Vox Populi AfterChat – 2-19-2010
Vox Populi – 03-14-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib7 hours ago
Hey TW! I'm...
Vox Populi – 03-07-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 days ago
Hey Ad -...
Vox Populi – 02-28-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib5 hours ago
Hey TW!
America Under Assault – Don’t You Dare Look Away
I’m appalled at the sanction rape and pillaging Trump has allowed Elon Musk to commit on the American people as he stands and watches...
How to Turn Your Backyard into a Home For The Homeless
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
This stuck out at me:
Another thing about Arizona, is that McCain is running once again for the Senate, and his rival is JD Hayworth, and JD was a 6 term Congressman, but he’s running on the Teabagger Party now for the Senate.
JD never ever placed a piece of legislation to help Arizonans, but he did vote for the bridge to nowhere, and he was involved in the Abramoff scandal.
McCain was part of the Keating 5, and we all know McCain’s history.
There is no Democrat running.
Don’t you think that the DNC should at least try to run a candidate here?
Same thing is happening here Coburn is running unopposed…
You know Javaz, this atmosphere you speak of is exactly what the religious right wants to do in this entire nation. They will tel you that religious persons will be persecuted for their religion when they cannot wait to get in to power to start the persecution themselves. If they can do it in AZ, they can do it elsewhere. If you see this type of “restriction of freedom” or “privacy being violated” you can bet your ass that there is a rightwing religious freak in the background pulling the strings. Do some checking on your elected officials or give me some names and I will track them down. Dollars to donuts they have a rightwing religious background. In fact a big group of the Third Wave is in Ariona.
If only to make those two work harder and to water down the vote……………
Hayworth was involved with Abramoff, nuff said
Don’t get me started. I would love for Hayworth to win… except we never bothered running anyone! Put of Goddard or something at least. Just for shits and giggles.
Okay, am breathing in and breathing out slowly and picturing my happy place, but honest to God or Dog, you would not even begin to imagine the corruption and the racist bigotry.
I’ll work on an article and take my time doing it, and try to the best of my ability to lay it all out.
I’ve written previously about Sheriff Joe, and even stated then that maybe I shouldn’t have, because this could cost me.
But maybe this, maybe I should take a chance – when I write the article you will understand where my paranoia comes from and is relevant.
I’m going to work on it and hopefully open some eyes.
Very cool and we should definitely promote the article where we can once it’s up to spread awareness.
I’m a paranoid person, but I think you already know that, and even the one time that I wrote an article here freaked me out, because it meant that it was out there, and Sheriff Joe and the AG of Maricopa County could find me.
My paranoia on this topic is not without its merits.
Andrew Thomas is running for the AG of AZ, and well, it’s scary, and hopefully I can write an article that conveys that my fears are not unwarranted.
Just as in the 50’s and 60’s and during the civil rights movement – well – no one is going to lynch me, but they could make my life hell.
Isn’t it awful to even think that way in 2010?
That is real to be feeling that and I am sure that you are not the only one.
It is awful to think that way but if you prefer, I’d be happy to post it under my username on your behalf. Or we could create a new user with no history just for that purpose.
Thank you and I might take you up on that, and I’ll tell you why.
Sheriff Joe and Andrew Thomas – the AG of Maricopa County – in the middle of the night arrested reporters from the New Times and then tried to get warrants from the New Times online so that they could track everyone who logged into the New Times, and not only that, but track the records from where folks had logged in before and then after.
The only reason that they released the reporters and stopped their desire was because of public outrage.
It went viral, and people from all over the country and other countries logged into the New Times, and dared them to track them.
If you want, you can put it under my name. I am not bound by AZ jurisdiction.
I guess that we were supposed to talk about health care reform, and I am not going to apologize, but there were other Arizonans on that thread, and honestly, it’s unreal what it is happening in this state.
Actually, I’m very glad you opened my eyes to what is really going on. This needs to get in every way it can until this is fully exposed.
Javaz what happens in AZ does not stay in AZ
There is you line for the film.
AZ of USA. It doesn’t even sound like it’s in America. Of course, there are some southern states that are pretty corrupt too.
No one suspects the Spanish Inquisition
Oh man, I missed Vox Populi again. Sounds like you really put some stuff on the line there. I will read it when Adlib or Nellie add it to the posts. I missed out again.
You can go there right now to read tonight’s discussion:
Thanks, Adlib, you always come through. When I heard this guy was making the inmates wear pink underwear and live in the elements, I knew he was a loon. I guess it is worse than even that. AZ must still be part of the wild west, I am so glad I did not move there when I was contemplating it…..
I feel a bit oblivious that I didn’t know how horrible things have become there. Sure, we’ve got lots of problems in CA but the small-town-type corruption and abuse…the evil is almost too over the top to believe it’s happening in our neighboring state.
I know, let it not bleed over the border.
Check it out when you have time this one was lively
I did, what an eye opener. How are they keeping the lid on the happenings in the midwest? I can hardly believe some of the things I read, but I know they are true. My God what is this country coming to?
J’avaz has an amazingly extensive collection of stories about Arizona and Sheriff Joe. Loads of links. She’s been following this for years. Scary stuff.
Seriously, I really want to feature that here at The Planet. I’m so outraged, it’s all jelled for me now, I really see what’s going on and I am furious.
I’ve written so much about it and do regular updates on the TO/OT thread, and now you’re going to make me find it all, but I do actually follow it, because for some reason, it means a lot to me.
You could use the PLANETPOV STATS link in the right column to access all of your comments and comb through them, copying and pasting into a text file, then organizing them into an article.
I am thinking that there should be a film …. a planet production perhaps?
A documentary or a film, I can see a very compelling story here for a thriller/drama.
A – must be told – story, very powerful – I have not seen the Hurt Locker but hear It is great. . . this is along those lines
It is a remarkable film. This story is damn powerful too but we need an overview of what’s going on and has been going on.
From what I know It stinks and all should get a wiff of this scent.
You have to flip a rock over to expose the slime to the light of day.
The cowardice of conservatives on full display: