During last Friday’s Vox Populi, we were discussing how the GOP/Tea Party, assisted hugely by Fox, the MSM and corporations, has foisted this fraudulent series of racist and hateful “issues” on the nation and into our politics.

Pres. Obama, being a thoughtful man of reason, responds earnestly to accusations about mosques near Ground Zero, his being a secret Muslim, etc.

We arrived at a consensus that instead of this accomplishing anything, Obama’s responses merely validate and empower the GOP hate machine which is continuing to whip up more and more irrational fear and hatred against non-whites, non-Christians and any other group that can be portrayed as the evil “other”.

A legitimate concern is that such rabid, omnipresent and publicly sanctioned hate mongering is deteriorating social discourse and behavior as well as our democracy…not to mention increasing the likelihood of more terrible, hate-inspired incidents.

What Pres. Obama needs to do, in our opinion, is to bust this fraud wide open and expose the cynical greed for power behind it. Instead of playing defense in this rigged game, Obama needs to kick the board over.

We would like to see Pres. Obama make a speech from the White House to the American People, laying bare the racism and xenophobia being used to manipulate people to empower the GOP and corporate America. He needs to explain to the nation that the GOP’s blocking of everything that would help America recover from the GOP/Corporate-caused economic crash, purely for their political gain, is unAmerican.

By doing so, he could short circuit this dangerous scheme and turn the focus to where it belongs, on those who would betray the people for their own pursuit of power. Instead of standing by while the GOP propaganda machine continues spewing lies and hatreds that Obama needs to keep addressing, it’s time to put the GOP back on their heels and on the defensive for their ruthless and disgusting behavior.

And a bold, confrontational speech by Pres. Obama declaring that this campaign, by the GOP and the Corporations behind them, is about placing the greed for power above what’s best for the citizens of our nation would change the conversation profoundly from the manufactured accusations and divisive distractions from reality to the true reality we’re actually living in.

Such a speech could rally the nation.This country desperately needs to reverse the polarization and come together to confront and overcome the immense challenges facing us, not allow the GOP and Fox to increase the ongoing deterioration of this Union and its future because it’s to their own financial and political benefit.

So we came up with the idea of setting up a collaboration for folks here to offer their thoughts and suggestions on what Pres. Obama could say in such a speech and also what we should say to him in a cover letter to convince him to take such action.

Once we’ve had folks weigh in on this, we’ll draft a speech and a cover letter based on the comments below and post them so people can add their names (confidentially) as signatories to endorse them (and get the word out to try to gather as many people as we can to add their names). Then we will send the letter and speech to Pres. Obama for his consideration.

So please feel free to dive right in with any suggestions, please share your thoughts on what Pres. Obama should say in an address to the nation to defuse this mercenary campaign that seeks to further tear apart our nation and instead inspire people to come together for the common good.

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Here’s another thing that no longer gets attention.

But Florida has always had illegals – Cubans and Haitians – that come over by boats.

NOW, they are saying that Mexicans are coming over by boats to California.

Is the difference in it that Cubans and Haitians – let me clarify that Haitians are not as welcome – but does it have something to do with political asylum?

We are supposed to hate communist Cuba and welcome Cubans that make it to US waters?

The news never reports on it anymore, because we’re all focused on illegals from Mexico, but the Cuban and Haitian refugees are still coming here.


I am not sure if anything he can say now will do any good and busting out the Republicans for for the lying sack of crap they are will be futile.

The only thing Obama should do, I think, is speak directly to the American People in the same style he did back in July, simple and to the point. He must tell the people about who he really is and what he isnt, why he became President, what he wants to do for this country, for the American people and why.

He must ignore the Republicans and the “Professional Left” and just have an intimate conversation between the leader and the people that he serves.


Good advice, Rudy. T he facts refuting every one of the lies/fallacies are out in the open, easy to find, yet the lies are accepted. I am not sure what it will take to educate people.


These are excellent points.


Wonder how much a White House speech or a bunch of WH speeches will do with this much money screaming “Liar, liar…”

“REPORT: Conservative Groups Gearing Up To Spend $400 Million On Midterm Election”

Oh, thank you SCOTUS for your wise decision giving corporations personhood.

In the wake of the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling earlier this year, corporations and special interest groups now enjoy the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections. Now, with less than 10 weeks until November, it


kesmarn says



Hi, boomer!

HITO quoted the words of our very own Fearless Leader in the article above, and I’m sooo glad those words made it “over there.”

And, yes, as much as the right would like to paint Biden as a “gaffe machine,” he is, as we all know a very intelligent, compassionate guy who speaks his mind without mincing words. (Funny how, when Alan Simpson does that, he’s their hero….)


My post was completely comprised of what Johnny Adlibseed


Hey, HITO! Good to see you.

I have a meeting in the earlier part of the evening, but I’m going to try to dash out in time to catch Vox Pop, my Friday night guilty pleasure…!



Great minds think alike and apples don’t fall far from the tree 😆

Great to see you hangin’ out here these days. I’m guilty of “not”, but plan to be around more while I’m on vacation (1 day down, 11 more to go). Actually, I’m here daily but just reading — not in the posting mode.

“Comments closed on this topic” — funny how shit happens, eh? Jeeze!


Welcome, BBK, HITO mentioned you in last nights chat and asked us to welcome you. Glad you decided to join The Planet and hope you enjoy.



Hey kes!

First and completely off topic — how are you enjoying this fabulous weather! We’re at 75, low humidity, and an extremely pleasant breeze. Of course we’re going to pay for it — 90’s on tap again for next week.

Regarding HITO’s quote…had I not skimmed Johnny Adlibseed’s article and all subsequent comments…my reading comprehension skills are regressing daily. Think that will get me off the hook? 😆


Boomer! You’re undoubtedly sleeping peacefully in this amazing, cool weather we finally lucked into! It’s a quarter to one (there’s no one in the place…no that’s another song…) and I just got home from work to find your note. There’s a possibility of setting a new record LOW tonight of 47!!! Can you believe it?

I was crushed to see on the long range forecast that the 90s are making a come-back as of Sunday. Haven’t we suffered enough…..?

On the topic of reading comprehension: I’m still hanging in there on that one. Just don’t ask me an hour later to give any details…. But, hey, on our worst days, I think we could still kick Sharron Angle’s RW butt. 😀


😆 😆 😆


Simpson’s biggest gaffe was saying SS added to the deficit. It does not nor to the debt until well into the financially unpredictable range.


That was the biggest gaffe among many, don’t you think, b’ito? I wonder what he thinks people are supposed to do in retirement, especially since he and his Repub cronies have decided that unions and the pensions they negotiated are a commie plot and need to disappear. Let’s see….no SS, no pension, and 401K plans going south…calling Dr. Kevorkian?? Is that Alan Simpson’s plan?


I want Obama to be as inspirational as he was when he delivered the “We are not the blue states or the red states, we are the United States” speech. That was my first glimpse of him that had me saying “Who is this guy?” and was epic enough that I stepped out of my cave and googled the hell out of him. I’ve been caveless since.

After 8 horrible years of bowing my head aghast at what Bush and Cheney had strategized, that moment of hope (yes, it was hope)that we could undo the bullshit and set a new course, was overwhelming.

The words I’d like to hear from Obama would be too detail oriented, too specific about how he has been duped by the Rovian machine that continues, step by step, to discredit him by marketing lies and innuendo in an attempt to allow the teabaggers to think they’re clever. I’d want to hear too much based on knowing too much.

But for the general populace’s consumption…Obama needs to remind the nation of his background, his credentials, the problems he faced upon entering the oval office, and where he’s gone since then. No small task. He will have to mention some of peripheral bullshit that became headline news and then insert his own disclaimers. He needs to remind everyone the birth date of the problems we continue to face, the associated players and process he envisions – step by step – to remediate them. And he’s got to do all that while maintaining a leader stance, without even a whisper of victim.

HP had a Rachel thread last night, whereby Maddow did not want to speak about the mosque situation due to its manufactured status and spin. I admired her for that, but it has to be addressed. A NYC cab driver was attacked because he was muslim. The potential for chaos due to bigotry is escalating in this country. So many ignorants, so little time to educate them.

BTW, I posted the link on hp twice. Pended both times, but it came up shortly thereafter. First time it stood and has stayed. Second time it posted (on the Rachel thread) it stayed for 3 minutes and they took it down. Bet they’re watching me now.

See you guys tomorrow night for the Vox.

Moist Robot
Moist Robot

Johnny Adlibseed says:

“America will be watching him closely to make sure he


Agreed, MR. This “he’ll look like an angry black man” apologia does not ring true for me, either. He’s been president for two years, nearly, and people have made their minds up about him, for the most part, already. If he’s got anybody on his team feeding him that, as an excuse for being less forceful, they should be shown the door. And if that’s what he has on his mind, which I highly doubt, then Lord help us all! Half the people in the U.S. thought Bush was a spoiled, unlearned war monger with a Daddy Complex, and nothing HE ever said disabused anyone of that notion. But still he spoke, said what he wanted.


I would love our President to tell a story, non fiction of course, of how we got here.
People are desperate with this economy and many are just plain lost.
They need directions.
They need to know how they got lost.
They need to know where they are now and they need to know the way home.
Directions with visuals.
Kinda like the “You are here” maps
that you see in a kiosk at the shopping mall or on a wilderness trail.
There is that big, usually red, arrow, pointing to your exact location.
If it is somewhere in the wilderness it’s nice to see some civilization in the form of that sign.
Rather then, say, on a Nav system, just telling someone to turn north at the next light,
I feel people need to understand where they are.
People seem so disoriented, easily confused, and yes,
full of fear and with that, any level of hate has sadly become possible.
No one likes that feeling.
We like to know where we are on the map
even if you don’t know everything about where you will be next,
it’s reassuring to know how you got there.
A timeline maybe, of how polices that sent jobs overseas,
have had a direct effect on where we are now.
If reducing the revenue in the form of the Bush tax cuts was so wonderful for jobs,
Where are all those jobs?
How can you kill something you never created?
There needs to be a cause and effect connection.
Our President Obama talked about so many of these things on the campaign trail
Now it fells like they need a whole new approach along with a compass to tell us where we are.

Just maybe talking to their pocket book
could get a few folks from following the latest hatefest fad.

Maybe if the one doing the talking makes sense.


I often quote this poem, (The Second Coming), but these comments, and the stabbing in New York, bring these two lines to mind:

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity

Full of other things too, but Yeats was too much of a gentleman to say so!

Moist Robot
Moist Robot

I like that, wts. Pretty much sums it up.


My fellow Americans, I ran for office with the promise of hope and change and correcting the wrongs from the previous administration when it came to our image as Americans and America around the world.

I ran on the promise to bring jobs back to America and Americans by taxing corporations that outsource jobs and give tax breaks to corporations that bring the jobs back home.

I ran on the promise of health care reform and regulating the health insurance companies from denying sick Americans coverage and making health coverage affordable to all.

I ran on several noble things that would help every day Americans, middle class and poor Americans, and I have failed.

I did manage to bring forth health care reform, but sadly, it’s without regulations or price caps.

I have failed to bring forth the hope and change that I promised, because I realized once becoming President of the United States of America that it is impossible to stop the oligarchy of whereby the rich rule our once great nation.

I promised to reach across the aisle to Republicans, but once I took office, people such as Rush Limbaugh and other FOX pundits vowed that I would fail, and they are sadly, getting their wish and the Republicans in office are helping me fail by obstruction.

I ask you, my fellow Americans, to recall when we worked valiantly for the Olympics to be held in Chicago, and when we lost the bid, how the Republicans reacted.
They raised their arms and cheered a loss to the United States of America.

The Republicans have become extreme right-wing, and even though they preach less government, they are managing to bring in more government that strip women of their right to a safe abortion, limitations on stem-cell research, and circumventing Federal law according to the Constitution of the United States of America by stopping people of color and demanding their papers.

And the Republicans seek to revise the 14th Amendment to punish the children of illegals who come here and are born in the United States of America.

I am accused of being a Marxist, Socialist, and across the spectrum I am accused of being a fascist and Hitler because I authorized the loans to the American auto companies that saved millions of American jobs.

I have no excuse for saving the banks and mortgage companies and Wall Street, the very entities that caused the economic collapse and so many Americans to lose their homes due to foreclosure, while granting themselves million dollar bonuses.

A president can only do so much.

As president, I cannot make law, but must rely on both houses of Congress and then when a bill gets to my desk I can either sign it, making it law, or veto it.

I had grand visions for America when I took office, but I have learned that there is no reaching across the aisle, and have realized with much sadness that America was not prepared for Her first black president.

Many would accuse me from that statement of playing the race card.

And that saddens me.

I’ve been accused of being a racist against white people whereby my mother was white and after she died from breast cancer that it was my white grandmother who raised me in Hawaii.

And yes, my birth certificate can be found from the hospital where I was born online as can a birth announcement.

As your president, I cannot accomplish all that I’ve promised without the help of both houses of Congress and you, the American people.

Are we going to allow the corporations to rule our country?

I am fighting against the Citizen’s United ruling, but I don’t have the support of Congress or the Senate.

When it comes to the wars, we have left Iraq when it comes to combat troops, but we must leave 50,000 to help them recover from a war that should have never happened and was based on lies.

Afghanistan is a mess, and I agree, but all I can do is listen to top Generals, because when it comes down to the real reasons, I cannot stop the oligarchy that controls our war machine and Wall Street.

So, my fellow Americans, I am asking you to help me beat the rich corporations that rule our nation and the beginning to stopping the rich and the corporations is by ending the Bush tax breaks.

God Bless America and good night.



Well damn, wouldn’t it be nice if a politician actually told the truth?

And I’m sort of proud that I tried to cover so many issues in a speech that I’d love to hear from a president or any elected official!


And I think you did a good job, j’avaz! Now we can all start improving it. This is now the third attempt on a speech.More than I have offered.


I like it, Javaz!
We could call it the “We DID Get Fooled Again!” speech.


Very powerful javaz. Nothing like a person stepping up to the plate to own both the successes and the failures. Truly shows one’s character.

Might want to define oligarchy though — some folks won’t be able to wrap their heads around it — too many syllables. 🙂


In Eugene Robinson’s op/ed to today, he sums up for me what I feel an Obama speech should say. Quit the fearing/hating of everything that goes bump in the night. The very people that preach self reliance and condemn “victimhood” are they very ones running scared and yelling about being “victims” from everything! Reverse discrimination, places of worship, “political uncertainty”, Mexicans-Mexicans having babies and the boogie man! Where are the “grizzlies”? Crying ‘I’m scared of the woods’? That is not American. The recovery act was an opportunity for to use and improve America not condemn at every chance.

When did the loudmouths of the American right become such a bunch of fraidy-cats and professional victims? Or is it all an act?…….Yet right-wing commentators and politicians have twisted themselves in knots to portray the Park51 project as some kind of grievous assault – and “the American people” as victims. Victims of what? Rauf’s sinister plot to despoil the city with a fitness center, a swimming pool and – shudder – a space for the performing arts………..

The thing is, though, that the manufactured brouhaha over the Park51 project is part of a larger pattern in which the far right embraces victimhood and stokes fear. The faction that likes to portray itself as a bunch of John Waynes and “mama grizzlies,” it turns out, spends an awful lot of time cowering in the corner and complaining……how eagerly the far right wants to sell the false narrative that African-Americans, once they achieve positions of authority, will use their newly acquired power to punish whites for historical discrimination. The facts of the Sherrod case argue persuasively against this fiction…..Does the far right really have so little faith in our nation’s strength, resilience and values? I hope this is all just cynical political calculation, because there are genuine challenges out there. We’ll be better off meeting them with a spine, not a whine.

I am not as good as a writer as many of you , so permit me to borrow Mr. Robinson’s words to convey my thoughts.



Gotta love Gene Robinson, b’ito. A beautifully written column. Somehow Obama has to find a way to say: “Wake up, folks, and realize that you’re being fed a steaming, smelly pile of fear and hatred, and it’s going to make you very sick!”


K’es Says:


The type of speech that these people put out, b’ito, is just driving people further and further apart. Apparently today, Limbaugh said: “How can Americans be Islamophobic? We elected Obama, didn’t we?”

Do they ever stop to ask themselves: Even if he were a Muslim…so what?


Focus people! your speechwriters, not political scientists. What do the American need to hear to quell the hatred?

Moist Robot
Moist Robot

We need an activist President.

Moist Robot
Moist Robot

I think with Obama there is “no there there”. Unless he shows a side of himself that he’s kept in his back pocket, I think he is not really interested in saying or doing anything that will cause upset. He has become as bland as they come.

Boreack Oblanda


I don’t think he enjoys doing things “that will cause upset,” but that doesn’t mean he’s confrontation averse. During the health care debate he took it to the Republicans, and wasn’t afraid to debate them vigorously when he was the only Dem in the room.

If we just throw up our hands and say he’s Boreack Oblanda, what happens to the rest of his administration? Do we just check out and hope for the best? I think that would delight the Tea Bag people, but it wouldn’t do much for the sane element of the population.

He has shown that he hears popular opinion; we just have to make sure we don’t stop expressing it.

Moist Robot
Moist Robot

I’m sure he’ll debate vigorously because he’s a Harvard lawyer and that’s what lawyers, especially one of Obama’s stature, do. To what extent some of these things he does are done symbolically, it’s hard to say. The rest of his administration are sort of cut from the same cloth. Elizabeth Warren would be a departure and she’s still from Harvard.

Why this whole thing with Harvard? Because Harvard owns Goldman and Goldman controls the money in his country. I think it’s key. Corporate America!
We shouldn’t give up, but if we protest maybe we should storm Harvard.

As Jack Kerouac said “And that ain’t no Harvard lie”.

I go through cynical periods, kes. This may be a more entrenched one.


I think I’d rather storm Goldman, MB! 😆

Now there’s a company I love to hate.

But Jack Kennedy came from Hahvahd, too, so I can’t dump all the blame on them. We are a bit too Ivy League, I agree. In government and the Supreme Court.

I’d love to see Joe Biden taken off the leash and muzzle. Now there’s a guy who knows how to talk to the working class. He was in town on Monday and charmed the lunch boxes off of the factory guys/gals here. Go Joe!