
Comments Posted By Salvatoris

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Stupid is as Stupid Polls

I guess the rural population outside the city limits keep them going. We are about 20 minutes from downtown Fort Worth, so even the unincorporated areas are pretty populated. That said, the church attendance here has to close to a national record high. Even the high-school kids carry bibles to school.

» Posted By Salvatoris On February 15, 2011 @ 9:41 am

Springtown Texas checking in. We have 2 traffic lights, 3 gas stations and at least 20 churches inside the city limits.

Actually ,I just did a quick search on yahoo local and got 140 results for churches in Springtown… We have a population under three thousand. This mus officially be the buckle of the bible-belt.

» Posted By Salvatoris On February 15, 2011 @ 9:28 am

The Deficit of Truth About Obama’s Budget

Sometimes I wish we had elected the guy the Republicans accuse him of being. 😉

» Posted By Salvatoris On February 14, 2011 @ 1:40 pm

Isn’t it just possible that some people are genuinely unhappy with the cuts to social spending right on the heels of extending tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans. I simply do not see a vast right-wing conspiracy here, determined to drum up support for the GOP by convincing us that Obama isn’t “lefty” enough for us. :/

» Posted By Salvatoris On February 14, 2011 @ 1:27 pm

Everything from “Over There” belongs “Here!”

I agree with everything you said there, and given only two legitimate choices, I will of course vote for Obama over whoever the Republicans trot out.

I don’t think criticizing the guy as not liberal enough in any way equates to more votes for the GOP. I don’t think the fear of party infighting is a good reason to stifle criticism when criticism is due.

» Posted By Salvatoris On February 14, 2011 @ 1:35 pm

I certainly understand that we all have varying opinions of the President’s policies and performance thus far, and I am always open to hearing an opinion that differs from mine. What gives me pause in mentioning how I feel on those issues is the consistent marginalizing of criticism as the result of brainwashing by the mainstream-liberal media and late-night comedy writers.

I’m all for hearing arguments against things I believe to be true, but I hate seeing any opinion on the issue ignored as an opinion that has been fed to us, rather than one we have formed ourselves.

» Posted By Salvatoris On February 14, 2011 @ 12:11 pm

I had hoped that this site would work for me as a replacement for HP, but I am apparently to far left for this place. There is an atmosphere here that suggests we should support the president whether we agree with his policies or not, as he is the lesser of two evils.

I don’t care about the bickering between the parties, and I am not just looking to “win” an election. I base my opinions on individual issue rather than the party line. I honestly believe that this president has consistently ignored the real liberal agenda, and his accomplishments read like a list of watered down compromises that are only technically victories. A democrat president who echoes republican policy isn’t really a win for our side as far as I’m concerned. :/

» Posted By Salvatoris On February 14, 2011 @ 11:36 am

Corporington Post

You don’t have to learn how to spell, just use google chrome for the built in spell-check. I have actually found that a real-time inline spell-check is a very effective tool for teaching you to spell though. 😉

» Posted By Salvatoris On February 7, 2011 @ 5:49 pm

Hello from another HP refugee. It’s great top see so many familiar names around Here. I originally went to HP for the left leaning news, but stayed for the community of (mostly) intelligent posters capable of civil discourse.

My opinion on the AOL deal, which I tried several times to post at HP this morning is that it isn’t so much a merger of vision as an acquisition of opposition. I have felt HP sliding toward the center for a while now… I even started to wonder if it was just me drifting further and further left, but with the newly announced deal, their motives are a lot more clear. While I’m never surprised to see someone trade their ideals for a fat stack of cash, I am always disappointed.

» Posted By Salvatoris On February 7, 2011 @ 4:51 pm

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