- Image via Wikipedia
The 2010 Midterm Election Season is officially off and running with the passing of Labor Day.
The children are back in school, vacations are over and hopefully, but not likely, the silly season
is over and the serious questions facing this nation will be discussed.
The Planet is fortunate to have members from many states with interests in their federal,
state and local races. Do you have an article, a personal story, good news or bad news about any
in your state are welcome. Make this The Planets election news headquarters. tell us how your
Senate and Representative races are going in your state. This year , after the census, the state
legislature and governorships will be important for reapportionment.
This would be a good time for us to use the resources we have here on The PlanetPov
And these thanks to PatsyT
This is a really good one for “Maping relationships among people and organizations” from BDM

A little sigh of relief:
New Gabby Giffords ad (AZ-8)
I like this low production one:
I saw an article on Jesse Kelly’s statements in this past Sunday’s Daily Star that literally hurt my brain. I let out an audible gasp and “WTF” while tending shop. Luckily, no customers.
And, he tried to “clarify” his statements on SS again. ‘But, but, she’s taking me out of context.’ When he goes on, he only proves Gabby’s point!
I cannot take two years of permanent facepalmitude.
By the way, I can’t quite place the grassy location. Is that Reid Park? I think I’ve been there like once.
McGrumpy in Tucson–Darn I missed this, shucks.
McCain Tells Tea Partiers: GOP Is
I read in Rhonda Bodfield and Andrea Kelly’s Political Notebook in the Star that some Tea Partiers wouldn’t show up because the T-Shirts were red — the color of Communism!
And it was during this rally that Sheriff Joe suggested sending troops across the border. Great, let’s start a war with Mexico.
McThuselah did warn them not to get apathetic with the headwinds. I only hope internal polls are telling him something I don’t know, or that this was a Pima specific plea most likely.
They were only able to fill the center of Hi Corbett field. Jesse Kelly said, and this really sums it up:
“These people who think they’re better than us and look down on us”
Well Jesse, what you said there is one of the truest things you’ve said.
Does she even realize that that had nothing to do with HCR and everything to do with corporate profits? How much did it go up last year and the year before?
It will never cease to amaze me how they always place blame upon the wrong culprit.
And, here’s her friends:
Khirad, I just scewed up your image. Do you have the link again? Sorry, it was funny. how about this one instead?

This is what is around Tucson
What does this look like in OHIO?
Sorry Ohio.
Hard to be a moderate in your party, eh, George?
Couple more from PPP
Oh, poor Joe. Who will you go to work for now? What lobby?
This one for k’es and my life givers, my angels
National Nurses United Jumps Into Nev. Race With Biggest Ever Union Campaign Expenditure
Watch the commercials.
Obtuse Angle would deny it, but there are few candidates more pro-death than she and her T-Bag cronies are. No health care, no Social Security, no food or housing assistance, no education and lotsa military does not tend to make human existence go in a “lifey” kinda way. So I’m glad my colleagues decided to throw their bedpan-totin’-earned dollars in the direction of making sure she gets the mental health care she deserves. In a very, very private setting. 😉
Exclusive: Foreign-Funded
I’m sure that they are also not witches or crooks, either, b’ito. Because they told us so.
“You’re getting sleepy….”
Want to send a reply to the Chambers blog? Two have commented with some good snarks. “move along people, nothing to see here!
“That was a different Sharron Angle, not me!”
Angle Introduced Legislation Expanding Coverage Mandate And Other ObamaCare-Like Provisions
It’s almost impossible to believe that she ever had a brain, but this seems to be some small evidence of the fact that she just might have.
I understand that she was recorded saying that the Republican party had lost its standards and principles. It’s just not fair! Not fair that she has these very sporadic bursts of sanity and then relapses into the drool that she typically spouts. Perhaps selective brain surgery?
That would explain her conversion as well as any any other, k’es.
I would like someone to ask her what was the cause. Couldn’t possibly be political expediency, because she is not just that way. Not like Harry Reid. She want to take back America.
Sheesh, what “piece of …..work.
Report from the front lines in Ohio today:
The candidates for the Senate position to replace retiring George Voinovich are debating in town tonight at a local high school
Word went out that there would be competing rallies outside the school beginning about 45 minutes before the debate. Lee Fisher’s (Dems) people were outnumbered about 2:1 by Rob Portman’s (Rep/T-Bag) crew. They ALL had matching blue T-shirts with PORTMAN on the front. We were a bit of a rag-tag bunch, and, unfortunately (IMHO) the MoveOn people opted to dress in suits and hold signs that read: “Corporate Executives for Portman” on them. “FOLKS!!” I want to say to them: Do you know how many people are too DUMB to get irony!? Don’t be cute or subtle! These people think you are supporting Portman!”
After the demo I went in to the school building where I was met at the door by screeners. After they determined that I was “only a citizen,” they told me I was not allowed to enter. The debate was closed to the public. Why? The T-Bags were so out-of-control at Marcy Kaptur’s debate with Rich Iott for the House seat a week or so ago, that both these candidates agreed that the only practical course was to bar the public entirely.
Isn’t that pathetic? These junior-high-mentality disrupters have succeeded in completely eliminating the experience of watching candidate debates in person from the election process.
So I’m at home, watching the debate on TV. (And Fisher’s doing a helluva job, I have to say.)
Great Report k’es. Maybe we need to make up some press credentials for The Planet? Or try this one.
or this
Shame that a private citizen can’t attend, does any one realize who votes?
Hey, b’ito! That’s pretty cool. I think I could have gotten in there with one of those! Next time….?
That’s so sad.
New polls from the DCCC
New polls from PPP are up.
I had an interesting “conversation” yesterday with some one who said he was going to vote straight Republican. I asked him if he wanted to do away with the VA (which he uses monthly and for his meds) and SS, Medicare and Medicaid? I added I would be dead if not for SS, medicaid and cancer research, would that be OK with him? He just shrugged his shoulders and walked away.
I know his family’s history. He was raised on SS and a Union pension. He would had been a young orphan if not for SS and Medicaid!
Death Panels for everyone but the rich!
Scott McAdams has my blessings to do this. It’s just smart local politics.
Pick a candidate and see their stance on policy, what they have said on the policy and how they voted. Seems Christine has a whole bunch of “I don’t know” policy positions.
This ‘find the backers’ quest reminds me of someone investigating organized crime.
Who is funding this ad?
I think it is organized white collar crime, Patsy. Fighting for no taxes and no regulations.
That could be a campaign ad all it’s own.
“Who are these shadowy figures behind this message?”
How can one possibly follow all these groups, Patsy? I need to put staff on this, TODAY! 😉
Yes, lets get the staff on that pronto!
Still, I would just stick with the fear and mystery.
“You want to know what is in the food you are eating. You care about the water you drink, Why should you be kept in the dark about who is behind the big money political ads?”
“Do you eat mystery meat?
Do you like to know what is in the water you drink?
Who is behind all those big dollars being spent on political ads?
Don’t they have anything better to do with their money?”
Not a list on where the money is coming from, but an interesting list of where it is going. Clicking on the group is quite revealing.
That list makes me dizzy!
It is a David and Goliath kind of year. I am betting on David!
You know what I didn’t see on the list..
Riffles that Love America
Billionaires that are Bored
A new RW front group, Patsy?
‘The All American Fund for Hero Orphans’
What harm could they be?
Bito, at this rate there will be a new every day.
Hey isn’t that one have something to do with Hannity?
An article on AZ-8 in southern AZ “profiles the beyond a bagger candidate Jessie Kelly, who is running against Gabby Giffords. Kelly in the primary did not get Simple S’arah’s blessing and beat her choice. This guy is a winger beyond words.
Gabrielle Giffords and Jesse Kelly make the play for CD 8 voters
Have you been seeing those four sign’s of Jesse Kelly’s?
Like, “she opposes 1070”, then another sign, “she FORCED Obamacare on you”, etc?
Like, there’s way too many Kelly signs everywhere. Although, in the neighborhoods, not so much that I know of.
Gabby’s New ad. Another point that needs to be emphasized by Dems against some baggers calling for this tax. Talk about regressive taxation. That would be about 30% sales tax on ALL your purchases in AZ. What it would be in other states I don’t know.
Can you afford that?
Excellent Gabby ad.
This speech from Madison, Wisconsin didn’t get much coverage. It is a barn-burner.
I am so glad you posted that Bito, I missed most of that the first time around!
I haven’t found his speech from last night posted yet, but I heard/read that this one is better. Toss up to me.