This week The Planet celebrates a year of Kalima’s Morning Blog. I had planned to send her funds to take a world-wide trip, but then I realized then she wouldn’t post, and I would miss her Morning Blog. Instead I wish that she continues in taking me on an excursion into the news from around the globe and accepts my thanks.
I am an addict and an abuser, I confess. I read have many of her comments, her introductions, her pov’s, her links to the news and cultures from abroad and neglect to leave her a comment or a least a note of appreciation of my enjoyment. At times, I have felt like a thief in the morning, or like the greedy boss stealing one’s time and labors. Heh, is that not the first step, to confess? However, I do promise, I will not quit! I will continue reading the MB.
What the Morning Blog is, is both immeasurable and measurable. It not only gives us a glimpse of the world beyond our often tunneled vision of the U.S., but it generates hits on search engines and readers to The Planet that make us all shine (except for some of my posts and comments).
So Kalima, I want to thank you for you tireless work and for your starting my days with news, thoughts, smiles and wonderment.
Thank You, Dear One .
(Now what are the answers to tomorrow’s quiz! I want that mug!!)

Kalima would be popular on any Planet!
Great Idea Q
David Bowie
Life on Mars
Patsy, too kind, and thanks a bunch. 🙂
Not at all dear Kalima XXOOOXX !
We keep missing each other Patsy 🙁 these bloody silly time zones. XXX
Kalima is our prettiest morning star.
We love you OG!
Sorry about David humping Mick’s guitar, but it’s such a great song.
Thanks OG. My reply is quite late, sorry. I don’t mind what David is humping, really I don’t. Thanks for the music and the thought Q.
Danke schoen!
I’m up and sitting on my sofa, hair standing in the air left and right, smiling a silly grin from ear to ear.
Bito how could you……how could you…..how could you… say all those wonderful things about me, I really don’t know what to say except thank you.
I started MB on Nov 20th last year full of enthusiasm but also trepidation as to who on earth would want to read what I had to say. Apart from commenting on HP, firstly at length, then later with one liners that never saw the light of day, my efforts had been a few articles at the intermezzo place we the founders had been on together before starting conversations about our own site.
When MB took off, I was more surprised than anyone, in fact I was delighted. Over the months that followed I decided it was going to be the place where I would try to introduce a varied supply of international news that was more than likely not covered or not covered in details on your msm. Plus my often kooky, sometimes downright angry, at times sad, accompanying pov. Then I remember crossing my fingers, and hoping for the best. 🙂
I can’t thank you enough for this bito, although I’m blushing like a school girl right now, and I can’t thank the members and readers enough either, for sticking with me when your own country has been going through so much this last year.
Although there have been a few times when I thought that I might quit, I’m so very glad that I didn’t. it feels pretty darned good to be appreciated, blushing or no blushing. 😳
So a big thank you to bito for this. A big thank you to ALL of you for being who you are, and a huge thank you to my dear friend AdLib for his encouragement, his constant support, his faith in me, his sleepless nights trying to explain techy thingies to me over and over again knowing that I’ll ask the same question again and again. Thank you for your friendship despite my thick headed Taurus/ German, sometimes stubborn points of view you are more than often right, it just takes me longer to admit it. 🙂
Again bito, I am totally humbled by your kind gesture, and mumbling here wondering if I really deserve it, still it hit the spot. Danke schoen my friend, your work here on The Planet is truly priceless, what would we do without you?
See you all on MB tomorrow, and good luck with the question.
Fondest regards with a bunch of warm Tokyo hugs thrown in too.
I couldn’t second that emotion any stronger. Kalima’s Morning Blog is what makes the heart of The Planet beat. The perspective of the world she shares with us each day, her concern, her insight, her sense of humor and her compassion infuses The Planet daily.
Kalima, thank you so much for co-founding The Planet and giving it the gravity that attracts so many each and every day.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary of Morning Blog!!!
Thank you my friend for your kind words but it is your calm patience that holds the foundations together here. As you know, I’m much more hot-headed than you are, although I can put my brakes on at short notice. 😉
Even after our one year on the internet wires and tubes I am delighted to come to work every day. So take a bow for everything you do to make The Planet spin smoothly, for your calm logic when I spiral out of orbit, and lastly but not least, for being there for me, for being such a special friend. I’ll drink the champers later after I’ve cleaned the house. 😀