Hope you enjoyed this evening’s edition of Vox Populi! The chat continues here!
Vox Populi AfterChat – 1-22-10
Vox Populi – 02-28-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib5 hours ago
Hey TW!
America Under Assault – Don’t You Dare Look Away
I’m appalled at the sanction rape and pillaging Trump has allowed Elon Musk to commit on the American people as he stands and watches...
How to Turn Your Backyard into a Home For The Homeless
These folks are my real community. I like them, think they’re interesting, see how hard they work to survive and sometimes get ahead. They have gotten jobs, housing, and renewed family contacts. That was our goal. A Safe Haven in the Storm of Life.
Vox Populi – 02-21-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours...
Vox Populi – 02-14-2025
Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour...
OK I’ve being a little disingenuous to make a point.
Probably in 100 years I would not vote for a Republican unless I get Alzheimer’s but I think it’s important to stress what 2010 and 2012 will look like if Obama does not pass his signature issue. I know we have our disagreements on how to get there, but we must get there. Nine months of Obama’s presidency would have been spinning his wheels if healthcare does not pass. Not passing healthcare is simply not an option and makes the future that much worse for Dems and most importantly for us. Every other big issue is predicated on the success of healthcare as well because if it is not passed there will never be enough support to pass other meaningful pieces of legislation.
Here, here!
Well, I am relieved to hear that. I was wondering if you had been taken over by a pod person when you said you’d vote for Mitt Romney!
I agree. If they don’t pass HCR, their whole platform crumbles. It’s not an option and Nancy Pelosi and other house members must realize that.
This is my favorite semi-recent protest band “Rage Against the Machine – Wake Up”
Love this song!
It’s all about the ying yangie thing a ma jangie with me.
So, I have to counter all that rage with..
To throw out another hypothetical how many Repubs in the Senate right now would vote for the Senate bill maybe with a few changes if McCain was president Rather than Obama?
I think that hypothetical is moot, as there wouldn’t be a bill if McCrash was prez.
😆 yes this is in one of those crazy “what if Napoleon had a B-52” what ifs for sure.
If McCain were president I doubt there would be any discussion of HCR at all. Bush never mentioned it to my knowledge. It was Obama who put it on the front burner.
None, he’d have them all gathered in the Men’s Room singing “Bomb, bomb Iran.”
All of them. Why? Because McCain isn’t African-American.
These guys are against anything, and I mean anything proposed by this administration. And, if the truth be known, 99.9% of them agree with policy, but would never, ever step up to the plate. Why? Because their constituents would “seek & destroy” their careers.
Amazing how none of these guys (WHITE guys) only have balls when they are paid for them. Ouch. Isn’t that Prostitution? And all they ever do is throw the women in jail.
In this case even if Hillary was president and she would have won too. The Repubs would have used the same tactic. They take pleasure in doing it more with an African American in charge.
Kalima, you’re talking to a first rate snorter.
Hi, my name is FlyingLotus and I snort when I laugh.
😆 Don’t go, stay here and just make me laugh. We will have to exchange tapes to see who’s the loudest but my sister and I are two of the worst, a whole cinema full of people gave us the evil eye once or twice and it wasn’t even a comedy.
Like this?
How about this snorting laugh?
If I were that bad, I’d still be single. 😆
I went to rehab at Promises, it’s under control..SNORT..
Hi my name is Kalima, I snort when I laugh and talk to myself in the mirror.
I’ve advanced wayyyy beyond mirrors.Intersections work for me.The busier the better I say to get my crazy on!
Best of luck with that, I sway from left to right when I walk, a middle ear problem, I’d be mowed down in a second.
The woman in the mirror seems friendly enough, I’ll stay home where it’s safe.
Trust me, you made the “saner” choice.
Well, one of these days I’ll have to share what she says to me, I’m not so sure about the “saner.”
Hows bout some Steppenwolf…
Once the religious, the hunted and weary
Chasing the promise of freedom and hope
Came to this country to build a new vision
Far from the reaches of kingdom and pope
Like good Christians, some would burn the witches
Later some got slaves to gather riches
But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light
And once the ties with the crown had been broken
Westward in saddle and wagon it went
And ’til the railroad linked ocean to ocean
Many the lives which had come to an end
While we bullied, stole and bought our a homeland
We began the slaughter of the red man
But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light
The blue and grey they stomped it
They kicked it just like a dog
And when the war over
They stuffed it just like a hog
And though the past has it’s share of injustice
Kind was the spirit in many a way
But it’s protectors and friends have been sleeping
Now it’s a monster and will not obey
The spirit was freedom and justice
And it’s keepers seem generous and kind
It’s leaders were supposed to serve the country
But now they won’t pay it no mind
‘Cause the people grew fat and got lazy
And now their vote is a meaningless joke
They babble about law and order
But it’s all just an echo of what they’ve been told
Yeah, there’s a monster on the loose
It’s got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watchin’
Our cities have turned into jungles
And corruption is stranglin’ the land
The police force is watching the people
And the people just can’t understand
We don’t know how to mind our own business
‘Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us
Now we are fighting a war over there
No matter who’s the winner
We can’t pay the cost
‘Cause there’s a monster on the loose
It’s got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watching
America where are you now?
Don’t you care about your sons and daughters?
Don’t you know we need you now
We can’t fight alone against the monster
Nice pick! You know, after they originally broke up, there were many separate and simultaneous incarnations of Steppenwolf? Really amazing story and history.
And its namesake is one of my all time favorite books and authors.
yep managed to see the original just before the break up in an old army shirt and trenchcoat…
I’m a child of the sixties.Reading the lyrics makes me think not much has changed really.
They sure seem to apply today don’t they…
Flying Lotus,
Me too. And, to a degree, I must admit I’m right there with you.
Not much has changed. The view from Slovenia, ’cause I know that’s what everyone wonders, ‘how do Slovenians think of us?’ (chose this over a few German bands, actually)
So the Land of the Free
and the Home of the Brave
Are your stars still so bright
Does your banner still wave
Oh, the Land of the Free
and the Home of the Brave
Are you heaven on Earth
or the gloom of the grave
The people of the United States
Did you form a perfect union
Establish justice
Ensure tranquility
Secure the blessings of Liberty
to yourselves and your posterity
How blind can you get
for your country
right or wrong
The melting pot
So the Land of the Free
and the Home of the Brave
Are your stars still so bright
Does your banner still wave
Oh, the Land of the Free
and the Home of the Brave
Are you heaven on Earth
or the gloom of the grave
[preacher sample]
Praise the Lord
and Praise the Holy Spirit
to save us from your
Freedom, Justice, Peace
Accordance and Illusion
from Arrogance and Pride
from Violence and Confusion
your Great Despair
and Great Depression
Satanic verses
of your superstition
the Land of Plenty…
Your Bill of Rights
the Enterprise
the Free Will (or Wheel?)
and the Unbroken One (Wand?)
your Self-Esteem
and Self-Desire
your Trust in God
and in Religious Fire
The end of History
The end of Time
The end of Family
The end of Crime
Wow the last part is rough. One of Eastern Europe’s biggest problem is there xenophobic movement. There are more skin heads in Russia the the rest of the world for example. Poland is almost unbelievable. I watch a documentary series “Gangland” and the Easter European gangs are the worst.
Artists, generally speaking, in any country are leftyists.
I think people bestow an almost mythical perspective on America.
Maybe I’ll blog on that topic, after the Bordeaux is long finished.
I worked with European companies half my career and talked with many Europeans. The look at America as a huge enigma filled with contradictions. In some ways we do great things like the way we respond to crises around the world and are the first western country to elect a non-Caucasian but on the other hand we still can be racist and xenophobic and very right leaning especially our military intervention.
KQ, life, individuals, et all is, are full of contradictions.
Few, very few are not subject to that trait.
The biggest things Europeans don’t understand is why we make it so tough on ourselves. Why we put up with the hours we work, not taking enough vacation time and most of all why we are obsessed without having government help people. It could be our diverse population because since Europe has opened immigration I started hearing them start complaining about the state helping people more.
Yeah it’s always all our fault… Now we gonna get blamed for the end of it all too…
Heh Heh Heh
I may have to call it a night soon.
The SCOTUS decision made me, well, in a word disgusted.
Made me think of this..
Psst! Add the letter “v” after the http (i.e. “https”) in the youtube link and this site’s software automatically embeds it.
Fancy, ain’t it?
LOL!I might have to start paying tuition when I venture here.
But then you can charge newbies an arm and a leg to clue them in!
How do you think I can afford this gold plated keyboard?
How to do it on Dailymotion?
You can copy and paste the embed code in your comment or use our quick tag feature like this:
[dailymotion idnumber]
Fill in the video’s id number in place of “idnumber” and you’re set (on daily motion, the ID number looks like this: 3IpRMmMPAdtLU5XDe and you can find it in the “embed” section below the video at the site.
I love dark Arabic strings. Always give me the chills. I identified at least 4-5 elements in that blend.
Me too.I’m a HUGE fan of middle eastern music.
I LOVE the morning call to prayer!And I’m in no way religious but it transports me.
Not morning, just the call to prayer thingie.
The adhan is great, and I can sit back and relax to Qur’an recitation CD’s. It’s probably best I don’t understand it, but absolutely it transports you. It’s enchanting and so visceral.
I have a lot of music that samples it:
Wow!I wasn’t expecting that.
It must be getting late. It looks like that woman is sitting in a giant diaphragm.
I had to look again E’cat, but you’re absolutely correct. What a hoot! Not you, but the diaphragm.
I mentioned this in Vox Populi and just wanted to share with folks who missed it, I received an email from an editor at the Crossville Chronicle in TN who asked if he could run “Corporations Are People Too!” in their paper.
It’s our first pickup from a paper so a big thanks to John Wund for his interest and sharing a piece of The Planet with other “pinkos” in TN!
Just the beginning, my friend! Take your props too, fellow founder!
I’m jazzed! The Planet’s orbit is expanding!
Suh-weet!!! Will they add the url?
Yes, my only request for giving permission to any other outlet is to credit the author and the full URL for The Planet.
Otherwise, I’m happy and thrilled to have our work here shared with the rest of The Planet.
Be sure to be around modding after publishing. Could get hairy. I don’t need to tell you that, though!
WooHoo, bow, bow,applause…and you’ll let all of us know when it goes print right? See? There are others who get it besides all the Perfect Planeteer family (we just have to say we like you) 🙂 Mr. Wund is an objective POV…go figure 🙂
You are such a sweetie! Thanks, can’t stop smiling!
Uh, huh…tell ’em how much you pay me just to say “we have to like you.” Do you know what time it is here? Jeeze you’re keeping me up way past my jammies, it’s time to go to sleep time.
Just pretend…just for a nano-second…you’re functioning three, let me repeat, three hours, past your current time. Duh!
Of course you are much younger than I and don’t require a Snuggie to watch television or fall asleep.
First of all, the check’s in the mail.
Second of all, this site is actually powered by insomnia…so we have our reasons.
Third of all, I gave up sleep for a handful of “magic” beans that turned out to be stale Jelly Bellys.
Forth of all, I accidentally bought a Snuggie for my television and now it just cuddles up and watches me all night.
Ah, you were duped by the “magic” bean theory. Unless you’re a little kid, “magic” beans don’t work and neither does faierie dust or magic wands.
So smartie, my Snuggie is pink, how ’bout yours?
Whoopie! jolly good show and absolutely fabulous to boot. Hip Hip Hurrah!!
And a Three Cheers to you too, Ms. Co-Founder!
Aww shucks Boss, now you’ve gone and made me blush like a virgin. 😳
Great News AdLib!!! Congrats…
Love it! Thanks so much!
That’s fantastic!!
Can I mention it in my collaborative writing post?
You bet! It’s a very cool acknowledgment for all of us and The Planet. We’re growing and reaching more people and folks here will know now that what they write here could end up in a paper or magazine out there.
Quite a cool threshold to pass for our 6 month old Planet.
How did this happen? Did we mail it out? Did someone happen to see it here?
Never mind — I see your answer to ecat above. That’s amazing!
Hey, that is excellent, Adlib. I wonder how he got hooked into it.
I’m not sure, I think he was scouring the web for research because he did say he was writing an editorial about the SCOTUS ruling and the post must’ve popped up.
That’s even cooler, finding us through a Google search.
That’s even more awesome.
So, I tried this before and will try this again. No political chat importance, not a continuation o VP, just an extension of the Merlot and the fact it is 12:35 am EST (and waaaay past the amount of information my brain is able to handle in a 24 hour period of time). 🙂 Night all…and what a difference 10+ years makes…for each of us:
Tina Arena First 1996
Tina Arena 2009 (this one is similar to Austin City Limits and/or
the MTV Unplugged
Just a continuation of the merlot… priceless! 😆
Nah, I had to pay for it, but it is payday and it is Friday, and (okay Saturday), and I can get up whenever I want or at least until the cats have waited long enough for what they perceive to be breakfast.
Maybe a little hair of the dog, while you give the cats “breakfast”?
oh khirad,
haven’t done that in years…of course it will be 5:00 pm somewhere. Maybe I’ll just pretend I’m meeting Kalima & WhatThatSound for Happy Hour in Tokyo, eh?
LOL! I’m already getting too old for that myself! Ah the days when I could go out clubbing and get hammered and still go to work on three hours sleep the next day…
Year ago, I could go to sleep at 4 am, get up and be at work by 7am, have bacon, eggs, coffee, & juice feel 1,000% and turn around and do it again.
Jezze — part of me feels the same — yet it takes longer to recover. I guess that’s the key. The longer it takes to recover, the older you are. 🙂
Starts at 6 pm, don’t be late or we’ll start without you.
Boom, she’s got some pipes on her!
I know and she is 10+ years older. Imagine that. Loved the teeny bopper version, but this latest is beyond comparison…
Well for goodness sake — did we have a power outage or did we just drop middle america?
😆 my computer crashed so I don’t know is some vicious code Adlib added got me.
Heh-heh! My years going to Evil Code Technical College of Pacoima finally paid off!
No power outage here! Maybe all the energy from the chat overloaded?
See I knew you did something to kill my computer to win the argument. 😉
Not, just flirting with AdLib…
Heh! And so “dropping Middle America” is a metaphor for…
the shrivel thing on the Dr. Suits thread… 😀
Wondering where you went. Not much, I don’t think.
Hey, what gives?
Sorry I deleted the comment because I said the same thing to Adlib in response.
My computer got real slow and then the infamous blue screen.
Everyone agreed with me that I was right and you were wrong. It was so sweet! I can’t believe you missed it!
Wow I just went to Huffy a second, don’t ask me why save for the main it’s all about the banks. I just don’t get it people.
Don’t get me started. I try not to alienate those into econ, and know it’s important, but something still stinks to high heaven about the obsession. It was a banking main when the Haiti news first broke as the main story on every other site. They got to it the next morning. After all, it was supposed to be another one of their marquee expos
You’re the one who renamed it Bankington Post and right you are.
Check out the site, I couldn’t find one main article about SCOTUS handing our democracy to corporations.
I think Huffy likes that, they want to influence elections?
That’s true because Huffy IS A FUCKING CORPORATION.
Yes but you won’t see DailyKos or Wonkette or other legit political blogs silent about the most destructive change to our democracy in memory.
I agree and the size of corporations matter too. Huffy is becoming a big corporation and she would love to be Mudoch. Small corporations and businesses know this ruling is bad for them too.
I still call it the Bankington Post in comments there… they tend to disappear, I think. Why not embrace it and call it the Bankington Times or Huffonomist?
One of the reasons I blame Obama less than most is because in the process he’s the only Dem or pundit or whoever that was invoked in the process that never did anything to slow it down on purpose. He revived the whole effort after teabag August only for people to say he was being too visible. He never said wait for this or that or step back. He tried to set down due dates. He definitely did not say kill the bill like our progressive friends.
Yes some of his actions slowed down the process like trying to get Snowe on board sure. But again most other players did much more to slow down the process than that. Pelosi could have rammed through the House bill before the August recess or at least by the end of September for example but wanted to wait for the Senate. Reid could have seen that he did not have the votes for the PO and got it done in the Senate earlier. The legislator legislates and I think it got further this time because a bill was not rammed down by the white house. Dems hate passing pieces of legislation they don’t own in Congress. Republicans are different in that regard.
In fact now is the only time I saw Obama say slow down. That’s why I know anything new is impossible. He knows that if the House does not pass the Senate bill there is no other way to pass healthcare reform.
The biggest thing that happened to the legislation is that after the Senate passed it Democrats got complacent just like a team on the one yard line of a football game and first and ten they thought the last part was inevitable. If they had realized they had two weeks to consolidate the bills it might have been different.
Again I’m serious if Romney runs on healthcare reform in 2012 I will vote for him. The fact is the GOP over demonizes government but progressives over demonize business as well. Other great healthcare systems that are 100% private run well in countries like the Netherlands, Switzerland and Singapore even at much lower cost and with better service than ours.
Hey he passed HCR in MA.
Technically but it was already happening before he was elected.
Yup and it could be happening again if he’s elected in 2012. I’m the definition of a one issue voter for a few years.
Also ironically I think McCain could have passed HCR before Obama. But that would be bad reform I would not even like.
True but I can’t get passed the rest of him.He’s as slick and slimy as they come.
Gonna have to liquor me up and do some more persistent cajoling for me on that one. I admire the cajones for propositioning the idea, though.
The logic is simple. Dems even if they keep their majorities will not be able to do enough between now and 2012 to pass healthcare. Romney could easily pass healthcare because he’ll have almost all Republicans and unlike the Republicans now enough Dems will splinter and vote for healthcare reform even if it’s 100% private.
I really hope I don’t have to and I probably still won’t but I can’t wait 15 more years like some.
Ah, I do get the logic on that, actually.
The flaw in your logic is assuming the GOP wants substantial reforms to healthcare. There is no proof of that.
Consider what McCain’s position on healthcare was, that’s the best you’re going to get.
Tax deductions if you buy health care. If you are allowed to buy it.
That’s not what I think you’re looking for.
In allot of ways that was the real way to kill the employer based system we have now when you include taxing benefits. It sounds horrible but right now employee based insurance has been dominant because the benefit is deductible. I also think it would not be McCain’s plan either because we would still have a Dem congress.
This is about as crazy a what if argument as you get but just saying.
I’d say there’s plenty of proof for the opposite — the last thing they want is HCR.
It sorta reminds me of the counterintuitive thinking behind those saying that ironically Bibi could deliver on a peace deal. Don’t mean to change the subject, and that’s the last I need to hear on that. Merely saying that the principle can backfire – horribly.
KQ, I appreciate the hypothetical exploration of this concept.
I just think that one would have to accept so many contradictory propositions that it isn’t viable.
Would the GOP support “socialized” medicine? Would they support damaging the revenues of one of their biggest industry supporters? WOuld a Repub President be able to override the will of the corporations and the entire GOP?
Too many huge leaps to buy.
Leopards don’t change their spots, the GOP has no record of doing anything in recent memory that didn’t benefit the wealthiest and corporations and I don’t believe that is suddenly going to change.
For the record the driving forces will be the defeat of Obama. They would buy into that no matter what. The other is that the healthcare problem in this country is not going to get better in fact it will get much worse now. They will see it as they dodged a bullet and take their profits even more now.
Keep in mind much of what I’m saying is specific to Romney with and a Dem congress. All Repub and they won’t ever consider it.
Are you talking about Mitt Romney?
KQ, go back and check the record. Romney did next to nothing to get health care passed. It was happening before he was elected.
And that Romney was your grandfather’s Romney. This one is even worse.
You are mistaken if you think Romney was a champion of or did anything of substance to bring about Universal health care in MA.
Please reconsider, he is not your friend and he won’t help you.
Check my logic though. It would be crazy for Romney not to run on healthcare first because he can make hay on Obama’s failure failure. That was Dole’s problem not picking out Clinton’s failures. I saw him in the debates against Repubs and he was touting his healthcare reform but they just did not care in their primaries. But if they saw it as a way to dethrone Obama they would. Then he gets into office even with a slight Democratic majority that really wants healthcare reform. He can easily get some Repubs to cross over. Obama will face ZERO votes from Repubs for 8 years as president if he did win reelection and I doubt very much we will see 60 again in those 8 years.
I don’t agree. The corporations own and run the GOP and they will not support a candidate who would take money away from them or force them to cover patients with pre-existing conditions.
The flaw in your logic is that the GOP does not support universal health coverage. There is no way they would cover you. No way.
That was one of my conditions it would have to be a Democratic congress and a more moderate. A Palin or even Pawlenty no way. Romney had to sprint to the right but he can work with Dems if he has to.
So what’s the situation here?
Just chillin’. You can go back to View and Zoom In now so you don’t get a headache looking at the small type.
I’m good with the zoomin’, vroomin’ not so much.
I’m thinking my nik, is a misnomer at this point.
😆 “FlyingLotus : This fantastic technology reminds me of jump rope as a kid.” 😆
The last time I joined, I managed to type, “Hi everyone, can’t stay, am up to my eyes in junk” and nobody saw me coming or going.
That was hilarious.
LOL, K!I felt like a paraplegic in the Olympics.
Insert frowny emoticon knitting a sweater, here.
I just couldn’t stop laughing, you said it so many times, I almost wanted to jump in an give you a fanfare announcement, “Hear ye! Hear ye! I was never that good at jumping in when my time came, always got the bloody rope caught between my legs.
I was flabbergasted my the multiple posts, as I had never hit send.
It was horrible.I felt like I was seven again.
Whatever it was, it made my 7 year old brain laugh like a bloody hyena, don’t stop!
Oh so you laugh like a hyena too?
Es tut mir lied.
LOL, I think “it toots you leit,” a “lied” is a song, unless you are going to sing to me. Yes, on occasion, I snort too, very unladylike but who gives a shite?
equally bad if it were double dutch…
Painful I should imagine, either flat on my mush or flat on my tush. 🙂
Vox is double dutch on freaking steroids!
Well yeah, it certainly manages to scramble my brain and cross my eyes.
omg my stomach hurts from laughing
You were too funny, nellie! The senator is a Centerfold!!!
J. Geils Band – Centerfold
Uploaded by jpdc11. – Explore more music videos.
I was a big fan of J Geils
This may call for one of our Planet Parodies…
My blood runs cold
My government has just been sold
My senator is the centerfold….
I still am !!! 😀
Na na na-na na na….
I still crank up the volume with “Full House” about twice a week…
John Stamos, Bob Saget,
Dave Coulier…?
Definitely! You don’t have to do the whole song either. What you’ve already got is hilarious!
I noticed this the other night, I sometimes get “embedding disabled by request Watch on Youtube”
Why is that?
The owner of the copyright has disabled that at YouTube to force you to watch it only on YouTube. When I run into that, I try other sites like DailyMotion and eventually find one that can be embedded.
Oh, good to know.
I just replaced the video, it plays now!
Hey, how do you do that with dailymotion. Does ‘v’ still work? I think I tried it a few times and it didn’t work.
If you upload a video, you can disable embedding. Official label videos do it a lot.
I don’t think I need to explain where I’m going with this and would prefer not to (it’s not about the lyrics):
LOL. Duh, I didn’t get the connection before — forgot about this song!