During the day, do you read a story and you feel it is worth sharing?  Where to place it? I don’t like to disrupt someone’s thread or thoughtful post and it is not worthy of posting a lengthy article, do you?  Let’s try to leave this up in speakers corner and we can share some news!

From the Afghan  Women’s Writing Project

Colorful Days after Black Nights”

I remember the Taliban were searching houses ten times a day with different groups to find a book, cassette, picture, TV, or video game. If they found any of these, they shot the whole family. After we returned home, my mom burned books that my older sister and brother had collected over many years. She burned most of the books in our mud-brick oven, then threw the rest away in sacks very far from the house so the Taliban would not know they were ours. My heart was broken and I was at a loss……

I wove carpets for four years and forgot everything about studying or getting an education. We were stuck at home, and never allowed to go outside. When the Taliban were removed from power in Afghanistan after almost five years, most of the schools eventually reopened. My siblings returned to school, but I did not, because I was so afraid of everyone, still thinking that Taliban were close.


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This was kinda cute.

Corporate Candidate Says: We Are the Fear Stephen Colbert Warned You About!
by Murray Hill Inc.
First Corporation to Run for Congress



Wonder if Dr. Suits can be of any help?


Well, this may seem silly to comment on a network TV program, but there’s a new show called Outsourced on NBC (which is based off a cool Indie movie I’ve referenced before) and I give it my thumbs up. Watch it if you can, ’cause I think it will be canceled after a maximum of six episodes. There’s way too many hilarious Indian cultural references I don’t think Americans will ever get.

By the way, I have the Indian head bobble down (or at least all the Indian girls in my Hindi class told me so), can pronounce Madhuri correctly, and love me a Bollywood dance number.


I’d normally put this in Morning Blog, but…

UN Fact-Finding Mission Says Israelis “Executed” US Citizen Furkan Dogan



I’m glad the details are emerging. I posted this on MB on Sept, 23rd.

Here we see the fundmental difference between Israel


My lord, I remember when the original UN Report came out. The HP threads were swarming with apologists.

It’s like, I get it if you want to defend Israel, but the lengths they are going to on this just leave me speechless. It’s no use arguing with them…

The positive news to this was this was on the front page of HP – with that headline.

My point is this. We (and by this I mean the US gov’t and MSM) get rightfully outraged over Iran detaining British sailors and three American hikers, but not for Israel murdering an American?



I concur wholeheartedly with your WTF, that’s how much these people care about the loss of military lives too, yet they say they “support” the troops. Hypocrites one and all.

The poor guy didn’t quite have an all American name btw, so according to the latest hate fest against Muslims and others, he was probably not quite American enough to care about.

Bear in mind that the President can’t possibly be an American born in the U.S. with a name like that. 😉


Here’s something I haven’t quite figured out: I find myself defending Israel over there even when I believe they’ve misbehaved (which is pretty often). But when I run into certain posters whose only reason for existing is to blame Israel for every bird that flies by, I can’t help playing devil’s advocate. (Not on the above mentioned thread though).


Wow. Boehner– on Rachel Maddow — looks even more sleazy than usual in contrast to the President. I think I’m getting a little nauseated.

And I was just starting to recover after watching Paladino go Tony Soprano earlier today.

Are we in Sicily?


If someone else has already posted this link, forgive me. But I just happened to discover it and thought it was pretty cool:


They are able to “follow the money,” as they say, for any candidate or organization.



Ding dong, the corporate DLCer smothering Progressive agendas is dead!

Another way to rally Dems!

Kalima, I’m popping the champagne!


In a way, this is the best of all possible outcomes. Barack Obama didn’t have to fire him and, in the process, give the right something to cackle about. And Rahm is free to “pursue other career options and spend more time with his family.” Win-win. Oh, and win. For us.


Rahm as Mayor of Chicago, even though he may lose, would be a through line for that position…mired in corruption and ego. A perfect fit.


Even though I have nothing in particular against Rahm, I’m relieved about this. If nothing else, so we can move on!

However, I’ve noticed that the Obama-bashers over on HP are already turning on Elizabeth Warren because she asked Wall Street for input. After weeks of bashing Obama because they were sure he wasn’t going to involve her in the consumer protection agency, they gave her one speech before they went on the attack against her.


A couple of top reasons I’m pleased about Rahm leaving, he claimed to reporter that he was the one keeping Obama from following the advice of Progressives in his cabinet.

And, after the election of Scott Brown, he pushed Obama hard to give up on HCR and just pass what Republicans would agree to let him pass.

Rahm is a corrupt, corporate DLCer. He is part of the status quo and has fought tooth and nail to press Obama to preserve the status quo at every turn.

He is a “game of inches” conservative in politics, that is, don’t do anything that is remarkable or big because it might be too upsetting to conservative voters, try to just squeak by with 51% in an election by not giving people a reason to vote against you.

Fortunately, Obama pushed back on HCR and accomplished what Rahm declared could not be accomplished.

As for HP Purists turning on Warren…what assholes.

They only read headlines, not articles. I read that article and it clearly explained that Warren proposed a holistic approach to regulation. Instead of making a patchwork of complex laws, give the industry a chance to collaborate on an overall policy that would make the regulations less difficult and costly for them to obey while giving consumers THE EXACT SAME RIGHTS they would have if piecemeal laws were put in place.

She is saying, “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, it’s up to you.”

The goal and the results will be the same.

Yet, these infantile purists read a headline and scream no differently and with no more reason than TeaBaggers at town hall meetings.

Pepe Lepew


Right on, man!


Thanks, right with you, pal!


Gosh, I’m really disheveled now, what a job I’ve had getting in through that tiny window. 😉

About the champagne, I’ll tear the cork out with my teeth if it will make you happy.

After your tomorrow, there will be less holding the President back, and as Martha would say, “That’s a good thing.” 🙂


Cheers, Kalima!



How lov-er-ly! Cheers mate!

Had to take off my glasses, for a minute there I thought that you had sent me a pair of droopy boobs. 🙂


No, that’s what I usually send with my Xmas cards. They make great stocking stuffers!



Sorry for eaves dropping, but that was funny.


Join in the fun anytime kes, we would never accuse you of eaves dropping. 🙂


😆 Sort of like putting a knot at the ends of a pair of tights and using them as a tug-of-war rope, they seem to stretch for miles and miles.

Pepe Lepew

Just got back from Canada and had an interesting visit with Mom.

Beyond all the usual “Mom” stuff that goes on, we had a brief conversation about health. Most of Mom’s grandkids and great-grandkids are in California, she hardly ever gets to see them, and it’s one of the few joys she is afforded at this point.

She has COPD and severe arthritis, and is a Type 2 diabetic. Obviously, she has myriad health issues. She would like to move back to the U.S. to be around all the little kids, but is worried sick (no pun intended) about the costs. My brother, who has her powers of attorney, was supposed to talk to her this week about what health care reform in the U.S. means to her (the biggest deal is she can’t be denied for pre-existing conditions anymore).

At one point, I said to her, “You know, Mom, there’s a lot of right-wingers in America who insist that the American health care system is better than the Canadian system.”

Mom just laughed.

“Well, they don’t know much about Canada,” she said. 🙂


They don’t know much about anything, Pepe.

Thanks so much for the validation from an actual, geniune, cerrtified Canadian! When I tell RWers around here that Canadians are generally satisfied with their health care, they insist that I’m either deluded or lying.

But then they tend to have a great deal of confidence in their own opinions across the board. With or without evidence.


Is Arianna a Republican or trying to become the Left’s Jim DeMint? This is on HP today:

Arianna To Progressives, Middle Class: Obama’s Not That Into You



Try getting a comment posted that directly criticizes her for doing it. I’m waiting to see if they post my suggestion that she’s still secretly pining for a Gingrich presidency.


I tried posting an Amalfi reference four times. I even left one message entirely in Pig Latin! No luck.

I thought it was hee-layr-ee-us she would question Obama’s solidarity with the Middle Class.

Also, one of the only people siding with her I think I just outted as a bagger concern troll.

They called themselves a “progressive” and then got offended when someone called baggers “fringe” or brought up the race issue.
