Countdown is reporting that the new Senate bill CAPS insurance coverage. That there will be annual coverage limits. BIG loophole. Insurance companies can determine if they’ve spent too much on you. Cancer patients, e.g., would be denied coverage after however many treatments the insurer decides. Anthony Weiner, right now, is saying the Senate is still protecting the insurance companies. Oh no. Yesterday, I was so excited about the expansion of Medicare. Please– what else have I missed?
I can’t say, without the bill and amendments in front of me, what the exact language is, but I do this day in and out, and I was quite horrified Thursday to hear from RACHEL MADDOW even, things that were wrong, wrong, wrong! I communicate directly with Nancy Pelosi’s chief consultant on health care and Sherrod Brown’s head staffer on same. NONE of what the MSM has reported has been accurate, and when I got a transcript of the Thursday morning press briefing with Pelosi, it got only weirder since MSM declared the public option was dead with Pelosi’s assent. It is NOT dead, it is central to the House commitment on health reform, and she SAID so. That was my WTF moment!
Per your concern, I understand what KQuark has noted – caps vastly raised, no cutting off sick people, etc., etc. All this MSM (and even NON MSM) bad reporting is making people crazy, and I’m leadin’ the pack. It’s one thing to advocate for what we want; it’s another to have to correct misinformation in order to advocate for what we want. I take ibuprofen like candy these days. Oy!
I DO agree with boomer1949 – write, write, write! If you ever lived in another state, use the address to write your senators and congress there, too. Friends, family – make them say what we want, too. I have it directly from the House and Senate staff mentioned above, that volume and frequency of contact DOES MATTER. And don’t leave it to the likes of me – I’m a “professional” in advocacy and don’t carry the weight you, as independent citizens do.
And then round up the snotty elitest armchair “progressives” you know and make THEM do SOMETHING other than just critize Congress and Obama. Make them put their money where their very fluid mouths are. I’m sick of them. They are a drag on the whole system. Bah!
One thing that is absolutely certain – voices equal votes, and votes CAN outweigh money. I’ve seen it over and over. Believe in your own authority and power to change things.
This is not new and there are still no lifetime caps. The insurance companies set all kinds of limits now but in the bill the government would set much higher annual limits. It’s about vastly improving healthcare coverage folks not getting it perfect.
But continue with the outrage if you must.
Now now. I’m in charge of snark around here.
But I am glad that you are not alarmed.
I don’t think I can talk you down either. Like Kalima’s friend, I’ve had to pay no attention to what they’re doing, for a minute, and give it a rest. It’s like a little pingpong ball bouncin around in my head. ?????what will they do????
That’s why the music thing has been such a nice distraction today.
Please, please everyone. Write, write to your own Senators, and any Senator who does not represent you…and more important As Macy’s says to its customers “Tell Us What You Think.” President Obama needs to hear it from us, regardless. If we do not speak up and out, he will never hear us.
Other opportunities: letters to the editor, op eds, posts to Planet, HP or any other site. Letters to Rachel, Keith, and on and on. Someone close to our POTUS will and this is vitally important.
If we do not tell him where we stand or how we feel, then it will our fault, not his. My heart tells me this man will listen…he wants to listen, and? If all else fails? Write to Michelle or JoeB (what a guy). Sorry, I’m partial…I love, love, love Joe Biden. Jill is soooo fortunate to have found such a guy. Sappy? Sure, but I have been around a long time and at some point one can see the real deal and not be seduced by the marketed persona.
As I stated in an earlier post, I have sent more email in the last twelve months to than any other time of my life. If one of my emails made a difference, then I consider my voice heard — for the first time since I have been able to vote and that was ages ago.
I will boomer, and I too have written a lot, something I’d never done either.
I don’t want to hear the news about it, but I still think we should continue to raise our voices in the best way we can.
We each have to do what we can to be part of the change we voted for, that’s the responsibility I accepted when I voted for Barack Obama.
My congressman Sam Farr said he received over 5,000 letters in favor of the health care bill and 200 in descent. It made a difference to him.
Good for you, good for Sam (he’s one of the Good Guys anyway.) I had sent out what I had thought was an idle alert – did it anyway – to the folks in CA 1 where I have a grand total of 39 contacts. Little did I know that they were massively turned on to move Mike Thompson, a Blue Dog, around. They organized from Davis to Eureka, and raided his district offices in person and sent many, many personal letters. One week later, he had a front page story in the Sac Bee saying he’d changed his mind and was supporting the public option. One of the ministers then wrote to me from a very small church in a very small town apologizing (!) for having ONLY 85 people turn out at his office! That exceeds the numbers of people in her whole church!!!! We were the only group working CA 1 and Thompson – and we turned him. Never underestimate the power of human voices. That’s what the arrogant, sneering “progressives” are not bothering to do. But REAL people are in this for the long haul. They make me cry, they are so wonderful.
Love me some Joe Biden, too, boomer.
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Sorry Cher, I don’t know if I can talk you down. This is all very disheartening. I wonder if Obama has decided he wants to be only a one term president? Then again, his presidency hit a “perfect storm”, how much worse could it get? He should be bringing those senators to the WH and telling them to make it work. Sadly some of those senators do not have races coming up in 2010 and they may think people will forget? Reid should have told those progressive blue dogs, either come up with a workable plan or your committee chair is gone. On the other hand, how many came out to protest? I know I was only one of maybe 50 at WellPoint in Sac.
My friend in NC has made himself sick by watching too much news, he can’t sleep or eat. I’ve told him to switch off his tv until we all know exactly what the bill will be. He is uninsured, unemployed and already has a $24,000 bill for two hospital stays this year.
That is where the problem is. The true costs of health care are with the providers, big pharma, and the medical supply industry. Wall St has nothing on these people. Their prices are completely unregulated, even medicare doesnt put a dent into their coffers. The dems had a real shot at this, if they were only honest from the beginning.
I am sick of this, I don’t know how it’s going to get out of the Senate! If this fails, the Dems will get thier asses kicked next year. I am getting very discouraged.