From high atop the PlanetPov tower, in our spacious offices, a call went out from “The Publisher” to find the news on the 2010 midterm elections that isn’t being reported by the “Big Boys.”
So in order to keep our cushy jobs, we decided to put out a call to all the intrepid and unpaid “staff” to post all the news that is in their home states and districts that isn’t being reported.
We need a final effort to GOTV and spread some sanity to the voters. You know what and how, so let’s begin and post away.
Links, videos, articles, op-eds and your opinions and observations are all needed in these final days.
FaceBook, twitter and email any or all of the comments.
Again, this would be a good time for us to use the resources we have here on The PlanetPov
And these great thanks to PatsyT
This is a really good one for “Maping relationships among people and organizations” from BDM

Joe Biden, Halloween night at the Union Hall, talking to NW Ohio working class people:
😆 😆 😆
Gotta love Joe. He can be quite a plain-spoken guy.

This is a perplexing poll. If true, why vote Republican-Teaparty?
Majority of Public Supports Health Care Reform
I’m beginning to think that people are waiting to vote for the party that will give them complete cradle to grave health, prescription, vision and dental coverage while lowering their taxes to zero, providing jobs for all (that pay a minimum of $25/hr for work that can be done by a high school dropout, while seated), not to mention a 24 hour work week and three or four ponies per person, b’ito.
I can see a major BOYCOTT movement of the products and services from corporations that take part in this toxic political charade…..
Could there be a happy little cloud in the silver lining that is Citizen’s United, Patsy? 😉 I hope so. If there’s one thing businesses don’t like it’s spending money for what turns out to be — in the final analysis — “air.” How tragic if all the $$$ that could be spend on executive bonuses and perks ends up in the pockets of PACs, ad agencies and media chains! Maybe they shoulda thought about that before this…..!
And speaking of boycotts — I saw your earlier note on boycotting ABC if they go ahead with plans to get Andrew Breitbart on board as an analyst. I hope that’s one idea that catches on fast!
With all the mystery $$$ that is being spent they could have….
Bought their own private island….
Hired their own personal security army for such island….
Done some uber cool space travel with the cast of Dancing With the Stars….
Made a James Bond Film and stared in it…..
Taken over some small countries…..
Bought a cable channel or two…..
Purchased mining rights of the moon…..
Had dinner with Sarah Palin….
Gotten a few Universities to change their names…. to
BP University….or ….Koch College …
But heaven forbid they spend any of that cash on creating jobs
or R&D of clean American energy!
Progress is Progressive–and it takes time.
Unsafe at Any Rate
If it’s good enough for microwaves, it’s good enough for mortgages. Why we need a Financial Product Safety Commission.
by Elizabeth Warren
PLEASE SIGN!!! This is an important CREDO Action Alert:
Done, b’ito! I included a strongly worded personal note (of the “What were you thinking????” variety), too. I will totally boycott ABC if Breitbart is on for as much as 10 seconds.
Thanks, k’es, I hadn’t heard about him being on until I got it in the mail. It is beyond belief that they would have the race-baiter on as an “expert.”
(don’t forget… he is a Puff-Ho co founder)
I can’t even think of anyone on the left who compares to him, b’ito. But I have a strong suspicion that, if there were such a character on the left, he/she would never be given this much credibility.
Totally O/T, but I got home late enough to miss the whole first part of Sherlock Holmes on PBS…have no idea what’s going on, but I’ll try to catch up… Not easy with this show…fast!
Hey Kes, I signed this morning and sent along a little note…
also with the boycott theme!
Lets see how long it takes someone to put a facebook boycott together.
Done bito…
ABC is now saying “He is ONLY going to be on our online discussion.” Breitbart says he is going to be on the air.
I say his tactics are not welcome.
This feels good….
The corporate media are just so certain that the Republicans are going to take it back.
I don’t know what to believe anymore.
I may be unreasonably optimistic, but I believe Democratic losses will be held to a minimum on Tuesday. The Tea Party wackos just can’t be acceptable to most voters, and I believe the major pollsters are corrupt (as everything seems to be these days) and skewing their results in a Republican direction to discourage Democrats from voting. In Illinois, incumbent Democratic Governor Pat Quinn was significantly behind during this entire election season, but his internal polls now show him ahead.
First, welcome to The Planet, Caleb36.
I agree, I don’t think it will be the numeric landslide the GOP and MSM have been cheerleading for all season.
The Reoubs will likely take the House but even the races they win, I think the margins will not be huge.
I just saw a news article, the GOP is of course already spinning that the elelection will be a repudiation of Obama and that he better get the message and fall in line with what the Repubs want.
The truth is, polls show the Repubs with higher unfavorables than Dems so though they may truly believe this election is a mandate for them to lead us back to the Bush days, they will not be supported by the majority of Americans to do so and the Dems and Pres. Obama better understand this and stand even stronger against the Repubs’ pro-corporate agenda.
There goes the country under “fiscal” conservative rule. Everything Obama wants to do for the good of the country must be payed for, tax breaks for the rich, well….. HELL NO!
Seems one of the deciders in the elections is “The Bush Taxcuts, yet so few people even know how few the top cuts would even effect.
Did someone post this already, Feingold’s new ad?
Sneaky, and thank you, I was busy. 🙂
He is one of the most progressive and independent Senators. I would hate to see him lose.
Me too bito, he seems very REAL.
“Significantly, SurveyUSA included cellphones in their sample for the first time, and found Mr. Kitzhaber 15 points ahead among that demographic (versus 4 points ahead among landline users). It also found Mr. Kitzhaber leading among those who have already voted.
Still, given that there is some evidence of both a cellphone effect and a
I don’t know how a candidate like Kelly can even be this close. Talk about voting against ones self interests.
I remember when the GOP abandoned Randy Graf. That was back when they still had shame, apparently.
To think, Graf was considered too extreme. He is almost moderate, comparatively speaking. What is the story on Kelly’s military records? Anything or just that he won’t release them?
I don’t know, we jumped too soon on Jan’s GED story, but I hear the same kind of thing rumored about his military service.
It’s kinda weird, that he makes so much of being a Marine, but is hiding it. Then again, it’s none of our business, I guess.
Bottom line is that Giffords is on the Armed Services Committee, helps disabled vets, is married to a sailor (and elitist astronaut) and has gotten several veteran’s endorsements.
I’m still worried about this one, but this is still interesting to consider.
Fox News Prepares Audience for Sharron Angle’s Defeat
That is excellent, Khirad. I notice that the speakers roster on that vid is heavy on middle aged white males. Women and minorities are represented, but the emphasis is on white males. That’s good.
Excellent and worth spreading around!
Why is this made to sound like bad news? The economy was shrinking before President Obama and it has grown every quarter since he has taken office. Any mention of that?
Economy grows at slightly faster pace in Q3
W.Va. Senate Candidate Raese Gets His Victorian Conservatory