obama is realistic. I’ve noticed that those of us who hang around state and federal legislatures tend to agree more with him than those whose entire analysis comes from the NYT read while sipping imported coffee. There are those who pay attention, try to understand complexities, and those for whom the highest calling is spewing their vintange whine.
Chernynkaya : E’cat I don’t know– that was from the speech. But i think its for R&D and tax credits.
Khirad : A few things I wasn’t crazy about, but knew was all about Indies, so I felt it pragmatically and strategically acceptable. He was offering to be a compromiser again, which important as it is for indie optics, makes me a tad squeamish.
escribacat : Cher, which billions do we give to oil companies?
Chernynkaya : Ooops– that’s like saying trhey won;t be paid for, or funded.
escribacat : okay found the arrow. lol
Chernynkaya : I thought O’s devotion and persistence on green energy devilopement was wonderful– ditt education an innovation. But I want specifics. Where is the money coming from to fund those? He said: And he says “to help pay for it, I’m asking Congress to eliminate the billions in taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but they’re doing just fine on their own.”
kesmarn : Wow…Fox is actually interviewing Nancy Pelosi.
escribacat : And I couldn’t find the arrow
escribacat : He still has high but realistic hopes
escribacat : Adlib, I thought it was less “soaring” than other speeches, but it was okay with me. He’s got a hard job and could be weighed down with a million problems but he isn’t and that came across loud and clear
choicelady : Oh AdLib – that arrow is just TOO funny!!!!! Thank you!
bito : What sells better? Fears or hopes?
Khirad : On C-Span 2, Al Green, Houston, was talking about his friend Gabby. I’m about sick of it now, other than learning about different districts from around the country, but seeing Statuary Hall was cool. I can’t believe it will be coming up on a year since I stood there in a couple months. Yikes!
kesmarn : Yes, Cher, they were honest about admitting that they polled more Dems than Repubs…somethi ng FUX probably wouldn’t have done, don’t you think?
Chernynkaya : 77% said they were now more optimistic–but that’s mostly Dems.
kesmarn : CNN polls show 77% positive reaction to Obama’s speech re: are things going in the right direction?
AdLib : SO, any other reviews of tonight’s SOTU? Anything you thought was remarkable, something that was missing or you weren’t crazy about?
AdLib : Thanks for the heads up, CL. We’ll keep an eye on him.
Chernynkaya : AWESOME!!!! Thanks AdLib.
choicelady : CA has a new ASsembly member, Donnelly, who founded and runs the largest Minuteman organization in the state. He rivals Michelle for vapidity. Be afraid – he might seek higher office after his 6 years in the Assembly!!!!
AdLib : –Click the Live Eventes link to refresh the page IOW.
AdLib : Cher and everyone, click the Live Events link at the top of the page and you’ll see an icon of a speaker and an arrow under the bottom right corner of the WH video, click it and see why it’s a useful tool for a GOP or Teabagger speech.
kesmarn : Cher, right above our dialog box there’s a little rectangular grey box with a speaker icon and an arrow icon. Hit the arrow icon and make sure your computer speakers are on!
escribacat : lol
choicelady : Drill baby drill – but not on my face, please!
escribacat : C-lady, sniff~ sniff~ let’s dig then!
AdLib : Kes – I’m sure it will be on YouTube shortly, I will embed it as soon as it is, then let the Bullshitter Alert go!
Chernynkaya : Where AL?
choicelady : escat – oil is more the savior of modern woman. I rub it on my crow’s feet nightly. I smell odd, but I look dewy fresh.
kesmarn : Oh, I wish we could play her speech over again with the BS button up and running!! Too funny!
escribacat : Simplistic repetition — the teabagger brain
choicelady : Cher – no, but when the WH sees education, etc. as essential, you can bet they’ll be hard pressed to change that message. Most Americans see these things as essential. Good luck to the TP calling education “discretionary “.
kesmarn : Oh that is hilarious, AdLib! I didn’t think anything could make me wish her speech had been longer! That did!
Khirad : So I missed it?
AdLib : Damn, was hoping to have it here but just for fun, refresh your screen and click the arrow, pretending you’re doing it during Bachmann’s ramblings.
escribacat : clady, oil has been the savior of modern man…hasn’t it?
bito : over. thank God
kesmarn : I mean, that’s the whole speech?
choicelady : escat- Well, you gotta problem with more oil, no gubbmint?
kesmarn : What the hell? That’s it?
AdLib : Refresh your page – There is a tool you need that’s here while watching her.
bito : Shelly just used it, C’lady
escribacat : Return of Anita Bryant
choicelady : AdLib – is “WAiting for Bachmann” anything like “Waiting for Godot”???
escribacat : Cher, me neither ugh
Chernynkaya : I just can’t take her.
Chernynkaya : C’Lady are you sure that’s how Congres see discretionary?
choicelady : bito – I knew that. She’s marking you and me down as UnAmurcan, you know. BTW – did anyone catch Ryan’s inverted “American Exceptionalism” statement? Code for – he’s a Dominionist Christian. Wink, wink.
escribacat : So this is just a pitch for the teabagger party
kesmarn : “free market solutions”…no money, no health care. Thank you, Mr. Darwin…from a person who doesn’t believe in evolution.
escribacat : Liars make me nauseous
escribacat : Bito, me too. I’m getting a stomach ache
bito : I am having a hard time with this much crap at one time
choicelady : Cher – that’s the giggle – education, health, infrastructure are NOT ‘discretionary “. “Discretionary ” is petty stuff and frivolous earmarks such as our weird Congessman up the hill who wants to revive spending on a dam that’s been DOA for 30 years. It sits on an earthquake fault – whoops!
escribacat : her solution: no epa, more oil, no govt
kesmarn : If you’re rich, b’ito.
bito : World’s finest health care?
kesmarn : She is on CNN at the moment, AdLib.
AdLib : We can call this part of the evening, “Waiting for Bachmann”.
kesmarn : Something went horribly wrong with her eyebrows. Sorry. Superficial, but true.
choicelady : kes dear – that is what separates you from the Leftie narcissists. They want fire and brimstone and damn the consequences. I like your understanding of reality, and we need more like you!!!
Chernynkaya : Are you guys on cnn?
bito : that was aimed at Michelle, C’Lady
escribacat : That doesn’t look like the bikini graph
Chernynkaya : I wanted as strong a statement on SS as on earmarks. Also, I am confused about how you freeze discretionary spending while investing in Education, innovation and infrastucture. I’ll have ot read it.
bito : Holy shit! lies out of her mouth at the get-go
choicelady : bito – UNION FOREVER!
kesmarn : Uh-oh….heeeeee re’s Shelly, on CNN!
kesmarn : It was a good speech. My ticked-off inner Alan Grayson would have liked a real fire and brimstone speech from the Prez, but that would have played right into the Repub’s hands and stoked the anger. Not good. He’s a wise man.
choicelady : AdLib – I thought it was good, but since I was juggling dinner, needy neighbors, and hungry cats I caught only bits and pieces. I did like the “freeze discretionary domestic spending 5 years” – take THAT, GOP!!! Of course – define “discretionary ” and that would include a lot of bennies for the rich.
bito : UNION YES!
Chernynkaya : I knew what Ryan was gonna say and needed to protect my blood pressure. Besides he’s beneath contempt. But I don;t think it’s always about the Indies–not when a Repub is Prez.
choicelady : Hey bito, my EAL survivor friend! How are you?
AdLib : I think This was an excellent speech by Obama too and comes at a pivotal time, he is bending public opinion back behind him while the Repubs grasp desperately for the anti-gov fervor of 2010. It may be too late for that now, things change.
kesmarn : Merci!
bito : Or STFU
choicelady : kes – only the ignorant need that spelled out. You done good!
Khirad : Isn’t it always about the indies? No, it didn’t move me, but it didn’t gloomf*%& me either like Ryan.
bito : Hey C’Lady
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady! Maybe I should have said “Bachmanalia”?
choicelady : Hey right back, AL!
AdLib : I second Kes’ rocking! Love Bachanalia!
Chernynkaya : kes– you rock!
AdLib : Hey CL!
Khirad : Oh, snap kes! Bachanalia.
choicelady : Hi everybody – kes – I LOVE that “Bachanalia”!! !
Chernynkaya : All in all, I liked Obama’s speech, but to be honest, it didn’t move me. I don’t think it was meant to. I think it was for the Indies.
kesmarn : I have CNN on and they just seem to be killing time until the Bachanalia…
AdLib : Waiting to see if I can get the Bachmann speech over…and if so, I have a little surprise…
bito : No Obama said invest!
bito : Shields is good.
kesmarn : Shields: “There are 2 kinds of conservatives: the 5 minutes to midnight kind and the 5 minutes to dawn kind. This was a 5 minutes to midnight speech.”
AdLib : And Reagan had top tax rates around 51%
bito : I head that, AdLib. didn’t Reagun raise taxes and the spending and the debt?
AdLib : How is generic fear mongering respectable?
AdLib : Philosophic?
bito : Details?
bito : Positive v negative
kesmarn : There’s a little trust fund baby who’s totally out of touch with reality.
bito : DOWNER.
Khirad : But I though Michele said that this wasn’t a challenge to the establishment?
escribacat : No. Frat boys don’t lower themselves to such scum
kesmarn : Do these guys ever talk to any actual poor people?
Khirad : They always forget about Deutschland, which is ironic, a tad much.
AdLib : Very interesting…th e Tea Party Express site isn’t carrying this, they’re still carrying the WH feed!
bito : BULL SHIT
Khirad : What ever happened to American exceptionalism? Now we’re Greece and Ireland and on the brink of Tunisia as Cavuto said?
bito : Germany and their safty net?
escribacat : oh no the magic invisible hand
AdLib : We’re going to be Greece if we can’t take away your safety nets!
bito : False!
kesmarn : So…we have a big government hammock that lulls the able-bodied into complacency. Like who? Rush Limbaugh?
AdLib : Unemployment insurance and health care will just make you all lazy bastards!
escribacat : he seems unaware that taxes used to be much higher
Khirad : Our past century? Thanks Debbie downer.
AdLib : Boogy-boogy-boog y!
bito : Debt limit was raise 7 times under Bush, and you voted for them Ryan
Khirad : Ain’t that the truth, kes.
AdLib : Yes…you’re not going to increase the debt limit?
kesmarn : Government is the enemy until you’re AIG and you need a bailout, then suddenly government is your best friend.
AdLib : Khirad – I’m so drunk now!
Khirad : I remember all those years they toiled to reform health care and the Democrats obstructed it… oh wait.
AdLib : People should be free to die. But we are anti-abortion.
bito : Bring back slavery and women as chattel
kesmarn : People in or near retirement will have their problems all solved by your compassionate conservative de facto euthanasia, Mr Ryan.
AdLib : They wanted people not to have health insurance, I know, they told me!
Khirad : Founders, Declaration, Constitution and limited government, Drink, drink, drink and drink again!
escribacat : we need the govt to protect us from the corporations
AdLib : The Founders hated the poor, trust us!
AdLib : Grind the poor into fossil fuels!
Khirad : After Obama’s speech, this is a major buzzkill, fratboy. Go back to your beer bong.
AdLib : You lie!
Khirad : Replace my ass.
AdLib : Start by killing Granny.
escribacat : what a frat boy
kesmarn : Where were these fiscal conservatives when Dubya was spending like a drunken fool?
AdLib : Yawn indeed!
Khirad : Yawn at the same old talking points.
kesmarn : Is he consciously trying to look like Reagan? Hairdo and all?
AdLib : Don’t forget to pause the WH feed.
AdLib : refresh now to watch ryan
kesmarn : Is he gonna be their boy in 2012?
bito : Ryan’s on
bito : Kalima’s internet connection is 10 times faster than in the US.
bito : PBS
bito : Explanation with inspiration
kesmarn : Did I miss anything when I got my ice cream?
AdLib : Still waiting to get the Ryan feed, hang tight…
Chernynkaya : Yike–my teeth! Milk Duds.
bito : Snowcaps
Khirad : Not Bit-o-honey?
bito : Ju-Ju Fruits!!
Chernynkaya : (music) let’s go out to the lob-by, let’s go out to the lobby, let’s go out to the lob-by and buy some can-dy bars!
bito : Is this when we go to the fridge?
kesmarn : Is AdLib a genius or what? Don’t tell him I said so.
bito : One Moment Please!
AdLib : Hang on, I’ll add the PBS feed but you’ll have to refresh your screen and pause the current video to watch it…one moment…
Chernynkaya : I’m going to pass on the rebuttal, AL.
kesmarn : Is that one airing simultaneously with Bachmann’s or first with B’s to follow, AdLib?
Chernynkaya : Also an easy vision to grab onto– Innovation, education and investment.
bito : Put it on if it’s not a problen AdLib
AdLib : Would you folks like to watch Ryan’s reply?
Khirad : STFU speech, LMAO!
AdLib : Cher – Agree.
Khirad : Did I miss anything?
Bauart : Escribacat… My greyhound has the same opinion!
Chernynkaya : It was a nice job. Repubs dissing it will only backfire.
AdLib : I skimmed Ryan’s reply.
bito : True, B’art
kesmarn : Do you have socialist greyhounds, e’cat?
Bauart : I noticed a LOT of moments for the Republicans to stand and agree. Nice job Obama.
escribacat : My greyhounds WANT THEIR TREATS!
Chernynkaya : «link»
escribacat : Which rebuttal wiill CNN cover?
Chernynkaya : Gabby watched!
bito : His speech is a downer «link»
kesmarn : Make a quick run before Michele’s STFU speech, Khirad!
bito : Did any one read Ryan’s reply?
Khirad : Phew, my Diet Coke was catching up with me…
escribacat : He does make me think that anything is possible. That’s what I call inspiring
AdLib : Consider FDR and how much his confidence helped America recover and win a war with a horrible and powerful enemy.
AdLib : Agreed Escrib – This moment in time requires a president like Obama. We need his strong resolve though, not to compromise too much.
Bauart : NO!!! Thank YOU!!
Khirad : I think a president needs to be more than a cheerleader like Reagan, but I do think it’s still important to build us up like this.
bito : THANK YOU!!!
AdLib : Thanks Khirad.
escribacat : Obama truly is inspiring
Khirad : You should have been able to write that into the speech AdLib.
kesmarn : That would be a long work day for Boehner.
AdLib : WHat about Congressional 4 day weeks?
escribacat : I thik he’s from denver
Bauart : I want me one of those 3 or 4 hour days.
AdLib : American ingenuity, let’s make that Plan A.
Bauart : ooops
escribacat : Cher, agreed
Khirad : That they did, kes.
kesmarn : I have TV on muted, and am watching here on line. I see Boehner and the Veep shaking hands.
escribacat : Brandon looks terrified
Chernynkaya : Yes– america need positive reinforcement because we are feeling so discouraged. to a point and at a venue like this.
AdLib : Here come the waterworks!
AdLib : Boehner: “WAH”!
bito : 3-B
Khirad : Water works coming!!!!
escribacat : me too bauart
Bauart : I still like Joe Biden. A lot!
escribacat : uh oh, blubbering ahead
Khirad : I’d trade places for a Swedish vollyball captain.
AdLib : The fear mongering is on the way, for dessert.
escribacat : Love that Joe!!
bito : Beats the fear mongering of the R’s
Bauart : Agreed Chernynkaya
AdLib : I would trade places with Sweden.
escribacat : agreed, bito.
Khirad : How come Boehner can’t look more enthusiastic for even that?
Chernynkaya : Frankly– Id trade places with several countries.
bito : Positive speech from a positive man
kesmarn : Love Al!
Khirad : Yay!
Bauart : AL FRANKIN!!!!
kesmarn : Not the “positive” aspect, b’ito, I was commenting on allowing recruiters on campuses.
AdLib : Thank you very much, Mr. Pres. Now, for Michelle Bachmann’s speech about how Obama needs to be stopped from destroying our nation.
kesmarn : Ohhhh…I dunno about that one…
bito : Positive speech!
Chernynkaya : yes, Khirad, that much is OK.
AdLib : Bauart – That is always the drinking game, along with mentioning citizens by name and small town businesses.
escribacat : interesting
Khirad : And yes, he went there too!
Khirad : I didn’t hear anything about imposing, but about being supportive of those who want it.
AdLib : Cher – I’m with you, we need to be strong to export strength.
Chernynkaya : Vets investing on our own nation– YEAH!
escribacat : agreed, cher
Bauart : Giving a speech where you “Thank the Servicemen” is like giving a concert and yelling “Hello [City I’m in]”
Chernynkaya : I don’t want to impose anything anywhere but her for now. I want to impose jobs and democracy here first.
AdLib : He came to play.
kesmarn : He must have been fine-tuning this right up until game time.
AdLib : All people = Egyptians!
Khirad : Uh oh, I think he implicitly warned Egypt there.
escribacat : A thousand years ago it was Christianity. Now we must impose democracy on the world
kesmarn : Here you go, Khirad.
AdLib : Khirad! Tunisia!
Khirad : Yes he did!
AdLib : Kes – Me too, I don’t think there will be a meaningful withdrawal from Afghanistan for a long time, that’s messed up.
Khirad : Another check for the Foreign Policy article. South Sudan!
Chernynkaya : Thanks, kes.
kesmarn : He said: “We will begin to leave Afghan in July,” Cher. The word “begin” is ambiguous, to me.
Khirad : Or Mubarak. Awkward and unnecessary I will concede.
AdLib : Only a commie from Kenya would meet the Russians for a Tree Tea.
bito : Alternative energy helps us in the ME
Chernynkaya : Did he just give an exit date? Not in the prepared speech, i don’t think.
Khirad : Oh no, not that capitulation to the Soviets!
AdLib : Khirad – I agree but I don’t know that he will, not wanting to upset the Saudis.
escribacat : Good point, K
Khirad : Removed and replaced. Now a good time to bring up other happenings in the ME, just sayin’…
escribacat : Let’s get outa Afghan
bito : Carl
AdLib : Having a problem with the Afghanistan rationale.
escribacat : Yes, they did K
Khirad : And people stood up for our American Muslims!
Chernynkaya : Yep bito
bito : Institute the draft
AdLib : They are disrupting and preventing attacks, where are the props for that?
Khirad : Thank you for that Mr. President!
Chernynkaya : Great staement about Muslims– took balls.
escribacat : Well said!!!
AdLib : Afghanistan?
Chernynkaya : That’s a problem for me–and many others.
Khirad : How do we know that’s water and not vodka in front of Boehner?
AdLib : You beat me to it, Kes, you’re fast on the draw!
AdLib : Cher – He did say that the most vulnerable need to be protected but no literally, “I WILL PROTECT SS”.
bito : No, imagining he is a kid.
kesmarn : Jinx, AdLib.
AdLib : McCain is crawling on the floor, imagining he’s playing with his grandkids.
Chernynkaya : Did I miss a FIRM statement on SS?
kesmarn : He was sliding down in his seat, Khirad. He might be on the floor by now.
escribacat : Lot of folks get elected by promising earmarks
Khirad : I was looking for McCain.
AdLib : Repubs won’t stand up for that???
Khirad : Oh, so nothing will get passed… but we knew that already.
kesmarn : Wooo-hooo!
Chernynkaya : Oh he’ll veto earmarks!
Chernynkaya : HAHAHAHAH–Kes.
AdLib : Kes –
Chernynkaya : LOL- bito.
kesmarn : Boehner was probably looking forward to smoking ANYTHING. Even a salmon. That nicotine patch is wearing off.
AdLib : Are you kidding? That is a huge but fantastic goal,
bito : Those things are hard to light.
AdLib : Did Boehner’s face crack?
Khirad : Can I get a rimshot in the House?
Chernynkaya : “forge a principled compromise”– principled is a good term
escribacat : Relucatantly
AdLib : Kes – I’m cautious about it because Repubs want to kill the lawyer’s lobby which is Dem, they will sure try to push restrictions on suits as far as possible so innocent victims get next to nothing.
Bauart : Did The Boehner just laugh?
Khirad : Why is there a stenographer when there’s a prepared speech? Let’s cut that and solve our deficit. – Michele
escribacat : They’re not just “rich” any more. They’re obscenely rich
kesmarn : Yes. Go after the rich. At long last!
AdLib : This is what I was saying before, ask us to sacrifice then go after the wealthy’s tax windfall.
kesmarn : Me too, on the lawsuits, AdLib. And I see the dark side of medical law-related stuff. Still, people who are injured are entitled to redress.
AdLib : Khirad – Indeed!
Chernynkaya : YES!
Khirad : The anti-Bush SOTU
escribacat : Adlib, amen
Khirad : THANK YOU!
Chernynkaya : I hope that works in ’12.
escribacat : boner doesn’t like that
escribacat : RIGHT ON
AdLib : A little cautious about reigning in lawsuits.
escribacat : Ick, curly boy
escribacat : I see both sides
escribacat : me too, cher
Chernynkaya : Im on the fence about that.
escribacat : YUM
AdLib : LOOPHOLES – Escribacat wins a free donut!
escribacat : oh, that should be interesting
Khirad : Bad allegory, but good writing.
Chernynkaya : He’ gonna say that any minute K.
AdLib : Reality calling for you, Mr. Boehner.
escribacat : LOOPHOLES
escribacat : YES
Khirad : But I thought cutting earmarks would solve all our woes?
Chernynkaya : “So I am bringing the troops home.”
Bauart : Boehner just pood his pants I think.
AdLib : Nope…bad allegory.
Khirad : LOL, Obama!
AdLib : Bito – yes!
kesmarn : Good one, b’ito.
AdLib : Thank you, Mr. Pres.
bito : Financial transaction tax!!
AdLib : No, hundreds of billions please!
kesmarn : Good.
Khirad : YES!!!
AdLib : Yes Kes!
Khirad : Wow, not even the GOP was clapping for that? Frauds.
kesmarn : Tax the rich!
Khirad : We’ll see how Michele calibrates with this …just kidding!
AdLib : Cut the military, please say it.
bito : NOOOOO!!
Chernynkaya : Khirad– he really doesn’t do that. he means what he says.
kesmarn : He started it.
AdLib : Bush-bush-bush.. .
Khirad : Throwing the GOP a bone here.
AdLib : Although, the Repub car only goes in reverse.
escribacat : Cancel the next two invasions!
Chernynkaya : Uh oh– deficits
AdLib : YES!
Khirad : Oregon in the hizzouse. Woot!
escribacat : kes, yes!!
kesmarn : All of them who voted to repeal HCR should have it taken away.
AdLib : Water on the Tea Bag is a pre-existing condition.
bito :
Chernynkaya : Buart! YES! Can we deny them?
Khirad : Good one Bauart!
Bauart : The Republicans are a “Pre-Existing Condition”
AdLib : Repubs are looking just bewildered.
Khirad : That was a good point earlier, with them scattered, it looks like the room is standing in a wide shot.
escribacat : Yea! That’s me!
kesmarn : Khirad you are on a roll tonight!
escribacat : I always called him Newt Gangrene
Chernynkaya : I feel the same about Newt.
bito : Newt is still in a closet
AdLib : Escrib – Yes, Newt did indeed.
AdLib : Half of them will stand and clap on that one.
Khirad : No 12 year olds with salt sticks chagin’ the bobbins? There goes the GOP dream.
escribacat : Adlib, seriously?
AdLib : Newt announced he wants to kill the EPA.
Chernynkaya : And a nice segue into HCR.
bito : HCR!
AdLib : YES! Boehner’s wimpering!
Chernynkaya : Very sensible.
AdLib : Sensible.
Khirad : South America!!! Foreign Policy said the last time it was mentioned in a SOTU was like 1997! Check on that box!
AdLib : No compliance on their side, none on our side.
AdLib : There’s your answer, Khirad.
bito : Union Yes!
Chernynkaya : E’cat–yes.
Khirad : But will South Korea comply?
AdLib : At times like this, I fantasize about our having a Parliamentary system where Obama would really have a clear path to accomplishing what he was elected to do.
escribacat : I misssed that. Did he say that?
kesmarn : Exxon paid zero.
Chernynkaya : But kes– we don’t have the highest rate.
Khirad : Exactly kes.
bito : Not with all our loop holes
kesmarn : We might have high corp tax rates, but who ever pays ’em?
Chernynkaya : Corporate tax rate?
Khirad : High speed rail from Tucson to Phoenix would be awesome, but it’s a far out there dream.
Bauart : Agreed.
Chernynkaya : Did he just say we had the highest tax rate in the world?
kesmarn : Let’s just put it this way. Our Gov worked for Lehman Brothers.
escribacat : Bauart–I wish
AdLib : Repub GOvs stand in the way of many of these investments in various states.
bito : The Tunnel AdLib
escribacat : Kes, Your gov sounds NUTS
AdLib : Christie killed the NJ rail to NY.
bito : Kenyan Socialism!!
Bauart : Trains? Fast Internet? Smart People? What does he think this is… socialist Europe? /s
kesmarn : Oh, our Repub governor ALSO turned down the high speed rail money, too. All $400,000,000 of it.
escribacat : You can bring the internet to my brother but you can’t make him understand how to log on!
Chernynkaya : That’s what I meant, e’cat. I’m very glad he knows and has the vision.
Khirad : There’s a lofty goal. 80%? That’s like a socialist European country.
AdLib : Can’t we take advantage of cheap Chinese labor by building the roads and bridges over there?
bito : How long did iit take to build the Penn Turnpike?
Chernynkaya : Oh Good– my husband can work on the RR’s!
escribacat : Cher, we’re seeing his vision here again, not his compromises
Bauart : Escribacat… AHAHAHAHAH!
Khirad : Ha e’cat!
kesmarn : And to think, in the West they built ’em the first time around, too! (The Chinese)
Chernynkaya : He knows what needs to be done. he KNOWS. He has to work with traitors though.
AdLib : Repubs: The key to saving America is…we move to China!
escribacat : Huh oh we’ll have to import Chinese workers to rebuild our railroads
Khirad : As Rachel says: sexy time!
Bauart : True! Khirad.
kesmarn :
bito : Infrastruture!
escribacat : LOL
Khirad : A dinosaur bone.
kesmarn : “Bee-ott.” So, today in Egypt there was a “Ree-ott”?
bito : YES!!!!
Chernynkaya : But NcCain is no longer THAT McCain
escribacat : Infrastructure!!
AdLib : But…but…they ‘re took our jobbbs!
Bauart : Throw McCain a bone.
bito : Woah!
AdLib : Kes – Biot = “bee-ott”
escribacat : Ew, Johnny Schmeigel
Khirad : History would really help starting earlier than college.
Chernynkaya : WOW– great– immigration.
Khirad : I did not expect him to go here.
bito : History might help
AdLib : Too true, Bauart! Folks need to have this info!
kesmarn : Would that be pronounced “bee-yo”?
escribacat : I think we need more literature students in USA
Chernynkaya : Go get ’em, kes!
Khirad : I meant cut in pay from other jobs you could get for equal education. Not cutting pay more, of course.
kesmarn : This is the moment for my son to get a ginormous grant to study math at MIT. He can teach the pants off the Chinese grad students.
escribacat : Biot. Nice ring
Chernynkaya : HAH! Did it again!
AdLib : Mais oui, bonsoir Biot!
Bauart : These need to be a few things listed on the Democrats billboards. Most people don’t know.
Chernynkaya : Khirad– not teacher you mean, right?
bito : Biot agaun?
AdLib : Repubs go on about schools but don’t want teachers to make any money. The teacher’s unions support Dems, that’s all that they see.
Chernynkaya : Biot– and d0n’t downsize them to pay for the rich or wars.
escribacat : Right on.
Khirad : You were asking about specific sacrifices? There’s one. Take a cut in pay to serve our nation’s future.
escribacat : Bito that’s right!!
AdLib : Bito -Yes!
AdLib : This really would put a crimp in the GOP and Corpate plans to keep dumbing down the populace.
bito : PAY them!
kesmarn : We do too, e’cat!
Khirad : Nation builders!
Khirad : I know lots of land from Tucson to Yuma that can use some solar panels to pretty up the landscape.
AdLib : Repubs applaud but they are the first to slash spending on teachers and education.
escribacat : Yes, Kes, we got big nasty ole mo fo gangs here
Chernynkaya : AdLib, you’ll have to knock out a few of her teeth though.
Khirad : Denver gangs reminds me of a South Park episode, but I digress.
AdLib : Escrib – That’s very cool. When my kid grows up, I want her to wear a hat with tes bags hanging off of it and carrying a mispelled sign. Ah, that would make me proud of how she growed up!
bito : Gabby is big on Solar. She wrote the last bill
kesmarn : They have gangs in Colorado?
escribacat : Yeah denver!
Chernynkaya : And Christie lost that grant because he failed to file on time.
kesmarn : Ohio won a huge grant from “Race to the Top” and the new Repub governor REFUSED it!
escribacat : Adlib, I want my kid to create exotic financial instruments that create nothing but wealth for himself
bito : Khirad, the solar plant in Tucson built a new plant in Germany, go figure
kesmarn : There’s always sports, too, AdLib…
Khirad : More education!
Chernynkaya : How would Repubs get elected w/o Exxon?
Khirad : Raúl!
AdLib : Hey, I want my kid to win the lottery or American Idol. What’s all this elitist talk about edjumacation?!
kesmarn : How would all those Exxon stockholders make their $$ then?
Khirad : Yup, Germany is on the forefront. They have at least two major firms.
Bauart : Yes.. Germany is ALL over green.
escribacat : Europe is so far ahead of us in green
bito : Germany has more solar energy than the US?
AdLib : Solar and fuel cell technology could replace an enormous amount of fossil fuels.
Khirad : An Apollo project for Green Energy? Socialism, that somehow, I’m sure, is what Hitler wanted.
kesmarn : Yep…Chinese kids are here at the local university…a pioneering one in solar power research.
Bauart : I’m seriously hoping they CAN make it happen. Too much talk and not enough do.
escribacat : Clean energy could be our new economy
AdLib : This is the path to future success for the nations that choose to succeed.
Khirad : Clean coal, by god.
escribacat : me too cher, that’s an excellent goal
bito : YEAH!!!!
Chernynkaya : love that he is so committed to green.
AdLib : Bloom box, yes indeedy!
Khirad : I of course know you were, kes. I just wanted to soap box on an issue that is more important than most of us realize about our world class universities. Nobody really goes to China to get a degree, they come here. That’s where we still have the edge.
kesmarn : Our local university just installed electric car charging stations on the campus.
AdLib : Yes, this is what I promoted about Obama’s presidency when he was running, he could focus back on science and medicine breakthroughs to generate a new era of prosperity. Then the Bush crash derailed a lot.
Bauart : Sun power? That’s crazy talk. /s
bito : Tahts the thingy I posted about.
Chernynkaya : Bloom box!
kesmarn : I hope you know I was kidding about Bob Jones U! That place should be shut down!
bito : Thanks mr. Ryan er Adlib
Khirad : ‘Zactly, bito.
AdLib : This is crazy, “growing” our economy won’t make it grow! Cutting the money rich people pay in taxes will!
bito : R’s investment = spending
Chernynkaya : He is absolutely committed to green!
Khirad : The point is is that students from, say, Iran can come here, and go back to their country with some of our values, where not just rote learning, but critical thinking is encouraged. Us staying on top of education transforms the world in some small part, not more Bob Jones madrassehs.
escribacat : LOL
AdLib : Michelle Bachman: “I haven’t Sputniked since college.”
Chernynkaya : OK–AL, that’s good–agreed!
AdLib : Cher – That’s kind of what I mean, ask the 99% to accept sacrifice and underscore how the top 1% can afford it most.
Chernynkaya : “innovation is HOW WE MAKE OUR LIVING.” bRAVO!
Khirad : Whoopsie, I need more ejumacayshun. ‘want’
kesmarn : Khirad, maybe the government should give a huge grant to Bob Jones University to turn out a bunch more fundies…?
Chernynkaya : I kinda feel we have already sacrificed. The rich haven’t; corps haven’t.
AdLib : Cutting the budget, schools and infrastructure won’t do it, the Repub plan that is.
kesmarn : Especially those who have sacrificed nothing to date!
AdLib : Hope he’ll be more specific about sacrifices.
Khirad : But why would we won’t to stay at the forefront of the world’s most prestigious education? Those liberal dens of socialism must be dismantled!
escribacat : I’mwatching on tV.
AdLib : Ask us to sacrifice! Yes!
kesmarn : e’cat, there should be graphs, pics, etc to the right of the video of the prez.
Chernynkaya : Yes, Mr president, but we are in decline, and “No workers are more productive than ours.” That’s really not true. But we do work harder than every other industrialized nantion.
AdLib : To the right of the video in the web feed here (from whitehouse.org)
kesmarn : Whitehouse.org is THE place to watch this.
bito : Investment =dividends
escribacat : Where’s the graphic?
AdLib : That graphic is pretty impressive.
AdLib : A reminder, you can use the “+” and “-” right under the bottom right corner of the display box to size it bigger or smaller to fit your screen best.
Chernynkaya : EDUCATION–YAY!
Bauart : Yeah… Ok. But did they ever give Obama his Blackberry back?
kesmarn : Yup, Cher. Someone had to finish off the leftovers…
Chernynkaya : After you guys swept up the bar?
Khirad : Oops!
kesmarn : Oh Lord, I think Kalima and I locked Wilson in the mop closet last year and never got around to letting him out.
Chernynkaya : Khirad! HA!
escribacat : LOL
Khirad : How about with a chloroform soaked rag?
bito : still don’t like the turtle
Bauart : I kind of like Piers so far… I stopped watchin’ “The Larry” years ago.
Chernynkaya : still too low– it’s my cheesy laptop–but thanks.
AdLib : Is someone keeping a hand over Joe Wilson’s mouth?
Khirad : Hmm, Morgan may not be as useless as I thought.
AdLib : Cher, use the volume control in the video window…
kesmarn : Piers Morgan said before the start that once the Repubs figure out that having the Dems scattered throughout the room makes every standing ovation look like a universal one, they will drop this seating arrangement pronto.
Chernynkaya : My sound is too low– must watch on TV. Time delay–rats!
Khirad : God I hate Cantor’s smirk
escribacat : It’s harder to tell if the Repubs are clapping and standing
bito : Now I’m Weepy! gabby!
AdLib : She will…
kesmarn : I hope she can see this part.
AdLib : Gab-by!!!
Khirad : Oh this will make him cry!
Bauart : And Joe nods off in… 3… 2… 1….
escribacat : K–LOL
Khirad : Weeper of the House.
Chernynkaya : I’m way haead of you AL.
AdLib : Do we take a shot for each time Boehner weeps?
kesmarn : More honor than you deserve, Mr. B.
escribacat : I bet that hurt, boner
Bauart : I doubt it.
escribacat : Michelle Ma Belle
AdLib : Hey, I got shitloads of decorum!
kesmarn : Wuzzat?
escribacat : Decorum? Huh?
bito : Yes, Bauart, maybe you can bring some decorum to this crew.
Chernynkaya : Now I know what the “context thing was– historical factoids.
AdLib : He’s handing out report cards!
Khirad : Thanks Cher, I figured. «link»
AdLib : Boehner is already weeping…no one applauded for him this long…
Bauart : Thanks… good to be here!
Chernynkaya : The Waeker will Seep!
Khirad : Great to see you join us Bauart!
kesmarn : And we mustn’t forget to have the cameras aimed at the Supremes in time for them to revise the truth.
Chernynkaya : For Giffords
bito : Will the Speaker weep?
Khirad : What are those ribbons?
Bauart : Man.. You’re on the short list of cool if you get a presidential “Bro Hug”!
escribacat : I heard Mr. YouLie is sitting with Dems tonight
Chernynkaya : cat-pelosi wouldn’t sit with cantor and good!
AdLib : A the SOTU, is it The Majority Leader or Speaker who gets to yell, “You lie!”?
escribacat : I’d like to see a list of the people who wouldn’t sit with the opposing party.
kesmarn : Hey, e’cat! He’s lookin’ good, though much grayer than 2 years ago.
AdLib : Hey Escrib!
Chernynkaya : Ichabod Crane cantor sucked a lemon.
AdLib : Blue…the color of dead bodies! IT’S A TRAP!
escribacat : Hey folks, There’s our Prez!
kesmarn : Hey, Bauart! Good to know Wolf’s getting to matters of great importance right off the bat.
Chernynkaya : Hi Buart!
AdLib : Bauart! So glad you’ve joined us!
Bauart : I’m enjoying watch Wolf Blitzer on CNN intersperse question about the Oscars with pointed questions about what color tie the president will wear.
kesmarn : And then his mascara will run and that will make him cry some more…
AdLib : YAY!!!!
AdLib : And foot stamping!
AdLib : Then, you want to see crying!
AdLib : Boehner wouldn’t hug or kiss in public, it would smear his makeup.
Chernynkaya : Thank god it’s not Prussian Blue!
AdLib : Where’s that China red dress?
kesmarn : If Boehner does, he’ll have to summon the make-up crew for repairs…
Chernynkaya : Michelle’s wearing Off White– is she ashamed of Pure American White?
AdLib : He did it to Bush.
Chernynkaya : EW!
AdLib : Any bets if Joe Lieberman hugs and kisses Obama?
AdLib : Good!
Chernynkaya : s gone now AL.
Chernynkaya : It
Chernynkaya : Oh, and re: CrazyEyes Bachman– she will use the phrase Founding Father s the most!
AdLib : I don’t see that, where?
Chernynkaya : On the live video it says “put the speech in context” what does that mean?
kesmarn : There are plenty of jobs out there, b’ito. For people willing to move to China.
bito : Must have missed the jobs plan, did you see it?
AdLib : Yep…it’s not the fault of the Repubs because the Dems gave a surplus to Bush who squandered it and whose tax cuts plunged us deeply into debt…along with two wars. So of course, it’s no particular party’s fault.
kesmarn : I wonder why Mr. Ryan didn’t mention the disastrous consequences of Dubya’s Iraq War which was “off the books” financially, or of those extended tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy?
bito : Paul Ryan’s speech «link»
AdLib : “Freedom”s a good one, “government” will be a fave and so will “We’re all gonna die!!!”
kesmarn : Dibs on “Christian” in Michele’s speech!
AdLib : I’ll take the generic of “things to fear”. You?
Khirad : For drinking game what do we have slated for Bachmann’s address? Founding Fathers, Constitution, Freedom, taxes, debt, God?
AdLib : Agreed, a pretty entertaining pre-show. Then, to cap it, a circus act (Bachmann’s speech).
Khirad : Kal Penn! Oh, and seriously, watch the Namesake. And now Jimmy Fallon? This preshow is entertaining. Liked the Marine doorman bit.
bito : once more «link»
bito : Shelly on history«link» w.youtube.com/wa tch?v=hGSCF712FC A&feature=player _embedded
AdLib : Heh…just you wait…heh-heh.. .
kesmarn :
You did not…!
AdLib : I have a surprise now for when we show the Bachman video…thanks to Kes!
bito : Try this one «link»
kesmarn : Hippos very rarely shout “You Lie!” to their guests, b’ito. Good suggestion.
bito : k’es, I still think he should give the SOTU speech in the Zoo
kesmarn :
That would be awesome!
AdLib : That could be arranged…
kesmarn : AdLib, you’re right (of course!); it was pre-recorded. Still, could be fun… We should have a STFU button with a loud horn/raspberry sound option!
SueInCa : Bito I love it, use STFU for Bachman
AdLib : He is a clever fella!
bito : :lol”That was fromBorowitzRepo rt
AdLib : Bito –
AdLib : I don’t think she’d take the chance of messing up big time by doing it live but we’ll find out.
bito : To tweet about the President’s speech, use #SOTU. To tweet about Michele Bachmann’s response, use #STFU.
kesmarn : I really don’t know, AdLib. Live would be funnier because of the possibility of mishaps, but pre-recorded still allows for mocking opportunities… .
AdLib : I think Bachmann’s speech is a recorded YouTube video, she’s not making it live, is she?
kesmarn : Oh…AdLib, that would be sooo much fun! (Please, employer do not call me in to work…!)
AdLib : Kes, should I stream that here if possible?
kesmarn : Schadenfreude confession of the evening: I’m looking forward to Michelle Bachmann’s Tea Party blather for comic relief…
AdLib : Join us tonight at 6:00pm PST for President Obama’s State of the Union Address and chat about it live, in real time with your fellow members. To watch and chat on the Live Events page, click here: «link» To watch via the post and chat in the right sidebar, click here: «link» Hope to see you and chat with you then!
Home Chat Room Archives Live Events Archives LIVE CHAT: President Obama’s State of the Union Address – 1-24-2011
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